Newline before auto-shrunken UIButton text - ios

I am creating an application, and inside of its storyboard I have a UIButton element. I need the text of this UIButton to auto-shrink, since it scales based on the size of the view. In storyboard, it has the following properties:
Inside of my code, it says:
guard button.titleLabel != nil else {
throw AutoshrinkError.noTitleLabel(button: button)
button.titleLabel!.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
button.titleLabel!.numberOfLines = 0
button.titleLabel!.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.byTruncatingTail
button.titleLabel!.baselineAdjustment = UIBaselineAdjustment.alignBaselines
I know that the guard statement passes (i.e. the code below it gets run).
The Problem
The problem is that with the above setup, my button ends up looking like this:
With a newline before the text.
I have tried editing my code in many ways, including setting button.titleLabel!.numberOfLines to 1, setting button.titleLabel!.lineBreakMode to NSLineBreakMode.byClipping, or removing the line about button.titleLabel!.baselineAdjustment. None of these changes have helped the situation. Instead they wind up causing more problems, such as the text not shrinking at all.
If anybody knows how to prevent this newline-scenario from happening, I would appreciate an answer.
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1
The constraints of the UIButton are:
woodgrain is a UIImageView that is used as a background image.

I figured it out! All I had to do was add this one simple line:
button.titleLabel!.baselineAdjustment = UIBaselineAdjustment.alignCenters
I got the idea to adjust the baselineAdjustment from this answer by #rintaro.
Now my UIButton looks like this:


How to Add label to uibutton in Swift?

I want to achieve that look of my button as shown? The right side of button which contains arrow (>) needs to be a simple label with that text. How can i do that? Is there anyway? I have checked many possibilities like taking a UIView and then adding button and labels inside it. I wanna know is that the only solution or there exist any other good one. Thanks.
Do you use Masonry or SnapKit ? Try this:
let label = UILabel()
label.text = ">"
label.snp.makeConstraints {

Custom title view as large title in iOS 11 new navigation bar

I am using a button as a title view for my UITableViewController which opens a dropdown list of categories. Selecting a category filters content of the table view by the selected category.
The button shows the name of the selected category plus a small arrow, similar to how iBooks used to look (or maybe still looks? I haven't used it in a while). I would therefore like it to have the same behaviour as a standard title and have it be large at first and collapse when the table view is scrolled.
Is there a way to do this?
It seems because of the new large titles, IOS11 requires the constraints on the custom view in the navigationItem.titleView to be set.
Do this for example:
customView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 200).isActive = true
customView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 44).isActive = true
self.navigationItem.titleView = customView
Note this must be done for both width and height.
It should work. No need to add a button, at least in my case...
This was suggested by Apple to ensure that you don't have zero-size custom views. See slide 33 in
Looks like touches are broken for navigationItem.titleView. Gestures, tap events and buttons - nothing works
Seems like a bug in iOS 11:
I provisionally implemented this workaround:
private lazy var navBarActionButtonIOS11: UIButton = {
button.addTarget(self.navTitleView, action: #selector(self.navTitleView.didTapView), for: .touchUpInside)
return button
navigationItem.titleView = navTitleView
if #available(iOS 11.0, *), let navBar = navigationController?.navigationBar {
navBar.addSubview(navBarActionButtonIOS11) =
Another solution could be to just assign a UIButton to navigationItem.titleView directly.
I hope Apple fixes this soon!
Well, I had same problem. I have UIButtons in UINavigationItem.titleView and those were not reacting to touches at all. Problem is that the view where those buttons are where of size (0,0) because of auto layout. So to fix this problem you need to add additional view into your custom view, lets call it "contentView" and put all your controls inside that contentView. Also, contentView must have defined size with constraints. Quick test is to add width and height constraint to contentView. And all works again.
Hope that this helps someone.

Swift - Set label to be on top of other view items

I'm creating a basic sketching app using swift 1.2 and Xcode 6.4. The feature I'm working on is adding text to the image for future manipulation.
So far I have the text the user enters adding to the drawing via label, but it is being placed (I assume) behind the UIImage that is to be drawn upon. This is preventing the associated tap gesture from being recognised. The label is also obscured when drawn over.
How do I place the label on top of everything else to prevent it being drawn over? The end goal is to allow the user to move the label.
If I was using my usual web stack I'd set the z-index of the element to a high value via CSS.
Edit: Using view.bringSubviewToFront(label) prevents the text from being drawn over, but does not allow the tap gesture to be picked up.
Heres my code:
func printText(){
var label = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(5, 100, 200, 50 ))
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
label.text = textString;
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("handleTap"))
func handleTap() {
print("tap working")
Any help much appreciated.
If you want z-index use:
label.layer.zPosition = 1;
Also you could play with bringToFront method on the parent view:
You can check that function here :
Also, you should add the following:
label.userInteractionEnabled = true
to enable touches.
Try using those in the parent view:
It all depends on what you can, or want to do.
You can call label to front by
You can send image view to the back by

Update segmented control in ios without change interface

when I update segmented control text, the interface (segment's width) changed and cut some letters.
[segmentedcontoll setTitle:#"test" forSegmentAtIndex:1];
segmentedcontoll.apportionsSegmentWidthsByContent = YES;
How can I solve this ?
It looks like your content has outgrown the dimensions of the standard UISegmentedControl.
If you are okay with smaller font, it's possible to set the entire control to have a smaller font point size, seen here.
Another option is to configure the segments the other supported way.. With images. It's a little bit of a hack, but you can create images on the fly with the UIView Snapshotting API of views/labels configured however you want and set images for each segment instead of using text. This would allow you to create 2 line labels with fixed widths and set images for each section to be images generated from the label as the content changes. More work, but you would still be using the standard class.
The last option, which might work the best for you, is to create some other custom control that does what you would like. After all, UISegmentedControl really is just a nice button container. And it does somewhat seem like you are using the control in a non-standard way - both as a control and an input form section.
Others have gone this route before and created alternatives that you can use.
You can create a separate class as below,
class CustomSegmentedControl: UISegmentedControl {
//code for creating multi line
override func didMoveToSuperview()
for segment in subviews
for subview in segment.subviews
if let segmentLabel = subview as? UILabel
segmentLabel.numberOfLines = 0 //just change here the number of lines and check it.
and create an outlet in your viewcontroller as,
// Initialize
let items = ["Purple", "Green", "New Segment"]
let customSC = CustomSegmentedControl(items: items)
use customSC and do what ever you want to do, similar to segmentedControl object.

Change colour of dark grey highlight when holding down custom UIButton?

I have a custom UIButton which is a cloud, transparent black and white .png file, with no down state, just one image. When tapping and holding the finger over it, it turns dark grey. I'm trying to change that dark grey to something a little less oppressive. The button is out in the open in a view, not in a tab bar, tool bar, or navigation controller.
I've already tried setting tintColor (which the documentation helpfully informs me is only suitable for 'some' types of buttons, which no indication as to which).
I've also tried changing everything I can find in Interface Builder relating to highlight colours, default states, etc. Nothing has made a difference at all.
I've even tried setting the button's own image for its UIControlStateHighlighted state, but even this causes the dark grey overlay to appear when I hold my finger over it.
How can I change that colour? I've looked at numerous other issues here on SO and have been unable to find a solution that works for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I Solved the problem using a category of UIImage which adds a method that uses CoreGraphics to apply a tint to a provided UIImage. I then set THAT image as the highlight, and all is well. Seems a lot of hoop-la to change a colour Apple should've let us change, but c'est la vie.
You said you set a custom image for the UIControlStateHighlighted state. This should disable the default behaviour.
If you still have problems you can disable this effect by setting the adjustsImageWhenHighlighted property to NO and use whatever custom effect you want.
If adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO is not working,
set Button-Type to Custom (IB or programmatically).
Default Button-Type: System, changes behavior of highlighted button.
Swift 3:
myButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false
I was having a similar issue with a custom UIButton when the button was highlighting in grey every time it was pressed. I solved that problem by subclassing UIButton and in the implementation I overrode a single method, (void)setHighlighted: method and kept it empty:
- (void)setHighlighted:(BOOL)highlighted
// Leave empty to prevent super from doing whatever
// that it is doing to show the grey highlight.
That stopped any type of highlighting as I was not doing anything in the method. It's a better approach if all that you're trying to do is remove any highlighting effect.
So in your code, create a subclass of UIButton, override the setHighlighted method, and then make your custom button a subclass of this custom class.
You can write a custom button that does it
class ActionButton: UIButton {
var originalBackgroundColor: UIColor!
override var backgroundColor: UIColor? {
didSet {
if originalBackgroundColor == nil {
originalBackgroundColor = backgroundColor
override var isHighlighted: Bool {
didSet {
guard let originalBackgroundColor = originalBackgroundColor else {
backgroundColor = isHighlighted ? originalBackgroundColor.darken() : originalBackgroundColor
