PathDelim VS DirectorySeparatorChar - delphi

One can use either
Are there any particular differences, benefits using one over another part from System.IOUtils.TPath is more object oriented interface?

System.SysUtils.PathDelim was introduced in Delphi 6 / Kylix 1, as a means to enable the writing of platform independent code. The introduction of Kylix, the original Delphi Linux compiler, meant that for the first time Delphi code executed on a *nix platform, as well as its original target of Windows.
System.IOUtils.TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar is part of the IOUtils unit that was introduced more recently to support the current wave of cross-platform tooling, which supports MacOS, iOS, Android and will soon encompass Linux once more.
Where you have a choice between System.SysUtils and System.IOUtils, you are generally expected to use the latter. The System.IOUtils is the cross-platform unit for file system support. That said, you commonly would not use DirectorySeparatorChar directly, but instead would use methods like System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine.

TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar is defined in System.IOUtils as
FDirectorySeparatorChar := '\'; // DO NOT LOCALIZE;
// ...
FDirectorySeparatorChar := '/'; // DO NOT LOCALIZE;
// ...
while PathDelim is defined in System.SysUtils as
PathDelim = {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} '\'; {$ELSE} '/'; {$ENDIF}
While the conditionals are slightly different, they would only differ if neither or both of MSWINDOWS and POSIX were defined, which is not the case for any platform. And if there would be such a platform in the future, the declarations would surely be fixed accordingly.
TL;DR: There is no difference, you can use either based on your preference.


How can I detect from code when FastMM4 is used

I want to show a label on a form when FastMM4 is being used ('Uses' in the project file), so that I don't make the mistake of giving the executable to someone who doesn't have FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll installed.
I tried these, but they have are no effect:
{$ifdef FullDebugMode}
LblFastMM4.Visible := true;
{$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting}
LblFastMM4.Visible := true;
How can I detect FastMM4 at runtime?
Note: I don't 'officially' distribute the app with FastMM4. This is just a reminder to myself when I want to give the alpha version to a non-technical user for a quick look. It's annoying if they then bump into the error.
Your {$ifdef}'s don't work because your own code is not including directly, so FastMM's conditionals are not defined in scope of your code. They are only defined in scope of FastMM's code. You can't test for conditionals that are {$define}'d in someone else's unit.
However, you can use {$If Declared(...)} to check for public symbols that are in scope from using another unit. In this case, the interface section of FastMM4.pas declares various symbols under certain conditions, for instance TRegisteredMemoryLeak when EnableMemoryLeakReporting is defined, DebugGetMem when FullDebugMode is defined, etc.
{$if declared(DebugGetMem)}
LblFastMM4.Visible := true;
{$if declared(TRegisteredMemoryLeak)}
LblFastMM4.Visible := true;
A lot of options can be configured for FastMM. In your case the option DoNotInstallIfDLLMissing can be of value. A nice application is available for setting options:
try this:
LblFastMM4.Visible := InitializationCodeHasRun;

How to conditionally compile a newer Indy feature?

I've already found this answer on how to check the Indy version at run-time, and there are multiple different ways. However I'm looking how to use conditionals to check the Indy version at compile-time. There's a feature in newer versions of Indy, and I want my open-source project to use this feature if it's available. But I need to conditionally compile it.
I've found, but this file only contains constants - no version conditionals.
More specifically, the TIdHTTP has a property HTTPOptions which has a new choice hoWantProtocolErrorContent. If this is available, I'd like to use it.
How can I conditionally use this option if it's available?
I think you can get the result you're wanting to achieve using the
{$if declared ...
construct. There is an example of its usage in SysInit.Pas in the rtl:
function GetTlsSize: Integer;
{$IF defined(POSIX) and defined(CPUX86) and (not defined(EXTERNALLINKER))}
// Use assembler code not to include PIC base gain
MOV EAX, offset TlsLast
Result := NativeInt(#TlsLast);
{$IF DECLARED(TlsStart)}
Result := Result - NativeInt(#TlsStart);
As well as the article I mentioned in a comment, $If Declared,
there is also this in the D2009 online help.
$if declared works with methods of classes, e.g.
procedure TMyClass.DoSomething;
{$if declared(TMyClass.Added)} // Added being a procedure of TMyClass

How to work with 0-based strings in a backwards compatible way since Delphi XE5?

I'm trying to convert my current Delphi 7 Win32 code to Delphi XE5 Android with minimal changes, so that my project can be cross-compiled to Win32 from a range of Delphi versions and Android from XE5.
Starting from XE5 there are breaking changes in language aimed at future. One of such changes is zero-based strings.
In older versions with 1-based strings the following code was correct:
function StripColor(aText: string): string;
for I := 1 to Length(aText) do
but now this is obviously not right. Suggested solution is to use:
for I := Low(aText) to High(aText) do
This way XE5 Win32 handles 1-based strings and XE5 Android handles 0-based strings right. However there's a problem - previous Delphi versions (e.g. XE2) output an error on such code:
E2198 Low cannot be applied to a long string
E2198 High cannot be applied to a long string
I have quite a lot of string manipulation code. My question is - how to modify and keep above code to be compileable in Delphi 7 Win32 and Delphi XE5 Android?
P.S. I know I can still disable ZEROBASEDSTRINGS define in XE5, but that is undesired solution since in XE6 this define will probably be gone and all strings will be forced to be 0-based.
If you want to support versions that use one based strings then don't define ZEROBASEDSTRINGS. That's the purpose of that conditional.
There's no indication that I am aware of that the conditional will be removed any time soon. It was introduced in XE3 and has survived two subsequent releases. If Embarcadero remove it, none of their Win32 customers will not upgrade and they will go bust. Embarcadero have a track record of maintaining compatibility. You can still use TP objects and short strings. Expect this conditional to live as long as the desktop compiler does.
In fact, all the evidence points towards the mobile compilers retaining support for one based string indexing. All the utility string functions like Pos use one based indices, and will continue to do so. If Embarcadero really are going to remove support for one based string indexing, they'll be removing Pos too. I don't believe that is likely any time soon.
Taking your question at face value though it is trivial to write functions that return the low and high indices of a string. You just use an IFDEF on the compiler version.
function StrLow(const S: string): Integer; inline;
Result := {$IFDEF XE3UP}low(S){$ELSE}1{$ENDIF}
function StrHigh(const S: string): Integer; inline;
Result := {$IFDEF XE3UP}high(S){$ELSE}Length(S){$ENDIF}
As Remy points out, the above code is no good. That's because ZEROBASEDSTRINGS is local and what counts is its state at the place where such functions would be used. In fact it's just not possible to implement these functions in a meaningful way.
So, I believe that for code that needs to be compiled using legacy compilers, as well as the mobile compilers, you have little choice but to disable. ZEROBASEDSTRINGS.
All of the RTL's pre-existing functions (Pos(), Copy(), etc) are still (and will remain) 1-based for backwards compatibility. 0-based functionality is exposed via the new TStringHelper record helper that was introduced in XE3, which older code will not be using so nothing breaks.
The only real gotchas you have to watch out for are things like hard-coded indexes, such as your loop example. Unfortunately, without access to Low/High(String) in older Delphi versions, the only way to write such code in a portable way is to use IFDEFs, eg:
{$IF CompilerVersion >= 24}
function StripColor(aText: string): string;
for I := {$IFDEF XE3_OR_ABOVE}Low(aText){$ELSE}1{$ENDIF} to {$IFDEF XE3_OR_ABOVE}High(AText){$ELSE}Length(aText){$ENDIF} do
DoSomething(aText, I);
{$IF CompilerVersion >= 24}
function StripColor(aText: string): string;
for I := 1 to Length(aText) do
DoSomething(aText, I{$IFDEF XE3_OR_ABOVE}-(1-Low(AText)){$ENDIF});
Conditional Expressions were introduced in Delphi 6, so if you don't need to support version earlier than Delphi 7, and don't need to support other compilers like FreePascal, then you can omit the {$IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} check.
This is rather a sum up of the two answers:
As pointed out by Remy Lebeau, ZEROBASEDSTRINGS is a per-block conditional. That means that the following code will not work as expected:
s: string = 'test';
function StringLow(const aString: string): Integer; inline; // <-- inline does not help
{$IF CompilerVersion >= 24}
Result := Low(aString); // Delphi XE3 and up can use Low(s)
Result := 1; // Delphi XE2 and below can't use Low(s), but don't have ZEROBASEDSTRINGS either
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Memo1.Lines.Add(Low(s).ToString); // 1
Memo1.Lines.Add(StringLow(s).ToString); // 1
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
Memo1.Lines.Add(Low(s).ToString); // 0
Memo1.Lines.Add(StringLow(s).ToString); // 1 <-- Expected to be 0
There are 2 possible solutions:
A. Every time there's string items access or iteration place an IFDEF around it, which is indeed a lot of clutter for the code, but will work properly irregardless of ZEROBASEDSTRINGS setting around it:
for I := {$IFDEF XE3UP}Low(aText){$ELSE}1{$ENDIF} to {$IFDEF XE3UP}High(aText){$ELSE}Length(aText){$ENDIF} do
B. Since the ZEROBASEDSTRINGS conditional is per-block it never gets spoiled by 3rd party code and if you don't change it in your code you are fine (above StringLow will work fine as long as the caller code has the same ZEROBASEDSTRINGS setting). Note that if target is mobile, you should not apply ZEROBASEDSTRINGS OFF globally in your code since RTL functions (e.g. TStringHelper) will return 0-based results because mobile RTL is compiled with ZEROBASEDSTRINGS ON.
On a side note - One might suggest to write an overloaded versions of Low/High for older versions of Delphi, but then Low(other type) (where type is array of something) stops working. It looks like since Low/High are not usual functions then can not be overloaded that simply.
TL;DR - Use custom StringLow and don't change ZEROBASEDSTRINGS in your code.
How about defining this as an inc file? Put additional ifdefs depending on what Delphi versions you want to support. Since this code is only for versions before the ZBS to make it possible to use Low and High on strings it will not run into the problem with the ZEROBASEDSTRINGS define only being local.
You can include this code locally (as nested routines) then which reduces the risk of colliding with System.Low and System.High.
{$IF CompilerVersion < 24}
function Low(const s: string): Integer; inline;
Result := 1;
function High(const s: string): Integer; inline;
Result := Length(s);
As LU RD told above Low and High functions for string were only introduced in XE3. So how can you use functions in earlier Delphi verions, that are missed? Just the same way as always do - if the function is missed - go and write it!
You should only activate those compatibility additions for Delphi beyond XE3 version, using conditional compilation. One way is described in other answers, using >= comparison. Another usual way would be reusing definitions file.
Then for earlier Delphi versions you would add your own implementations of those, like
function Low(const S: AnsiString): integer; overload;
Pay attention to the overload specifier - it is what would make the trick possible, don't forget it!
You would have to write 4 functions for Delphi 7 till 2007, covering combinations of Low/High fn name and AnsiString/WideString data type.
For Delphi 2009 till XE2 you would have to add two more functions for UnicodeString datatype.
And also mark those function inline for those Delphi versions, that support it (this is where comes handy again.
Hopefully you don't need supprot for UTF8String, but if you do - you know what to do about it now (if compiler would manage to tell it from AnsiString when overloading...)

How can I call ioctl for interface list, or other ioctl stuff, on Free Pascal?

I've been Googling up and down, searching on the Free Pascal Wiki and even on some (obscure) mailing lists and have come completely empty on how to use ioctl() or fpioctl() on Free Pascal.
I have this bug report from Free Pascal's Bugtrack with code that enumerates the network interfaces.
The code does not compile since the libc unit has been deprecated.
A lot of similar questions about libc point to this wiki entry that talks about it's demise.
It does not give you any indication on where the SIOC*IF* stuff has gone.
Does that mean that most of ioctl functionality has gone?
Using find and grep, under /usr/share/fpcsrc/<fpc-version>/, I've been able to track some usage of fpioctl() in relation to terminals with the termios unit. Other stuff uses it but it looks like it's under other OSs.
Apart from that I'm unable to find anything of any use if you want to do something like:
if ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, #ifc)= 0 then begin
So, can anyone from the Free Pascal Community give me a pointer to what's the current situation if one wants to do ioctl calls under Linux?
Does BaseUnix.FpIOCtl meet your use case? Have a look at the BaseUnix documentation. I found an example of using it here (reposted below).
program testrpi;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
I2C_SLAVE = 1795;
buf : packed array [0..1] of char;
c : char;
devPath : string = '/dev/i2c-1';
handle : Cint;
iDevAddr : Cint = $04;
handle := fpopen(devPath,O_RDWR);
fpIOCtl(handle, I2C_SLAVE, pointer(iDevAddr));
writeln('Error initalizing i2c');
while true do begin
write('Enter digit 1-9:');
if (not(c in ['1'..'9'])) then begin
writeln('oops - try again');
buf[0] := chr(ord(c) - ord('0'));
fpwrite(handle, buf, 1);
writeln('Error writing');
end; //try
buf[0] := #99;
fpread(handle, buf, 1);
writeln('Error reading');
end; //try
writeln('buf=', ord(buf[0]));
end; //while
The fpioctl bit has been answer by Mick and the FAQs. As for the constants, as the libc unit faq explains there is no clear cut solution, and thus for the more specialized constants there are no replacements.
OS specific constants should go in OS specific units (linux), and (somewhat) portable ones are usually grouped with the calls of the functionality they are for.
The old libc header was an rough header translation that was cleaned up somewhat, which was manageable for 32-bit Linux only, but unusable for a nix abstraction or even "just" multiplatform Linux. It was therefore abandoned.
In short it is best to either make a simple unit that abstracts the relevant parts or to just define the constants locally.

How to test using conditional defines if the application is Firemonkey one?

I use DUnit. It has an VCL GUITestRunner and a console TextTestRunner.
In an unit used by both Firemonkey and VCL Forms applications I would like to achieve the following:
If Firemonkey app, if target is OS X, and executing on OS X -> TextTestRunner
If Firemonkey app, if target is 32-bit Windows, executing on Windows -> AllocConsole + TextTestRunner
If VCL app -> GUITestRunner
TextTestRunner.RunRegisteredTests; // Case 1
{$IFDEF FIREMONKEY_APP} // Case 2 <--------------- HERE
{$ELSE} // Case 3
Which is the best way to make Case 2 work?
There are no built in conditionals that tell you whether the project's FrameworkType, as specified in the .dproj file, is VCL or FMX. To the very best of my knowledge you cannot switch on that setting in code. Remember also that it is perfectly possible, although certainly not mainstream, to have an application that uses both VCL and FMX. It's really not an either or condition.
So I recommend that you declare your own conditional define that controls whether you use the GUI runner or the text runner.
In fact, you presumably already have some sort of a mechanism to do this. You code names the unit GUITestRunner. So that means it must be in a uses in the same file as the code in the question. How did you conditionally include GUITestRunner in the uses clause?
Note: The same question has been asked on the Embarcadero forums:
use {$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
instead of {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
because {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} is not working correctly in Firemonkey VCL applications.
