App is not working in background on iOS 10.1.1 - ios

I am working on chatting/calling app. To make it work in background mode I've enabled these modes:
It is working very fine with iOS 9.3.4, iOS 10.
Working means it is receiving messages, calls, responding to server when in background, even though there is no call is in progress.
When I run it on iPhone6 with iOS 10.1.1, it is stopping responding when enters in background.
Anyone faced this anytime? Any workaround found?
I am using Xcode8.2 Beta
I also tried enabling Background Fetch mode, but didn't helped!
It is working in background only when any call is in progress on iOS 10.1.1.

Actually I gone through various reads on net, it says that iOS10 is stopped supporting for background app execution for VoIP apps.
To run VoIP apps in background, there is no way.
My ap was running in background on iOS10 was because I was building it against iOS9 SDK on Xcode 7.
Only one thing we can do is use PushKit Framework and get VoIP silent notifications to awake the app in background!


Detect iPhone disconnected from WatchOS app in background

I’d like to know if there’s a way to detect if the iPhone is unreachable while the WatchOS app is in background. I tried to connect each other with CoreBluetooth but if WatchOS app is in background won’t call didDisconnected method.
So I tried the trick of update locations to get alive the app in the background, but everytime the Apple Watch screen awakes the WatchOS app is in foreground and the notification won’t works.
I implemented the
sessionReachabilityDidChange but neither this is called in background.
Can somebody give me a hint?
Or can tell me how to prevent the WatchOS app to be in foreground while update locations is running?

Chirp Audio QR Fails to receive audio signals on ipad after resuming from background

Chirp audio QR frame work is not receiving data after resuming from background (This issue is only happening on iPAD devices iOS11+)
If the app is in foreground then framework works without having any issues, but if app goes background and then resuming this happens.
Joe from Chirp here. Are you stopping the SDK when moving to the background, and starting again in the foreground?
See our example project at for an example of this.
I have just tested this on an iPad running iOS 11.4.1 and data is still received when foregrounded.
I you want the app to receive/record audio when it goes into the background state, then Background Audio must be set in the Capabilities plist. Otherwise the OS will remove the microphone connection from your app's process (to allow the new foreground app to possibly use it).

Why push notification is shown when app is foreground? (iOS10 / iPhone 7)

I'm having weird experience.
Why push notification is shown (in native banner) when app is foreground?
It's only reproduced on iPhone 7 (iOS10.1.1).
I tested on the other iPhones like a iPhone 5 and iPhone 6s with same app, same iOS version.
It's not shown when app is in foreground as normal.
Push banner appears only on iPhone 7.
Is this normal?
My app is created by Xamarin.forms. (For now, Xamarin convert c# code to objective C, so it's basically objective c)
Starting with iOS 10 developers can control how notifications are shown when the app is in focus. This is done by setting up a UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.
The userNotificationCenter:willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler: will be fired on this delegate where UNNotificationPresentationOptions can be passed to the completionHandler to determine if the notification should be displayed along with its sound and badge value update.
Based on your question it sounds like you are using a SDK or framework to add notifications. You can still use a UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate along with most notification SDKs.
Note that on iOS 9 and older devices this delegate isn't available and notifications will not show in the notification center when they are received while your app is in focus. Instead you must must still use UIApplicationDelegate for older versions of iOS and show an in app message for them.
If an application is upgraded to iOS10, and developers of their app have used the UserNotifications framework.Then there are functions by which notification can be displayed as a native banner when app is in foreground.
The UNNotificationPresentationOptions flags allow you to specify UNNotificationPresentationOptionAlert to display an alert using the text provided by the notification.
It effect will same if you are using iOS10 , and app is compatible with UserNotifications framework.
As you mentioned, you have tested the app with Other device with same version, Then might be their app's latest version is not installed on those devices.
It is not based on iPhone7 only. That will work when iOS10 is
installed in your device and application is using UserNotifications
framework for handling the notification.

How to put app in background and back to foreground using Selenium on iOS devices?

How to put app in background and relaunch in Appium iOS for iOS 9.3 and ios 10.0?
I've tried runInBackground(10) but it works only for Android not working for iOS.
To put app to background for 10 second please follow below syntax :
For more details please follow:

Updating from ios6 to ios7 push notification stopped working

I have some issues on push notification on IOS6 and IOS7 in ipad. Previously in IOS6 push notifications were working fine. After updating to IOS7 it is not consistent. Sometimes i am getting notifications and sometimes not. I have a messaging ipad app. From server side it is all fine but I do not receive any notfication on iOS6 & IOS7.
Even for other apps like facebook also not getting notifications.
Thanks in advance.
Did you kill your app with the app switcher?
Since ios7 killed apps do not receive push notifications.
See my answer here: Silent push is not working when app is killed from app switcher in ios7
