Write a stream of sexy prime pairs in SCHEME - stream

I have a SCHEME function is-sexy? which takes one parameter, n, and returns true if n is part of a pair of sexy primes and false otherwise, and a SCHEME function, sexy-primes, which takes an integer, n, as a parameter and returns a list of pairs of prime numbers whose difference is 6 and whose smaller number is less than or equal to n.
How do I define a stream of sexy prime pairs?
(define (is-sexy? n)
(define (is-prime? x)
(define (is-prime?-aux x k)
(cond ((< x 1) #f)
((= x k) #t)
(if (= (remainder x k) 0) #f
(is-prime?-aux x (+ k 1))))))
(cond ((= x 1) #t)
((= x 2) #t)
(else (is-prime?-aux x 2))))
(if (and (is-prime? n)
(or (is-prime? (- n 6)) (is-prime? (+ n 6)))) #t
(define (sexy-primes n)
(if (= n 0) '()
(if (is-sexy? n) (cons n (sexy-primes (- n 1)))
(sexy-primes (- n 1)))))

This works:
(define (sexyprimes-from k)
(if (is-sexy? k) (cons (cons k (+ k 6)) (delay (sexyprimes-from (+ k 1))))
(sexyprimes-from (+ k 1))))
(define sexy-primes (sexyprimes-from 5))


SICP 3.52 delayed cdr

Exercise 3.52,
(define sum 0)
(define (accum x)
(set! sum (+ x sum))
;1: (define seq (stream-map accum (stream-enumerate-interval 1 20)))
;2: (define y (stream-filter even? seq))
;3: (define z (stream-filter (lambda (x) (= (remainder x 5) 0))
; seq))
;4: (stream-ref y 7)
;5: (display-stream z)
Step 1:
;1: ==> (cons-stream 1 (stream-map proc (stream-cdr s)) (Assume stream-cdr is evaluated only when we force the cdr of this stream)
sum is now 1
Step 2:
1 is not even, hence (also memoized so not added again), it calls (stream-filter pred (stream-cdr stream)).
This leads to
evaluation of cdr hence materializing 2 which is even, hence it should call: (cons-stream 2 (stream-cdr stream)).
According to this answer should be 1+2 = 3 , but it is 6
Can someone help with why the cdr's car is materialized before the current cdr is called?
Using Daniel P. Friedman's memoizing tail
#lang r5rs
(define-syntax cons-stream
(syntax-rules ()
((_ h t) (cons h (lambda () t)))))
(define (stream-cdr s)
(if (and (not (pair? (cdr s)))
(not (null? (cdr s))))
(set-cdr! s ((cdr s))))
(cdr s))
we observe:
> sum
> (define seq (stream-map accum (stream-enumerate-interval 1 20)))
> sum
> seq
(mcons 1 #<procedure:friedmans-tail.rkt:21:26>)
> (define y (stream-filter even? seq))
> sum
> seq
(mcons 6 #<procedure:friedmans-tail.rkt:21:26>)))
> y
(mcons 6 #<procedure:friedmans-tail.rkt:21:26>)
stream-filter? needs to get to the first element of the stream it is constructing in order to construct it. A stream has its head element already forced, calculated, so it must be already present.
In the list of accumulated sums of the enumerated interval from 1 to 20, the first even number is 6:
1 = 1
1+2 = 3
1+2+3 = 6

Trouble with streams in Scheme

I'm trying to write a stream that takes as arguments an infinite stream S, and two integers m and n, and returns the stream whose elements are elements of S that are multiples of either m or n.
Unfortunately, my stream only works until I find the first multiple, then it won't progress past that. I'm calling the cdr when invoking the stream, so I'm not sure why I'm not looking at the next element.
(define stream-car car)
(define (stream-cdr s)
((cadr s)))
(define (divisible? n x)
(zero? (remainder n x)))
(define (stream-cons x s)
(list x (lambda () s)))
;should loop to find the next multiple in the parameter stream
(define (findnext s m n)
(if (or (divisible? (stream-car s) m)
(divisible? (stream-car s) n))
(stream-car s)
(findnext (stream-cdr s) m n)))
;this is my stream
(define (multiples s m n)
(let ((h (findnext s m n)))
;first need to make sure h is a multiple of
;either m or n, THEN create the list
(list h
(lambda ()
(multiples (stream-cdr s) m n)))))
;below is for testing
(define (even-nums-from n)
(list n
(lambda ()
(even-nums-from (+ 2 n)))))
(define even-integers
(even-nums-from 0))
;test cases
(multiples even-integers 4 6);should be a stream with car = 0
(stream-car (multiples even-integers 4 6));should be 0
(stream-cdr (multiples even-integers 4 6));should be a stream with car = 4
(stream-car (stream-cdr (multiples even-integers 4 6))) ;should be 4
(stream-cdr (stream-cdr (multiples even-integers 4 6))) ;should be a stream
;starting with 6-not moving past when we find a multiple
(stream-car (stream-cdr (stream-cdr (multiples even-integers 4 6))))
;should be 6
My output for the above tests is:
(list 0 (lambda () ...))
(list 4 (lambda () ...))
(list 4 (lambda () ...))
I'm using DrRacket (advanced student language) and just not sure why my stream is stuck on that first multiple (4). I'm calling stream-cdr when I invoke multiples again, so I don't understand where I'm going wrong. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Solved it, the problem was I was not updating the passed stream as I found the next multiple. Below is the corrected code (where I now pass a stream with the multiple in the car that will be used in my multiples function):
;returns the stream with car a multiple of either m or n
(define (findnext s m n)
(cond ((divisible? (stream-car s) m) s)
((divisible? (stream-car s) n) s)
(else (findnext (stream-cdr s) m n))))
(define (multiples s m n)
(let ((h (findnext s m n))) ;h is now an updated stream
;with car a multiple of one of m or n
(list (stream-car h)
(lambda ()
(multiples (stream-cdr h) m n)))))

function with quantifier in Z3

I have a problem with quantifier.
Let a(0) = 0, and a(n+1) would be either a(n)+1 or a(n)+2 based on the value of x(n). We may expect that for any kind of x(.) and for all n, a(n) <= n*2.
Here is the code for Z3:
(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(assert (forall
((n Int))
(=> (>= n 0)
(= (a (+ n 1))
(ite (> (x n) 0)
(+ (a n) 1)
(+ (a n) 2)
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
I hope Z3 could return "unsat", while it always "timeout".
I wonder if Z3 could handle this kind of quantifier, and if somebody could give some advice.
The formula is SAT, for N < 0, the graph of a is underspecified.
But the default quantifier instantiation engine can't determine this. You can take advantage of that you are defining a recursive function to enforce a different engine.
;(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun y (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(define-fun-rec a ((n Int)) Int
(if (> n 0) (if (> (x (- n 1)) 0) (+ (a (- n 1)) 1) (+ (a (- n 1)) 2)) (y n)))
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
As Malte writes, there is no support for induction on such formulas so don't expect Z3 to produce induction proofs. It does find inductive invariants on a class of Horn clause formulas, but it requires a transformation to cast arbitrary formulas into this format.
Thanks, Malte and Nikolaj.
The variable N should be bounded:
(assert (> N 0))
(assert (< N 10000))
I replace
(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(assert (and
(not (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(> (a (+ N 1)) (+ (+ N 1) (+ N 1)))
and it works for both definition of a(n).
Does this a kind of inductive proof as you mentioned?
Here are the two blocks of code, and both of them return "unsat":
(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(assert (forall
((n Int))
(=> (>= n 0)
(= (a (+ n 1))
(ite (> (x n) 0)
(+ (a n) 1)
(+ (a n) 2)
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> N 0))
(assert (< N 10000))
;(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(assert (and
(not (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(> (a (+ N 1)) (+ (+ N 1) (+ N 1)))
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun y (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(define-fun-rec a ((n Int)) Int
(if (> n 0)
(if (> (x (- n 1)) 0) (+ (a (- n 1)) 1) (+ (a (- n 1)) 2)) (y n)))
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> N 0))
(assert (< N 10000))
;(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(assert (and
(not (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(> (a (+ N 1)) (+ (+ N 1) (+ N 1)))

How to make bounded inductive proof of a certain general theorem in Group Theory

I am trying to proof by induction that:
Given a group G then forall(x,y,z) / ((y^n)x(z^n) = x) => (Order(G) = n)
I am using bounded induction with the following code
;; Derive order n from a single axiom for groups order n.
;; ((Y^n)X(Z^n) = X )=> (order(G) = n) for 1 < n < 23
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun power (S Int) S)
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= e (power x 0))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= x (power x 1))))
(assert (forall ((n Int) (x S))
(=> (and (>= n 2) (<= n 22))
(= (power x n) (mult x (power x (- n 1)))))))
(assert (= (mult e e) e))
(define-fun p ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S) (n Int)) Bool
(=> (= (mult (power y n) (mult x (power z n)))
x) (= (power w n) e) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S)) (p x y z w 2)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S) (n Int))
(=> (and (> n 2) (<= n 22))
(= (p x y z w n) (p x y z w (- n 1))))))
;; Bounded inductive proof.
(assert (not (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S)) (p x y z w 22))))
And the output is the expected:
Run this code online here
I am proving the theorem for 2 < n < 23. When I try with 2 < n < 24 I am obtaining "timeout".
The question is: How to go beyond n=22 in this proof ?
Using (set-option :qi-eager-threshold 70000) suggested by Leonardo de Moura, Z3 is able to prove the theorem until n = 60000 (locally, online until n = 10000).

Print first N prime numbers in Common Lisp

I am making a Common Lisp function to print the first N prime numbers. So far I've managed to write this code:
(setf isprime 1) ;if 1 then its a prime, 0 if not.
(setf from 1) ;start from 1
(setf count 0) ;should act as counter to check if we have already
; N primes printed
;function so far.
(defun prime-numbers (to)
(if (> count to) nil(progn
(is-prime from from)
(if (= isprime 1) (print from)(setf count (+ count 1)))
(setf isprime 1)
(setf from (+ from 1))
(prime-numbers to)))
(if (>= count to)(setf count 0) (setf from 1)))
;code to check if a number is prime
(defun is-prime(num val)
(if (< num 3) nil
(if (= (mod val (- num 1)) 0) (setf isprime 0))
(is-prime (- num 1) val))))
My problem is, it does not print N primes correctly.
If I call >(prime-numbers 10),
results are:
i.e. it printed only 9 primes correctly.
but then if i call >(prime-numbers 2)
the results are: 1
what am I doing wrong here?? this is my first time to code in LISP.
(defparameter from 1)
(defparameter count 0)
(defun prime-numbers (to)
(if (> count to)nil
(when (is-prime from)
(print from)
(setf count (+ count 1)))
(setf from (+ from 1))
(prime-numbers to)))
(when (>= count to)
(setf count 0)
(setf from 1)))
(defun is-prime (n)
(cond ((= 2 n) t)
((= 3 n) t)
((evenp n) nil)
(loop for i from 3 to (isqrt n) by 2
never (zerop (mod n i))))))
works fine. but outputs a NIL at the end.
First, there's no need to use globals here, at all.
Use true/false return values. That would allow your is-prime function to be something like:
(defun is-prime (n)
(cond ((= 2 n) t) ;; Hard-code "2 is a prime"
((= 3 n) t) ;; Hard-code "3 is a prime"
((evenp n) nil) ;; If we're looking at an even now, it's not a prime
(t ;; If it is divisible by an odd number below its square root, it's not prime
(loop for i from 3 to (isqrt n) by 2
never (zerop (mod n i))))))
That way, the function is not relying on any external state and there's nothing that can confuse anything.
Second, the last 1 you see is (probably) the return value from the function.
To check that, try:
(progn (prime-numbers 10) nil)
Third, re-write your prime-numbers function to not use global variables.
Fourth, never create global variables with setf or setq, use either defvar or defparameter. It's also (mostly, but some disagree) good style to use *earmuffs* on your global (really, "special") variables.
To expand on Vatines answer:
A possible rewrite of the prime-numbers function, using the same algoritm but avoiding globals is
(defun prime-numbers (num &optional (from 2))
(cond ((<= num 0) nil)
((is-prime from) (cons from (prime-numbers (1- num) (1+ from))))
(t (prime-numbers num (1+ from)))))
This function also returns the primes instead of printing them.
The problem with this recursive solution is it consumes stack for each prime found/tested. Thus stack space may be exhausted for large values of num.
A non-recursive variant is
(defun prime-numbers (num &optional (start 2))
(loop for n upfrom start
when (is-prime n)
sum 1 into count
and collect n
until (>= count num)))
