Is there a lazy select_all option in Rails? - ruby-on-rails

I've got a complicated query that I need to run, and it can potentially yield a large result set. I need to iterate linearly through this result set in order to crunch some numbers.
I'm executing the query like so:
find_in_batches Won't work for my use case, as it's critical that I get the records in a custom order. Also, my query returns some fields that aren't part of any models, so I need to get the records as hashes.
The problem is, select_all is not lazy (from what I can tell). It loads all of the records into memory. Does Rails have a way to lazily get the results for a custom SQL query? .lazy doesn't seem applicable here, as I need custom ordering of the results.
This is possible in other languages (C#, Haskell, JavaScript), so it seems like it would be possible in Ruby.

Not sure but maybe you're asking for eager_load or preload.
Hope this can help you.

You can try find_each or find_in_batches ActiveRecord methods.
Both query database in configurable-sized batches.
The difference it that find_each yields objects one-by-one to block (they are lazy initialized).
find_in_batches yields whole batch group.
If you can't use above methods due to custom sorting, what you can do is query the database using limit and offset. This way you will deal with data in portions. Memory consumption will decrease, but number of queries will increase.
Other solution may be to let database engine perform arithmetic operations, that you need and return calculated result.


How can I disable lazy loading of active record queries?

I want to query some objects from the database using a WHERE clause similar to the following:
#monuments = Monument.where("... lots of SQL ...").limit(6)
Later on, in my view I use methods like #monuments.first, then I loop through #monuments, then I display #monuments.count.
When I look at the Rails console, I see that Rails queries the database multiple times, first with a limit of 1 (for #monuments.first), then with a limit of 6 (for looping through all of them), and finally it issues a count() query.
How can I tell ActiveRecord to only execute the query once? Just executing the query once with a limit of 6 should be enough to get all the data I need. Since the query is slow (80ms), repeating it costs a lot of time.
In your situation you'll want to trigger the query before you your call to first because while first is a method on Array, it's also a “finder method” on ActiveRecord objects that'll fetch the first record.
You can prompt this with any method that requires data to work with. I prefer using to_a since it's clear that we'll be dealing with an array after:
#moments = Moment.where(foo: true).to_a
# SQL Query Executed
#moments.first #=> (Array#first) <Moment #foo=true>
#moments.count #=> (Array#count) 42
In this case, you can also use first(6) in place of limit(6), which will also trigger the query. It may be less obvious to another developer on your team that this is intentional, however.
AFAIK, #monuments.first should not hit the db, I confirmed it on my console, maybe you have multiple instance with same variable or you are doing something else(which you haven't shared here), share the exact code and query and we might debug.
Since, ActiveRecord Collections acts as array, you can use array analogies to avoid querying the db.
Regarding first you can do,
Regarding the count, yes, it is a different query which hits the db, to avoid it you can use length as..

Ruby's .where vs. detect

I'm looking for a method that is faster and uses less server processing. In my application, I can use both .where and .detect:
User.where(id: 1)
# User Load (0.5ms)
User.all.detect{ |u| == 1 }
# User Load (0.7ms). Sometimes increases more than .where
I understand that .detect returns the first item in the list for which the block returns TRUE but how does it compares with .where if I have thousands of Users?
Edited for clarity.
.where is used in this example because I may not query for the id alone. What if I have a table column called "name"?
In this example
User.find(1) # or
User.find_by(id: 1)
will be the fastest solutions. Because both queries tell the database to return exactly one record with a matching id. As soon as the database finds a matching record, it doesn't look further but returns that one record immediately.
User.where(id: 1)
would return an array of objects matching the condition. That means: After a matching record was found the database would continue looking for other records to match the query and therefore always scan the whole database table. In this case – since id is very likely a column with unique values – it would return an array with only one instance.
In opposite to
User.all.detect { |u| == 1 }
that would load all users from the database. This will result in loading thousands of users into memory, building ActiveRecord instances, iterating over that array and then throwing away all records that do not match the condition. This will be very slow compared to just loading matching records from the database.
Database management systems are optimized to run selection queries and you can improve their ability to do so by designing a useful schema and adding appropriate indexes. Every record loaded from the database will need to be translated into an instance of ActiveRecord and will consume memory - both operations are not for free. Therefore the rule of thumb should be: Whenever possible run queries directly in the database instead of in Ruby.
NB One should use ActiveRecord#find in this particular case, please refer to the answer by #spickermann instead.
User.where is executed on DB level, returning one record.
User.all.detect will return all the records to the application, and only then iterate through on ruby level.
That said, one must use where. The former is resistant to an amount of records, there might be billions and the execution time / memory consumption would be nearly the same (O(1).) The latter might even fail on billions of records.
Here's a general guide:
Use .find(id) whenever you are looking for a unique record. You can use something like .find_by_email(email) or .find_by_name(name) or similar (these finders methods are automatically generated) when searching non-ID fields, as long as there is only one record with that particular value.
Use .where(...).limit(1) if your query is too complex for a .find_by query or you need to use ordering but you are still certain that you only want one record to be returned.
Use .where(...) when retrieving multiple records.
Use .detect only if you cannot avoid it. Typical use cases for .detect are on non-ActiveRecord enumerables, or when you have a set of records but are unable to write the matching condition in SQL (e.g. if it involves a complex function). As .detect is the slowest, make sure that before calling .detect you have used SQL to narrow down the query as much as possible. Ditto for .any? and other enumerable methods. Just because they are available for ActiveRecord objects doesn't mean that they are a good idea to use ;)

Query array vs. Active Record relation

How can I call something like all on this? I would like to call the check_other_notification method on all the notifications that query return.
Could someone suggest a good description on this Active Relation vs array topic? I read about it in many different places but I'm still a bit confused.
.between_other_recipient(current_user, #user)
As I understand, you want to call a check_other_notification method on each object, returned by the query.
If so, use find_each for this:
.between_other_recipient(current_user, #user)
.find_each do |notification|
find_each if very efficient method, since it process objects in batches (by default the batch size is 1000 records, but you can specify any other amount).
In your case each would work, since I do not think there are hundreds of thousands of notifications, but if so - find_each is a perfect match.
Difference between collect and find_each.
Quoting docs on find_each:
find_each is only intended to use for batch processing of large
amounts of records that wouldn’t fit in memory all at once. If you
just need to loop over less than 1000 records, it’s probably better
just to use the regular find methods.
If you use collect (map), which is a method from Array class - it would first load the whole collection of records into the memory before processing. This can eat to much memory and lead to problems, when the collection is big.
Important point is: do not use Ruby to process database stuff, when it is possible to use ORM (when not, SQL will do).
Here is a short article showing few examples of using Array's vs AR's methods, and also describing few other things to be aware of when querying AR collection.

Optimization: same Cypher query run multiple times

In my scenario I have a few dozens of Cypher queries executed one after another. If any of them returns some data (reveals some knowledge), at the end of the loop the graph is changed accordingly and all the queries are executed again.
Currently I store all the queries as Strings. There are never more than 20 loops, but still having to parse all the queries every time seems a an overhead. Is there a way to optimize it, like by storing the queries in some precompiled state? Or there's nothing to worry about?
Any other hints that would make the above scenario work faster?
As others have pointed out in the comments, you should use query parameters where possible. This has two benefits:
You can reuse the queries in your code without having to parse / construct the strings given whatever values you want to include.
Performance. The cypher compiler caches the execution plan for Cypher queries (ie queries it has seen before). If you use query parameters you will not incur the overhead of generating the query plan when executing the Cypher query again.

why is Model.all different to Model.where('true') in rails 3

I have a query, which works fine:
I can chain this with other AR calls such as where, order etc. However when I use:
I receive the "same" response but can't chain a where or order to it as it's an array rather than a AR collection.
Whereas I have no pragmatic problem using the first method it seems a bit ugly/unnecessary. Is there a cleaner way of doing this maybe a .to_active_record_collection or something?
There is an easy solution. Instead of using
As you said:
ModelName.where('true').class #=> ActiveRecord::Relation
ModelName.all.class #=> Array
So you can make as many lazy loading as long as you don't use all, first or last which trigger the query.
It's important to catch these differences when you consider caching.
Still I can't understand what kind of situation could lead you to something like:
... Unless you need the whole bunch of assets for one purpose and get it loaded from the database and need a subset of it to other purposes. For this kind of situation, you'd need to use ruby's Array filtering methods.
should never be used, it's an anti-pattern since you don' control how many items you'll retrieve. And hopefully:
ModelName.limit(20).class #=> ActiveRecord::Relation
As you said, the latter returns an array of elements, while the former is an ActiveRecord::Relation. You can order and filter array using Ruby methods. For example, to sort by id you can call sort_by(&:id). To filter elements you can call select or reject. For ActiveRecord::Relation you can chain where or order to it, as you said.
The difference is where the sorting and processing goes. For Array, it is done by the application; for Relation - by the database. The latter is usually faster, when there is more records. It is also more memory efficient.
