Configure MemProtect to allow access only by a specific app - memory

I have a little problem with Excubits MemProtect.
I want to configure the driver like this:
The memory of my_process.exe could be modified only by admin.exe.
I tried smthing like this but no result:

the solution is simple, just place the rule
!admin.exe>my_process.exe before the generic rule
The manual states, that priority rules shall be fore any generic rules using * or ?.
So, your config should look like:


Serilog ExpressionTemplate rename log level and apply formatting

I'm trying to use serilog's ExpressionTemplate and write the log level in the following way:
{ "level": "INF", ... }
I know how to alias #l to level - level: #l
and I know how to format the level to three upper-case letters - #l:u3 but I'm unable to combine the two
I have tried the following without success (fails when trying to format the template with an exception):
level: #l:u3
{'level': #l:u3}
At the time of writing this is a limitation in Serilog.Expressions, which will hopefully be addressed soon.
Update: version 3.4.0-dev-* now on NuGet supports ToString(#l, 'u3').
You can work around it with conditionals:
{'level': if #l = 'Information' then 'INF' else if #l = 'Warning' then 'WRN' else 'ERR'}
With a few more branches for remaining levels.
(Alternatively, you could write and plug in a user defined function along the lines of ToShortLevel(#l), and use that instead.)

Redis: Atomic get and conditional set

I'd like to perform an atomic GET in Redis, and if the value returned is equal to some expected value, I'd like to do a SET, but I want to chain all of this together as one atomic operation. (I'm trying to set a flag that indicates whether any process is writing data to disk, as only one process may be permitted to do so.)
Is it possible to accomplish this with Redis?
I have seen documentation on MULTI operations but I haven't seen conditional operations i MULTI operations. Any suggestions others can offer with this would be greatly appreciated!
You can do both the GET and set operations on the redis server itself using Lua scripts. They're atomic and allow you to add logic too.
I ended up using redlock-py, an implementation of the redlock algorithm that the Redis docs recommend for creating write locks: The linked article is fantastic reading for anyone looking to create similar write locks in Redis.
redis-if - lua script for "conditional transactions". More convenient than WATCH + MULTY.
You can pass any combination of conditions & followed commands as json object:
const Redis = require('ioredis')
const redis = new Redis()
redis.defineCommand('transaction', { lua: require('redis-if').script, numberOfKeys: 0 })
await redis.set('custom-state', 'initialized')
await redis.set('custom-counter', 0)
// this call will change state and do another unrelated operation (increment) atomically
let success = await redis.transaction(JSON.stringify({
if: [
// apply changes only if this process has acquired a lock
[ 'initialized', '==', [ 'sget', 'custom-state' ] ]
exec: [
[ 'set', 'custom-state', 'finished' ],
[ 'incr', 'custom-counter' ]
With this script we removed all custom scripting from our projects.
I came across this post looking for a similar type of function, but I didn't see any options that appealed to me. I opted instead to write a small module in Rust that provides this exact type of operation:
With this module you would do this via:
SETIF <key> <expected> <new>
HSETIF <key> <field> <expected> <new>
You can do this by SET command, with these 2 arguments, which according to the docs here:
GET - return the old string stored at key, or nil if key did not
NX - Only set the key if it does not already exist.
Since Redis doesn't execute any command while another command is running - you have the 2 operations in an atomic manner.

What is the name of Activation/Dactivation hooks in wordpress?

I am a WordPress Developer.
Mr Avinash Dubey (TL IN Corbus LLC india Pvt.Ltd ) told me " what is the name of Activation/Deactication hooks".
my Answer is :- There is a already registered hook for activation/deactivation. which is register_activation_hook() and register_deactivation_hook(). And both are "Action Hooks".
he replied this is wrong answer.
if this is not please let me know the correct answer for this question.
Activation and deactivation hooks provide ways to perform actions when plugins are activated or deactivated.
On activation, plugins can run a routine to add rewrite rules, add custom database tables, or set default option values.
On deactivation, plugins can run a routine to remove temporary data such as cache and temp files and directories.
To set up an activation hook, you have to use the register_activation_hook() function:
Like - register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'pluginprefix_function_to_run' );
To set up a deactivation hook, use the register_deactivation_hook() function:
Like - register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'pluginprefix_function_to_run' );
And you wrote register_actication_hook() it's not actication it will be activation. Same as deactiaction to deactivation.

erlang connecting to tinkerpop via REST

In the Tinkerpop or Titan documentation, all operations are based on a sample graph. How to creat a new empty graph to work on?
I am programming in erlang connecting to Tinkergraph, planned to use Titan later in production. There is no erlang driver for both so I am connecting by REST. It is easy to read from graph, but if I want to read from user's input then write into the graph, for example, to create a person named teddy:
screenshot 1
I got those errors. What is the correct way?
Thank you.
Update: For following situation:
23> Newperson=terry.
24> Newperson.
If I want to add this terry, below two will not work. What's the correct way to do it?
screenshot 2
TitanGraph titanGraph =; will open a titan graph without the sample data.
If you have already commited the sample data to your keyspace then you can just change the keyspace defined in your config file.
For example if you are using a cassandra backend you would change storage.cassandra.keyspace=xxxxxx .
You can also clear any keyspace using TitanCleanup.clear(graph);
As for the error you are seeing. It looks like you are trying to label your vertex incorrectly. I posted the following and it worked:
"gremlin" : "g.addV(label, x).property(y,z)",
"bindings" :
"x" : "person",
"y" : "name",
"z" : "Teddy"
A final note, when you start using Titan 1.0.0 make sure you checkout this section of the tinkerpop docs. Especially make sure to change the channel in the gremlin-server.yaml config to:
Answer to my own question: construct a Body by lists:concat() or ++, then post

F# WsdlService type provider proxy

I am following the MSDN tutorial for the WsdlService type provider found here. When I run it at home, it works as expected. When I write the same code at work, I am getting a design time exception:
The type provider
reported an error: Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from
Work does use a proxy and I have to alter the web.config to use a default proxy when consuming WSDL from a C# project in VS2012. When I looked at the parameters for the type provider, I don't see a mention about a proxy. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Expanding on Tomas's answer...
This is a common pattern in the built-in type providers today:
At design time, if you need any kind of non-default configuration (e.g. credentials, proxy config, ...), the type provider will not work. You need to download some schema file locally (e.g. DB schema file, ODATA $metadata file, WSDL schema file...), and point the type provider at that, usually by passing LocalSchemaFile="...", ForceUpdate=false in the static constructor. This feeds the TP all the info it needs to generate the types.
Then, you set all of your non-default config programmatically on the objects that are created for you, so that everything works at runtime.
Here's another example of essentially the same issue, where this pattern is used to set credentials.
In the case of WSDL, below is the programmatic approach to set the proxy after-the-fact (i.e. step #2). Cribbed entirely from this answer, which is exactly what you want, in C#. You'll probably need to play with this a bit to make it work for you.
#r "System.ServiceModel.dll"
#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll"
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
type Terra = WsdlService< ServiceUri="N/A", ForceUpdate = false,
LocalSchemaFile = #"C:\temp\terra.wsdlschema">
let terra = Terra.GetTerraServiceSoap()
let binding = terra.DataContext.Endpoint.Binding :?> System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding
binding.ProxyAddress <- System.Uri("")
binding.BypassProxyOnLocal <- false
binding.UseDefaultWebProxy <- false
terra.GetPlaceList("New York", 1, false)
I'm not connecting through a proxy, so I have no way of actually testing this, but I think you should be able to use local WSDL file to load the type provider in the designer.
Try downloading the WSDL schema (from and saving that to a local file (such as C:\temp\terra.wsdlschema). Then you should be able to write:
#r "System.ServiceModel.dll"
#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll"
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
type Terra = WsdlService< ServiceUri="N/A", ForceUpdate = false,
LocalSchemaFile = #"C:\temp\terra.wsdlschema">
let terra = Terra.GetTerraServiceSoap()
terra.GetPlaceList("New York", 1, false)
The ServiceUri parameter seems to be required, but it should be ignored if you add ForceUpdate=false. It should only require the cached WSDL file. I'm not entirely sure how to configure the runtime to use your config file setting, but I'm sure this can be done in some way (either it just works or you can pass something to the GetTerraServiceSoap method).
Sadly, the type provider does not statically know (at design time) where to look for the config file, so it ignores it.
