I know it is a very basic question but I want to know why do we calculate the Jacobian matrices in EKF-SLAM, I have tried so hard to understand this, well it won't be that hard but I want to know it. I was wondering if anyone could help me on this.
The Kalman filter operates on linear systems. The steps update two parts in parallel: The state x, and the error covariances P. In a linear system we predict the next x by Fx. It turns out that you can compute the exact covariance of Fx as FPF^T. In a non-linear system, we can update x as f(x), but how do we update P? There are two popular approaches:
In the EKF, we choose a linear approximation of f() at x, and then use the usual method FPF^T.
In the UKF, we build an approximation of the distribution of x with covariance P. The approximation is a set of points called sigma points. Then we propagate those states through our real f(sigma_point) and we measure the resulting distribution's variance.
You are concerned with the EKF (case 1). What is a good linear approximation of a function? If you zoom way in on a curve, it starts to look like a straight line, with a slope that's the derivative of the function at that point. If that sounds strange, look at Taylor series. The multi-variate equivalent is called the Jacobian. So we evaluate the Jacobian of f() at x to give us an F. Now Fx != f(x), but that's okay as long as the changes we're making to x are small (small enough that our approximated F wouldn't change much from before to after).
The main problem with the EKF approximation is that when we use the approximation to update the distributions after the measurement step, it tends to make the resulting covariance P too low. It acts like corrections "work" in a linear way. The actual update will depart slightly from the linear approximation and not be quite as good. These small amounts of overconfidence build up as the KF iterates and have to be offset by adding some fictitious process noise to Q.
I am quite new to Digital Signal Processing. I am trying to implement an anti-cogging algorithm in my PMSM control algorithm. I follow this [documentation].
I collected velocity data according to the angle. And I translated velocity data to the frequency domain with FFT. But last step, Acceleration Based Waveform Analysis, a calculated derivative of FFT outputs with respect to time. Outputs are frequency domain how could I calculate derivative of FFT outputs with respect to time, and why does it do this calculation?
"derivative of FFT outputs with respect to time" doesn't make any sense, so even though the notation used in the paper seems to say just that, I think we can understand it better by reading the text that says "the accelerations are
found by taking the time derivative of the FFT fitted speeds".
That makes perfect sense: The FFT of the velocity array is used to interpolate between samples, providing velocity as a continuous function of position. That continuous function is then differentiated at the appropriate position (j in the paper) to find the acceleration at every position i. I didn't read closely enough to find out how i and j are related.
In implementation, every FFT output for frequency f would be multiplied by fi (that is, the frequency times sqrt(-1), not i the position) to produce the FFT of the acceleration function, and then the FFT basis functions would be evaluated in their continuous form (using Math.sin and Math.cos) to produce an acceleration at any desired point.
I have a explanatory variable x and a response variable y. I am trying to find which power of the feature i should train with. You can ignore the colors for my question. the scatter data is from the sensor and the line plot is the theoretical curve from the lab, which you can also ignore for my question.
For this answer I understand you want to obtain some polynomial curve going through the croissant shaped zone where points are dense.
Also I assume that the independent variable is on the horizontal axis, while the dependent is on the vertical one. Otherwise as you can see from the blue line, there is no functional that could give you this.
Now to select the degree of polynomial you can use stepwise regression.
This is about running the regression with more or less features one at a time (i.e decrease or increase the degree of polynomial in this case), and calculating a score such as AIC, BIC, or even adjusted R2 to assess if it's worth it or not to add or remove this feature.
I have a bunch of gray-scale images decomposed into superpixels. Each superpixel in these images have a label in the rage of [0-1]. You can see one sample of images below.
Here is the challenge: I want the spatially (locally) neighboring superpixels to have consistent labels (close in value).
I'm kind of interested in smoothing local labels but do not want to apply Gaussian smoothing functions or whatever, as some colleagues suggested. I have also heard about Conditional Random Field (CRF). Is it helpful?
Any suggestion would be welcome.
I'm kind of interested in smoothing local labels but do not want to apply Gaussian smoothing functions or whatever, as some colleagues suggested.
And why is that? Why do you not consider helpful advice of your colleagues, which are actually right. Applying smoothing function is the most reasonable way to go.
I have also heard about Conditional Random Field (CRF). Is it helpful?
This also suggests, that you should rather go with collegues advice, as CRF has nothing to do with your problem. CRF is a classifier, sequence classifier to be exact, requiring labeled examples to learn from and has nothing to do with the setting presented.
What are typical approaches?
The exact thing proposed by your collegues, you should define a smoothing function and apply it to your function values (I will not use a term "labels" as it is missleading, you do have values in [0,1], continuous values, "label" denotes categorical variable in machine learning) and its neighbourhood.
Another approach would be to define some optimization problem, where your current assignment of values is one goal, and the second one is "closeness", for example:
Let us assume that you have points with values {(x_i, y_i)}_{i=1}^N and that n(x) returns indices of neighbouring points of x.
Consequently you are trying to find {a_i}_{i=1}^N such that they minimize
SUM_{i=1}^N (y_i - a_i)^2 + C * SUM_{i=1}^N SUM_{j \in n(x_i)} (a_i - a_j)^2
------------------------- - --------------------------------------------
closeness to current constant to closeness to neighbouring values
values weight each part
You can solve the above optimization problem using many techniques, for example through scipy.optimize.minimize module.
I am not sure that your request makes any sense.
Having close label values for nearby superpixels is trivial: take some smooth function of (X, Y), such as constant or affine, taking values in the range [0,1], and assign the function value to the superpixel centered at (X, Y).
You could also take the distance function from any point in the plane.
But this is of no use as it is unrelated to the image content.
I know the form of the softmax regression, but I am curious about why it has such a name? Or just for some historical reasons?
The maximum of two numbers max(x,y) could have sharp corners / steep edges which sometimes is an unwanted property (e.g. if you want to compute gradients).
To soften the edges of max(x,y), one can use a variant with softer edges: the softmax function. It's still a max function at its core (well, to be precise it's an approximation of it) but smoothed out.
If it's still unclear, here's a good read.
Let's say you have a set of scalars xi and you want to calculate a weighted sum of them, giving a weight wi to each xi such that the weights sum up to 1 (like a discrete probability). One way to do it is to set wi=exp(a*xi) for some positive constant a, and then normalize the weights to one. If a=0 you get just a regular sample average. On the other hand, for a very large value of a you get max operator, that is the weighted sum will be just the largest xi. Therefore, varying the value of a gives you a "soft", or a continues way to go from regular averaging to selecting the max. The functional form of this weighted average should look familiar to you if you already know what a SoftMax regression is.
I am having quite a bit of trouble understanding the workings of plane to plane homography. In particular I would like to know how the opencv method works.
Is it like ray tracing? How does a homogeneous coordinate differ from a scale*vector?
Everything I read talks like you already know what they're talking about, so it's hard to grasp!
Googling homography estimation returns this as the first link (at least to me):
http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/wi07/cse252a/homography_estimation/homography_estimation.pdf. And definitely this is a poor description and a lot has been omitted. If you want to learn these concepts reading a good book like Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision would be far better than reading some short articles. Often these short articles have several serious mistakes, so be careful.
In short, a cost function is defined and the parameters (the elements of the homography matrix) that minimize this cost function are the answer we are looking for. A meaningful cost function is geometric, that is, it has a geometric interpretation. For the homography case, we want to find H such that by transforming points from one image to the other the distance between all the points and their correspondences be minimum. This geometric function is nonlinear, that means: 1-an iterative method should be used to solve it, in general, 2-an initial starting point is required for the iterative method. Here, algebraic cost functions enter. These cost functions have no meaningful/geometric interpretation. Often designing them is more of an art, and for a problem usually you can find several algebraic cost functions with different properties. The benefit of algebraic costs is that they lead to linear optimization problems, hence a closed form solution for them exists (that is a one shot /non-iterative method). But the downside is that the found solution is not optimal. Therefore, the general approach is to first optimize an algebraic cost and then use the found solution as starting point for an iterative geometric optimization. Now if you google for these cost functions for homography you will find how usually these are defined.
In case you want to know what method is used in OpenCV simply need to have a look at the code:
This is the algebraic function, DLT, defined in the mentioned book, if you google homography DLT should find some relevant documents. And then here:
An iterative procedure minimizes the geometric cost function.It seems the Gauss-Newton method is implemented:
All the above discussion assumes you have correspondences between two images. If some points are matched to incorrect points in the other image, then you have got outliers, and the results of the mentioned methods would be completely off. Robust (against outliers) methods enter here. OpenCV gives you two options: 1.RANSAC 2.LMeDS. Google is your friend here.
Hope that helps.
To answer your question we need to address 4 different questions:
1. Define homography.
2. See what happens when noise or outliers are present.
3. Find an approximate solution.
4. Refine it.
Homography in a 3x3 matrix that maps 2D points. The mapping is linear in homogeneous coordinates: [x2, y2, 1]’ ~ H * [x1, y1, 1]’, where ‘ means transpose (to write column vectors as rows) and ~ means that the mapping is up to scale. It is easier to see in Cartesian coordinates (multiplying nominator and denominator by the same factor doesn’t change the result)
x2 = (h11*x1 + h12*y1 + h13)/(h31*x1 + h32*y1 + h33)
y2 = (h21*x1 + h22*y1 + h23)/(h31*x1 + h32*y1 + h33)
You can see that in Cartesian coordinates the mapping is non-linear, but for now just keep this in mind.
We can easily solve a former set of linear equations in Homogeneous coordinates using least squares linear algebra methods (see DLT - Direct Linear Transform) but this unfortunately only minimizes an algebraic error in homography parameters. People care more about another kind of error - namely the error that shifts points around in Cartesian coordinate systems. If there is no noise and no outliers two erros can be identical. However the presence of noise requires us to minimize the residuals in Cartesian coordinates (residuals are just squared differences between the left and right sides of Cartesian equations). On top of that, a presence of outliers requires us to use a Robust method such as RANSAC. It selects the best set of inliers and rejects a few outliers to make sure they don’t contaminate our solution.
Since RANSAC finds correct inliers by random trial and error method over many iterations we need a really fast way to compute homography and this would be a linear approximation that minimizes parameters' error (wrong metrics) but otherwise is close enough to the final solution (that minimizes squared point coordinate residuals - a right metrics). We use a linear solution as a guess for further non-linear optimization;
The final step is to use our initial guess (solution of linear system that minimized Homography parameters) in solving non-linear equations (that minimize a sum of squared pixel errors). The reason to use squared residuals instead of their absolute values, for example, is because in Gaussian formula (describes noise) we have a squared exponent exp(x-mu)^2, so (skipping some probability formulas) maximum likelihood solutions requires squared residuals.
In order to perform a non-linear optimization one typically employs a Levenberg-Marquardt method. But in the first approximation one can just use a gradient descent (note that gradient points uphill but we are looking for a minimum thus we go against it, hence a minus sign below). In a nutshell, we go through a set of iterations 1..t..N selecting homography parameters at iteration t as param(t) = param(t-1) - k * gradient, where gradient = d_cost/d_param.
Bonus material: to further minimize the noise in your homography you can try a few tricks: reduce a search space for points (start tracking your points); use different features (lines, conics, etc. that are also transformed by homography but possibly have a higher SNR); reject impossible homographs to speed up RANSAC (e.g. those that correspond to ‘impossible’ point movements); use low pass filter for small changes in Homographies that may be attributed to noise.