AutoFixture constrained string parameter -

Is there a simple way to specify a list of possible values for the parameter orderBy? Not one by one please, otherwise I would not be making the question. I want to specify that orderby makes sense only if it is chosen from a predetermined list. Suppose the list is very large...still not random. This cannot be that single example of such a simple task.
[Test, AutoData]
public override void IndexReturnsView(int? pageIndex, int? pageSize, string orderBy, bool? desc)
All I want is to read the possible values from a list as I would do with the ValueSource attribute. However, it seems not to work with AutoFixture. If I specified e.g. [ValueSource("GetOrderByColumnNames")] my test does not work anymore. I have no idea of what I am doing wrong. Unfortunately AutoFixture lacks useful documentation and the examples are very basic. Is there a working example of this scenario that I can use to guide myself here?
This has to be a very common situation, however I have been looking for days with no luck :(.

If I understand the question correctly, the problem is that the orderBy value should be randomly selected from a list of predefined values, but that list might be too large to use with [InlineAutoData].
The easiest way to do this that I can think of is to introduce a helper type. This might actually be a valuable addition to the application code itself, as it makes the role of various values more explicit, but if not, you can always add the wrapper type to the test code base.
Something like this is the minimum you'll need:
public class OrderCriterion
public OrderCriterion(string value)
Value = value;
public string Value { get; }
If we also imagine that this class exposes a list of ValidValues, you can implement an AutoFixture Customization using the ElementsBuilder class:
public class OrderCriterionCustomization : ICustomization
public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
new ElementsBuilder<OrderCriterion>(OrderCriterion.ValidValues));
Then you create a data source attribute for your test code base:
public class TestConventionsAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
public TestConventionsAttribute() : base(
() => new Fixture().Customize(new OrderCriterionCustomization()))
This enables you to write a test like this, which passes:
[Theory, TestConventions]
public void IndexReturnsView(
int? pageIndex,
int? pageSize,
OrderCriterion orderBy,
bool? desc)
Assert.Contains(orderBy.Value, OrderCriterion.ValidValues.Select(x => x.Value));
Notice that instead of declaring the orderBy parameter as a string, you declare it as an OrderCriterion, which means that AutoFixture will be detect its presence, and the Customization then kicks in.
See also


Unwinding and merging the results with dynamic labels in Neo4J Client for C#

I am currently trying to unwind a list of objects that I want to merge to the database using the Neo4J Client. What I would like to do is unwind the list and create the nodes with a label generated based on a property from the items themselves instead of hardcoding a label name. From what I can find I have to use the APOC merge method to do so. However, I am unable to translate this to the Neo4J client. In the neo4J explanation they yield a node after the apoc.merge.node call and then return the node. However, I cannot simply return the node nor can I set the node (I got to the point of just messing about, and at one point I got the labels to work but it overwrote all properties with the last item in the list).
I seem to miss something fundamental but i'm not quite sure what. Does anyone here know how to do this with neo4J client (and if possible, give a bit of an explanation what is going on)? I am very new to the development world and I feel I am just missing a crucial piece of understanding when it comes to this..
The code that I tried that turned all properties into the last node's properties but at least created the labels as I expected:
public async void CreateBatchItems(List<TToDataBase> itemList)
await Client.Cypher
.Unwind(itemList, "row")
.With("row, n")
.Call("apoc.merge.node([n.Name], n)").Yield("node")
.Set("n += node")
Thank you in advance!
Some clarification about the input:
The objects are actually very basic, as (at least for now), they merely contain a name and an objectID (and these object ID's are later used to create relations). So its a very basic class with two properties:
public class Neo4JBaseClass
public Neo4JBaseClass() { }
public Neo4JBaseClass(string name, string objectId)
Name = name;
ObjectId = objectId;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "ObjectId")]
public string ObjectId { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
I have also tried a slight variation where this class also has the added property
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PropertyMap")]
public IProperty PropertyMap { get; set; }
where PropertyMap is another basic object holding the name and objectId. This seemed like a good idea for future proofing anyway, so the propertylist can be easily expanded without having to change the base object.
The main issue is that Merge("(n)") matches any arbitrary node that already exists.
You have not shown the data structure for each element of itemList, so this answer will assume it looks like this:
{Name: 'SomeLabel', id: 123, Props: {foo: 'xyz', bar: true}}
With above data structure, this should work:
public async void CreateBatchItems(List<TToDataBase> itemList)
await Client.Cypher
.Unwind(itemList, "row")
.Set("node += row.Props")
The data structure you added to your question is very different than what I had imagined. Since neither of the properties in a row is a map, .Set("node += row.Props") would generate an error.
Using your data structure for each row, this might work:
public async void CreateBatchItems(List<TToDataBase> itemList)
await Client.Cypher
.Unwind(itemList, "row")
.Merge("(n:Foo {id: row.ObjectId})")
.Set("n += row.Name")
This code assigns the node label Foo to all the generated nodes. A node should always have a label, which improves clarity and also tends to improve efficiency -- especially if you also create indexes. For example, an index on :Foo(id) would make the above query more efficient.
This code also assumes that the id property is supposed to contain a unique Foo node identifier.

Utilize Message Template for Message Property Using Serilog

I've adopted Serilog for my logging needs.
I (do my best to) follow the SOLID principles and have thus adopted Steven's adapter which is an excellent implementation.
For the most part, this is great. I have a class called LogEntryDetail which contains certain properties:
class LogEntryDetail
public string Message {get;set;}
public string MessageTemplate {get;set;}
public string Properties {get;set;}
// etc. etc.
I will log the LogEntryDetail like this:
public void Log(LogEntryDetail logEntryDetail)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, logEntryDetail.Layer))
logEntryDetail.Layer = typeof(T).Name;
_logger.Write(ToLevel(logEntryDetail.Severity), logEntryDetail.Exception, logEntryDetail.MessageTemplate, logEntryDetail);
I am using the MSSqlServer sink (Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer) For error logging, all is well.
I have a perf logger, which I plug into my request pipeline. For this logger, I don't want to save every property in the LogEntry object. I only want to save the Message property in the Message column of the table which I have created.
So, normally, when you call write on the serilog logger and pass in a complex object, the Message column contains the whole object, serialized as JSON.
I want to know if there is some way that I can specify the MessageTemplate to be something like {Message} or {#Message}, so that the Message column in the database only contains the string stored in the Message property of the LogEntryDetail object. Any other property is redundant and a waste of storage space.
When I specify the MessageTemplate to be {Message}, the Message property contains the full name of the LogEntryDetail type (including namespace).
I feel like I am close and just missing some little thing in my comprehension of Serilog's MessageTemplate feature.
I'll just explain what I did here to try and get the best of both worlds. It seems here we have the age-old developer conundrum of sacrificing specific features of a library in order to comply with the SOLID principles. We've seen this before with things like repository abstractions which make it impossible to leverage the granular features of some of the ORMs which they abstract.
So, my SerilogAdapter looks like this:
public class SerilogLogAdapter<T> : ILogger
private readonly Serilog.ILogger _logger;
public SerilogLogAdapter(Serilog.ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;
public void Log(LogEntryDetail logEntryDetail)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, logEntryDetail.Layer))
logEntryDetail.Layer = typeof(T).Name;
if (logEntryDetail.MessageTemplate.Equals(MessageTemplates.LogEntryDetailMessageTemplate, StringComparison.Ordinal))
_logger.Write(ToLevel(logEntryDetail.Severity), logEntryDetail.Exception, logEntryDetail.MessageTemplate, logEntryDetail);
_logger.Write(ToLevel(logEntryDetail.Severity), logEntryDetail.MessageTemplate, logEntryDetail.Message, logEntryDetail.AdditionalInfo);
private static LogEventLevel ToLevel(LoggingEventType severity) =>
severity == LoggingEventType.Debug ? LogEventLevel.Debug :
severity == LoggingEventType.Information ? LogEventLevel.Information :
severity == LoggingEventType.Warning ? LogEventLevel.Warning :
severity == LoggingEventType.Error ? LogEventLevel.Error :
If the MessageTemplate is one which represents the whole object, then that will be logged. Otherwise, a custom MessageTemplate can be used and the Message property, along with the AdditionalInfo property (a dictionary) can be logged.
We at least squeeze one more thing out of Serilog, and it is one of its strengths - the ability log using different Message templates and to search the log by Message Template.
By all means let me know if it could be better!

MVC DataAnnotation Accept No Spaces

I'm developing a Login View in MVC5.
I would like to set at the ViewModel level a DataAnnotation to state the the field does NOT accept empty spaces.
Is there a Data Annotation in MVC (something like [NoSpaces] that can be used to NOT allow a string field to contain "spaces" ?
How about this:
[RegularExpression(#"^\S*$", ErrorMessage = "No white space allowed")]
Well, the simplest but robust thing I can think of is to look at how existing code works, or how existing data annotation work.
For example, let's look at the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.StringLengthAttribute class.
Here's the definition only (just to keep short):
namespace System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class StringLengthAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public StringLengthAttribute(int maximumLength);
public int MinimumLength { get; set; }
public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name);
public override bool IsValid(object value);
So I would simply copy the original implementation source code from GitHub and customize it to my needs. For example, to obtain a signature like this (if I understood correctly and this is what you wanted):
public StringLengthAttribute(int maximumLength, int minLength = 0, allowEmptySpaces = true);
For more in-depth info, I would also read the Microsoft docs on the ValidationAttribute class, which is your base class for custom validation data annotations.
I would NOT rely on Regular Expressions to validate data in cases where I just need to exclude empty strings or strings containing only white space(s), because Regular Expressions are very expensive to process (and require a lot of memory allocation, because of an expression compiler, a state machine, etc.).
If this is convenient for anyone, I got pass this issue by doing this on the client:
//trim each form input
var $form = $("#myForm");
var $self= $(this);
//then validate before submit
if($form.valid()){ $form.submit(); }
// on the server ModelState.Isvalid does verify each item with [Required] and won't accept only white spaces from an input (but this means additional roundtrip to server and it's not always convenient)

Map string to enum with Automapper

My problem is hydrating a Viewmodel from a Linq2Sql object that has been returned from the database. We have done this in a few areas and have a nice layered pattern worked up for it but the latest item calls for some enums to be used and this has caused headaches all round. Currently we pull back from the database then use Automapper to hydrate (or flatten) into our Viewmodels but having the enums in the model seems to be causing issues with Automapper. I've tried to create custom resovlers which have sufficed for all my other mapping requirements but it doesn't work in this instance.
A sample of the code looks like:
public class CustomerBillingTabView{
public string PaymentMethod {get; set;}
...other details
public class BillingViewModel{
public PaymentMethodType PaymentMethod {get; set;}
...other details
public enum PaymentMethodType {
Invoice, DirectDebit, CreditCard, Other
public class PaymentMethodTypeResolver : ValueResolver<CustomerBillingTabView, PaymentMethodType>
protected override PaymentMethodType ResolveCore(CustomerBillingTabView source)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.PaymentMethod))
source.PaymentMethod = source.PaymentMethod.Replace(" ", "");
return (PaymentMethodType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PaymentMethodType), source.PaymentMethod, true);
return PaymentMethodType.Other;
CreateMap<CustomerBillingTabView, CustomerBillingViewModel>()
.ForMember(c => c.CollectionMethod, opt => opt.ResolveUsing<PaymentMethodTypeResolver>())
I get the following error
[ArgumentException: Type provided must be an Enum.
Parameter name: enumType]
System.Enum.TryParseEnum(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase, EnumResult& parseResult) +9626766
System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase) +80
AutoMapper.Mappers.EnumMapper.Map(ResolutionContext context, IMappingEngineRunner mapper) +231
AutoMapper.MappingEngine.AutoMapper.IMappingEngineRunner.Map(ResolutionContext context) +720
I'd like to stick with Automapper for all of our mapping actions but I've seen a lot of people say that it doesn't do this type of mappings so I'm starting to wonder if I'm using it in the wrong way? Also, I've seen a few mentions of ValueInjecter - is this an alternative to Automapper, or will it be useful to just plug the holes in Automapper for the hydration of models and use Automapper for flattening?
Yes I could just use a string in my ViewModel, but I'm not a fan of magic strings, and this particular item is used by helpers to perform some logic in a number of places.
This is an issue with the AutoMapper documentation. If you download the AutoMapper source there are examples in there. The code you want will look like this:
public class PaymentMethodTypeResolver : ValueResolver<CustomerBillingTabView, PaymentMethodType>
protected override PaymentMethodType ResolveCore(CustomerBillingTabView source)
string paymentMethod = source.Context.SourceValue as string;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paymentMethod))
paymentMethod = paymentMethod.Replace(" ", "");
return source.New((PaymentMethodType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PaymentMethodType), paymentMethod, true));
return source.New(PaymentMethodType.Other);
here's a solution with the ValueInjecter:
since you already solved the problem I'm just going to point you to something similar:
AutoMapper strings to enum descriptions
in this question the requirements were a bit more than just doing from string to enum, but it includes this conversion also
about the ValueInjecter being an alternative: yes, it does stuff more generic no configuration for every little thing required, and build whatever convention you can imagine

ASP.NET MVC: dealing with Version field

I have a versioned model:
public class VersionedModel
public Binary Version { get; set; }
Rendered using
<%= Html.Hidden("Version") %>
it gives:
<input id="Version" name="Version" type="hidden" value=""AQID"" />
that looks a bit strange. Any way, when the form submitted, the Version field is always null.
public ActionResult VersionedUpdate(VersionedModel data)
How can I pass Version over the wire?
A naive solution is:
public ActionResult VersionedUpdate(VersionedModel data)
data.Version = GetBinaryValue("Version");
private Binary GetBinaryValue(string name)
return new Binary(Convert.FromBase64String(this.Request[name].Replace("\"", "")));
Related posts I found.
Suggests to turn 'Binary Version' into 'byte[] Version', but some commenter noticed:
The problem with this approach is that
it doesn't work if you want to use the
Table.Attach(modified, original)
overload, such as when you are using a
disconnected data context.
Suggests a solution similar to my 'naive solution'
public static string TimestampToString(this System.Data.Linq.Binary binary)
{ ... }
public static System.Data.Linq.Binary StringToTimestamp(this string s)
{ ... }
If you are using ASP.Net and use the
SQL Server "timestamp" datatype for
concurrency, you may want to convert
the "timestamp" value into a string so
you can store it (e.g., on a web
page). When LINQ to SQL retrieves a
"timestamp" from SQL Server, it stores
it in a Binary class instance. So you
essentially need to convert the Binary
instance to a string and then be able
to convert the string to an equivalent
Binary instance.
The code below provides two extension
methods to do this. You can remove the
"this" before the first parameter if
you prefer them to be ordinary static
methods. The conversion to base 64 is
a precaution to ensure that the
resultant string contains only
displayable characters and no escape
public static string ConvertRowVersionToString(this Binary rowVersion) {
return Convert.ToBase64String(rowVersion.ToArray());
public static Binary ConvertStringToRowVersion(this string rowVersion) {
return new Binary(Convert.FromBase64String(rowVersion));
I think the problem with not seeing it in the bound model on form submission is that there is no Convert.ToBinary() method available to the model binary to restructure the data from a string to it's binary representation. If you want to do this, I think that you'll need to convert the value by hand. I'm going to guess that the value you are seeing is the Base64 encoding of the binary value -- the output of Binary.ToString(). In that case, you'll need to convert it back from Base64 to a byte array and pass that to the Binary() constructor to reconstitute the value.
Have you thought about caching the object server-side, instead? This could be a little tricky as well as you have to detach the object from the data context (I'm assuming LINQ) or you wouldn't be able to reattach it to a different data context. This blog entry may be helpful if you decide to go that route.
You may need to use binding to get a strongly-typed parameter to your action method.
Try rendering using:
And defining your action method signature as:
public ActionResult VersionedUpdate([Bind(Prefix="VersionModel")] VersionedModel data)
This post suggests to use
LinqBinaryModelBinder from
Once registered
protected void Application_Start()
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(Binary), new LinqBinaryModelBinder());
the binder will automatically deserialize Version field
public ActionResult VersionedUpdate(VersionedModel data)
{ ... }
rendered this way:
<%= Html.Hidden("Version") %>
(See also
There are many ways like here
byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks);//new byte [(DateTime.Now).Ticks];
_store.Version = new System.Data.Linq.Binary(b)
(make sure you bind exclude your version),
But the best way is to let the DB handle it...
There are many ways like here
byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks);//new byte [(DateTime.Now).Ticks]; _store.Version = new System.Data.Linq.Binary(b)
(make sure you bind exclude your version),
But the best way is to let the DB handle it...
