How do I remove Gray Bar at bottom of iPad Screen - ios

I recently upgraded my app to iOS10 and now I have this bar at the bottom of an iPad screen:
I have tried various suggestions to remove it without success. It seems to be related to a textField because it will momentarily disappear after keyboard dismissal.
My question is: What is this view and how do I get rid of it?


iOS App is offset from the top of the Screen

I am developing an app (objective c) with a navigation controller. For some reason the whole app is offset from the top of the device. See below, can anyone give me some pointers as I have no idea.
Hiding the Navigation bar makes no difference, either in the storyboard or in code. The storyboard constraints all seem correct, as the title below the navigation bar moves up and down when showing and hiding the navigation bar.
This problem occurs on iPhone SE and iPhone 7, the iPad 2 is ok. The xCode version is 8.1
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to use launch.storyboard in your Project or you need to add launch screens image in your Asset Folder for all the sizes, then this black screen from top and bottom will be removed.
In App Icons and Launch Images setting, you need to set asset and launch screen file. so this black bar will disappear.

UIActionController appears behind UIToolbar

Converting to UIActionController with style UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet in my iPhone app, I find that it appears BEHIND the UITaskbar I have at the bottom of every window, hiding the "Cancel" menu entry. UIActionSheet works correctly. This happens in the simulator and on the phone.
The taskbar is "owned" by the main window and appears in all pushed views. I was having similar problems with other windows until I changed the UIToolbar to opaque (translucent = NO).
iOS version 8.1.
Any help will be appreciated.

White bar at the bottom to the view

I have a background image on a view controller, it is shown as expected on the simulator, but on a real device, a white bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. On another view, with another background image, the white bar appears on the top of the screen. Any hint to detect the source of the issue? It doesn't happened on the simulator, it happens only on a real device, it is an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.

Xcode 5 - Switched to Landscape orientation, content not centered anymore

I switched to landscape orientation and I have a button and slider in my very simple app. In the live view in Xcode, the content is exactly in the middle of the screen (snapped into place). However when I run the app, the content is slightly shifted to the right in the Simulator. Anybody have any idea how to fix this?
If you're using auto-layout try to add Constraint like this.
Click the issues Button
Then click on 'Reset to suggested constraints in Window'.

iOS 7 iPad Status bar in splash screen is hidden

Have anyone met the same issue? Or have I missed something.
On my iOS 7 iPad simulator I can't see the status bar anymore.
It is visible in iOS 6 iPad though.
Is it a bug, or there is a setting to fix that?
The status bar has been changed in iOS7. While the background is not visible by default you should still see its contents. It might be not visible if you are displaying black content above a black background but you can override this method for this: - (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle.
I found this article recently about changes to consider on iOS7 for the status bar.
