ahoy_meta gem don't work - ruby-on-rails

Can anybody please help me how to create a event into ahoy_gem and how the visits will be tracked.
I already follow the documentation provided by the gem developer, but it can't help me how to properly use it.
Please help me.

Firstly check if it track visits,
head to rails console and run Visit.any? if it returns true then it is tracking the visits!
If it doesn't track visits, you can add the code below to application_controller.rb:
after_action :ahoy_track
def ahoy_track
now it will track the visits.
In order to track events you have 2 options:
track events in the server side.
track events in the client side using js.
to track in the server side you should use the:
ahoy.track "Event name", properties: { one: "val", two: "val" }
This will create a record in the db with event named "Event name" with the properties one: "val", two: "val"
to track events in the client side using js:
ahoy.track("Event name", {one: "val"});
tracking in js won't create records in the db, but A POST request is sent to /ahoy/events with (from the documentation) and you will need to handle it there.
another thing: if you want to check events you can access them as Ahoy::Event or from a visit: visit.ahoy_events


Incomprehension about the first example in Rails' Guide for action cable

I am trying to add the User Appearances example (from the Rails' Guide : https://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html#example-1-user-appearances ) in my app but I don't understand this part :
# app/channels/appearance_channel.rb
class AppearanceChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
def unsubscribed
def appear(data)
current_user.appear(on: data['appearing_on'])
def away
If someone has an explanation for the following sentence : "That appear/disappear API could be backed by Redis, a database, or whatever else." (Just above this part of code in the Rails' Guide).
I try several options, as adding a method "appear" in my model User which change on "true" a database value from my model User, but the subscribed definition call current_user.appear and then the appear definition call current_user.appear(with_param) generates a conflict ...
There is probably something I don't understand but I don't see exactly what is it ...
Thank you very much for your answers.
The sentence about "appear/disappear API backing" - means that ActionCable does not care where and how you are storing and handling users statuses - you may store only a flag or more data in database (like last seen chatroom, last seen time etc.), you may store similar data in redis or any other place you like.
(un)subscribed methods are caller by ActionCable itself upon user (dis)connection to that channel(usually this happens on page load and after navigating away/closing - and while page is open in browser it does not necessary mean that user is actually near their device), while appear/away are actions that are called from clientside js via calling perform("action_name_here") on the channel.
Example assumes that clientside code will detect user presence and send updates.

Best way to log all user activities in active admin

I want to log all the activities of the user in active admin including all member action requests. So what is the best method to do that?
There is a gem called public_activity, which is meant to log all activities.
All you have to do, the action you want to track, you need to add something like the following
Activity.create({user_id: current_user.id, action: action_name, data: "if you want to show what changed"})
You also have the option to use papertrail.
There is this other gem called papertrail, with which you can track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. Then I have a custom action for every model I track to see the history changes of the model inside Active Admin.

Implementing Pusher Chat in Rails and React

I'm using this repo to create a chat system between 2 users in a Rails and React project. I've been able to log the user input into the console, and I have created messages_controller and message_threads_controller according to the repo.
However, I'm unable to persist the message to Rails db and then authenticate a user with Pusher before sending it to Pusher. Mainly because the from_uid, to_uid and thread_uid are not present by the time the message is been sent to Rails. Sending the message to rails like this:
sendMessage = (event) => {
const {message} = this.state;
axios.post('/api/v1/messages', {message: message})
.then((response) => {
console.log('send Message')
this.setState({'message': message});
In my routes.rb file I have this
resources :messages
get 'threads/:id', to: 'message_threads#index'
post '/pusher/auth', to: 'pusher#auth'
I'm missing some required parameters, this is the error I get.
Pusher::Error - Bad request: Missing required parameter:
The flow according to this tutorial is that the message needs to be persisted first by the rails database before sending it to Pusher.
My question now is how do I produce the extra parameters (from_uid, thread_uid, to_uid) being used on the React side of the app here, to enable messages to be created?
Also, how do I authenticate the user using Pusher?
According to this Stack Overflow link they are getting from Rails the CSRF value like this - csrf = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'). But I could not implement the same in React.
Answer from the author of the git repo.
The example I created here was pretty bare bones but below are a few bullet points that I hope will explain how you could expand on it.
Add a User model and Thread model to the Rails app
When a User is created, generate a public UID for the user (you can use Ruby's built-in SecureRandom.uuid to generate the id) and save that to the DB. This would become the ID for that user that you would expose in your javascript to allow for communications between users. All users would have a UID.
When a Thread is Created, generated a thread UID this would become the unique id for the conversation taking place
Add a Users_Threads has_and_belongs_to_many relationship so that you can eventually track the users that are subscribed to which threads
When React app loads, use an Ajax request to get a list of the current User's friends (returns list of user details + their uid) and a request to get all threads for current User
So let's say for example a User named Fred clicked on a User named Bob and wanted to send Bob a message but they do not currently have a thread. Fred types the message, clicks Submit and you send an Ajax request containing the message text, from_uid (Fred) and to_uid (Bob) with thread_uid as null (since there is no existing convo and no existing thread).
Your Rails app then receives that requests at a controller and sees that Fred is trying to send Bob a message and the thread ID is null, so the controller create a new thread (with its own UID) and then add two entries to users_threads one for the new thread_uid and bob's uid and another for the new thread_uid and Fred's uid. After that, you'd create a Message with that thread_uid and the participant details.
You'd also probably want users to see that they are part of a new thread without having to reload the page so you'd I think you'd want a Pusher channel subscription just for notifying users of a new thread. So I'd say in the UserThreads model after create a new thread you could send something like Pusher.trigger('threads_channel', user_secret_uid, { thread: new_thread_uid }). You'd also need to make sure in the react app that each user subscribes to the threads_channel for their user_secret_uid. For security, i'd make sure this is a different uid than the messaging otherwise people could subscribe to a list of a different users threads.

Gibbon/Mailchimp API request to create interests inside interest-groupings

I'm using Gibbon, version 2.2.1 for Mailchimp, and I'd like to be able to create an interest inside an interest group. For instance, I have users who are subscribed to a class. My interest group is "Lessons", and an interest inside that interest group would be "Foo Lesson".
I'd like to be able to add the ability to add a new class in my site's CMS, which would make an API request on after_create.
class Lesson < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :create_class_on_mailchimp
def create_class_on_mailchimp
require 'mailchimp_service'
mailchimp = MailchimpService.new(self)
response = mailchimp.create_class
self.interest_id = response.id
class MailchimpService
def initialize(lesson)
#lesson = lesson
def create_class
body: {
name: 'foobar'
I keep getting this error:
Gibbon::MailChimpError:the server responded with status 404 #title="Resource Not Found",
#detail="The requested resource could not be found.",
"type" =>"http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/",
"title" =>"Resource Not Found",
"status" =>404,
"detail" =>"The requested resource could not be found.",
"instance" =>""
\"type\": \"http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/\",
\"title\":\"Resource Not Found\",
\"detail\":\"The requested resource could not be found.\",
What this tells me is that I'm not using the correct resource name? There doesn't seem to be any documentation for this kind of request in Gibbon's limited docs, nor does it seem to be something that Mailchimp goes over. Here is a link to Mailchimp's docs that goes over the requests for interests inside interest-groupings, however, there doesn't seem to be a create option... Just read, edit, and delete. This seems silly to me, as I can imagine people would want to create interests from somewhere other than Mailchimp's dashboard.
I've tried using name, title, and interest_name for the resource name, but none work. I've also tried using REST API calls, but I receive the same response.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this really something that Mailchimp doesn't offer? It'd be a huge bummer if so, since I'll be creating many classes that I want people to be able to subscribe to, and it would be a major pain to have to do this all manually.
I'm pretty sure POST works to create interests, although it does appear to be missing from the documentation. What is probably happening is that either your list ID or interest category ID is incorrect. You might want to try using the API Playground to track down the exact IDs for both of those entities.

Rails 4 — How to populate a user model from JSON API?

Firstly, I am new to rails so sorry if there is anything that I don't understand correctly. I am wondering how can I populate a model with data fetch thru an API.
Context: I am using a OAuth2 authentication with omniauth/devise.
In my User controller client-side (opposite to the provider), I fetched all users who logged in at least once is this "client app" and I want to display them. Obviously, anytime a new user logged in to the client app I don't store all his information in the client database to avoid duplicate. All I am storing is the user_id along with its access token.
Therefore, I was thinking that after fetching all users data I could populate them to a user model before passing it to the view. What would be the best way of doing such a thing?
I was looking into the Named Scope but it is not clear to me how to apply it to my particular scenario. For instance, it would be great to be able to fetch an populate all users in my model using something like this:
# ApiRequest is a container class for HTTParty
get = ApiRequest.new.get_users(User.all) // here "get" is a JSON array of all users data
response = get.parsed_response['users']
User.populate(response).all # would something like this possible? If yes, is Named Scope the appropriate solution?
Thank you very much in advance for you help.
Let's say that response is an array of attribute hashes:
[{'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Dave'}, {'id' => 2, 'name' => 'Bill'}]
You can map this into an array of Users with:
users = response.map{|h| User.new(h)}
If you don't want to touch database, and also want to populate virtual attributes I think the only way is to implement your own populate method:
# The User class
def self.populate(data)
data.map do |user_json|
user = User.find(user_json[:id])
Check the assign_attributes documentation for security advices.
The simpliest way is to use active_resource
P.S. In Rails 4 it's gone to gem https://github.com/rails/activeresource
I don't find a direct way to do it, the shortest solution I can suggest is using the method update:
ids = get.map{ |e| e["id"] }
User.update(ids, get)
