I have this code in my viewController
var myArray :Array<Data> = Array<Data>()
for i in 0..<mov.count {
class Data {
var value :CGFloat
var name :String=""
My input of Data is as:
10.5 apple
20.0 lemon
15.2 apple
Once I loop through, I would like return a new array as:
sum(value) group by name
delete last row because no have name
ordered by value
Expected result based on input:
25.7 apple
20.0 lemon
and nothing else
I wrote many rows of code and it is too confused to post it. I'd find easier way, anyone has a idea about this?
First of all Data is reserved in Swift 3, the example uses a struct named Item.
struct Item {
let value : Float
let name : String
Create the data array with your given values
let dataArray = [Item(value:10.5, name:"apple"),
Item(value:20.0, name:"lemon"),
Item(value:15.2, name:"apple"),
Item(value:45, name:"")]
and an array for the result:
var resultArray = [Item]()
Now filter all names which are not empty and make a Set - each name occurs one once in the set:
let allKeys = Set<String>(dataArray.filter({!$0.name.isEmpty}).map{$0.name})
Iterate thru the keys, filter all items in dataArray with the same name, sum up the values and create a new Item with the total value:
for key in allKeys {
let sum = dataArray.filter({$0.name == key}).map({$0.value}).reduce(0, +)
resultArray.append(Item(value:sum, name:key))
Finally sort the result array by value desscending:
resultArray.sorted(by: {$0.value < $1.value})
Introduced in Swift 4 there is a more efficient API to group arrays by a predicate, Dictionary(grouping:by:
var grouped = Dictionary(grouping: dataArray, by:{$0.name})
grouped.removeValue(forKey: "") // remove the items with the empty name
resultArray = grouped.keys.map { (key) -> Item in
let value = grouped[key]!
return Item(value: value.map{$0.value}.reduce(0.0, +), name: key)
}.sorted{$0.value < $1.value}
First of all, you should not name your class Data, since that's the name of a Foundation class. I've used a struct called MyData instead:
struct MyData {
let value: CGFloat
let name: String
let myArray: [MyData] = [MyData(value: 10.5, name: "apple"),
MyData(value: 20.0, name: "lemon"),
MyData(value: 15.2, name: "apple"),
MyData(value: 45, name: "")]
You can use a dictionary to add up the values associated with each name:
var myDictionary = [String: CGFloat]()
for dataItem in myArray {
if dataItem.name.isEmpty {
// ignore entries with empty names
} else if let currentValue = myDictionary[dataItem.name] {
// we have seen this name before, add to its value
myDictionary[dataItem.name] = currentValue + dataItem.value
} else {
// we haven't seen this name, add it to the dictionary
myDictionary[dataItem.name] = dataItem.value
Then you can convert the dictionary back into an array of MyData objects, sort them and print them:
// turn the dictionary back into an array
var resultArray = myDictionary.map { MyData(value: $1, name: $0) }
// sort the array by value
resultArray.sort { $0.value < $1.value }
// print the sorted array
for dataItem in resultArray {
print("\(dataItem.value) \(dataItem.name)")
First change your data class, make string an optional and it becomes a bit easier to handle. So now if there is no name, it's nil. You can keep it as "" if you need to though with some slight changes below.:
class Thing {
let name: String?
let value: Double
init(name: String?, value: Double){
self.name = name
self.value = value
static func + (lhs: Thing, rhs: Thing) -> Thing? {
if rhs.name != lhs.name {
return nil
} else {
return Thing(name: lhs.name, value: lhs.value + rhs.value)
I gave it an operator so they can be added easily. It returns an optional so be careful when using it.
Then lets make a handy extension for arrays full of Things:
extension Array where Element: Thing {
func grouped() -> [Thing] {
var things = [String: Thing]()
for i in self {
if let name = i.name {
things[name] = (things[name] ?? Thing(name: name, value: 0)) + i
return things.map{$0.1}.sorted{$0.value > $1.value}
Give it a quick test:
let t1 = Thing(name: "a", value: 1)
let t2 = Thing(name: "b", value: 2)
let t3 = Thing(name: "a", value: 1)
let t4 = Thing(name: "c", value: 3)
let t5 = Thing(name: "b", value: 2)
let t6 = Thing(name: nil, value: 10)
let bb = [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6]
let c = bb.grouped()
// ("b",4), ("c",3) , ("a",2)
Edit: added an example with nil for name, which is filtered out by the if let in the grouped() function
Could someone point me in the right direction on how to solve this issue, please?
I am creating table cells with the values from the structure below. The cells are created and the data is displayed in the cells by the time they were created which works fine.
The issue is some of the cells have the same name and I have an individual id for each cell from the struc Data but I need the user to know which one of the duplicates was created first within the duplicates. Kind of like a sub-number.
For example: 1:apple -1 , 2:pear -1, 3:apple -2
1(position in all the cell) - Apple (name of the cell) - 1 (value based on how many cells are named apple)
The func idName() I created tells us how many occurrences of a name happens but how could I break this down so the data would display like above?
struct Data {
var id: Int
var name: String
var color: String
var time: TimeInterval
var sessionId: Int
var userId: Int
func idName () {
let idElement = elements //another variable is used to grab the Array
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
var idValue: Int
for id in idElement {
counts[id.name] = (counts[id.name] ?? 0) + 1
for (key, value) in counts {
print("\(key) occurs \(value) time(s)")
"I need the user to know which one of the duplicates was created first."
How a bout adding a date to each item when it is created?
var date: Date = Date()
So you can sort them...
myObjects = myObjects.sorted(by: {
$0.date.compare($1.date) == .orderedDescending
Another way is to add a UUID, this will give you a unique Identifier to reference:
var uuid: UUID = UUID()
var someObjectID = myObject.uuid.uuidString
When an Element (your data struct) is created, you should be checking your array of elements prior to adding one of the same name, if one of the same name exists then you can increment a counter not stored as a property of the struct.
You can use map and Dictionary(_:uniquingKeysWith:).
to return an array of mapped elements (an array of your data structs).
let mappedElements = elements.map($0.name, 1)
then, count duplicates and create a dictionary containing the number of matching items.
let counts = Dictionary(mappedElements, uniquingKeysWith: +)
this will result in ["apple": 3, "pear": 2, "peach": 1] etc.
I Just added nameCounter property in Data which will indicate the occurrence of particular name. Like this -
struct Data1 {
var id: Int
var name: String
var nameCOunter: Int? = 1
init(id: Int, name: String) {
self.id = id
self.name = name
static func addTestData() ->[Data1] {
var arr = [Data1]()
let model = Data1(id: 1, name: "apple")
let model1 = Data1(id: 2, name: "peer")
let model2 = Data1(id: 3, name: "apple")
let model3 = Data1(id: 4, name: "orange")
let model4 = Data1(id: 5, name: "grape")
let model5 = Data1(id: 6, name: "peer")
let model6 = Data1(id: 7, name: "apple")
arr = [model,model1,model2,model3,model4,model5,model6]
return arr
func idName() {
let idElement = Data1.addTestData()
var countedElement = [Data1]()
var nameArr = [String]()
for var dataModel in idElement {
let count = nameArr.filter{$0 == dataModel.name}.count
dataModel.nameCOunter = count
I'v created a struct and I want to populate it with my data.
My struct:
struct CrimeNameSection {
var firstChar: Character
var name: [String]
var detail: [String]
var time: [String]
init(firstLetter: Character, object1: [String], object2: [String], object3: [String]) {
firstChar = firstLetter // First letter of 'name'
name = object1
detail = object2
time = object3
The first value of my struct ('firstChar') should hold the first letter in 'name' to create an alphabetic sections in tableView, the rest ('name','detail','time') should hold the data from my database (three columns: name, detail, time).
My code:
var marrCrimesData : NSMutableArray! // Hold the database
func getSectionsFromData() -> [CrimeNameSection] {
guard marrCrimesData != nil else {
return []
var sectionDictionary = [CrimeNameSection]()
for crime in marrCrimesData {
let crime = crime as! CrimesInfo
let firstChar = CrimeNameSection(firstLetter: crime.name[crime.name.startIndex], object1: [crime.name], object2: [crime.detail], object3: [crime.time])
if var names = firstChar {
sectionDictionary[firstChar] = names
} else {
sectionDictionary[firstChar] = [crime.name]
let sections = sectionDictionary.map { (key, value) in
return CrimeNameSection(firstLetter: key, name: value)
let sortedSections = sections.sorted { $0.firstLetter < $1.firstLetter }
return sortedSections
I get errors all over the place, I need help with storing the data inside my struct and sort it alphabetically.
Thank you all
struct Crime {
let name: String
let detail: String
let time: String
let crimes = [
Crime(name: "Foo", detail: "detail 1", time: "9am"),
Crime(name: "Bar", detail: "detail 2", time: "10am"),
Crime(name: "Baz", detail: "detail 3", time: "11am"),
Crime(name: "Qux", detail: "detail 4", time: "12am")
One approach is to just build an dictionary indexed by the first character and then sort it:
var crimeIndex = [Character: [Crime]]()
for crime in crimes {
if let firstCharacter = crime.name.characters.first {
if crimeIndex[firstCharacter] == nil {
crimeIndex[firstCharacter] = [crime]
} else {
let sortedIndex = crimeIndex.sorted { $0.0 < $1.0 }
The advantage of the above is that we can use the dictionary to efficiently find the section. If you really want to use your custom "name section" structure, I'd first make it to use an array of Crime objects (having disjointed arrays of the properties of a Crime can be fragile, e.g. if you later decide to add sorting of the crimes). So it might look like:
struct CrimeNameSection {
let firstCharacter: Character
var crimes: [Crime]
And because we've lost some of the Dictionary efficiency for finding the index and have manually iterate through looking for the section, and I'll go ahead and do an insertion sort at the time, saving me from having to do a separate sort later:
var crimeSections = [CrimeNameSection]()
for crime in crimes {
if let firstCharacter = crime.name.characters.first {
var hasBeenAdded = false
for (index, crimeIndex) in crimeSections.enumerated() {
if firstCharacter == crimeIndex.firstCharacter { // if we found section, add to it
hasBeenAdded = true
if firstCharacter < crimeIndex.firstCharacter { // if we've passed where the section should have been, insert new section
crimeSections.insert(CrimeNameSection(firstCharacter: firstCharacter, crimes: [crime]), at: index)
hasBeenAdded = true
// if we've gotten to the end and still haven't found section, add new section to end
if !hasBeenAdded {
crimeSections.append(CrimeNameSection(firstCharacter: firstCharacter, crimes: [crime]))
First of all you could not instantiate an Array and map over it like a dictionary
var sectionDictionary = [CrimeNameSection]() // Here you are init an Array
For a dictionary you have also to specify the key, for instance if the key is a string:
var sectionDictionary = [String: CrimeNameSection]() // Dictionary init
But be aware that the key have to be unique so that the dict would work properly.
Another problem here is the constructor in your .map function because you have not created a constructor for your CrimeNameSection that only takes two parameters:
init(firstLetter: Character, object1: [String], object2: [String], object3: [String]) {
firstChar = firstLetter // First letter of 'name'
name = object1
detail = object2
time = object3
// Another constructor with 2 arguments
init(firstLetter: Character, object1: [String]) {
firstChar = firstLetter // First letter of 'name'
name = object1
detail = []()
time = []()
If you don't want to use another constructor then you have to provide default values to object2 and object3 in your initial constructor.
I am working on the project where I have an array for class objects. I want to iterate each object and see if there exist duplicate values in the array then add or sum values into one.
class SomeClass: NSObject {
internal var displays: Int?
internal var id: String?
I have an array of SomeClass, when id is the same then add values of displays into one.
This code should work:
class SomeClass: NSObject {
var displays: Int
var id: String
init(_ id: String, _ displays: Int) {
self.id = id
self.displays = displays
//Example of filtering
let array = [
SomeClass("1", 1),
SomeClass("3", 3),
SomeClass("4", 7),
SomeClass("8", 8),
SomeClass("2", 3),
SomeClass("7", 2),
SomeClass("5", 5),
SomeClass("1", 1),
SomeClass("3", 4),
SomeClass("2", 2),
SomeClass("7", 5),
SomeClass("6", 8)
var resultDictionary: [String : Int] = [:]
for element in array {
let lastDisplays = resultDictionary[element.id] ?? 0 //if object with this id is first time counted, the resultDictionary[element.id] will return nil and then lastDisplays will be equal to 0
resultDictionary[element.id] = lastDisplays + element.displays
var result = resultDictionary.map { SomeClass($0.key, $0.value) }
In the end the result array will contain SomeClass objects with counted displays.
Because dictionary have only unique keys, we can use it for counting displays sum.
Try this approach:
class SomeClass: NSObject {
internal var displays: Int?
internal var id: String?
init(displays: Int?, id: String?) {
self.displays = displays
self.id = id
var array = [
SomeClass(displays: 2, id: "123"),
SomeClass(displays: 3, id: "456"),
SomeClass(displays: 4, id: "123"),
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
for obj in array {
if let id = obj.id, displays = obj.displays {
let prevDisplays = counts[id] ?? 0
counts[id] = prevDisplays + displays
EDIT: If you would like to have more functional version of above, I can only come up with the following:
counts = array.reduce([String: Int]()) { dict, item in
var dict = dict
if let id = item.id, displays = item.displays {
dict.updateValue((dict[id] ?? 0) + displays, forKey: id)
return dict
I have an array of Person's objects:
class Person {
let name:String
let position:Int
and the array is:
let myArray = [p1,p1,p3]
I want to map myArray to be a Dictionary of [position:name] the classic solution is:
var myDictionary = [Int:String]()
for person in myArray {
myDictionary[person.position] = person.name
is there any elegant way by Swift to do that with the functional approach map, flatMap... or other modern Swift style
Since Swift 4 you can do #Tj3n's approach more cleanly and efficiently using the into version of reduce It gets rid of the temporary dictionary and the return value so it is faster and easier to read.
Sample code setup:
struct Person {
let name: String
let position: Int
let myArray = [Person(name:"h", position: 0), Person(name:"b", position:4), Person(name:"c", position:2)]
Into parameter is passed empty dictionary of result type:
let myDict = myArray.reduce(into: [Int: String]()) {
$0[$1.position] = $1.name
Directly returns a dictionary of the type passed in into:
print(myDict) // [2: "c", 0: "h", 4: "b"]
Okay map is not a good example of this, because its just same as looping, you can use reduce instead, it took each of your object to combine and turn into single value:
let myDictionary = myArray.reduce([Int: String]()) { (dict, person) -> [Int: String] in
var dict = dict
dict[person.position] = person.name
return dict
//[2: "b", 3: "c", 1: "a"]
In Swift 4 or higher please use the below answer for clearer syntax.
Since Swift 4 you can do this very easily. There are two new initializers that build a dictionary from a sequence of tuples (pairs of key and value). If the keys are guaranteed to be unique, you can do the following:
let persons = [Person(name: "Franz", position: 1),
Person(name: "Heinz", position: 2),
Person(name: "Hans", position: 3)]
Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: persons.map { ($0.position, $0.name) })
=> [1: "Franz", 2: "Heinz", 3: "Hans"]
This will fail with a runtime error if any key is duplicated. In that case you can use this version:
let persons = [Person(name: "Franz", position: 1),
Person(name: "Heinz", position: 2),
Person(name: "Hans", position: 1)]
Dictionary(persons.map { ($0.position, $0.name) }) { _, last in last }
=> [1: "Hans", 2: "Heinz"]
This behaves as your for loop. If you don't want to "overwrite" values and stick to the first mapping, you can use this:
Dictionary(persons.map { ($0.position, $0.name) }) { first, _ in first }
=> [1: "Franz", 2: "Heinz"]
Swift 4.2 adds a third initializer that groups sequence elements into a dictionary. Dictionary keys are derived by a closure. Elements with the same key are put into an array in the same order as in the sequence. This allows you to achieve similar results as above. For example:
Dictionary(grouping: persons, by: { $0.position }).mapValues { $0.last! }
=> [1: Person(name: "Hans", position: 1), 2: Person(name: "Heinz", position: 2)]
Dictionary(grouping: persons, by: { $0.position }).mapValues { $0.first! }
=> [1: Person(name: "Franz", position: 1), 2: Person(name: "Heinz", position: 2)]
How about a KeyPath based solution?
extension Array {
func dictionary<Key, Value>(withKey key: KeyPath<Element, Key>, value: KeyPath<Element, Value>) -> [Key: Value] {
reduce(into: [:]) { dictionary, element in
let key = element[keyPath: key]
let value = element[keyPath: value]
dictionary[key] = value
This is how you use it:
struct HTTPHeader {
let field: String, value: String
let headers = [
HTTPHeader(field: "Accept", value: "application/json"),
HTTPHeader(field: "User-Agent", value: "Safari")
headers.dictionary(withKey: \.field, value: \.value) // ["Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": "Safari"]
You may write custom initializer for Dictionary type, for example from tuples:
extension Dictionary {
public init(keyValuePairs: [(Key, Value)]) {
for pair in keyValuePairs {
self[pair.0] = pair.1
and then use map for your array of Person:
var myDictionary = Dictionary(keyValuePairs: myArray.map{($0.position, $0.name)})
This is what I have been using
struct Person {
let name:String
let position:Int
let persons = [Person(name: "Franz", position: 1),
Person(name: "Heinz", position: 2),
Person(name: "Hans", position: 3)]
var peopleByPosition = [Int: Person]()
persons.forEach{peopleByPosition[$0.position] = $0}
Would be nice if there was a way to combine the last 2 lines so that peopleByPosition could be a let.
We could make an extension to Array that does that!
extension Array {
func mapToDict<T>(by block: (Element) -> T ) -> [T: Element] where T: Hashable {
var map = [T: Element]()
self.forEach{ map[block($0)] = $0 }
return map
Then we can just do
let peopleByPosition = persons.mapToDict(by: {$0.position})
You can use a reduce function. First I've created a designated initializer for Person class
class Person {
var name:String
var position:Int
init(_ n: String,_ p: Int) {
name = n
position = p
Later, I've initialized an Array of values
let myArray = [Person("Bill",1),
Person("Steve", 2),
Person("Woz", 3)]
And finally, the dictionary variable has the result:
let dictionary = myArray.reduce([Int: Person]()){
(total, person) in
var totalMutable = total
totalMutable.updateValue(person, forKey: total.count)
return totalMutable
Maybe something like this?
myArray.forEach({ myDictionary[$0.position] = $0.name })
extension Array {
func mapToDict<T>(by block: (Element) -> T ) -> [T: Element] where T: Hashable {
var map = [T: Element]()
self.forEach{ map[block($0)] = $0 }
return map
extension Array {
func toDictionary() -> [Int: Element] {
self.enumerated().reduce(into: [Int: Element]()) { $0[$1.offset] = $1.element }
I have 2 arrays:
var identic = [String]()
var linef = [String]()
I've appended them with data. Now for usability purposes my goal is to combine them all into a dictionary with the following structure
FullStack = ["identic 1st value":"linef first value", "identic 2nd value":"linef 2nd value"]
I've been browsing around the net and couldnt find a viable solution to this.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Starting with Xcode 9.0, you can simply do:
var identic = [String]()
var linef = [String]()
// Add data...
let fullStack = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(identic, linef))
If your keys are not guaranteed to be unique, use this instead:
let fullStack =
Dictionary(zip(identic, linef), uniquingKeysWith: { (first, _) in first })
let fullStack =
Dictionary(zip(identic, linef), uniquingKeysWith: { (_, last) in last })
Use enumerated():
var arrayOne: [String] = []
var arrayTwo: [String] = []
var dictionary: [String: String] = [:]
for (index, element) in arrayOne.enumerated() {
dictionary[element] = arrayTwo[index]
The pro approach would be to use an extension:
extension Dictionary {
public init(keys: [Key], values: [Value]) {
precondition(keys.count == values.count)
for (index, key) in keys.enumerate() {
self[key] = values[index]
Edit: enumerate() → enumerated() (Swift 3 → Swift 4)
A slightly different method, which doesn't require the arrays to be of the same length, because the zip function will safely handle that.
extension Dictionary {
init(keys: [Key], values: [Value]) {
for (key, value) in zip(keys, values) {
self[key] = value
If you'd like to be safer and ensure you're picking the smaller array count each time (so that you're not potentially crashing if the second array is smaller than the first), then do something like:
var identic = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
var linef = ["1", "2", "3"]
var Fullstack = [String: String]()
for i in 0..<min(linef.count, identic.count) {
Fullstack[identic[i]] = linef[i]
print(Fullstack) // "[A: 1, B: 2, C: 3]"
This is a generic solution
func dictionaryFromKeysAndValues<K : Hashable, V>(keys:[K], values:[V]) -> Dictionary<K, V>
assert((count(keys) == count(values)), "number of elements odd")
var result = Dictionary<K, V>()
for i in 0..<count(keys) {
result[keys[i]] = values[i]
return result
var identic = ["identic 1st value", "identic 2nd value", "identic 3rd value"]
var linef = ["linef 1st value", "linef 2nd value", "linef 3rd value"]
let mergedDictionary = dictionaryFromKeysAndValues(identic, linef)
Here is a extension that combines some of the previous answers and accepts all Sequences, not only Arrays.
public extension Dictionary {
init<K: Sequence, V: Sequence>(keys: K, values: V) where K.Element == Key, V.Element == Value, K.Element: Hashable {
for (key, value) in zip(keys, values) {
self[key] = value
That extension doesn't require the sequences to be the same lengths. If you want that, here is an extension with assertions.
public extension Dictionary {
init<K: Sequence, V: Sequence>(keys: K, values: V) where K.Element == Key, V.Element == Value, K.Element: Hashable {
var keyIterator = keys.makeIterator()
for value in values {
let key = keyIterator.next()
assert(key != nil, "The value sequence was longer.")
self[key!] = value
assert(keyIterator.next() == nil, "The key sequence was longer.")