Displaying download Progress in iOS status bar - ios

I would like to display the download progress in the iOS status bar the same way android does. I know we can show the activity indicator but I was thinking

You cannot display download progress in the iOS status bar. The iOS Human Interface Guidelines for Progress Indicators shows some alternatives: https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/controls/progress-indicators/
A brief summary of the options:
Display a spinner using a UIActivityIndicatorView.
Display a progress bar with UIProgressView.
Show the network activity indicator in the status bar.
You can also roll your own implementations of the spinner or progress bar, or use one of many third-party frameworks.
Hope that helps!


In-Call voip status bar in background

We are currently developing an app that uses peer-to-peer audio/voice transfer through APIs. When the app is in the background, a message appears in the in-call status bar reading “XXX (Recording)”. If we remove the in-call status bar altogether the voice goes to mute when the app is in the background. Apparently this message comes from Apple because it doesn’t appear in Android Samsung devices. We would like to change the content and perhaps the color of the in-call status bar in order to remove the word “Recording”. Please refer to attached screen shot. So any advice on the in-call status bar modification? Skype for example has its costume VoIP status bar
Thank you.
You cannot hide or customize the recording bar.
iOS chooses the colors and text of the bar depending on what you are doing:
Recordings are red, which is what you are doing.
Calls are green, which is what Skype is doing.
AirPlay and Personal hotspot are blue.
If you want the same color as Skype try changing your UIBackgroundModes to "voip" (or maybe look if you need to be using CallKit?)
Modifying recording bar (Color-text or anything) is NOT POSSIBLE in ios.
Hiding this when you are using Microphone is also NOT POSSIBLE. This bar appear as long as you use mic. Recoding or not, if mic is in use, It will display this bar. Its security measure for users to know that an app is listening to microphone.

Custom call-in progress status bar over home page

I am try to implement call in progress bar like wats-app call in IOS (as shown in image). The progress bar need to hover the home screen while application goes in background.
Please advice
This bar will show up automatically when your app is working in background mode.
The color will between red and blue depending on the background task you are performing.
Note: Some background modes doesn't show this bar (like audio playback for example).
Goto to project -> target -> capabilities
Select "Background Modes" check Voice over ip if you want to implement call like whatsapp and need a progress bar

Is there a way to show the red status bar without recording?

What I want is that when my app just enter background, showing a notification view with custom text and keeping stay for few seconds. It can be look like banner notification or the red status bar with recording/calling. Is that possible? Any idea? Thanks.
here is the UI effect what I want

Will apple store accept my custom status bar which will show for a moment in iphone?

I developing a card swipe reader like application when I connect the device via audiojack in my iphone I want to show a message "device connected" in status bar which will be a custom status bar looks similar to original status bar and hide the original status bar. After few seconds it will show back the original status bar. Will apple store allow this or there any issue in it?
Reeder for iPhone does that when syncing feeds. See the first screenshot in this article.
So I guess it's ok with Apple.
If you use your status bar and hides default status bar apple will not reject. Because you are hiding default status bar(which is accepatable in HIG) and then displaying your custom status bar.
Hope it helps you.
I recommend when doing so, don't make your custom status bar as exact copy of iOS default status bar. Make some changes in it, like change battery charging icon, change Network Availability indicator etc.

how to get a handle on the status bar in iOS

I have an audio recording application. And when it is recording in the background, I see a red horizontal bar on the top with my project name on it. I want to get a handle on that bar so that I can display additional things there. How do I get a handle on it and what exactly is that bar called?
If your app is not running in the foreground you don't have access to the screen, so you can't get a handle to the status bar. And even if you could, you wouldn't be able to change it.
