ionic archive ios plugins not found - ios

I'm trying to archive my IOS app (ionic app) and test it on device with Xcode.
When I run my app directly on device, everything is fine. I tried both debug and release scheme.
When I archive my app then upload it to a device with Xcode or via Testflight, I got no error, but I think some plugins are missing because app is broken.
unfortunately I can't debug JavaScript on this archived app so i'm not sure of the error.
all plugins are well listed when i run cordova plugin list and all are in plugins/ios.json file.
Everything is fine on Android
Any idea ?

I update my cordova version and delete plugins/ios.json file.
Now it's work !


Flutter (iOS) app start and stops with crash

I have developed a Flutter Android app and that is working fine. Now I am working on the iOS side. I have configured Firebase and notification APN etc. When I run the app by attaching the real device the app got installed but it just crashes and closes. There are no logs in the console of Android studio.
It just prints below logs.
Launching lib/main.dart on sign's iPhone in debug mode...
Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode
project: ABCD7AUXYZ
Running Xcode build...
Xcode build done. 78.0s
Installing and launching...
Where can I find more logs about the crash?
When I build the project using the Xcode (Thanks to #Blasanka & #Kevin Renskers) I was able to find out the issue. Actually I was missing the Admob id in the plist file and the internet permission (thanks to #Stephen J).
thanks you for your time and help.

How to submit, a VUE / Cordova Mobile application to Apple Store?

Apple Store Connect
It states to:
Submit your builds using Xcode or Application Loader.
But there are no instructions, into how to make the build from VUE/CORDOVA into Xcode
How do you do this?
Have tried opening the project within XCODE, have tried creating a new schema, open the build/www folder from XCODE and still same problem.
done the following
Deploy for android
yarn cordova-build-android
Deploy for iOS
yarn cordova-build-ios
Error opening the folder with XCODE
You open the XCODE project actually by opening the platforms/ios/ or simply the .codeproj within the same directory

Publishing app with Ionic and Cordova on Xcode 7.2 issue

I'm making the publishing of my iOS app that was made with Ionic and cordova.
Everything went well, except for the application loader
I have tried everything but I dont know what is this Toolchain tool.
If you have any info, it will be usefull. Thanks

How to install cordova(phonegap) ios app to device via cli and not via xcode

I am trying to create a simple project with last phonegap version:
$ phonegap create my-project
$ phonegap build ios
$ phonegap install ios
All works perfectly and I see emulator with my simple application.
But I can't find documentation on how to run my application on device(iphone, for example) and not on a simulator.
All documentation by cordova / phonegap based on examples with cordova's template for xcode.
But last cordova's version don't have template for xcode and all that I need - cli, if I understand correctly?
I already registered as IOS developer and I have a valid iPhone development certificate.
When I connect my device - I can see it in xcode and I can run native application on my device.
But only via xcode.
I will be grateful to any advice.
If the cordova app builds and runs on the simulator, try running cordova run ios --device
This worked for me, when before it was only hitting the simulator.
Alternatively, if that STILL doesn't work for you, when you run codova build ios, to just build the app, you could use itunes to sync the generated .app file in <project_folder>/platforms/ios/build/device/
There is an Apple CLI tool canned xcodebuild, as well as this wrapper around it by Facebook. I'd suggest trying out either that or look at the build-in xcodebuild shipped with xcode.
Hopefully one of them will work.
If you use Cordova CLI, you should be able to do this:
cordova run ios

phoneGap iOs PluginManager

I use phonegap/cordova >= 3.0.0
Unfortunately I don't have an apple developer-membership.
Therefor I created a brandnew phonegap project on my mac. Without developer-key I couldn't run the project from the termina. So I opened xCode and I imported the created project. Now I put my android-project files from my windows computer into the www-order of the mac.
If I now start the app on a simulator by xCode, I always get a pluginManager message I don't understand:
I added the plugin by console and now I get this error on xCode:
I just put the entire phonegap folder from android into the ios www folder of xCode. Do I have to readd the plugins on mac then?
