What do top iOS apps use for live notifications server-side? - ios

This seems like a simple question to me, but it's one I simply can't find a good answer for: what do the top iOS apps (I'm talking Twitter, Facebook) use for live pushed data? Instead of polling an API for changes - real-time data updates, which I assume they have to have a method for.
My understanding is that the main solution is APNs (Apple Push Notifications) but I can't find any notable mention of apps using it... and have found only sparse support for NodeJS.
I'm deciding between that, and MQTT messages that trigger an API call. But I'm posting this question mainly because, in the back of my head, I think there's something I'm missing completely.
Thanks much for any information at all, or even pointing me in the right direction!

Check this out:
Firebase its really got but only for iOS and Android
AirNotifier supports iOS, Android and Windows
And this is a useful stackoverflow post for you.
happy coding!


Zapier cli : how can I retrieve my pushed source code?

I've been converting my zapier app with zapier-cli and I've used the push command to send some beautiful precious features in my app.
Unfortunately - and I blame myself for it -, I didn't push it on github or either not in any versioning tool. And of course I can't access my code anymore -_- So my question is, is there any way to retrieve or pull my source code from the web app?
I've checked the documentations and I couldn't find any pull-likely command
ANd On the web app, there is no way to see the code from the developper platform.
Does someone know if there is a way ? Any advice (except for versioning advice) would be great :)
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Bad news and good news. First off, there's no direct way for you to pull it down.
The good news part of that is that we do keep a copy of a lot of pieces of it (so we can run it!) so if you write into partners#zapier.com and reference this question, we should be able to sort you out.
Note that this should not be considered a primary backup method and it's important to always have access to your code. Do be careful in the future. :)

How to get everyone to see everyone else's photos in an instagram-like app

I am a first time iOS developer trying to build an iOS app from the ground up. It is for a photo-sharing startup that will have similar functionality to Instagram.
I am not sure how to approach the sharing/viewing aspect. Would I use something like Parse or Google cloud storage? It is an iOS only app, if that helps. Given that we are just a startup, a long trial or a cost per GB is fine, but I don't want to be stuck with something expensive if we start getting a lot of photo uploads.
Given that I'm the only developer, I'm hoping for something that doesn't require me to learn too many new technologies. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Parse.com, the API is fairly easy to use. The free plan has a lot of functionality and it scales up well.
That's really a tough question. You first want to research each company and weigh the pros and cons with selecting each service. The Google Cloud and Google App Engine (while they do work extremely well together) are going to be a little less "centralized" since they are essentially marketed as separate services. Parse does have that "centralized" feeling since all of their services are designed to work together.
Another nice thing about Parse is that it has build in support for iOS local datastore which means even if your users don't have an internet connection the request will be queued until a connection is made. If you go with a service like the Google Cloud then you would have to implement that on your own or just not have offline functionality.
While Parse looks like a good solution for you, it would be hard for someone to answer your question with a definitive solution as that is up to you exactly how you want your product to work. Just continue to research other solutions as there may be something better and more suited for your exact needs. You may want to build a small prototype on one platform before dedicating all of your development to that platform.

IOS swift - Tracking used apps

I'm currently looking for a way to track user activity. I'm working on an IOS app using swift and i need stats of apps usage. basically I want to get-make a tracking of the used apps. Data like opened apps, start time and shut down time... I know that for get all stats, maybe is necessary run a backgroud service, but, this is another problem that i think to solve after. for now i want to know if it's posible, if there is some way to get stats for used apps. I know that the UIApplication class call the UIApplicationMain function when an app is launched. Maybe, from my app, there is a way for access this info?... Thanks, i have been a long time reading but really, i can't see some clear option.
If (as David has interpreted your question in the comments) you are trying to track usage of other apps that aren't yours, he's right; you can only track your own app's usage.
If you are needing to track events in your own app, there are a good number of analytic frameworks available to do exactly what you are needing to do.
Flurry is one I've used in the past with success, and is one of the more well know solutions. I've also utilized Google's analytics framework. Both are pretty straightforward to integrate into your app and to track the sort of fine grained events you are looking to capture. You can't go wrong with either one of those.
Here is a (slightly old) list of additional tracking/analytics options beyond Flurry and Google's offerings.
You can record your feedback and user experiences, and bug reports with lookback.io

iOS Interactive Remote Debugging

Is it possible to interactively remote debug an iOS App with xCode (or some other interactive debugger, if necessary)?
Has anyone got a neat framework I can stick in my App that will allow this? I can imagine Apple might not want this for live Apps, but for enterprise deployment and for Beta deployment, it would be ace.
A workflow that might work is a customer with a bug can get in touch and then I can email them with a link that will launch my app and connect it to my debug server. With magic.
There's an S.O. question from back in '11 about this – I'm hoping things might have moved on. However, a post here suggests it's probably not possible.
I want to be clear crash reporting, log acquiring and analytics are all very nice and everything (you're right – I use them too), but that is not what this question is about. Thank you :-)
Definitive answers along the lines of "This is just not possible because …" or, "It's possible but fearsomely involved because …", or ideally "Yeah, it's easy and cool, check out …" would be wonderful.
I think what you are searching is not possible. If you want, take a look at Bugfender, it's a product we have built that helps somewhat to do what you want.
With Bugfender you can get the logs from a remote device you choose, is not remote debugging but for now it might be the closest thing to what you want.

Snapchat implementation views

I have something i have been thinking about and would like to know your views on it. So I have been wondering how snapchat is implemented.
Incase you don't know, Snapchat is instant messaging client for iOS(not sure if android has one). Users chat primarily through pictures and not text.
Because its an IM thing, it probably has an XMPP server to handle all the communication but here is what i am wondering. Can it be done without an XMPP server? I have thought about it for a long time and I think probably.
We could use a normal database server to hold the image, and then push the notification to the device as if it were a normal notification with a link to the image in the database server(don't mind the details).
The second way seems easier to implement with more scope for extending the product functionality.
Maybe I'm missing something. Would love other opinions on this.
I am aware that this is not the type of questions I should be asking and it'll probably be downvoted but I have to ask this, it's been killing me.
