Ruby On Rails: Convert PostgreSQL JSON to usual JSON - ruby-on-rails

I have a JSON field in my PostgreSQL database. If I do #profile.json, then I will get something like:
{ {"name"=>"jhon", "degree"=>"12312"}, "1480103144467"=>{"name"=>"", "degree"=>""}}`
It has all the => and other symbols, which I can not parse. How can I convert to normal format?

If you've declared your column of type json that's a signal to Rails to automatically serialize and decode your column on-demand, transparently. What you're seeing here is a traditional Ruby Hash structure, which is to be expected.
Inside the database itself it's stored as JSON.
If you need to re-emit this as JSON for whatever reason, like for an API, try this:
Calling your column something other than json is probably advisable, too.


How to unpack/convert a stringified JSON array to normal JSON array

I am building a Rails 5.2 app.
In this app I am sending parameter from my Angular app to the server with a JSON.stringify object that looks like this when it arrives to the server:
I want to "unpack" it to look like a real JSON object again (because Stripe, that I will send this too only accept a JSON object:
If I run JSON.parse it only converts to a Hash which is not what I want.
If you want to operate or manipulate that JSON then you need to parse it to Hash.
JSON is treated as a string in ruby and you cannot operate properly on that so by parsing it to hash you can manipulate it using ruby also you can again change the resulting hash back to JSON string and as far as I've worked with Stripe it will work, so
For parsing JSON to Hash:
hash = JSON.parse(json_string)
For parsing Hash to JSON:
json_string = JSON.generate(hash)
json_string = hash.to_json

Rails JSON store value gets quoted upon saving

I have this problem with my Rails (5.1.6) application that is running on a PostgreSQL instance.
I have a model with a JSON type column (t.json :meta). The model has a store accessor like
store :meta, accessors: [:title], coder: JSON
The problem is now when I set this value that it shows up in the database as
"{\"title\":\"I am a title\"}"
making it text rather than a JSON value, which in turn makes that I cannot use the JSON query operator (->>) to query my JSON fields. I already tried without the coder option, but this results in it being saved as YAML.
The serialize function also did not change anything for me (adding serialize :meta, JSON)
Any and all help is appreciated!
serialize and store are not intended to be used for native JSON columns. Their purpose is to marshal and un-marshal data into string columns.
This was a "poor mans" JSON storage before native JSON support existed (and was supported by ActiceRecord). Using it on a JSON column will result in a double encoded string as you have noticed.
You don't actually have to do anything to use a JSON column. Its handled by the adapter.

Array is stored as string. How do I convert it back to any array?

I am using Rails 4.2 with Redis. When I store and retrieve an array with Redis, it returns a formatted string. How do I return this string to an array?
The returned string is exactly this, though the number and value of entries will obviously vary:
"[\"FCF1115A\", \"FCF1116A\"]"
Obviously, it could be parsed, but is there some function that would handle this? I could probably format a better string myself, rather than allowing Redis to do so. Thanks...
If using JSON library is an option. Following is tested in irb:
> require 'json'
> puts JSON.parse("[\"FCF1115A\", \"FCF1116A\"]").to_json
=> ["FCF1115A","FCF1116A"]

Rails serialize not storing correctly

I am setting up stripe connect with the example from and am running into a problem using serialize to store stripe_account_status which should be stored as an array.
This is how it should be stored (Generated from the above example link)
{"details_submitted"=>false, "charges_enabled"=>true, "transfers_enabled"=>false, "fields_needed"=>["legal_entity.first_name", "legal_entity.last_name", "", "legal_entity.dob.month", "legal_entity.dob.year", "legal_entity.address.line1", "", "legal_entity.address.postal_code", "bank_account"], "due_by"=>nil}
And this is how my application is storing it
{:details_submitted=>false, :charges_enabled=>true, :transfers_enabled=>false, :fields_needed=>["legal_entity.first_name", "legal_entity.last_name", "", "legal_entity.dob.month", "legal_entity.dob.year", "legal_entity.address.line1", "", "legal_entity.address.postal_code", "bank_account"], :due_by=>nil}
As far as I am concerned everything is set up the same. The only difference is that the first example uses
serialize :stripe_account_status, JSON
and my app just has
serialize :stripe_account_status
The reason for this is that when I add JSON I this error:
JSON::ParserError - 795: unexpected token at '':
I have tried finding out the JSON error including changing the config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb to use :hybrid but this is giving me the same error.
Could someone point me into the right direction of either fixing the JSON issue OR finding a way to make sure the stripe_account_status is stored as an array correctly.
Below is the methods used to store the array:
if #account
currency: #account.default_currency,
stripe_account_type: 'managed',
secret_key: #account.keys.secret,
publishable_key: #account.keys.publishable,
stripe_account_status: account_status
def account_status
details_submitted: account.details_submitted,
charges_enabled: account.charges_enabled,
transfers_enabled: account.transfers_enabled,
fields_needed: account.verification.fields_needed,
due_by: account.verification.due_by
Thanks I really appreciate any direction you could point me!
When you ask Rails to serialize an attribute on a model, it will default to storing the object as YAML string.
You can ask Rails to serialize differently, as you have noticed by providing a class to do the serialization e.g
serialize :stripe_account_status, JSON
The reason why this isn't working when you add it is because you presumably already have a record in the database using the YAML and so Rails can't parse this as a valid JSON string when reading from the DB. If it's just development data that you don't need, you can delete the records and then use JSON, otherwise you will need to convert the current YAML strings to JSON.
Rails will also symbolize the keys of a hash when parsing a serialized string in the database. This is the only difference between the hashes in your question and shouldn't matter in practise. Should you need String keys for some reason, you can use the #stringify_keys method on the hash provided by Rails.

Ruby getting deeply nested JSON API data

I have a rails app which gets a response from World Weather Online API. I'm using the rest-client gem and the response is in JSON format.
I parse the response using:
parsed_response = JSON.parse(response)
Where parsed_response is obviously a hash.
The data I need are strings inside a hash inside an array inside a hash inside another array inside another hash inside another hash.
The inner-most nested hashes are inside ["hourly"], an array of 8 hashes, each with 20 keys, possessing string values of various weather parameters. Each of these hashes in the array is a different time of day (the forecast is three-hourly, 3*8 = 24hours).
So, for example, if I want the swell height in metres at 9pm, I find it with the following call:
#swell_height = parsed_data["data"]["weather"][0]["hourly"][7]["swellHeight_m"]
Where the 7th element in the array correspond to "time" => "2100"
While I can definitely work with this, I'm curious as to whether there is a more straightforward method of accessing my data, like if it was a database table, I could use active record, something like:
#swell_height = parsed_data.swellHeight_m.where(:time => "2100")
You may want to look at JSONPath. It does exactly what you need. Its syntax is very similar to XPath, but JSONPath works with JSON data (as obvious).
There is a Ruby implementation:
I personally use it in every project where I need to test JSON responses.
