Register classes with primitive dependencies in ASP NET Core -

I got baffled on how can i resolve connection string dependency on UserRepo once it is injected on an mvc controller by ASP NET Core's DI? Note that my repo is targeting NET 4.6. and uses either sql db with dapper orm. Tips and advice will do.
Heres the code.
Interface to be depended
public interface IUserRepo
List<User> GetAll();
Concrete class that will be injected to mvc controller and has its own dependency
public class UserRepo: IUserRepo
private string connectionString = "";
//Depends on a connectionstring
public UserRepo(string connectionString)
this.connectionString = connectionString;
public List<User> GetAll()
//create an sqlconnection using provided connectionstring
//return list from db...
on ASP MVC CORE's startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//inject UserRepo , how to resolve UserRepo's dependency?
services.AddScoped<IUserRepo, UserRepo>();

You should use the AddScoped overload that accepts a delegate:
services.AddScoped<IAccountRepo>(c => new AccountRepo("constr"));

I suggest you using configuration based on ASP.NET Core documentation
If you have configuration setting (appsettings.json) like this:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=aspnet-WebApplication1-26e8893e-d7c0-4fc6-8aab-29b59971d622;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
And your Startup.cs:
private readonly IConfigurationRoot _configuration;
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
_configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.json", optional:false, reloadOnChange:true)
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IConfiguration>(provider => _configuration);
Then you can resolve it on the UserRepo easily:
public class UserRepo: IUserRepo
private readonly string connectionString;
public UserRepo(IConfiguration configuration)
this.connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");;
public List<User> GetAll()
//create an sqlconnection using provided connectionstring
//return list from db...


Creating an OrmLite repository base class for ASP.NET

I'm trying to create a general base class that I can use in my whole project. I've written some code but still getting a NULL instance on my DbConnectionFactory.
I've create a ASP.Net web api project and added the AppHost file. I'm using Funq together with Simple Injector to Injector my custom services into the Api Controllers.
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("Erp", typeof(AppHostService).Assembly)
public override void Configure(Container container)
// init
var simpleInjectorContainer = new SimpleInjector.Container();
var erpConnection = ConnectionStrings.ErpLocal;
var isLocal = HelperTools.IsLocalPath();
// check
if (isLocal)
erpConnection = ConnectionStrings.ErpOnline;
// mvc
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new FunqControllerFactory(container));
// register funq services
container.Register<IErpDbConnectionFactory>(c => new ErpDbConnectionFactory(erpConnectionString));
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<CategoryService, ICategoryService>();
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<ManufacturerService, IManufacturerService >();
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<ProductService, IProductService>();
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<ProductAttributeService, IProductAttributeService>();
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<SpecificationAttributeService, ISpecificationAttributeService>();
// simple injector services
SimpleInjectorInitializer.Initialize(simpleInjectorContainer, isLocal);
// register SimpleInjector IoC container, so ServiceStack can use it
container.Adapter = new SimpleInjectorIocAdapter(simpleInjectorContainer);
Base Class I'm trying to use
public abstract class ApiOrmLiteController : ApiController
IDbConnection _erpDb;
public virtual IErpDbConnectionFactory ErpDbConnectionFactory { get; set; }
public virtual IDbConnection ErpDb => _erpDb ?? (_erpDb = ErpDbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection());
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
Web Api Controller
public class ShippingController : ApiOrmLiteController
#region Fields
private readonly IOrderService _orderService;
private readonly IAddressService _addressService;
private readonly ICustomerService _customerService;
private readonly IPdfService _pdfService;
private readonly IMessageService _messageService;
private readonly ITranslationService _translationService;
#endregion Fields
#region Ctor
public ShippingController(IOrderService orderService, IAddressService addressService, ICustomerService customerService, IPdfService pdfService, IMessageService messageService, ITranslationService translationService)
_orderService = orderService;
_addressService = addressService;
_customerService = customerService;
_pdfService = pdfService;
_messageService = messageService;
_translationService = translationService;
#endregion Ctor
public void Test()
var products = ErpDb.Select<Category>();
You may need to use constructor injection for Web API or MVC controllers, alternatively you can access dependencies in ServiceStack's IOC via HostContext.TryResolve<T>, e.g:
public virtual IDbConnection ErpDb => _erpDb ??
(_erpDb = HostContext.TryResolve<IErpDbConnectionFactory>().OpenDbConnection());

Using Microsoft.Extension.DependencyInjection in Web Api2

I am trying to implement Asp.Net webApi project which is depending on a third-party framework that does a lot of stuff with HttpContext.Current which does not exists in Core. That is why I could not create Core Web Application targeting .net full framework.
So I created old-school Web Application project with WebApi extension.
Now I am trying to use Microsoft.Extension.DependencyInjection framework with it.
I found this example for Asp.Net Mvc4 but my project is WebApi. That approach did not work. Can anyone provide link or code snippet for me to move forward?
P.S: When providing an example, please make sure it should not use OWIN framework. Because when I tried to use OWIN pipeline, the third-party library(closed source) is not working properly.
I also found that example a while ago, i make it work perfect both in
Asp.Net Mvc4 and WebApi2 project.
Use some IoC container (eg. Unity, Autofac) for WebApi project, the most important thing is implementing the interface IDependencyResolver to make your own dependency resolver.
Hers's my code snippet for WebApi project.
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// using Microsoft.Extension.DependencyInjection here.
public class Startup
public static void Bootstrapper(HttpConfiguration config)
var provider = Configuration();
var resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver(provider);
config.DependencyResolver = resolver;
private static IServiceProvider Configuration()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
.Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
.Where(t => typeof(IHttpController).IsAssignableFrom(t)
|| t.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
return serviceProvider;
public class DefaultDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private IServiceScope serviceScope;
protected IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; set; }
public DefaultDependencyResolver(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this.ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return this.ServiceProvider.GetService(serviceType);
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return this.ServiceProvider.GetServices(serviceType);
public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
serviceScope = this.ServiceProvider.CreateScope();
return new DefaultDependencyResolver(serviceScope.ServiceProvider);
public void Dispose()
// you can implement this interface just when you use .net core 2.0
// this.ServiceProvider.Dispose();
//need to dispose the scope otherwise
//you'll get a memory leak
public static class ServiceProviderExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddControllersAsServices(this IServiceCollection services,
IEnumerable<Type> controllerTypes)
foreach (var type in controllerTypes)
return services;

Unable to resolve service for type 'Core.Data.CoreContext' while attempting to activate 'Core.Data.Repositories.UnitOfWork'

I have part of WebAPI application that I want to move to separate project as class library.
It is common base structure that almost every app has so idea is to make it easy shareable.
Application type is:
ASP.NET Core Web Application / .NET Framework - ASP.NET Core 2.0 / Web API
What I have done in that direction is created a project named Core and moved those shared elements there, including Base Entities (e.g. User, Settings, etc), CoreContext, UnitOfWork, Generic Repository, BaseRepositories,...
In the Main project of app there are others Entities, AppContext that inherits CoreContext, more Repositories, and all Controllers, ...
I was able to build the app but when starting it get the following error:
InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'Core.Data.CoreContext' while attempting to activate 'Core.Data.Repositories.UnitOfWork'.
serviceType, Type implementationType, ISet callSiteChain,
ParameterInfo[] parameters, bool throwIfCallSiteNotFound)...
Problem seems to be that UnitOfWork class is in Core project and in Main project is Startup.cs with method ConfigureServices that has services.AddTransient<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();.
Is this a bug or am I just not configuring it correctly and how could it be achieved, if possible at all?
*Further technical details:
NetCore & EF Core version: 2.0
Database Provider: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
IDE: Visual Studio 2017 15.3
Operating system: Windows 10
UPDATE: Code Sample
namespace Main
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
var conn = Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
services.AddDbContext<AppContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(conn));
namespace Main.Data
public class AppContext : CoreContext
namespace Core.Data
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
public CoreContext context;
public UnitOfWork(CoreContext context)
this.context = context;
public T Get<T>() where T : BaseRepository, new()
var repository = new T();
return repository;
public void Dispose()
public class UnitOfWork<TContext> : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
where TContext : CoreContext
public UnitOfWork(TContext ctx) { ... }
public class AppUnitOfWork : UnitOfWork<AppContext> {
public AppUnitOfWork(AppContext ctx) : base(ctx) { }
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IUnitOfWork, AppUnitOfWork>(); // Note the App prefix
services.AddDbContext<AppContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(conn)); // Note the App prefix
Solution is from GitHub issue:

how to implement dependency injection in mvc?

I'm trying to implement dependency injection but i know how to implement the interface and repository of classes then i don't know what shall i do.
This my sample:
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
This is my interface:
public interface IUser
IEnumerable<User> GetUsers();
void AddUser(User user);
void EditUser(User user);
void DeleteUser(int id);
User UserGetById(int id);
void Save();
This is my repository:
public class UserRepsitory:IUser
private _Context _context;
public UserRepsitory(_Context _context)
this._context = _context;
public IEnumerable<User> GetUsers()
return _context.User.ToList();
public void AddUser(User user)
public void EditUser(User user)
_context.Entry(user).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
public User UserGetById(int id)
return _context.User.Find(id);
public void Save()
public void DeleteUser(int id)
var Search = _context.User.Find(id);
And one of method in controller:
private IUser userRepsitory;
public UsersController()
this.userRepsitory = new UserRepsitory(new _Context());
public UsersController(IUser UserRepository)
this.userRepsitory = UserRepository;
public ActionResult Index()
return View(userRepsitory.GetUsers());
What is the next step?
The first thing is, get rid of the default constructor where we are hard coding the initialization of UserRepository ! We will do that in the dependency injection way.
public UsersController : Controller
private readonly IUser userRepsitory;
public UsersController(IUser UserRepository)
this.userRepsitory = UserRepository;
public ActionResult Index()
return View(userRepsitory.GetUsers());
Now we need something to tell the MVC framework which version/implementation of IUser should be used when the code runs. you can use any dependency injection frameworks to do that. For example, If you are in MVC 6, you can use the inbuilt dependency injection framework to do that. So go to your Startup class and in your ConfigureServices method, you can map an interface to a concrete implementation.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IUser, UserRepository>();
If you are in a previous version of MVC, you may consider using any of the dependency injection frameworks available like Unity, Ninject etc.
It is pretty much same, you map an interface to a concrete implementation
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
You do not need to put the mapping in a cs file. You can define that in a config file. For example, when you use Unity you can do something like this in your config file (web config or an external config file for unity configuration)
<alias alias="IUser" type="YourNamespace.IUser, YourAssemblyName" />
<register type="IUser" mapTo="YourNamespace.UseRepository, YourAssemblyName">
In order to create and configure your project with Spring DI(Dependency Feature) you must configure beans.
Create an xml file (if its not there) and add references to bean
In this xml file, provide references to the classes you want to inject. Example:
<bean id="Name of the JAVA Class" class="the Full path of the JAVA class"/>
And in your class where you are supposed to call the referencing class(above), calling procedure would be like :
public class MyController {
private _class;
private MyController ( class)
this._class= class;
Now say if you a function in MyJavaClass
public int sum(int x, int y){
return x+y;
Then without creating object of MyJavaClass you can inject like the following in your controller:

MVC 6 (vNext) UserManager - DI - create user in specific database

I'm developing multitenant application. I use separate databases for each tenant. UserData are for each tenant in separate database TOO.
My problem is how can i create admin account for each tenant in "custom" database independently on DI. In MVC 5 was possible to instantiate UserManager base on UserStore(connection string). But UserManager in mvc6 depends on HttpContext... No documentation found...
Exist please some way how to do it??? I need in mvc 6 something like this in mvc 5:
UserStore<TenantUser> store = new UserStore<TenantUser>(new TenantDbContext("CONNECTION STRING")); //!!! NO POSSIBLE CREATE USER IN CUSTOM DATABASE
UserManager<TenantUser> t = new UserManager<TenantUser>(store);
t.CreateAsync(user, password);
public class TenantDbContext : IdentityDbContext<TenantUser, TenantRole, Guid>
private string _connectionString { get; set; }
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _applicationDbContext;
public TenantDbContext(DbContextOptions<TenantDbContext> options) : base(options)
this._connectionString = "CONNECTION STRING";
public TenantDbContext(DbContextOptions<TenantDbContext> options, IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor, ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext) : base(options) {
_contextAccessor = contextAccessor;
_applicationDbContext = applicationDbContext;
TenantResolver resolver = new TenantResolver(_contextAccessor, _applicationDbContext);
string con = resolver.GetConnectionString();
if (con != string.Empty)
this._connectionString = con; }
this._connectionString = "CONNECTION STRING"; //Development connection string
public TenantDbContext() //Posibility to create TenantDbContext migration and development database with no connectionString in constructor
//this._connectionString = "CONNECTION STRING";
public TenantDbContext(string ConnectionString)
this._connectionString = ConnectionString;
public static TenantDbContext Create(string ConnectionString)
return new TenantDbContext(ConnectionString);
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
I hope that I correctly understand you. Let us we forget about the performance and the caching of multiple connections, which already opened to the databases. I suppose that you have multiple databases, which have the same schema. You need to access the databases using (sharing) the same database context.
I can suggest you two solutions.
The first solution consists from registering one context and reopening it if the one opened co change the connection string.
Let us you have TenantDbContext, which could be opened with different destination databases. For example with
First of all you remove OnConfiguring like
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
which could exist in the definition of TenantDbContext and you use the following code in ConfigureServices of Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add framework services.
var connection1 = #"Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=TenantDb1;Trusted_Connection=True;";
.AddDbContext<TenantDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connection1));
In the way you inject TenantDbContext with one from the database (TenantDb1). Let us the TenantDbContext contains some entity set like Blog for example. Thus your can define some MVC controller in the following way
public class TenantsController : Controller
private TenantDbContext _context;
public TenantsController (TenantDbContext context)
_context = context;
public IActionResult Index() {
var con = _context.Database.GetDbConnection();
// now the con uses either TenantDb2 or TenantDb2
// con.ConnectionString can be used to get or set the
// connection string
string needConStr = #"Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=TenantDb2;Trusted_Connection=True;";
if (con.ConnectionString != needConStr) { // can be compared more carefully
con.ConnectionString = needConStr;
// get some data from the TenantDbContext
var blog = _context.Blog.ToList();
return View(blog);
The second solution don't need to inject any TenantDbContext using DependencyInjection. Instead of that you need just add one simple constructor to TenantDbContext:
public TenantDbContext(DbContextOptions optionsBuilder): base (optionsBuilder)
Such simple constructor will allows you to create the context at any time when you need it:
public class TenantsController : Controller
public IActionResult Index() {
var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder();
var context = new BloggingContext(contextOptions.Options);
// get some data from the TenantDbContext
var blog = context.Blog.ToList();
return View(blog);
I used all the connection strings directly in the code. You can easy modify the above code to get all connection strings from the config file appsettings.json.
1. CreateCustomUserStore
public class TenantUserStore : UserStore<TenantUser, TenantRole, TenantDbContext, Guid>
public TenantUserStore(TenantDbContext context, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null): base(context, describer)
And here is code how to instantiate UserManager with custom database:
IUserStore<TenantUser> CustomStore = new TenantUserStore(new TenantDbContext(coonection), null);
UserManager<TenantUser> manager = new UserManager<TenantUser>(CustomStore, _optionsAccessor, _passwordHasher, _userValidators,
_passwordValidators, _keyNormalizer, _errors, _services, _logger, _contextAccessor);
And DI used only for rest of UserManager Constructor:
public class TenantsController : Controller
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;
private readonly IOptions<IdentityOptions> _optionsAccessor;
private readonly IPasswordHasher<TenantUser> _passwordHasher;
private readonly IEnumerable<IUserValidator<TenantUser>> _userValidators;
private readonly IEnumerable<IPasswordValidator<TenantUser>> _passwordValidators;
private readonly ILookupNormalizer _keyNormalizer;
private readonly IdentityErrorDescriber _errors;
private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
private readonly ILogger<UserManager<TenantUser>> _logger;
public TenantsController(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor,
IOptions<IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
IPasswordHasher<TenantUser> passwordHasher,
IEnumerable<IUserValidator<TenantUser>> userValidators,
IEnumerable<IPasswordValidator<TenantUser>> passwordValidators,
ILookupNormalizer keyNormalizer,
IdentityErrorDescriber errors,
IServiceProvider services,
ILogger<UserManager<TenantUser>> logger
_optionsAccessor = optionsAccessor;
_passwordHasher = passwordHasher;
_userValidators = userValidators;
_passwordValidators = passwordValidators;
_keyNormalizer = keyNormalizer;
_errors = errors;
_services = services;
_logger = logger;
_contextAccessor = contextAccessor;
