AWS Push notification flow and SDK for swift 3 - ios

I am new to iOS developement, i wanted to do push notification with AWS SNS.How to do that? guide me, how can i get sdk or pod file?
Thanks in advance

You can get some basic idea by reading this. I can give you some brief procedure,
Create app in Xcode.
Create profile, certificate for app and APNS
Configure your app with AWS SNS.


react-native-push-notification remote doesn't show when I test with real ios device with xcode

I'm using react-native-push-notification.
I'm trying to test push notifications, if I build app and upload it to testflight it shows remote notifications just fine, but when I do it with xcode build on a real device it doesn't react at all (I'm getting onRegister call and notification token though). This problem is only on IOS, android getting notifications in production and development. Can't google anything related so probably I'm missing something.
P.S. I'm using backend to send notifications through firebase
you have to go in capaibility in xcode and active PushNotification first
for more info see this
hope you have followed all the steps to get the APNS certificate and attached that to your xcode, before the build, if not please do so.
Also, in addition you need to have .pem file to add to your Firebase to make your ios app enable to send and receive push.

push notifications not working on iOS with APNS and parse cloud functions (cloud functions working with android tho...)

I have been stuck on this for the past month now. All I have access to is parse dashboard version 1.4.24 which we are hosting on our own server on AWS. The push notifications were working over a year ago, but I think parse kinda ended and after that they haven't been working at all. I have tried updating apple push notification production and development certificates on the apple developer website but it doens't work. I think I need to add .pem files of the certificates on parse dashboard as well but I don't know where to add them. Please, someone help!!!!
I can't upgrade the parse dashboard either since that would mean to stop the server from running and we can't do that...
what I see on the parse dashboard menu

react-native error RCTPushNotification I need be membership of apple to use Local PushNotificationiOS?

I'm trying to implement iOS push notification for react-native
I have tried several ways to implement RCTPushNotification, no effective success via link and manually.
Can I enable PushNotification on Capabilities using a personal account or add to react in some other way?
Check this article : rn-ios-push notification . It explains how to integrate push notification in ios react native app. And for actually implemnting it in server side you need certificates hence its mandatory to be enrolled in apple developer program .
Requirement: You should have a valid Apple Developer Program Membership (100$/year).
Hopeit helps. feel free for doubts

Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notificartions don't arrive on iOS anymore

I have a problem with Firebase Cloud Messaging on iOS. I have implemented Firebase into the app like stated in the docs and a Firebase instance id is generated. However, if I try to send a push notification (for example using, nothing happened. The thing is, it did work, and I don't remember changing anything to do with notifications.
Because I couldn't find anything, I even tried deleting the whole project and doing everything again from scratch (by copying the code). Then it worked again, but now (an hour later) again, it again doesn't work.
If I send a FCM from pushtry or from the Firebase Console, it says the message is delivered, but nothing happens! (Push notifications are enabled in the iOS Settings. It did work)
I really don't know what to do. Does anybody know about anything I could do?
Thank you in advance.
Okay after two whole days of utmost frustration, I figured it out.
The problem was the line FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled set to NO in the info.plist file.
After I removed the line, the problem was gone!
I am so relieved right now
set parameter content_available to true
In my case, I had migrated my Apple account and forgot to configure both my Apple and Firebase account correctly.
Apple side
Make sure that "Push Notification" is enabled for that app id.
Make sure that you had created "Apple Push Notification service" certificate and attached to the Apple Id.
Create an Authorization Key that will be later updated load Firebase so it can communicate with Apple servers in your behalf. (link)
Firebase side
Make sure your iOS apple bundle is set correctly in your Firebase project
Upload the Authorization key you created before in Apple - Step 3 above. (link)
Follow all the steps to have the iOS app integrated with Firebase SDK
That is it.

Apple Push Notification Development in Objective-C

I am new in IOS developing. I created an uiwebview app in Objective-C. It is successfully tested on IOS Simulator.
Now I would like to implement the push functionality.I have surfed the internet.
But I have not found any proper post related to this topic in Objective-C.
Please help.
You could checkout OneSignal it's free push notification service, as probably you don't have a push notification server, OneSignal will be really useful for you.
Here is a documentation link to learn how to implement it
