RoR SASS loading not working in production? - ruby-on-rails

What would cause this to be the case? I cannot find any relevant information in pretty extensive searching. It works fine in development, but in production it's totally ignored. My personal custom CSS files are working but gem based ones like bootstrap-sass that I load with application.css.scss through import's does NOT work in production mode. I do not see any errors either.


How to tell Rails to not clean some assets in the public folder

The issue here is that I have Bootstrap on production looking for the fonts at:
When in development mode, it looks for these assets in:
So what I did was I added the fonts folder into public and it all worked. I did the same for production. You can guess that I'm now dealing with a rails assets:clean issue that must be running and removing the files, hence not allowing them to appear.
Is there a way to tell Rails to not clean the files in assets/spree/fonts?
I'm assuming you installed the bootstrap files manually?
If you instead use a gem such as the following, then you won't have to worry about these issues:
gem "bootstrap-sass"
Alternatively, you should be installing everything into your vendor directory. As you've found you'll then have issues with any linked assets within these files. The correct fix for this would be to edit the bootstrap source to use the correct asset_path helpers.
Obviously that's quite a bit of maintenance overhead when you get round to doing the next bootstrap update.
I'd take a look at the bootstrap-sass gem, even if you decide not to use it.

Rails 3.2 Deploy to Subdirectory Kind of Working

I am trying to deploy my Rails 3.2 app to a subdirectory, /support, on an Apache server. Consulting the various posts, the only solutions that seem to have helped involve setting up a symbolic link on the server and changing css image references slightly (two dots '..' required before /assets in the css url references--I can't seem to find the post on that one now). I am getting success in deployment to production with Capistrano, but then strangely after awhile something changes, the /support reference breaks and the stylesheets don't load. Any suggestions?
oh no, please don't deploy rails as sub-uri in that way, you are making yourself in trouble.
So far as I see, ( according to this post: ) you created soft links, modified your routes.rb, and changed RAILS.root in environment.rb, and also changed your assets files... all of these make your rails app messed up.
I suggest you use 'passenger' as rails server and checkout this post:, it's quite easier and simplier

rails asset pipeline asset group not precompiling datatables

I started building a rails project that uses jquery-datatables-rails. When I put that into my Gemfile I did NOT put it into the assets group. Everything worked fine in development. When I went to put it into production I re-read the documentation and saw that it should be in the assets group so I moved that line in my Gemfile. Then I performed a rake assets:precompile and then ran rails server -e production.
The datatable doesn't work. In fact, the only way I can make it work is to take that line out of the assets group in my Gemfile and run in development mode. I've read a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about this.
Did I screw anything up by moving the line from outside the assets group into the assets group? I would like to be able to run this in production and I want to have a Gemfile that is consistent with the jquery-datatables-rails documentation.
A while back in response to a different problem that I was having, I moved require twitter/bootstrap above require jquery in app/assets/javascripts/application.js. As a result the javascript wasn't working right. Moving it into the right place solved the problem and inexplicably did not cause the old problem to return.
So the fix is, make sure that jquery is at the top of your application.js file.

Rails with Twitter Bootstrap: still serving an old asset

Going nuts here. I'm developing a rails app, and I'm using the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem in order to include the Twitter Bootstrap styles in my app. This gem generates a file called 'bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less' in app/assets/stylesheets, which I have been using to modify some of the bootstrap variables and include my own CSS overrides.
Everything has been working fine until today. For some reason, the changes I am making to this file today are getting saved to the file, but Rails is still serving the old version of the file! I've searched and found no precompiled versions of the file anywhere (nothing in public/assets)...only the one in assets/stylesheets which I have been modifying. Everything looks fine as far as the directories within the app go, but then when I start the rails server, load the page, and use the element inspector to look at the stylesheets, it's using an old version of 'bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less' with rules that I have deleted. I've turned of the cache in my browser, and tried it in 4 different browsers too, so I'm pretty sure this isn't a result of browser caching.
The rails asset pipeline just seems to serving a version of the file that doesn't exist! Does anybody have any ideas why this might be happening?
Fixed it.
The asset pipeline was storing a cached version in tmp/cache.
I ran rake tmp:clear, which deleted all the files in there, and then rails served the version of *bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less* that I wanted.
Why the cached version suddenly stopped getting updated is beyond me. Arrghhhh!

Rails 3.0 - Turn Compass/SASS off in Production - Stylesheets 404

I am running on Compass on Rails 3.0 on Heroku and its pretty much working fine, but I occasionally have an issue where (some?) stylesheets aren't compiled as fast as the rest of the page so they aren't served (the .css links cause 404's and the page is then displayed unstyled).
Do you guys know of a way to make Compass compile all stylesheets on server start up (in prod) and then not touch them again? That way it'll basically precompile all the necessary stylesheets and there won't be an issue?
Or alternately, would it make more sense to call some script before heroku deploy that compiled all the stylesheets to public/stylesheets, and then turn off Compass in production altogether?
Based on the discussion here:
Using Compass on Heroku: /tmp for stylesheets remotely and locally
I decided that I would rather turn off stylesheet compilation on the server entirely as you suggest as your alternate approach.
I have the following in my app's which is intended to achieve just that.
if (ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development') != 'development'
require 'sass/plugin/rack'
use Sass::Plugin::Rack
Sass::Plugin.options[:never_update] = true
UPDATE: I replaced this approach with the simpler one of adding
Sass::Plugin.options[:never_update] = true
to the very bottom of my production.rb environment file which works a charm on Heroku. As described here:
