I am using Jenkins stash pull request builder plugin to trigger the Jenkins build whenever a new pull request is opened. But it is triggering the build after some interval automatically. I am not able to find the root cause for the same. Can someone please help me with this?
Usually there is a cron section which indicates interval to start looking for pull requests in stash. check if this interval is according to your need.
I have some problems with getting GitHub Pull Request Builder to work.
While configuring this plugin I used all of the given tests to check:
basic connection to GitHub
permissions to a repository
adding comment to pull-request
updating commit status
All of these things work right, but issuing pullrequest does not trigger the pipeline start. All I was able to get out of Jenkins logs is just an info that pr is being checked...jenkins_logs
Have anyone run into the same trouble? I can't find a solution to this problem.
I need to run a jenkins job when PR is created to my staging branch in github. The jenkins will run some test cases and return the results to github and after that only we can merge the PR to the staging branch.
I'm using GitHub pull request builder plugin in jenkins. But my job in jenkins is not getting triggered when PR is created. The webhook from github is show 200 status and its working to buid a jenkins job for github push.
I followed https://medium.com/#mreigen/integrate-jenkins-builds-into-github-pull-requests-33bc053d6210 steps.
Can anybody help me with This!
Check the Jenkins logs first.
For example, jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin issue 286 mentioned:
It looks like GitHub is sending the wrong kind of events.
The plugin only accepts pull_request and issue_comment events.
GitHub is sending a push event, so I am not sure but you might have configured the webhook using a different plugin?
Check your master config and make sure you are only telling the job triggers to use webhooks. Also, make sure you have checked the box in each job you want that says to build using webhooks.
Issue 603 involved the option "Use github hooks for build triggering", but mention an Hook URL issue.
I have a working Jenkins setup that can pull source code from RTC (Jazz server) and build etc. I can run this Jenkins job on demand or schedule to run at a random interval. However, now I am exploring as to how I can run this job only on detecting a change in the repository (e.g. new change set is delivered). I dont want to use the polling mechanism that Jenkins provide and I want RTC's post commit process to call my Jenkins job remotely.
Please can anyone guide me how I do it? Thank you.,
I am trying to achieve a comment of Jenkins build duration to be posted on the Github Pull request. So Jenkins creates a build job for every PR that is created in the Github repository. After every build is taken place, for the performance profiling, I am trying to post build duration on the PR. Is there a way to achieve that in an easier way?
I am using the Jenkins plugin GitHub Pull Request Builder to run some commands, and then update the status of my Pull Request.
The job is correctly triggering when I update a PR on GitHub, however I cannot get the job to update the status of the build on GitHub.
I have closely replicated the steps outlined in this article: https://medium.com/#mreigen/integrate-jenkins-builds-into-github-pull-requests-33bc053d6210
When I check the System Logs, I see this error: GitHub project property is missing the URL, cannot start ghprb trigger for job
I have entered the URL everywhere I can find to enter it, but so far nothing has worked.
This is my configuraiton for the plugin:
Any help on how to get the job to successfully add a status message to the Pull Request on GitHub would be greatly appreciated!
On the GitHub Pull Request Builder section of the Build Triggers, enabling the checkbox:
Build every pull request automatically without asking enables the Jenkins job to add an update status to GitHub.
You need to enable the github project option and provide your gihub url there.