cache_unless still computes the cache key although the condition is true - ruby-on-rails

I have a simple fragement cache :
-cache_unless user_signed_in?, ['show', #question, #question.user.username, #question.user.score, #question.user.avatar_url] do
The page is not being cached when I'm singed in, which is what I want, however, the cache key is still being computed and I can see ActiveRecord queries in my log.
I was expecting that the cache doesn't compute the new cache key if the condition was true.

I had to use simple if else logic :
if user_signed_in?
#render uncached resources


How to set an expiry on a cached Ruby search?

I have a function, which returns a list of ID's, in the Rails caching guide I can see that an expiration can be set on the cached results, but I have implemented my caching somewhat differently.
def provide_book_ids(search_param)
#returned_ids ||= begin
search = search_param, :reload => true)
search.options[:query] = search_str
What is the recomennded way to set a 10 minute cache expiry, when written as above?
def provide_book_ids(search_param)
#returned_ids = Rails.cache.fetch("zendesk_ids", expires_in: 10.minutes) do
search = search_param, :reload => true)
search.options[:query] = search_str
I am assuming this code is part of some request-response cycle and not something else (for example a long running worker or some class that is initialized once in your app. In such a case you wouldn't want to use #returned_ids directly but instead call provide_book_ids to get the value, but from I understand that's not your scenario so provided approach above should work.

Build array of objects from params hash after Transaction block fails, Rails

I have a form where a user can update multiple resources at the same time. The transaction block makes the form atomic: if one validation fails for any of the resources being updated, then none of the resources get updated, and active record rollsback all changes.
When transaction fails, I want to render the form again, display the same input that the user entered along with errors next to each of the error input fields which prevented the transaction from going through.
The transaction block works. What I am having trouble with is building the array of objects from the params log. Each index of the array should contain a hash which holds key/value pairs of all the attributes of a specific resource.
def update_multiple
User.transaction do
params[:users].each do |k, v|
flash[:notice] = "Update Successful"
redirect_to :users and return
#users = []
params[:users].each do |k,v|
#users.push({:id => k}.merge(v)))
flash[:error] = "Errors found"
render :edit_multiple and return
And for good measure, here is what the passed in parameters looks like in the log. This transaction fails because the name attribute must be at least 3 characters long.
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xyz=", "users"=>{"15"=>
{"name"=>"Neil", "age"=>"11"}, "16"=>{"name"=>"z", "age"=>"33"}, "17"=>
{"name"=>"John", "age"=>"99"}}, "commit"=>"Submit Changes"}
Thanks in advance! Any way to write this code better in ruby is much appreciated as well.
Ok, so you're trying to iterate through a list of objects in your params using a for_each and an external iterator, you really don't want to do that. I'd suggest something like this:
params[:users].each do |k,v|
# k is the "key" of each user while v is the values associated with each key
#users.push( => k, v)
# I'm doing this in my head so you might need:
# #users.push({:id => k}.merge(v))
# if you start getting errors about looking for a proper hash or something
# I can't remember how good Rails/Ruby is at recognizing nested hashes
That should produce a new user for each user object passed in using the ID provided and the values associated with each value.

Rails 3 Cache Returning Nil

Using Rails memory cache like this in one controller.
def form_config_cache
Rails.cache.fetch("form_config", :expires_in => 12.hours) do
puts 'Building cache...'
form_config = s3_read_object('form_config.js')
return JSON.parse(form_config)
This is working fine on the controller where it is defined. But when I try to read the value from another controller, it is returning as nil. Can anyone explain what might be going on? Here is how I am trying to read it in another controller.
form_config ='form_config')
Your code doesn't actually ever cache anything: return returns form the whole method, so the bit of fetch that stores values in the cache never executes and there is nothing for your call to read to return.
You could either use next or nothing at all:
def form_config_cache
Rails.cache.fetch("form_config", :expires_in => 12.hours) do
form_config = s3_read_object('form_config.js')

Why this "fragment cache" won't work?

I've just tried to implement caching when it's loading
My code is just like this. However it seems caching is not working.
It looks like it's still sending SQL every time it reloads...
What's wrong?
Then When after the user made or edited "Community" record, I'd like to clear all the stored caches that contains the string "community_index_sort_by_".
config.consider_all_requests_local = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.cache_store = :dalli_store
def index
#key = "community_index_sort_by_" + params[:sort].to_s + "_page_" + params[:page].to_s
if params[:sort] == 'popular'
unless read_fragment(:controller => "communities", :action => "index", :action_suffix => #key)
#communities =[:page]).order("cached_votes_up DESC")
elsif params[:sort] == 'latest'
#communities =[:page]).order("created_at DESC")
I haven't touched in view
The code you've shown only attempts to read from the cache, it never stores anything to it. If you want to populate the cache if no value is found (e.g., on a cache miss) you can use Rails.cache.fetch rather than read_fragment. fetch will return the cached value if one exists. Otherwise, if a block was passed then it will be run when a cache miss occurs and the return value will be stored in the cache. For instance, the relevant part of your code snippet would be something like
#communities = Rails.cache.fetch(["communities", "index", #key]) do[:page]).order("cached_votes_up DESC")
The recommended approach for expiring cached data when an object is modified is to have the cache key include some piece of data that changes whenever the object is modified. This is commonly an updated_at timestamp field, which ActiveRecord will automatically update when the object is saved. The updated_at field also has the advantage of being automatically used as part of the cache key when the object is used directly as part of the cache key (e.g., a cache key of #community would result in a cache key of something like communities/1-20130116113736). This will typically require a small amount of restructuring to ensure that a relevant object is available to be used in the cache key. David Heinemeier Hansson discusses this in more detail. Step 5 in particular is most relevant to what I've mentioned here.

Memcached always miss (rails)

I have a class with this method:
def telecom_info
Rails.cache.fetch("telecom_info_for_#{ref_num}", :expires_in=> 3.hours) do
info =
Telecom::SERVICES.each do |source|
results = TelecomUsage.find(:all,
:joins=>[:telecom_invoice=>{ :person=> :org_person}],
:conditions=>"dotted_ids like '%#{ref_num}%' and telecom_usages.ruby_type = '#{source}'",
:select=>"avg(charge) #{source.upcase}_AVG_CHARGE,
max(charge) #{source.upcase}_MAX_CHARGE,
min(charge) #{source.upcase}_MIN_CHARGE,
sum(charge) #{source.upcase}_CHARGE,
avg(volume) #{source.upcase}_AVG_VOLUME,
max(volume) #{source.upcase}_MAX_VOLUME,
min(volume) #{source.upcase}_MIN_VOLUME,
sum(volume) #{source.upcase}_VOLUME
results = results.first
['charge', 'volume'].each do |source_type|
info["#{source}_#{source_type}".to_sym] = results.send("#{source}_#{source_type}".downcase).to_i
info["#{source}_min_#{source_type}".to_sym] = results.send("#{source}_min_#{source_type}".downcase).to_i
info["#{source}_max_#{source_type}".to_sym] = results.send("#{source}_max_#{source_type}".downcase).to_i
info["#{source}_avg_#{source_type}".to_sym] = results.send("#{source}_avg_#{source_type}".downcase).to_i
return info
As you can see, this is an expensive call, and it is called ALOT for each request so I want to cache it. The problem is that memcached does not seem to work, in the log file, I am getting:
Cache read: telecom_info_for_60000000
Cache miss: telecom_info_for_60000000 ({})
The weird thing is that I know memcached is working since it does cache the results of some other functions I have in another model.
Any suggestions? I am running Rails 2.3.5 on REE 1.8.7
Replace return info with info.
Rails.cache.fetch("telecom_info_for_#{ref_num}", :expires_in=> 3.hours) do
# ...
The return keyword always returns from the current method, which means that info is never returned to your call to Rails.cache.fetch, nor is the rest of that method ever executed. When the last statement simply is info, this is the value that will be given to Rails.cache.fetch, and you will allow the method to finish its duty by storing this value in the cache.
Compare the following:
def my_method
1.upto(3) do |i|
# Calling return immediately causes Ruby to exit the current method.
return i
#=> 1
As a rule of thumb: always omit return unless you really mean to exit the current block and return from the current method.
