WebSphere Liberty excessive startup time - startup

I'm trying to configure IBM WebSphere Liberty server ( so that one of our applications runs there, but, besides the obvious unreliability, the server takes just to much time to start.
This is clear on the log files:
[17-11-2016 15:54:16:231 GMT] 0000001c com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.security.ServletStartedListener I CWWKS9122I: For URL /* in application com.ibm.ws.jmx.connector.server.rest, the following HTTP methods are uncovered, and accessible: HEAD OPTIONS TRACE
[17-11-2016 15:56:18:349 GMT] 0000001b org.jboss.weld.Event I WELD-000411: Observer method [BackedAnnotatedMethod] public org.omnifaces.VetoAnnotatedTypeExtension.processAnnotatedType(#Observes ProcessAnnotatedType<T>) receives events for all annotated types. Consider restricting events using #WithAnnotations or a generic type with bounds.
[17-11-2016 15:56:19:798 GMT] 0000001b com.ibm.ws.ejbcontainer.osgi.internal.EJBRuntimeImpl I CNTR4000I: The ALLPLEXEJBeans-v2.jar EJB module in the ECC application is starting.
As you can see, there are more than 2 minutes separating the first two lines, which is ridiculous, especially considering that it is a very small application.
What can I do to speed this up before giving up on Liberty profile?

CDI is a very useful, cross-cutting technology, but as part of that the CDI engine potentially needs to scan every single class in your application to see what is and isn't a CDI bean and to interpret other annotations, etc.
To improve Liberty startup time by limiting CDI scanning
Two approaches:
1. If you wish to use CDI in some applications, but not in others
Tell CDI to only scan applications that contain a beans.xml file. Disable "implicit" bean archives in Liberty by including this in your server config (server.xml)
<cdi12 enableImplicitBeanArchives="false"/>
See here for a bit more discussion.
2. If you don't wish to use CDI at all, remove the CDI feature from the server config.
As Brett Kail pointed out, if this is the only application in the server and/or you don't want or need CDI at all, you can remove the cdi-1.2 feature altogether from the <featureManager>. As he also pointed out, be aware of features like webProfile-7.0 or javaee-7.0 which include the cdi-1.2 feature.


Logging in vernemq plugin

I am trying to implement logging on connected users in my vernemq client using erlang. From documentation, I found that this could be bad, due to the scalability of the client and the assumption that there might be a lot of clients connecting and disconnecting. This is not my case, I will just have a bunch of clients but a lot of messages. Anyway, to my question. Is it possible to change the log file when using error_logger? Or should I use a different module for logging? Log file can be in any location if it had to, but I need it separated from vernemqs console.log. A followup question would be, can I somehow get a floating window on logs? I don't need to keep logs from previous year and I don't want to manually clean them every day or week or something like that
Thanks for any responses
From OTP21 on, you should use logger instead of error_logger, although the error_logger API is kept for compatibility (it justs uses logger under the hood).
With logger, which you can configure with the system configuration, you can use file backends such as logger_std_h (check the example configurations).
In logger_std_h you can set file rotation.

Which application container is better for Docker container?

Our future architecture is to move towards docker /micro services. Currently we are using JBoss EAP 6.4 (with potential to upgrade to EAP 7) and Tomcat.
According to me JEE container is too heavy (slow, more memory, higher maintenance etc) for microservices environment. However, I was told that EAP 7 is quite fast and light weight and can be used for developing microservices. What is your input in deciding EAP 7 vs Tomcat 8 for docker/microservices? Cost and speed would be consideration.
EAP7 vs Tomcat 8 is an age old question answered multiple times here, here and here.
Tomcat is only a web container where as EAP7 is an application server that provides all Java EE 7 features such as persistence, messaging, web services, security, management, etc. EAP7 comes in two profiles - Web Profile and Full Profile. The Web Profile is much trimmer version and includes only the relevant implementations typically required for building a web application. The Full Profile is, as you'd expect, contains full glory of the platform. So using EAP 7 Web Profile will help you cut down the bloat quite a bit.
With Tomcat, you'll have to use something like Spring to bring the equivalent functionality and package all the relevant JARs with your application.
These discussions are typically helpful when you are starting a brand new project and have both Java EE or Spring resources at hand. Here are the reasons you may consider using EAP7:
You are already using EAP 6.4. Migrating to EAP 7 would be seamless. Using Docker would be just a different style of packaging your applications. All your existing monitoring, clustering, logging would continue to work. If you were to go with Tomcat, then you'll have to learn the Spring way of doing things. If you have time and resources and willing to experiment, you can go that route too. But think about what do you want to gain out of it?
EAP 7 is optimized for container and cloud deployments. Particularly, it is available as a service with OpenShift and so you know it works OOTB.
EAP 7 will give a decent performance boost in terms of latency and throughput over EAP 6.4. Read https://access.redhat.com/articles/2607521 for more details.
You may also consider TomEE. They provide Java EE stack integrated with Tomcat.
Another option, as #Federico recommended, consider using WildFly Swarm. Then you can really start customizing on what parts of the Java EE platform do you want. And your deployment model is using a JAR file.
As for packaging using Docker, they all provide a base image and you need to bundle your application in it. Here are a couple of important considerations for using a Docker image for microservices:
Size of the Docker image: A container may die unexpectedly or orchestration framework may decide to reschedule it on a different host. A bigger image size will take that much more longer to download. This means your perceived startup time of the service would be more for a bigger image. This also means dynamic scaling of the app would take longer to be effective.
Bootup time of the image: After the image is downloaded, the container may startup quickly but how long does it take for the application to be "ready"?
As a personal note, I'm much more familiar with Java EE stack than Tomcat/Spring, and WildFly continues to be favorite application server.
Besides using traditional Application servers, which are not really that heavy, you can taste different flavor of Java EE, called microcontainers.
Java EE is just a set of standards. Standard results in an API specification and everyone is then free to implement the specification. An Application Server (AS) is mainly a fine-tuned collection of this functionality. Those APIs were not brought to life for no reason. These represent functionality commonly used in projects. Application server can be viewed as a "curated set" of those functionalities. This approach has many advantages - AS has many users, therefore it is well tested over time. Wiring the functionality on your own may result in bugs.
Anyhow, a new age has come, where with Docker, the application carries its dependencies with it. The need for a full-blown application server with all the functionality ready to be served to applications is no longer required in many cases. In times past, the application server did not exactly know which services the applications deployed will need. Therefore, everything was bundled in. Some of more innovative AS like WildFly instantiated only the services required. Also, there are Java EE profiles which eased the monolith Application Server a little bit.
Right now, we usually ship the application together with it's dependencies (JDK, libraries, AS) inside a Docker - or we're heading there. Therefore, an effort to bundle exactly the right amount of is a logical choice. But, and it is a "big but", the need for the functionality of the AS is still relevant. It is still good idea to develop common functionality based on standards and common effort. It only no longer seems to be an option to distribute it as one big package, potentially leaving most of the APIs inactive. This effort has many names, be it microcontainers, uberjar creators ...
WildFly Swarm
Payara Micro
Spring Boot*
There are Java EE server so light it is doubtful to use anything else.
* Spring Boot is not based on Java EE and in default configuration present in the Getting Started guide, Tomcat is used internally.
WebSphere Liberty
Apache TomEE
The key point is, your Java EE application should be developed as an independent Java EE application. Wrapping it with "just enough" functionality is delegated onto these micro solutions. This is, at least in my humble opinion, the right way to go. This way, you will retain compatibility with both full-blown AS and micro-solutions. The uber-jar, containing all the dependencies, can be created during or after the build process.
WildFly Swarm or Payara Micro are able to "scan" the application, running only the services required. For a real-world application, the memory footprint in production can be as low as 100 MB - for a real-world application. This is probably what you want. Spring Boot can do similar things, if you require Spring. However, from my experience, Spring Boot is much more heavyweight and memory hungry than modern Java EE, because it obviously has Spring inside, so if you are seeking lightweigtness in terms of memory consumption, try Java EE, especially WildFly Swarm (or pure WildFly) and Payara Micro. Those are my favorite AS and they can be really, really small. I would say WildFly Swarm is much easier to start with, Payara micro requires more reading, but offers interesting functionality. Both can work as a wrapper - you can just wrap your current project with them after the build phase, no need to change anything.
Payara Micro even provides Docker images ready to use ! As you can see, Java EE is mature and ready to enter Docker lands :)
One of the very good and reliable resources is Adam Bien, for example in his Java EE micro/nanoservices video. Have a look.

JMS Connection Pooling with Websphere MQ 7.0 in Java Standalone application

I'll be developing stand-alone Java application being JMS client. I want to make sure that every time I send a message to a queue, I do not have to create session, connection etc.
I was thinking of using CachedConnectionFactory which comes with Apache Camel or using the solution Spring provides. Still, as far as I know the limitation of the former is that it is not suitable for transactions, and of the latter, that it may not behave correctly in case of failover.
On one post (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8922339/how-to-pooling-the-jms-connection-in-a-standalone-java-applications) it was suggested to use Apache commons pool component, but I don't think creating such pool would be a trivial task anyway
Any comments on that?

Monitoring for Commons DBCP?

A huge webapp in my Tomcat sometimes starts using too many DBCP connections, leading to problems.
To investigate, I want to know precisely at each point in time what thread/method is holding a connection of the pool. Does not need to be real-time, post-mortem analysis is OK.
I have been looking for such a DBCP monitoring tool, in vain, so I am about to write mine.
(if there is any interest I can make it open source)
Here is my plan:
Modify PoolingDataSource.getConnection to log "DBCP+1 <thread-id>"
Modify DelegatingConnection.close to log "DBCP-1 <thread-id>"
Write a small script to generate this simple CSV for visualization:
Am I missing some Commons-DBCP 1.4 concept that makes the idea invalid?
Or am I re-inventing the wheel?
There was no such tool, so I created it:
It monitors Commons DBCP usage (using/waiting for connection) and allows one to create such graphs:
I asked whether my assumptions are valid on the Commons DBCP mailing list.

Horizontal scaling of JSF 2.0 application

Given that JavaServer Faces is inherently stateful on the server side, what methods are recommended for horizontally scaling a JSF 2.0 application?
If an application runs multiple JSF servers, I can imagine the following scenarios:
Sticky Sessions: send all requests matching a given session to the same server.
Question: what technology is commonly used to achieve this?
Problem: server failure results in lost sessions... and generally seems like fragile architecture, especially when starting fresh (not trying to scale an existing application)
State (Session) Replication: replicate JSF state on all JSF servers in cluster
Question: what technology is commonly used to achieve this?
Problem: does not scale. total memory of cluster = total memory on smallest server
Instruct JSF (via configuration) to store its state on an external resource (e.g. another server running a very fast in-memory database), then access that resource from the JSF servers when application state is needed?
Question: is this possible?
Instruct JSF (via configuration) to be stateless?
Question: is this possible?
Updated in response to Ravi's suggestion of Sticky Sessions
This can be achieved by configuring your load balancer in sticky session mode.
More info
This way all your subsequent requests are sent to the same application server.
Here's an idea from Jelastic PaaS:
Pair-up application instances in 2-server clusters, and apply session replication between those 2 instances within one cluster. Then you can add as many 2-instance clusters as you want and load balance requests between clusters, with each session sticking to the cluster it originated from. Within cluster, requests could be load balanced between instances.
This way there is some degree of fail safety, since if one instance in cluster fails, the other takes over, with same session state. On the other hand, memory impact is not as severe as with full replication.
In short, it is combination of 1. and 2. from your question. Of course, there can be more than 2 instances in each cluster, if availability is of greater concern.
Link to Jelastic docs I lifted the idea from: http://jelastic.com/docs/session-replication.
Disclaimer: I don't actually know how to configure this with JSF2, and have no affiliation with Jelastic. Just liked the idea and thought it might help.
What about session replication with "buddy" semantics?
With one buddy total memory is halved (every server needs to hold the session data of two servers), which is a lot better than having to hold data of each and every server out there.
Buddy replication also reduces bandwidth overhead.
