Vaadin Elements Grid - Row Details Generator - vaadin

I'm trying to create a row editor.
When using the default example code for the grid link, when I'm styling my element im not able to do width: 100% the td the element is appended onto has the correct colspan in my case 6 but the width of the element is no where near the width of the 6 columns. The width feels more like one column.

Can you set display: flex for the row details for it to take full space? You can find an example here:


Vaadin 8 - Is there a way to split a CheckBoxGroup into 2 rows?

I have a CheckBoxGroup that shows 8 items. The default presentation is vertical, which does not really look good in my layout.
But if I set the presentation to horizontal using
then the 8 items do not have enough space. So I am forced to use the vertical style but I am not at all content with that.
Is there a way to show a single CheckBoxGroup horizontally, but using 2 (or more) rows?
I have found a quick-fix to the problem by styling the checkboxes to be floating to the left (with horizontal presentation of the group). It now shows 6 Checkboxes on the first line, and 2 on the second line. It is still not beatiful, but better than the other 2 options. I am still looking forward to receiving a better solution! (if there is none, then so be it but at least I then know that it is not possible)
This should be doable with flex box, since CheckBoxOptions are spans in div. So we need to add flex css rules for the checkBoxGroup.
First add stylename
Then in your theme
.my-flex-checkboxgroup {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: XXXpx
height: auto;
You need to set the width XXX so that four columns fit
E.g. if you have
CheckBoxGroup checkBoxGroup = new CheckBoxGroup();
checkBoxGroup.setItems("Option 1","Option 2","Option 3","Option 4","Option 5","Option 6","Option 7","Option 8");
You need rougly 500px or so, but if captions are longer, more naturally.
This worked for me atleast.

Highcharts Columnrange Questions (multiple y-axes and column widths)

I'm in the process of evaluating Highcharts as a replacement for our current platform, and have some questions about how we can replicate one of our existing charts:
I've been able to recreate the basic floating stacked column chart, but need help with some of our specific features.
1) Is is possible to replicate the multiple y-axes with the columns displayed to the right of each within a single chart? If not, I suppose we could do 3 charts next to one another - and draw our own titles above (and data table below). If we go this route, is there a way to group all these elements in a single "container"? We need to export these charts to images and need to end up with a single image that looks like the one attached.
2) How would I create the inner box within each column? Do I need to draw it myself, or can I create another column series with a border and transparent fill and somehow set the width of the column to be less than the width of the main columns (note that the number of columns on each chart is dynamic, so the column widths can't be a fixed size. i.e. the inner box width needs to be a percentage of the main column width)?
3) Assuming #2 is possible, I could probably use the same technique to plot the horizontal line - just make the height 0 (or very small) and make the bar wider instead of smaller. Is there a better way?
4) How do I get the x coordinates of the columns so we can align our data table under each column?
5) Can I separate the individual points within the column. You'll notice in my jsfiddle, product 1 and product 2 are vertically aligned in the center of the column. Can I spread them out within each column as the 2 points are in the screenshot?
Thanks in advance for advice on all or any of the above.
1) You can use multiple yAxis, see the example
2) You can use renderer or mix column/column range and border parameter, example
plotOptions: {
columnrange: {
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)',
borderColor: '#303030'
3) Use renderer, as above or scatter series with customied marker
4) Column is shape in point.element.graphic, so you can extract it.
5) as far as I know, it is not possible

HTML Element alignment using Jquery

I have a table with three columns, the first column takes an image, the second takes a heading label and third is very small and is empty.
The Heading label in second column is being centered to the center of the column but what I want is to center it in the middle of the screen at the same height it is present at. I used jquery window width but couldn't attain the result required. The heading label is made up of two labels.
please help....!
Why you use table.Insted of table use divs.Here i paste the code for that
you want to align the center of <div id="myDiv"></div> to the center of <span id="mySpan"></span> write
$("#myDiv").align({left:{my:0.5,at:0.5, selector:'#mySpan'}, top:{my:0.5,at:0.5, selector:'#mySpan'}});

how to change jquerymobile ui-blocks height and width

am using jquerymobile for representing a two column radiobuttons in my project, the problem am facing is the contents of the block-a is lengther than the contents of the block-b so am getting a difference of div size the output is at ( if u can lookat my out put the second question 6th option is small when compare to all the other ones the block size is based on the content how can i make same size for all the blocks without based on the content any help please needed
If you want all blocks to be the same height, you can set the height in CSS:
.ui-bar {
height: 100px !important;

How do i get sIFR 3 to align right and use the full width

Well like i stated in the title, i cant get sifr to align right and use the full width of the containing h3 tag. Aligning text to the right works well, but i want the text to be on 1 or 2 lines instead of 3 and how it looks the text should perectly fit on 1 or 2 lines :/.
Anyone got any thoughts on this problem?
The issue is that the width of the sifr elements is determined based on the width of the original text content that is in the a tags within the h3 tags (check your page with javascript off to see the difference in width).
So one simple solution should be to give these a and/or h3 an explicit width - my guess is that sifr will use that with. (Maybe you can also use 100%, I'm not sure about that)
