Distribute 4 SKSpriteNodes along SkScene Width programmatically - ios

I know scene coordinates are (0,0) at center so how can i distribute 4 SKNodes along the width using a for loop
for index 1...4 {
let node = SKNode()
node.postion = evenly distribute along the scene width. who can i do it?

You could use the width of the scene divided by the number of nodes minus 1. This would then be multiplied by the index minus 1, then added to the minimum x value of your scene.
let widthRange = scene.frame.maxX - scene.frame.minX
for index 1...4 {
let node = SKNode()
node.postion = scene.frame.minX + widthRange/(4-1) * (index-1)
This should place each node an equal distance away from each other along the width of the scene, starting from each edge.
If your index for the for loop doesn't start at 1, the code would need to be modified to something like this:
let widthRange = scene.frame.maxX - scene.frame.minX
var counter = 0
for index 352...356 {
let node = SKNode()
node.postion = scene.frame.minX + widthRange/(4-1) * counter
If you're unsure of which version to use, use the second version, as it's less reliant on the format of the for loop (as long as you reset counter to 0 before every time you use this).
If you need any clarifications as to what does what, feel free to ask.
This should clarify what the code actually does.
let widthRange = scene.frame.maxX - scene.frame.minX is used to get the size of the scene, then set it to a variable that is used later. Making this a variable is sort of optional as you could just use the scene size, however I put it this way so it's less messy.
var counter = 0 simply makes a counter variable, that's used in the for-loop, to place the nodes. Make sure to set it to 0 before every time you run the loop. counter+=1 is then used later so each node is multiplied by an increasing value, which creates the different x-positions. (I'll get into that later)
node.postion = scene.frame.minX + widthRange/(4-1) * counter is the complicated line. First, I use scene.frame.minX to start placement from the lowest width/x-position. widthRange/(4-1) is a little harder to understand. It uses the scenes width (from earlier), then divides by one less than the amount of nodes. The best way to understand this, is that to cut a rectangle (only in a single direction) so it has 2 cuts through it (2 of the nodes), and 2 edges (the other 2 nodes), you would need 3 sections. (The rectangle would be cut into 3). This gets the distance between each node. The pattern of #ofNodes-1 follows for every amount of nodes. The * counter part is the part that makes the node's x-position actually change. Since every time the loop is gone through, counter increases by 1 (starting at 0) the amount of "sections" from before (widthRange/(4-1)) is increased by 1.


How to calculate a random CGPoint which does not touch a UIView

This is an example view:
I want to calculate a frame with a CGPoint where I can spawn another card(UIView) without touching any existing card. Ofcourse it is optional since the view can be full of cards, therefore there is no free spot.
This is how I can see any card on the screen and my function how it is now:
func freeSpotCalculator() -> CGPoint?{
var takenSpots = [CGPoint]()
for card in playableCards{
I have no idea where to start and how to calculate a random CGPoint on the screen. The random frame has the same width and height as a card in on the screen.
The naive approach to this is very simple, but could be problematic once the screen fills up. Generate a random CGPoint with x coordinate between 0 and the screen width and a y coordinate between 0 and the screen height. Check if a rectangle with a center at that point intersects any existing view. If it does not, you have your random position.
Where this gets problematic is when the screen starts to fill up. At that point you could be trying many many random points before finding a place to put the card. You could also reach a situation where no more cards will fit. How do you know that you have reached that? Will your loop generating the random points just run forever?
A smarter solution is to keep track of the free spaces on the screen. Always generate your random points roughly within these free spaces. You could do this using a grid if approximate is close enough. Is there a card occupying each grid location? Then when the largest free space is smaller than the size of your card rectangle, you know you're done. It's a lot more work than the naive approach, but it's faster when the screen starts to fill up and you'll know for sure when you're done.
If you know that you will always have more screen space than the cards can possibly take up, the naive approach is fine.
The idea
You know the width and height of your container UIView. And, each card has the same width and height. I would go about this by calculating a grid.
Even though you want to display cards randomly, relying on a grid will give you a standardized array of centers that you can use to generate the appearance of randomness (place a card at any random center that is a part of the grid, for example).
If you were to place a card at truly any random location, you might just want to use CGRectIntersectsRect(card1.frame, card2.frame) to detect collisions.
The pattern
First, let's store the card width and height as constants.
let cardWidth = card.bounds.size.width
let cardHeight = card.bounds.size.height
As a basic proof of concept, let's say your container view width is 250 points. Let's say the card width is 5 points. That means you can fit 250 / 5 = 50 cards in one row, where one row has the height of one card.
The number of centers in a row = the number of cards in that row. Each center is the same distance apart. In the following diagram (if I can even call it that), the [ and ] represent edges of a row. The -|- represents a card, where | is the center of the card.
[ - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - ]
Notice how every center is two dashes away from the next center. The only consideration is that the center next to the edge is one dash away from the edge. In terms of cards, each center is one whole card away from the next, and the centers next to the edges are one half card away from the edges.
The key to the pattern
This pattern means that the x position of any card center in a specific row = (cardWidth / 2) + (the card index * cardWidth). In fact, this pseudo-equation works for y positions as well.
The code
Here's some Swift that creates an array of centers using this method.
var centers = [CGPoint]()
let numberOfRows: CGFloat = containerView.bounds.size.height / cardHeight
let numberOfCardsPerRow: CGFloat = containerView.bounds.size.width / cardWidth
for row in 0 ..< Int(numberOfRows) {
for card in 0 ..< Int(numberOfCardsPerRow) {
// The row we are on affects the y values of all the centers
let yBasedOnRow = (cardHeight / 2) + (CGFloat(row) * cardHeight)
// The xBasedOnCard formula is effectively the same as the yBasedOnRow one
let xBasedOnCard = (cardWidth / 2) + (CGFloat(card) * cardWidth)
// Each possible center for this row gets appended to the centers array
centers.append(CGPoint(x: xBasedOnCard, y: yBasedOnRow))
This code should create a grid of centers for your cards. You could build a function around it that returns a random center for a card to be placed and keeps track of used centers.
Potential improvements
First, I think that the centers array could be made a matrix ([[CGPoint]]()) for more logical storage of points.
Second, this code currently makes the assumption that the width and height of the container view are divisible by the card width and height. For example, a container width of 177 and a card width of 5 would result in some problems. The code could be fixed a number of different ways to account for this.
Best solution simplest/performance is to display card randomly BUT inside a grid. The trick is to have the grid bigger than the card size, so the card position inside the grid will be random.
Easy to check which position is occupy and cards will be on "random" frames.
1- Create a Collection View Controller with the total number of card u want to display (lets say.. max card that enter in the screen?)
2- Set the prototype cell size bigger than the card. If the card is 50x80 then the cell should be 70x110.
3- Add a UIImageView to the cell with constraints, this will be your card image
4- Create a UICollectionViewCell, with a method that set the card frames randomly inside the cell (modify the constraints)
Cells with no card will have no image or an empty cell as you wish. So to add a new card, just do a random between the empty cells and add the card with its random coordinates inside the cell.
Your UICollectionViewCell would like like this
class CardCollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var card: UIImageView!
override func awakeFromNib() {
let newX = CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(bounds.size.width-card.bounds.size.width+1)))
let newY = CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(bounds.size.height-card.bounds.size.height+1)))
card.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(leftAnchor, constant: newX).active = true
card.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(rightAnchor, constant: newY).active = true
And your Collections View Controller should like like this
Collection View Image
As I can see in the picture all your cards are aligned at the bottom of the View. so if you generate a random y position from 0 to origin of your cards row - one card height you can simply get a CGPoint based on the frame of your view and size of the cards.
If you want to randomly place cards along the screen, you could do something like this:
func random() -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(Float(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF)
func random(min: CGFloat, max: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return random() * (max - min) + min
let actualX = random(min: *whatever amount*, max: *whatever amount* )
let actualY = random(min: *Height of the first card*, max: *whatever amount* )
card.position = CGPoint(x: actualX, y: actualY )
The cards will then be positioned randomly above the existing cards.
I am not sure if you are planning to place all the cards in an orderly way. But if you do, you could do it like this.
Once the view is loaded, get all the possible card positions and store them in a map together with a number used as the key. Then you could generate a random number from 0 to the total number of possible card positions that you stored in the map. Then every time you occupy a position, clear a value from the map.
You can try with CAShapeLayer and UIBezierPath.
Create a CAShapeLayer for your main view where you will be adding sub views. Let's call it as main shape layer. This will be helpful to check the new view estimated is within the main view.
Create a UIBezierPath instance. Whenever a valid new sub view is found, add the edges to this path.
Create a random point within the main view.
Create a CGRect based on random point as center of your sub view. Let’s call it as estimated view frame.
Check the estimated view frame is completely visible in your main view. Else go to step 3.
Check your 4 edges of your estimated view frame with path object. If any one of the edge is inside the path, go to step 3.
If 4 edges are not inside the path, the estimated view frame is the new view’s frame.
Create a new subview and add it to your main view.
Add the edges of new view to path.
I have created a sample project in swift with the above logic.
You can change the width and height of new view. I have added a condition to stop looking for next free space after trying 50 times. This will help to avoid infinite loop.
As #davecom highlighted, taking a random number to add new view will waste the space and you will run out of space quickly. If you are able to maintain the free available space, you can add more sub views.

iOS - How to resize elements on a screen depending on the amount of the elements

So I am developing a game using Spritekit that uses a pyramid of Sprites (let's say circles for a simple instance). The user can choose the amount of rows of sprites they would like to have in the game. The sprites are to form a pyramid, so if you have 1 row, you have 1 sprite node. It increases by 2 the farther down you go (the more rows you choose) - creating the pyramid shape. So if a user picked 3 rows, the game board would look like this:
However, when it gets to 5 rows, it loses its pyramid shape because the screen is only so wide and it has to fit all the elements onto the screen (elements are more smushed together in rows further down).
My question is, to fix this issue, what would I have to do to make the pyramid resize and change its spacing between elements depending on how many rows are chosen? Would I have to multiply the spacing by a certain factor? I have also heard of people adding layers onto the screen - maybe drawing the sprites in some sort of container so that it always resizes the pyramid to fit the screen without skewing the pyramid shape?
Your idea is correct! Make a SKNode container, then update it's .size property, or do .setScale.
(not at xcode right now, pardon if not 100%)
// Say that our scene's size is 400x400:
let bkg = SKShapeNode(rectangleOfSize: self.size)
bkg.addChild(secondSprite) // And so on...
// Find the farthest point in bkg:
var farthestX = CGFloat(0)
for node in bkg.children {
if node.position.x + node.frame.size.width / 2 > farthestX {
farthestX = node.position.x + node.frame.size.width / 2
// Do math to resize the bkg:
if self.size.width < farthestX {
let scaler = self.size.width / farthestX
This should work, or at least the general idea should work... You would want to check for Y values and Height as well.
You can easily compute a symmetrical size proportional to the number of rows and resize your sprites accordingly. This is my idea in pseudocode:
let computedSize = deviceWidth/(2*(rows-1) + 1)
for sprite in sprites {
sprite.size.width = computedSize
sprite.size.height = computedSize

Spawning Sprites In Space Invaders

I'm currently trying to spawn aliens for a space invaders game I'm creating in class. I'm using a while loop with a counter to adjust an array to a given variable value. This way I can increase the number of aliens without any re-writing. The problem is, although my aliens spawn, the x position is not increasing as I would like it to. I only see one Alien on the screen so I've concluded that they are all spawning, but only with a 1-pixel difference, therefore unnoticeable. Here's what I have so far, any help would be greatly appreciated!
//Add and display given amount of aliens...
while (alienAmount > displayLoopCounter) {
aliens.append(SKSpriteNode(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "ClassicAlien")))
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.y = CGFloat(-15)
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.x = CGFloat(displayLoopCounter + 25)
displayLoopCounter += 1
//Have we run out of aliens yet?
if displayLoopCounter > alienAmount {
displayAliens = false
You just need to change the spacing you're setting between aliens. In other terms, you need to set the x position of each alien sprite to have more spacing between them. Currently, you are just adding displayLoopCounter to the x position of each alien. Since displayLoopCounter only increases one at a time, the aliens are all spawned with a 1-pixel difference to each other. If we want a bigger difference, we will need to multiply displayLoopCounter by our intended spacing so that we get that spacing between each alien.
You can just set a spacingBetweenAliens variable with a numeric type (such as Int or CGFLoat or Double) and change this line:
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.x = CGFloat(displayLoopCounter + 25)
To this:
let basePosition = displayLoopCounter * spacingBetweenAliens
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.x = CGFloat(basePosition + 25)
This way, the aliens will be spawned with the value of spacingBetweenAliens in pixels between them.

Box2D: How to use b2ChainShape for a tile based map with squares

Im fighting here with the so called ghost collisions on a simple tile based map with a circle as player character.
When applying an impulse to the circle it first starts bouncing correctly, then sooner or later it bounces wrong (wrong angle).
Looking up on the internet i read about an issue in Box2D (i use iOS Swift with Box2d port for Swift).
Using b2ChainShape does not help, but it looks i misunderstood it. I also need to use the "prevVertex" and "nextVertex" properties to set up the ghost vertices.
But im confused. I have a simple map made up of boxes (simple square), all placed next to each other forming a closed room. Inside of it my circle i apply an impulse seeing the issue.
Now WHERE to place those ghost vertices for each square/box i placed on the view in order to solve this issue? Do i need to place ANY vertex close to the last and first vertice of chainShape or does it need to be one of the vertices of the next box to the current one? I dont understand. Box2D's manual does not explain where these ghost vertices coordinates are coming from.
Below you can see an image describing the problem.
Some code showing the physics parts for the walls and the circle:
First the wall part:
let bodyDef = b2BodyDef()
bodyDef.position = self.ptm_vec(node.position+self.offset)
let w = self.ptm(Constants.Config.wallsize)
let square = b2ChainShape()
var chains = [b2Vec2]()
square.createLoop(vertices: chains)
let fixtureDef = b2FixtureDef()
fixtureDef.shape = square
fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = Constants.Config.PhysicsCategory.Wall
fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = Constants.Config.PhysicsCategory.Player
let wallBody = self.world.createBody(bodyDef)
The circle part:
let bodyDef = b2BodyDef()
bodyDef.type = b2BodyType.dynamicBody
bodyDef.position = self.ptm_vec(node.position+self.offset)
let circle = b2CircleShape()
circle.radius = self.ptm(Constants.Config.playersize)
let fixtureDef = b2FixtureDef()
fixtureDef.shape = circle
fixtureDef.density = 0.3
fixtureDef.friction = 0
fixtureDef.restitution = 1.0
fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = Constants.Config.PhysicsCategory.Player
fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = Constants.Config.PhysicsCategory.Wall
let ballBody = self.world.createBody(bodyDef)
ballBody.linearDamping = 0
ballBody.angularDamping = 0
Not sure that I know of a simple solution in the case that each tile can potentially have different physics.
If your walls are all horizontal and/or vertical, you could write a class to take a row of boxes, create a single edge or rectangle body, and then on collision calculate which box (a simple a < x < b test) should interact with the colliding object, and apply the physics appropriately, manually calling the OnCollision method that you would otherwise specify as the callback for each individual box.
Alternatively, to avoid the trouble of manually testing intersection with different boxes, you could still merge all common straight edge boxes into one edge body for accurate reflections. However, you would still retain the bodies for the individual boxes. Extend the boxes so that they overlap the edge.
Now here's the trick: all box collision handlers return false, but they toggle flags on the colliding object (turning flags on OnCollision, and off OnSeparation). The OnCollision method for the edge body then processes the collision based on which flags are set.
Just make sure that the colliding body always passes through a box before it can touch an edge. That should be straightforward.

Total height of SCNNode childNodes

I'm currently using the following to get the total height of all of the child nodes in a SCNNode. Is there a more efficient/better/shorter/more swift-like way to do this?
CGFloat(columnNode.childNodes.reduce(CGFloat()) {
let geometry = $1.geometry! as SCNBox
return $0 + geometry.height
Yes, and a way that'll get you a more correct answer, too. Summing the height of all the child nodes' geometries...
only works if the geometry is an SCNBox
doesn't account for the child nodes' transforms (what if they're moved, rotated or scaled?)
doesn't account for the parent node's transform (what if you want height in scene space?)
What you want is the SCNBoundingVolume protocol, which applies to all nodes and geometries, and describes the smallest rectangular or spherical space containing all of a node's (and its subnodes') content.
In Swift 3, this is super easy:
let (min, max) = columnNode.boundingBox
After this, min and max are the coordinates of the lower-rear-left and upper-front-right corners of the smallest possible box containing everything inside columnNode, no matter how that content is arranged (and what kind of geometry is involved). These coordinates are expressed in the same system as columnNode.position, so if the "height" you're looking for is in the y-axis direction of that space, just subtract the y-coordinates of those two vectors:
let height = max.y - min.y
In Swift 2, the syntax for it is a little weird, but it works well enough:
var min = SCNVector3Zero
var max = SCNVector3Zero
columnNode.getBoundingBoxMin(&min, max: &max)
