RTF Template XML Publisher - bi-publisher

In RTF Template I'm looking for the syntax for Not NULL
example- abc not ('NULL')
currently I am using
But its not working

If your requirement is to use Not Null within conditional formatting or region it could be done like this <?if:field!=''?>Hello World<?end if?>
This will print Hello World whenever value in field element is not equals to null.
I hope it will help or if you are looking for something else please let me know your exact situation, may be I'll be able to help.


(Solved))The result could not be loaded-jquery-select2

I’ve got a problem.
The select box of “Job No.#” can render data from MySQL, but the select box of “Address” cannot.
Field “address” and field “job_number” come from the same table.
But if I create a new field, like “newAddress”, with the same data as in “address”, it works~,
But just changing the “address” to “newAddress” doesn’t work.
In addition to the “address” field, several other fields in this table cannot be rendered either.
The database structure should be ok~ because I am able to fetch() and print the data from the “address” with the same SQL sentence.
And it is working all right on other tables~
Could you please? Thank you very much!
I've solved it!
The reason is a kind of “-” symbol input by users before.
The "-" is longer than normal -.
json_encode() cannot encode it, and it is displayed as garbled code when I print it out directly.

Error: 'Imported XML Content cannot be parsed'

Here's what I'm doing:
=IMPORTXML("https://www.predictit.org/api/marketdata/markets/7164", "/MarketData/Contracts/MarketContract/ID")
The other answers I've seen about this have said that Javascript would be the issue, but the page in question seems to load without it, and I've tried using IMPORTJSON and IMPORTFROMWEB to no avail.
Please help!
You are input incorrect parameter for the xmlpath, a proper formula should be as following and you need to spend sometime to find the correct xmlpath to extract the specific string or information you want,
Here is one example from Google:
=IMPORTXML("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing", "//a/#href")

How to fill in a datetime field with capybara?

I found this similar question How to fill in a datetime-local field with capybara?, and the only answer in this thread is not working. So I decided to open this question. It seems like there's no documentation or tutorial about this. Have any solution? It will be a great help!
The keys different browsers accept for setting a datetime input field are diffrent, however if you're using selenium with chrome and you are actually attempting to fill in a visible <input type="datetime-local"> element, as your question states, then the answer in the question your linked to should work - Here is a gist that shows it working - https://gist.github.com/twalpole/a541746b354afde8e82fa89a35a9b2da
The important part in that answer is the format of the string you send since it needs to match the keys the browser is expecting for setting that input (to_json doesn't match that format)
Therefore, in your case of wanting to set DateTime.current it should be something along the lines of
fill_in 'id/name/label of input', with: DateTime.current.strftime("%m%d%Y\t%I%M%P")
If that doesn't work for you then most likely you're not actually attempting to fill a visible <input type="datetime-local"> field (maybe you're using some kind of JS widget that replaces/hides the input???) and you'll need to specify the exact HTML you are trying to fill in your question.
from what I understand, you need to fill in a string representation of the datetime format
examples of such dates are
so something like
fill_in datetimeinput, with: "1990-12-31T23:59:60Z"
should work (hope so!)

How to formulate a hyperlink in OpenDocument/ OpenOffice Calc

I am using Open Office Calc and trying to create a link to another worksheet but using the HYPERLINK formula function.
For some reason the following won't work and I cannot find the solution anywhere on the web.
=HYPERLINK(#New.A1,'new') and I've also tried =HYPERLINK(#New.A1;'new')
What is the correct way to do this?
Use double quotes.
=HYPERLINK("#New.A1"; "new")
There is an example at https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Spreadsheet_Functions#HYPERLINK.

Time format for PDF template in Orbeon 4.10

Im using orbeon 4.10 to collect data and fill back a PDF from a template. I would like to choose how the time is displayed on the pdf. I have seen the oxf.xforms.format.input.time and oxf.xforms.format.output.time properties, but they seem to only control the form itself.
I have also seen this, but it seems to relate to the date format.
What value do I need to change in my properties?
UPDATE: I don't think my solution below actually works. I think this might have worked at some point but might not work anymore. We do have an RFE for this.
You can use the following property:
$app is the app name
$form is the form name
$lang is the language which applies
You can use wildcards (*) for all of those.
As a workaround i used a Hidden field to format my time correctly for the pdf.
Here is the formating code :format-time($controlname, '[H01]:[m01]') that i used in the calculated value
Here is the visibility code : $fr-mode = 'email' for the pdf generated from email or $fr-mode = 'pdf' for pdf button.
