Where do I configure hapi.js coookie configuration in an electrode server? - walmart-electrode

I'm trying to get cookie info from the req object. I see how to configure a cookie in hapi.js but how do I pass or configure a cookie in electrode-server? Do I need to pass in a "server" configuration or a "connection" configuration in config/default.json?

electrode-server is just a bootstrap layer. Once Hapi server is up and running, electrode-server is pretty much out of the picture.
You get back the Hapi server instance after electrode server returns:
electrodeServer(config).then( server => { } )
In your Hapi route handlers and lifecycle events, you get the request and reply objects, which are the original Hapi objects and all Hapi APIs related to cookies are there.
For example, in your route handler:
function handler(request, reply) {
reply('Hello').state('data', { firstVisit: false }); // set a cookie


Is there any way, how to get the redirect uri?

Let's have a WebAssembly (wasm) originating from .net code.
This wasm uses HttpClient and HttpClientHandler to access a backend API at https://api.uri.
The actual backend API location might change in time (like https://api.uri/version-5), but there is still this fixed endpoint, which provides redirection (3xx response) to the current location (which is in the same domain).
The API allows CORS, meaning it sends e.g. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * headers in the responses.
In the normal (non-wasm) world, one just:
Plainly GETs the https://api.uri with no additional headers (CORS safe).
Retrieve the Location: header (containing e.g. https://api.uri/version-5) from the 3xx response as the final URI.
GETs/POSTs the final URI with additional headers (as needed, e.g. custom, auth, etc.).
Note: In ideal world, the redirection is handled transparently and the first two steps can just be omitted.
Although in the wasm world:
You are not allowed to (let the wasm/browser) send the OPTIONS pre-flight requests to a redirecting endpoint (https://api.uri).
You can't send any non-cors headers, when wanting to prevent pre-flight requests (reason for two stages, plain and full, described above).
You can't see the Location: header value (like https://api.uri/version-5) when trying the manual redirection (HttpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = false), because the response is just artificially crafted with HTTP status code of 0 and ReasonPhrase == "opaqueredirect" - adoption to browser's Fetch API. What a nonsense! #1...
You can't see the auto-followed Location: header value in response.RequestMessage?.RequestUri, when trying the (default) automatic redirection (HttpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = true), because there is still the original URI (https://api.uri) instead of the very expected auto-followed one (https://api.uri/version-5). What a nonsense! #2...
You can't send the full blown request with all the headers and rely on the automatic redirection, because it would trigger pre-flight, which is sill not allowed on redirecting endpoint.
So, the obvious question is:
Is there ANY way, how to handle such simple scenario from the Web Assembly?
(and not crash on CORS)
GET https://api.uri => 3xx, Location: https://api.uri/version-5
GET https://api.uri/version-5, Authorization: Basic BlaBlaBase64= ; Custom: Cool-Value => 200
Note: All this has been discovered within the Uno Platform wasm head, but I believe it applies for any .net wasm.
Note: I also guess "disabled" CORS (on the request side, via Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors) wouldn't help either, as then such request is not allowed to have additional headers/methods, right?

Reactivesearch proxylike backend with cookie authentication

I have a spring backend which i'm accessing my Elastic search cluster through by a proxylike endpoint. The request has to be authorized with a cookie.
I'm currently using searchkit with supports authenticating requests through the withCredentials flag. Is there a similar option for reactivesearch or is there any other solution for authorizing the request with a cookie?
I could add: the backend exposes a swagger client which runs on a different domain than my frontend client. This client "owns" the cookie and thus i cannot read the cookie from my frontend client
You can use the headers prop in ReactiveBase to pass custom headers along with the requests. Link to docs. Since there is no withCredentials you could read the cookies and set in custom headers to verify the requests at the proxy middleware.
customheader: 'abcxyz'
<Component1 .. />
<Component2 .. />
Here is a sample proxy server but its in NodeJS
Okey so it turns out, Reactivesearch uses fetch and fetch wants credentials: 'include' for cookie authentication. This may not be placed in the headers that Reactivesearch supplies and must be placed on the root object for the request.
It's possible to do this by implementing beforeSend on ReactiveBase.
const Base = ({ children }) => {
const onBeforeSend = props => {
return {
credentials: 'include',
return (

How to allow to make my REST API end point be called via ajax as well as http libraries?

I have a main REST web app where I have an endpoint: POST /api/v1/my_endpoint
I want to allow it to be called:
1) via a browser via ajax from my other web apps on different domains
2) from a server side via HTTP client library.
In the case of ajax call - #1 - I'll have to include "Allow-Control-Allow-Origin" and the similar headers to my response to let a browser receive a response.
In the case #2 - I won't need to include those headers.
However, there's no reliable way to distinguish between #1 and #2.
How can I solve that?
On the server, you check for the presence of an Origin header. This header is sent by the browser as part of the CORS protocol. To explain how it works, below is a filter (in other frameworks, this is also known as middleware) used by a Jersey application. Jersey is a Java REST framework. Sorry I don't know Rails. But you should still be able to follow along with this explanation,.
How this filter works is that the ContiainerRequestFilter is called before the backend controller method is called, then the controller method is called, then the ContainerResponseFilter is called. See the commented notes above the methods to see which method are for which.
public class CorsFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
// ******************************************
// implementation for ContainerRequestFilter
// ******************************************
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request) throws IOException {
if (isPreflightRequest(request)) {
private static boolean isPreflightRequest(ContainerRequestContext request) {
return request.getHeaderString("Origin") != null
&& request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("OPTIONS");
// ******************************************
// implementation for ContainerResponseFilter
// ******************************************
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request, ContainerResponseContext response)
throws IOException {
if (request.getHeaderString("Origin") == null) {
if (isPreflightRequest(request)) {
response.getHeaders().add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
"Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, X-CSRF-Token, " +
"Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Date, X-Api-Version, X-File-Name");
response.getHeaders().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
So when the request comes in, the filter checks to see if it is Preflight request. There are two types of cross origin request: a normal one, and preflight. The preflight request occurs before the actual request is made to the server. This is an OPTIONS request where the browser sends some CORS request headers to check with the server to see if the request is allowed. The server should respond back with CORS response headers telling the server that the request is allowed.
So with this filter, is it a preflight request, we abort the request (the controller method will not be called) and then the code execution goes to the ContainerResponseFilter where we set the CORS response headers. You can see in the code, we check the same isPreflightRequest() method.
If the request is not an OPTIONS request, and the Origin header is present, then it is a "normal" cross origin request, in which case, all that is required in in the response headers is Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Notice that if there is no Origin header, then no CORS headers are added. This is basically how you will differentiate from an AJAX client and other HTTP clients. Only AJAX requests will add the Origin header, and this is done automatically by the browser when it detects a cross origin request.
I hope you understand everything I am talking about, even though the code is Java. It think it's pretty straight forward though, even if you have never used Java. The naming or methods and variables should make it easy to follow. If you understand the flow of the code, then you should pretty much understand the flow of the CORS protocol.
As an aside, it doesn't hurt if you add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on all responses, whether it be an AJAX request or an HTTP client request. If you want to be lazy and implement it this way, it won't hurt. It is required for the AJAX client, but not for the HTTP client. But if you include it in the HTTP client, nobody will die. The world will go on business as usual.

Not getting SPRING.SESSION.ID from headers

I'm using spring session and AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer and am trying to create a STOMP Websocket with support for Spring Security and Spring Session. I can't seem to get my session activated. I use webstomp-client to connect (https://github.com/JSteunou/webstomp-client)
AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer creates
public SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor<S> sessionRepositoryInterceptor() {
return new SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor<S>(this.sessionRepository);
I pass as header to both the connect event and every message
SPRING.SESSION.ID:<My session id>
When I check the processing in SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor, I see that it is trying to retrieve the session id through SimpMessageHeaderAccessor that expects the header to contain an object under header key simpSessionAttributes.
Map<String, Object> sessionHeaders = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor
String sessionId = sessionHeaders == null ? null
: (String) sessionHeaders.get(SPRING_SESSION_ID_ATTR_NAME);
All the attributes that SimpMessageHeaderAccessor seems to expect are not present in the stomp client and just seem to belong to a different protocol.
How do I deal with activating a session under Stomp, Spring WebSocket, Spring Security and Spring Session? Or more specifically:
Why does SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor use SimpleHeaderAccessor in stead of StompHeaderAcessor?
What headers do I need to pass from a javascript client to create a session (assuming I received the session id through traditional login)?
I don't know what the issue is but I can explain a few things to help you debug the issue.
Spring supports WebSocket-scoped attributes. Those are attributes that exist for as long as the session exists. The SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor, as a HandshakeInterceptor, hooks into the initial HTTP handshake request and saves the SPRING.SESSION.ID as a WebSocket-scoped attribute. Then after the handshake, when STOMP messages start to flow, it intercepts every incoming message, and retrieves the SPRING.SESSION.ID in the websocket attributes. So I am not sure why you're trying to pass SPRING.SESSION.ID as a header. That's all managed for you as I just explained and associated with the WebSocket session.
As for the question about SimpHeaderAccessor vs StompHeaderAcessor, the former is a more generalized version. It's not wrong to use it as long it gives you enough information. In this case Spring Session doesn't care for STOMP specific details.
I don't understand your second question about what headers need to be passed from a javascript client to create a session. As long as the HTTP handshake is made within the same HTTP session it should just work. There is nothing different here from how you would do any HTTP call.

Request option "withCredentials" - Angular2

I am getting a CORS issue using request to connect to Neo4j in an Angular2 component:
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check. A wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header when the credentials flag is true. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. The credentials mode of an XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute
How do I set withCredentials: false using request (Typescript)? I'm assuming this will fix the problem. But the request ts file does not list withCredentials in its CoreOptions object. Neither does the Neo4j-Typescript package include this in its Typescript definition.
You can do this by extending the BrowserXhr class:
export class CustomBrowserXhr extends BrowserXhr {
constructor() {}
build(): any {
let xhr = super.build();
xhr.withCredentials = false;
return <any>(xhr);
and override the BrowserXhr provider with the extended:
bootstrap(AppComponent, [
provide(BrowserXhr, { useClass: CustomBrowserXhr })
I had the same issue in my Angular2 application.
The problem is that before every request made by the client a preflight request is sent to the server.
This kind of request have a type OPTIONS, and it's duty of the server to send back a preflight response with status 200 and headers set for accepting requests from that client.
This is my solution (with express):
// Domain you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:3000');
// Request methods you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE');
// Request headers you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'YOUR-CUSTOM-HEADERS-HERE');
// Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in requests
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
// Check if Preflight Request
if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') {
else {
// Pass to next layer of middleware
As you can see, i set the headers and then fetch if the request type is OPTIONS. In that case i send back a status 200 and end the response.
In this way, the client will be authorized and you will be also able to set your custom headers in all the requests without worrying about CORS anymore.
If you really want to change withCredentials than you have to provide customized BrowserXhr, see this answer.
