Using 'self' on RxSwift closures... What about instance methods as param? - memory

In other stack overflow questions, it was emphasized that the capture [weak self] should be used for closures that aren't owned by the class because self could be nil before the closure completes. An alternative when the closure is owned by the class itself is [unowned self].
My question is do I need to use [unowned self] when the function I pass as a parameter is an instance method of the current class?
import RxSwift
class Person {
var name = "Default name"
class func getPersons() -> Observable<Person> {
// ...
class MyController: UIViewController {
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
// I know this right
func unownedDisplayPeople() {
.subscribeNext { [unowned self ] person in
// But what about this?
func whatAboutThisDisplayPeople() {
// Or this?
func orThisDisplayPeople() {
func displayName(person: Person) {
print("Person name is \(")
If I still need to think about the reference counting when I just pass an instance method, how do I do it? Where do i put the [unowned self]? Or is it considered [unowned self] already when I just pass the instance method?

Unfortunately, passing an instance method to subscribeNext will retain self. To be more generic, storing a reference to an instance method will increase the retain count of the instance.
let instance = ReferenceType()
print(CFGetRetainCount(instance)) // 1
let methodReference = instance.method
print(CFGetRetainCount(instance)) // 2
The only solution here is do what you have done in unownedDisplayPeople.
let instance = ReferenceType()
print(CFGetRetainCount(instance)) // 1
let methodReference = { [unowned instance] in instance.method() }
print(CFGetRetainCount(instance)) // 1


Should we continue explicitly capturing variable as weak in iOS

Suppose we got a chain of closures, like so:
var myOtherVc: UIViewController! // get it somehow
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: { [weak myOtherVc] in
myOtherVc?.present(sthElse, animated: true, completion: { [weak myOtherVc] in // <-- HERE
My question is if we captured variable myOtherVc in the topmost block as weak should we keep being explicit about weak in all the children blocks or is compiler smart enough to tell ARC to not retain?
I guess I need to clarify, what if the block was escaping?
Also, i DO care about delayed deallocation. This is the whole point of using weak for me.
public func doWhatever(_ success: #escaping () -> Void) {
// do whatever
var myOtherVc: UIViewController! // get it somehow
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: { [weak myOtherVc] in
SomeClass.doWhatever({ [weak myOtherVc] in // <-- HERE
myOtherVc?.present(sthElse, animated: true, completion: { [weak myOtherVc] in // <-- and HERE, too
We suppose all closures are escaping, so I made this playground and I conclude that you must capture your variable as weak in the latest closure that is using your variable and it won't infer its reference type from the parent or top closure:
typealias Closure = () -> Void
class A {
var closureA : Closure?
func runClosureA(closure: #escaping Closure) {
self.closureA = closure
func print() {
debugPrint("A is here!")
deinit {
debugPrint("A deinited")
another class which operates on chained closure:
class B {
func runClosureB(closure: #escaping Closure) {
func operate() {
let a : A = A()
runClosureB { [weak a] in
a?.runClosureA { [a] in
deinit {
debugPrint("B deinited")
The code is:
var b: B? = B()
b = nil
It will prints:
// "A is here!"
// "B deinited"
But by changing the operate function to this:
func operate() {
let a : A = A()
runClosureB { [a] in
a.runClosureA { [weak a] in
The result will change to this:
"A is here!"
"A deinited"
"B deinited"
Update: In class A I made a strong reference to the closure as closureA, if you don't create the reference, there is no need to capture self as weak in closures.
In fact, it depends on which closure you are using and the relations between them and if there can be retained cycle so you should consider capturing the right closure as weak.
In your case, with present(_, animated:, completion:), the completion block is non-escaping so if you want to use weak reference you can use it but it is not necessary to use.
Non-escaping closures do not require [weak self] unless you care about delayed deallocation
Please check the article about weak, unowned references in nested closures.
I made a small test in the playground that shows me that the compiler is indeed quite smart and tells ARC not to retain.
class WeakThingy {
var variable: Int
init(variable: Int) {
self.variable = variable
deinit {
print("deinit WeakThingy")
class ClosureTest {
var maybeNil: WeakThingy
init(maybeNil: WeakThingy) {
self.maybeNil = maybeNil
deinit {
print("deinit ClosureTest")
func bien() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) { [weak maybeNil] in
print("first \(String(describing: maybeNil))")
maybeNil?.variable = 12
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 4) {
print("second \(String(describing: maybeNil))")
maybeNil?.variable = 12
var closureTest:ClosureTest? = ClosureTest(maybeNil: WeakThingy(variable: 12))
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
closureTest = nil
What's printed is the following
first Optional(__lldb_expr_34.WeakThingy)
deinit ClosureTest
deinit WeakThingy
second nil
What happen here is that I pass maybeNil in the first closure as weak, but not in the second. Then I make it nil before the second closure gets executed. We can see in the output that it is well deallocated before entering the second closure.

Holding a Strong ref to local object that uses closure [Swift]

I have a question regarding holding a Strong ref to local object that uses closure.
I have the following code, which object B uses a method with closure of a local object of type A.
The method in object A, uses async action to perform some network task and then return the closure to object b.
Since object A is local in a method in B and since i'm using [weak self] in the the object A async task (to prevent retain cycle), the object gets released.
What should i change in the following code in order to ensure the local A object will get released only when the closure is done?
This is part of the important code:
class A {
var restAPI: RestAPI?
func fetchNews(completion: (_ json: [String:Any])->()) {
// .....
self.restAPI.fetch(url: url, results: { [weak self] (json) in //
// .....
class B {
// ....
// ... call to updateNews()
func updateNews() {
let aFetcher: A()
aFetcher.fetchNews(completion : {
// <<<< // aFetcher gets released and closue never called
// parse...
You declare aFetcher as a let in the scope of func updateNews()
When the scope of updateNews() reaches its end aFetcher will be released.
Your have [weak self] in your internal fetch function.
On this stage aFetcher will be released because updateNews() finish its executing and there are no strong references to this object.
You just need to add variable aFetcher to class B to ensure you have strong reference to aFetcher.
class B {
// MARK: - Vars
private let aFetcher = A()
// MARK: - Public
func updateNews() {
aFetcher.fetchNews(completion : {
// parse...
You need a strong reference on the top level of the class.
However not to keep the reference permanently and to retain and release it reliably add a optional stored property in class B and set it to nil in the completion closure:
class B {
var fetcher : A?
// MARK: - Public
func updateNews() {
fetcher = A()
fetcher!.fetchNews(completion : { [unowned self] in
// parse...
self.fetcher = nil

Closure recursion and retain cycles

My closure retains itself. It causes capturing all other objects inside. I can pass such objects using weak reference, but it doesn't solve the problem of retain cycle. What's the right way to do recursion with closures without retain cycles?
class Foo {
var s = "Bar"
deinit {
print("deinit") // Won't be executed!
class TestVC: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let foo = Foo() // Weak works, but not the right solution.
var closure: () -> Void = { return }
closure = {
if true {
} else {
You have an unusual setup where your closure retains itself. Note that Swift doesn't allow you to create a weak reference to a closure.
To break the retain cycle, set closure to { } in the base case of the recursion. Here's a test macOS command-line program:
func test() {
var closure: ((Int) -> ()) = { _ in }
closure = { i in
if i < 10 {
closure(i + 1)
} else {
// Comment out this line for unbounded memory consumption.
closure = { _ in }
while true {
If you run this, its memory consumption is flat.
If you comment out the line in the base case that resets closure, its memory consumption grows without bound.
Your closure is holding foo instance reference.
foo will be released as soon as the closure is released.
closure is calling itself. If we pass weak self inside closure then that should be fine. OR by resetting closure
below code should work fine.
var closure: () -> Void = { return }
override func viewDidLoad() {
let foo = Foo()
closure = { [weak self] in
if true {
} else {
OR initialize foo inside closure
override func viewDidLoad() {
var closure: () -> Void = { return }
closure = { [weak self] in
let foo = Foo()
if true {
} else {
Turn your closure into a nested function:
class Foo {
var s = "Bar"
deinit {
class TestVC: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let foo = Foo()
func nestedFunction() {
if true {
} else {
In Swift nested functions can refer to themselves synchronously (recursive functions) or asynchronously (typically for asynchronous iteration), can do so without any reference cycle, and can capture variables just as well as closures do. You can even have mutually recursive nested functions.
You could instead reset the closure-containing variable to a dummy closure once done, I am not saying this does not work, but this is very error-prone, especially when the closure calls itself asynchronously: the reset has to be done asynchronously as well in that case. Better have the lack of a reference cycle be ensured statically, as can be done most everywhere else in Swift.
(The concept used to have a bad rap due to an implementation in the C language by gcc that introduced security holes as a result of attempting to squeeze a closure reference into a C function pointer i.e. a code address, but Swift nested functions have nothing to do with that)

How to prevent leak in closure swift3

I have successfully implemented a closure in class to get filtered contacts from my phonebook but when I call this closure it creates a leak, I tested it in Xcode instrument tool.
See my implementation,
class CR: NSObject {
func GetAllSBUser(handler:#escaping (Array<SBUserModel>?, Error?) -> ()) {
CRBlock = handler
if self.AllUSersModels.count>0 {
self.CRBlock(self.AllUSersModels, nil)
} else {
self.CRBlock(nil, err)
I use this method in another class, see my implementation.
I also have a global instance in my app delegate like this
let app = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
class friendsVC: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
super.viewDidLoad() { (SBfriendsUIDs, error) in
if error == nil{
// Do something with list
} else{ self.friendsCountLbl.text = "Friends \(0)" }
In class friendsVC, this method produces a leak. How can I remove it?
Should I use [unowned self] or weak? [unowned self] or weak may create a crash in some special cases of retain cycle.
Please suggest me, how to fix it.
You need to use weak modifier for closures where your will be using self { [weak self] (SBfriendsUIDs, error) in
if error == nil{
// Do something with list
} else{ self?.friendsCountLbl.text = "Friends \(0)" }
As conveyed by #Reinier use the below code like below. { [weak self] (SBfriendsUIDs, error) in
if error == nil{
// Do something with list
} else{ self?.friendsCountLbl.text = "Friends \(0)" }
IMP:- Also implementation inside CRBlock func should be inside #autoreleasepool{
//Implementation of CRBlock func

How to Correctly handle Weak Self in Swift Blocks with Arguments

In my TextViewTableViewCell, I have a variable to keep track of a block and a configure method where the block is passed in and assigned.
Here is my TextViewTableViewCell class:
// TextViewTableViewCell.swift
import UIKit
class TextViewTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, UITextViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet var textView : UITextView
var onTextViewEditClosure : ((text : String) -> Void)?
func configure(#text: String?, onTextEdit : ((text : String) -> Void)) {
onTextViewEditClosure = onTextEdit
textView.delegate = self
textView.text = text
// #pragma mark - Text View Delegate
func textViewDidEndEditing(textView: UITextView!) {
if onTextViewEditClosure {
onTextViewEditClosure!(text: textView.text)
When I use the configure method in my cellForRowAtIndexPath method, how do I properly use weak self in the block that I pass in.
Here is what I have without the weak self:
let myCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(textViewCellIdenfitier) as TextViewTableViewCell
myCell.configure(text: body, onTextEdit: {(text: String) in
self.body = text
cell = bodyCell
UPDATE: I got the following to work using [weak self]:
let myCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(textViewCellIdenfitier) as TextViewTableViewCell
myCell.configure(text: body, onTextEdit: {[weak self] (text: String) in
if let strongSelf = self {
strongSelf.body = text
cell = myCell
When I do [unowned self] instead of [weak self] and take out the if statement, the app crashes. Any ideas on how this should work with [unowned self]?
If self could be nil in the closure use [weak self].
If self will never be nil in the closure use [unowned self].
If it's crashing when you use [unowned self] I would guess that self is nil at some point in that closure, which is why you had to go with [weak self] instead.
I really liked the whole section from the manual on using strong, weak, and unowned in closures:
Note: I used the term closure instead of block which is the newer Swift term:
Difference between block (Objective C) and closure (Swift) in ios
**EDITED for Swift 4.2:
As #Koen commented, swift 4.2 allows:
guard let self = self else {
return // Could not get a strong reference for self :`(
// Now self is a strong reference
P.S.: Since I am having some up-votes, I would like to recommend the reading about escaping closures.
EDITED: As #tim-vermeulen has commented, Chris Lattner said on Fri Jan 22 19:51:29 CST 2016, this trick should not be used on self, so please don't use it. Check the non escaping closures info and the capture list answer from #gbk.**
For those who use [weak self] in capture list, note that self could be nil, so the first thing I do is check that with a guard statement
guard let `self` = self else {
If you are wondering what the quote marks are around self is a pro trick to use self inside the closure without needing to change the name to this, weakSelf or whatever.
EDIT: Reference to an updated solution by LightMan
See LightMan's solution. Until now I was using:
input.action = { [weak self] value in
guard let this = self else { return }
this.someCall(value) // 'this' isn't nil
input.action = { [weak self] value in
self?.someCall(value) // call is done if self isn't nil
Usually you don't need to specify the parameter type if it's inferred.
You can omit the parameter altogether if there is none or if you refer to it as $0 in the closure:
input.action = { [weak self] in
self?.someCall($0) // call is done if self isn't nil
Just for completeness; if you're passing the closure to a function and the parameter is not #escaping, you don't need a weak self:
[1,2,3,4,5].forEach { self.someCall($0) }
Put [unowned self] before (text: String)... in your closure. This is called a capture list and places ownership instructions on symbols captured in the closure.
Use Capture list
Defining a Capture List
Each item in a capture list is a pairing of the weak or unowned
keyword with a reference to a class instance (such as self) or a
variable initialized with some value (such as delegate =
self.delegate!). These pairings are written within a pair of square
braces, separated by commas.
Place the capture list before a closure’s parameter list and return
type if they are provided:
lazy var someClosure: (Int, String) -> String = {
[unowned self, weak delegate = self.delegate!] (index: Int, stringToProcess: String) -> String in
// closure body goes here
If a closure does not specify a parameter list or return type because
they can be inferred from
context, place the capture list at the very start of the closure,
followed by the in keyword:
lazy var someClosure: Void -> String = {
[unowned self, weak delegate = self.delegate!] in
// closure body goes here
additional explanations
As of swift 4.2 🔸 we can do:
_ = { [weak self] value in
guard let self = self else { return }
print(self) //👈 will never be nil
Swift 4.2
let closure = { [weak self] (_ parameter:Int) in
guard let self = self else { return }
You can use [weak self] or [unowned self] in the capture list prior to your parameters of the block. The capture list is optional syntax.
[unowned self] works good here because the cell will never be nil. Otherwise you can use [weak self]
From Swift 5.3, you do not have to unwrap self in closure if you pass [self] before in in closure.
Refer someFunctionWithEscapingClosure { [self] in x = 100 } in this swift doc
If you are crashing than you probably need [weak self]
My guess is that the block you are creating is somehow still wired up.
Create a prepareForReuse and try clearing the onTextViewEditClosure block inside that.
func prepareForResuse() {
onTextViewEditClosure = nil
textView.delegate = nil
See if that prevents the crash. (It's just a guess).
[Closure and strong reference cycles]
As you know Swift's closure can capture the instance. It means that you are able to use self inside a closure. Especially escaping closure[About] can create a strong reference cycle[About]. By the way you have to explicitly use self inside escaping closure.
Swift closure has Capture List feature which allows you to avoid such situation and break a reference cycle because do not have a strong reference to captured instance. Capture List element is a pair of weak/unowned and a reference to class or variable.
For example
class A {
private var completionHandler: (() -> Void)!
private var completionHandler2: ((String) -> Bool)!
func nonescapingClosure(completionHandler: () -> Void) {
print("Hello World")
func escapingClosure(completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.completionHandler = completionHandler
func escapingClosureWithPArameter(completionHandler: #escaping (String) -> Bool) {
self.completionHandler2 = completionHandler
class B {
var variable = "Var"
func foo() {
let a = A()
a.nonescapingClosure {
variable = "nonescapingClosure"
//strong reference cycle
a.escapingClosure {
self.variable = "escapingClosure"
//Capture List - [weak self]
a.escapingClosure {[weak self] in
self?.variable = "escapingClosure"
//Capture List - [unowned self]
a.escapingClosure {[unowned self] in
self.variable = "escapingClosure"
a.escapingClosureWithPArameter { [weak self] (str) -> Bool in
self?.variable = "escapingClosureWithPArameter"
return true
weak - more preferable, use it when it is possible
unowned - use it when you are sure that lifetime of instance owner is bigger than closure
[weak vs unowned]
