if condition in the razor syntax for HTML table- MVC - asp.net-mvc

I have a HTML table with 2 rows and 4 columns. The data in each cell is coming from the stored proc. Currently, the last column displays number, I have an image to display, but it has to be displayed only if(rejected_question>0) else it should not display anything. How do I accomplish this in razor.
I have tried this so far, the below code doesn't work:
#foreach (var item in Model)
//logic for first three columns..
//fourth column here.
<td align="center">
if(#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.RejectedQuestion) >0)
return Html.Raw(string.Format("<text><img height='3' width='3' src="\{0}\" alt="\Image\" /></text>", Url.Content("../../content/images/icon_red_questions_returnedbyreviewer.gif")));

This is what your looking for, probably:
#foreach (var item in Model)
//logic for first three columns..
//fourth column here.
<td align="center">
#if(item.RejectedQuestion > 0)
<img height="3" width="3" alt="Image"
src="#Url.Content("~/content/images/icon_red_questions_returnedbyreviewer.gif")" />

Make the line inside the if statement
#Html.Raw(string.Format("<text><img height='3' width='3' src="\{0}\" alt="\Image\" /></text>", Url.Content("../../content/images/icon_red_questions_returnedbyreviewer.gif")))
to display it. view.Execute() returns void, so you cannot include a return statement.

I tried this and it worked, just in case if someone needs it in future
#if(item.RejectedQuestion > 0)
<img height="20" width="20" alt="Image"
src="#Url.Content("~/content/images/icon_red_questions_returnedbyreviewer.gif")" />


How to obtain a space between two elements in DataTable?

I am printing the data from ViewModel into DataTable in the following way, but how to obtain a space between #item.FirstName and #item.LastName so that the output can be of the form FirstName LastName? At present, I am getting the Name as FirstNameLastName. Ex: MarkStevens. I want to print it as Mark Stevens.
#if(Model.Count() != 0)
<th data-column-id="Name">Name</th>
<h3 style="text-align:center">No Records Found</h3>
#foreach(var item in Model)
#(if (item.UserId != null)
#item.FirstName #item.LastName
You can use #Html.Raw helper which means, you render whatever inside without any html encoding like space or string:
#item.FirstName #Html.Raw(" ") #item.LastName
If you want html, you can also use a simple non-breaking spaces:
#item.FirstName #item.LastName
How about string format the output: $"{#item.FirstName} {#item.LastName}"
use string.Format. i feel this is very clean approach.
string.Format("{0} {1}", #item.FirstName,#item.LastName)

MVC foreach statement

Im new with MVC.
I have a model called UAV.
 Hawk61   37    96    20     10
 BURL14   2047     57     30     15
 OTTO93   82    72    25     10
in cshtml file, i made a table only using Callsign, NumDeliveries, Mileage.
<table class="UAV_table" id="UAV_table">
#foreach (UAV uav in Model.UAVs)
<tr onclick="click_row()">
<td onclick="click_row()">
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uav.Callsign)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uav.NumDeliveries)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uav.Mileage)
 so the table shows all datas for Callsign, NumDeliveries, Mileage.
what i want to do is, when i click the row of the table, i want to see only that correspond information.
#foreach (UAVs uavid in Model.uavs)
<p class="detail_title" id="detail_title">
UAV: # (#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uavid.MaxVelocity))
for example, using above line of code, if i click first row of that table(callsign = Hawk61), i want to see like UAV: # 20 (MaxVelocity for Hawk61). MaxVelocity is not in the table, so i need to get it from database.
But I have problem with showing data. If i use right above code, it has #foreach statement, it shows all the Hawk61, BURL14, OTTO93's MaxVelocity.
it shows me like
UAV:# 20
UAV:# 30
UAV:# 25
I need to see only what i selected. (just shows what i click, in this example, only need to show UAV:# 20 which is first row, Hawk61's MaxVelocity).
is there any way to get the data from database not using foreach statement?
Thank you.
Since the values of MaxVelocityand MinVelocity are populated, you can make use of data- attributes to store the values in the DOM and use jquery to display them. For example
#foreach (UAV uav in Model.UAVs)
<tr class="uavrow" data-maxvelocity="#uav.MaxVelocity" data-minvelocity="#MinVelocity">
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uav.Callsign)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uav.NumDeliveries)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uav.Mileage)</td>
And include some elements to display the associated data when you click on the row
<div><span>Call Sign: </span><span id="callsign"></span>
<div><span>Max Velocity: </span><span id="maxvelocity"></span>
<div><span>Min Velocity: </span><span id="minvelocity"></span>
And the script
$('.uavrow').click(function) {
// Get the call sign for the td element
// Get the velocity from the data attributes
If however the value were not populated, or you have a large number of properties to display, then it may be better to make an ajax call to a method (passing the callsign) which returns a partial view containing the details
<div id="uavdetails"></div>
$('.uavrow').click(function) {
var callSign = $('#callsign').text($(this).children('td').eq(0).text());
var url = '#Url.Action("Details", "YourController")';
$('#uavdetails').load(url, { CallSign: callsign });
public ActionResult Details(string CallSign)
UAV uav = // Get the UAV base on the CallSign value
return PartialView(uav);
Actually you have all data that you need in there.
The only thing that you need is to show proper item by using JavaScript.
You need to add parameter to your function call here:
<tr onclick="click_row('#uav.Callsign')">
And also add css class here:
#foreach (UAVs uavid in Model.uavs)
<p class="detail_title #uavid.Callsign" id="detail_title" style="display=none;">
UAV: # (#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => uavid.MaxVelocity))
And then add a bit of javascript:
function click_row(elClass){
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("detail_title");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.display = 'block';
} else{
x[i].style.display = 'none';

Display columns headers on each page inside a PDF document using ItextSharp in MVC

I've been using this guide to create PDF reporting:
Basically I have a form that once it's submitted, It creates and opens a PDF report
the report is actually a view, for example this one:
#using MvcReportGeneratorDemo.Models
#model CustomerList
<br />
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
`<tr border="1" bgcolor="#777777" color="#ffffff">`
#foreach (Customer customer in Model)
<tr border="1">
I want that each page in the PDF will have columns headers, not just the first one.
tried google but found nothing relevant.
You can use the following code at server side to solve your problem.
using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(html))
foreach (IElement el in iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(sr, null))
if (el is PdfPTable)
((PdfPTable)el).HeaderRows = 1;

Getting index value on razor foreach

I'm iterating a List<T> in a razor foreach loop in my view which renders a partial. In the partial I'm rendering a single record for which I want to have 4 in a row in my view. I have a css class for the two end columns so need to determine in the partial whether the call is the 1st or the 4th record. What is the best way of identifying this in my partial to output the correct code?
This is my main page which contains the loop:
#foreach (var myItem in Model.Members){
//if i = 1
<div class="grid_20">
<!-- Start Row -->
//is there someway to get in for i = 1 to 4 and pass to partial?
#Html.Partial("nameOfPartial", Model)
//if i = 4 then output below and reset i to 1
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- End Row -->
I figure I can create a int that I can update on each pass and render the text no problem here but it's passing the integer value into my partial I'm more concerned about. Unless there's a better way.
Here is my partial:
case 1:
<div class="grid_4 alpha">
case 4:
<div class="grid_4 omega">
<div class="grid_4">
<img src="Content/960-grid/spacer.gif" style="width:130px; height:160px; background-color:#fff; border:10px solid #d3d3d3;" />
Not sure if I'm having a blonde day today and this is frightfully easy but I just can't think of the best way to pass the int value in. Hope someone can help.
#{int i = 0;}
#foreach(var myItem in Model.Members)
//this gets you both the item (myItem.value) and its index (myItem.i)
#foreach (var myItem in Model.Members.Select((value,i) => new {i, value}))
<li>The index is #myItem.i and a value is #myItem.value.Name</li>
More info on my blog post
Or you could simply do this:
#foreach(var myItem in Model.Members)
Take a look at this solution using Linq. His example is similar in that he needed different markup for every 3rd item.
foreach( var myItem in Model.Members.Select(x,i) => new {Member = x, Index = i){
You could also use deconstruction and tuples and try something like this:
#foreach (var (index, member) in #Model.Members.Select((member, i) => (i, member)))
<div>#index - #member.anyProperty</div>
if(index > 0 && index % 4 == 0) { // display clear div every 4 elements
#: <div class="clear"></div>
For more info you can have a look at this link
Is there a reason you're not using CSS selectors to style the first and last elements instead of trying to attach a custom class to them? Instead of styling based on alpha or omega, use first-child and last-child.
IndexOf seems to be useful here.
#foreach (myItemClass ts in Model.ItemList.Where(x => x.Type == "something"))
int currentIndex = Model.ItemList.IndexOf(ts);
All of the above answers require logic in the view. Views should be dumb and contain as little logic as possible. Why not create properties in your view model that correspond to position in the list eg:
public int Position {get; set}
In your view model builder you set the position 1 through 4.
BUT .. there is even a cleaner way. Why not make the CSS class a property of your view model? So instead of the switch statement in your partial, you would just do this:
<div class="#Model.GridCSS">
Move the switch statement to your view model builder and populate the CSS class there.
Very Simple:
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in Model)
<td>#(i = i + 1)</td>`
In case you want to count the references from your model( ie: Client has Address as reference so you wanna count how many address would exists for a client) in a foreach loop at your view such as:
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DtCadastro)
<td style="width:50%">
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DsLembrete)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DtLembrete)
var contador = item.LembreteEnvolvido.Where(w => w.IdLembrete == item.IdLembrete).Count();
<button class="btn-link associado" data-id="#item.IdLembrete" data-path="/LembreteEnvolvido/Index/#item.IdLembrete"><i class="fas fa-search"></i> #contador</button>
<button class="btn-link associar" data-id="#item.IdLembrete" data-path="/LembreteEnvolvido/Create/#item.IdLembrete"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></button>
<td class="text-right">
<button class="btn-link delete" data-id="#item.IdLembrete" data-path="/Lembretes/Delete/#item.IdLembrete">Excluir</button>
do as coded:
#{ var contador = item.LembreteEnvolvido.Where(w => w.IdLembrete == item.IdLembrete).Count();}
and use it like this:
<button class="btn-link associado" data-id="#item.IdLembrete" data-path="/LembreteEnvolvido/Index/#item.IdLembrete"><i class="fas fa-search"></i> #contador</button>
ps: don't forget to add INCLUDE to that reference at you DbContext inside, for example, your Index action controller, in case this is an IEnumerable model.
I prefer to use this extension method:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<(T item, int index)> WithIndex<T>(this IEnumerable<T> self)
=> self.Select((item, index) => (item, index));
#using Project.Shared.Helpers
#foreach (var (item, index) in collection.WithIndex())
Name: #item.Name Index: #index

Showing a dynamic table in GSP where column & data comes at run time

getting two arrays from controller and code is --
Sql db = new Sql(dataSource_wldb1) // Create a new instance of groovy.sql.Sql with the DB of the Grails app
def ivrColumns = []
db.eachRow(ivrColumnsQuery) {
rsRow ->
ivrColumns.add(rsRow.name) }
def ivrResults = []
db.eachRow(mssqlQuery) {rows ->
//print rows
one has all column names & other has all row data.as below-
return render(view:'xref',model:[ivrcolumns:ivrColumns,ivrresults:ivrResults] )
getting data in below format-
[ClientKey, Abbr, ConfigKey, Federal, State, DMA, Internal, Wireless, CRssing, CurfewExemption, CampaignID]
[groovy.sql.GroovyResultSetExtension#12f8d75, groovy.sql.GroovyResultSetE
oovy.sql.GroovyResultSetExtension#12f8d75, groovy.sql.GroovyResultSetExtension#1
roovyResultSetExtension#12f8d75, groovy.sql.GroovyResultSetExtension#12f8d75, gr
tSetExtension#12f8d75, groovy.sql.GroovyResultSetExtension#12f8d75, groovy.sql.G
ion#12f8d75, groovy.sql.GroovyResultSetExtension#12f8d75]
view code is---
<g:if test="${ivrcolumns != null }">
<center>Database Location - WLDB1 <br>DB Name - IVR_GUARDIAN </center><br><br>
<table class="table loadTable" >
<tr bgcolor="#f0f0f0" >
<g:each in="${ivrcolumns}" status="ii" var="columnivr">
<td nowrap>${columnivr}</td>
<g:each in="${ivrresults}" status="jj" var="hed">
<g:each in="${ivrcolumns}" status="kk" var="col">
<td nowrap>${hed.col}</td> ///please suggest how to do it.
now want to show in GSP page .i am able to display the column but having hard time to display data.not getting how the dot will be used to get correct data to each column.
Will appreciate any help.
Assuming that's just a sql result, you can just call ${ hed[ col ] } or ${ hed."$col" }
