childViewControllers is empty after calling addChildViewController - ios

I have a question regarding add/remove childviewcontrollers with ContainerView.
I have a UIViewController named "ContainerViewController" that contains a ContainerView, and this ContainerView has a UIViewController named "ContainerLinkViewController". I also have four other UIViewControllers that will be added to or removed from this "ContainerLinkViewController" whenever user a clicks one of the tab button that is placed at the bottom of "ContainerViewController". The storyboard looks like below.
NOTE that the custom segues connected to those four UiViewcontrollers are just empty segue that does nothing but show visual connection in storyboard.
So what I do is first add the First Tab ViewController to "ContainerLinkViewController" as a childViewController by using below code in viewDidLoad().
let firstTabViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "FirstTabViewController") as! FirstTabViewController
firstTabViewController.view.frame = self.view.bounds
firstTabViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
After this initial setup, whenever user tabs on one of those tab buttons, I send signal from "ContainerViewController" that which UIViewController is to be added as new childViewController to "ContainerLinkViewController" and switching the old childViewController and this new childViewController using the below code.
func swapViewControllers(from : UIViewController, to : UIViewController) {
from.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
to.view.frame = self.view.bounds
self.transition(from: from, to: to, duration: 1.0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.transitionCrossDissolve, animations: nil) {
finished in
to.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
Before calling this "swaptViewControllers()", I take the old childViewController by doing the following.
let oldChildViewController = self.childViewControllers.last
My problem is that this "oldChildViewController" is nil when I click one of those tabs for the first time right after the initial setup. So the function "swaptViewControllers()" does not even called because the self.childViewControllers is empty.
I have been struggling with this for few days now and could not find clear answer to solve this. So I decided to ask here to get some help about what might cause this.
Any help?? Thanks.
NOTE : I am using swift 3. Maybe this would help to answer my question since it seems lots of things changed fro swift 2.


Can't make custom segue in Xcode 10/iOS 12

I'm having the hardest time implementing a presentation of a drawer sliding partway up on the screen on iPhone.
EDIT: I've discovered that iOS is not respecting the .custom modalTransitionStyle I've set in the Segue. If I set that explicitly in prepareForSegue:, then it calls my delegate to get the UIPresentationController.
I have a custom Segue that is also a UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate. In the perform() method, I set the destination transitioningDelegate to self:
self.destination.transitioningDelegate = self
and I either call super.perform() (if it’s a Present Modal or Present as Popover Segue), or self.source.present(self.destination, animated: true) (if it’s a Custom Segue, because calling super.perform() throws an exception).
The perform() and animationController(…) methods get called, but never presentationController(forPresented…).
Initially I tried making the Segue in the Storyboard "Present Modally" with my custom Segue class specified, but that kept removing the presenting view controller. I tried "Present as Popover," and I swear it worked once, in that it didn't remove the presenting view controller, but then on subsequent attempts it still did.
So I made it "Custom," and perform() is still being called with a _UIFullscreenPresentationController pre-set on the destination view controller, and my presentationController(forPresented…) method is never called.
Other solutions dealing with this issue always hinge on some mis-written signature for the method. This is mine, verbatim:
public func presentationController(forPresented presented: UIViewController, presenting: UIViewController?, source: UIViewController) -> UIPresentationController?
I've spent the last four days trying to figure out “proper” custom transitions, and it doesn't help that things don’t seem to behave as advertised. What am I missing?
Instead of using a custom presentation segue, you could use a Container View for your drawer. This way, you can use a UIViewController for your Drawer content, while avoiding the issue with the custom segue.
You achieve this in two steps:
First pull a Container View into your main view controller and layout it properly. The storyboard would look like this: (You can see you have two view controllers. One for the main view and one for the drawer)
Second, you create an action that animates the drawer in and out as needed. One simple example could look like this:
#IBAction func toggleDrawer(_ sender: Any) {
let newHeight: CGFloat
if drawerHeightConstraint.constant > 0 {
newHeight = 0
} else {
newHeight = 200
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) {
self.drawerHeightConstraint.constant = newHeight
Here, I simply change the height constraint of the drawer, to slide it in and out. Of course you could do something more fancy :)
You can find a demo project here.

Is it fine to nest a UIViewController within another without using addChildViewController?

I'm trying to make a custom ContainerViewController, but due to lots of difficulties with the ViewController transitions and making everything interactive, I've decided to mimic that functionality myself.
What I basically want to do, is have a paginated UIScrollView (the HeaderView) on the top control different another UIScrollView (the ControllersView) below that contains ViewControllers as pages so that as you swipe to a new page on the HeaderView, it also swipes to the next viewcontroller on the ControllersView. This is what the setup would look like.
My question is, is there anything wrong with having the aforementioned setup? All I'll do to add the view controllers to the ControllersView is just something like: controllersView.addSubview(pagecontroller1.view).
Some posts online seem to say that "the appropriate ViewController functions won't be called" or whatever. What do I seem to be missing here? I'm guessing there's a lot of dismissing and admitting of ViewControllers that I need to call every time a ViewController is out of frame right?
To clarify the question: Is it ok/efficient to do this? Should I be calling some viewWillAppear/disapper functions when the VC's get in and out of frame? If so, what should I call? I'm realizing that if I were to set things up this way, I need to manage a lot of things that are usually handled automatically, but as I mentioned before, custom ContainerViewControllers have failed me and I'm going with this.
PS. If you seem to still be lost on how this will look like, see my previous question here where I originally wanted to use a Container ViewController. There's a much better mockup there.
You can add and remove VC In Container Views
For - Is it ok/efficient to do this? Should I be calling some viewWillAppear/disapper functions when the VC's get in and out of frame? If so, what should I call?
As, We need to call WillAppear and Disappear Func when Adding and removing a VC , Thus Try using below Functions That will Handle these Responses
I use the Two specific Functions to add and remove Controller in ContainerView/UIView/SubView in ScrollView inside a UIView
To Add
private func add(asChildViewController viewController: UIViewController)
// Configure Child View
viewController.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.firstContainer.frame.size.width, height: self.firstContainer.frame.size.height)
// Add Child View Controller
viewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
// Add Child View as Subview
// Notify Child View Controller
viewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
To Remove
private func remove(asChildViewController viewController: UIViewController)
// Notify Child View Controller
viewController.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
// Remove Child View From Superview
// Notify Child View Controller
Creating Object
private lazy var FirstObject: firstVC =
// Instantiate View Controller
let viewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "firstVC") as! firstVC
// Add View Controller as Child View Controller
return viewController
For - controllersView.addSubview(pagecontroller1.view)
Answer - Yes Approbate func wont be called if pagecontroller1 is not loaded in to memory stack, to load that you need to notify pagecontroller1 that it is going to be added to memory stack as Child View , Just as We initiate a Controller and basically notifies the Controller to get its component loaded to memory stack to get some memory allocations
For Question - Is it fine to nest a UIViewController within another without using addChildViewController?
Check apple Documentation -
This is necessary just as to notify the controller who is going to be added in Another Parent View as Child
Sample Project
If Question is Still not answered Please Tell me what Func Exactly you want to handle by yourself

Presented TabBarController disappearing after attempted segue

Short synopsis (XCode 7.2, Swift2, iOS 9.2 as target):
1) In a first.storyboard, I have a single viewController.
2) In a second.storyboard, I have a tabbarController, with multiple navigationControllers with tableviewControllers (see attached image). Also of note is when second.storyboard is the one used on launch, everything works correctly.
3) the main UI for the app is in the first.storyboard, and I want to present the tabbarcontroller in the second.storyboard
4) No matter which way I present it (storyboard reference/segue, presentViewController, showViewController), the tabbarcontroller and all the initial views work, but if I tap a tableviewcell to segue to another view, the whole tabbarcontroller and contents disappear, leaving me back at the viewcontroller in first.storyboard.
I can cheat, and set the rootViewController manually and things seem to work
let sb = UIStoryboard(name: "second", bundle: nil)
let navController = sb.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("secondIdentifier") as! UITabBarController
UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController = navController
And I suspect I can add an animation to this to not have the transition not be so stark. But this seems like something I shouldn't have to do, and kind of a pain to troubleshoot in the future. Am I missing something fundamental in making this work?
EDIT: Video of it not working
NOTE: The last app I made originally targeted iOS4, and I did all the views programatically. It seemed like all the updates to IB and segues etc would make life more manageable (and for the most part that has been true), but this is still my first foray in to it, so I may be missing some important points of information to describe the issue.
I have found a superior way to deal with this: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
It's a bit of extra work to implement, but it produces a "more correct" result.
My solution was to make a custom UIStoryboardSegue that will do the animation as well as set the rootViewController.
import UIKit
class changeRootVCSeguePushUp: UIStoryboardSegue {
override func perform() {
let applicationDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
let sourceView = self.sourceViewController.view
let destinationView = self.destinationViewController.view
let sourceFrame = sourceView.frame
let destinationStartFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: sourceFrame.height, width: sourceFrame.width, height: sourceFrame.height)
let destinationEndFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: sourceFrame.width, height: sourceFrame.height)
destinationView.frame = destinationStartFrame
applicationDelegate.window?.insertSubview(self.destinationViewController.view, aboveSubview: self.sourceViewController.view )
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, animations: {
destinationView.frame = destinationEndFrame
}, completion: {(finished: Bool) -> Void in
applicationDelegate.window?.rootViewController = self.destinationViewController
I could not find a way in interface builder, or in code other than changing the rootViewController to get this working. I would end up with various random navigation issue like overlapping navigation bars, segue animations not working correctly until I changed tabs, full on lockups with no information in the console, etc.
I have previously presented a tabBarcontroller modally (without changing rootviewController), but everything was done in code (working as of ios7 and objective-c). No clue what is going on under the covers when the view hierarchies are made in a storyboard, but wondering if this is perhaps a bug.
Thanks to multiple other answers here on stackoverflow to get to mine!

Set initial viewController in Navigation controller programmatically (Layer SDK)

I want to add Layer SDK to my application (using Swift).
All view controllers here are created programmatically. Therefore I can't segue to them. I have 4 tabs in my application (UITabBarController). One of them is chat. In the chat tab I created a segue to UINavigationController. Now I want to load conversationListViewController in this UINavigationController. For that I created a class for this UINavigationController i.e. ConversationListViewController and added the following code:
class ChatNavigationViewController: UINavigationController {
var conversationListViewController: ConversationListViewController!
var layerClient: LYRClient!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as!AppDelegate
self.layerClient = appDelegate.layerClient
self.conversationListViewController = ConversationListViewController(layerClient: appDelegate.layerClient)
self.conversationListViewController.displaysAvatarItem = true
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(self.conversationListViewController, animated: true)
But this is not working. And giving this kind of effect: the ConversationViewController is not loaded in UINavigationController. I am not sure if I am doing it the correct way. I'm searching for the correct way, but unable to find.
I Solved it. I dragged new NavigationViewController and added ConversationListViewController to rootviewController.I think i should try this first. Anyways thanks guys for your help.
Because you want to do this programatically:
You need to manually initialize the controller before stacking it up on the Navigation Controller. Try this:
navigationController?.pushViewController(self.conversationListViewController.init(), animated: true)

How can I segue or pop back to the second scene of the first tab in a tabbed app, from a scene on another tab?

I have a storyboard set up with a tab bar controller and three tabs. Each tab has a navigation controller. The first tab has three scenes. There is a button (log out) in a view on the third tab that I would like to segue to the second scene on the first tab (corresponding to the log in view controller and connected to the first scene via Show(e.g., Push).
Here is what I've tried:
self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 0
This works, insofar as I get back to the first tab's initial scene after tapping the UIButton. But since I want to get to the second scene, this is not a complete solution. I think the solution may be along the lines of:
self.tabBarController?.selectedViewController = LoginViewController()
self.tabBarController?.setViewControllers(self.LoginViewController, animated: true)
But I do not want to create another instance of a view controller.
Can I still use .selectedIndex to implement a solution?
A simple solution u can try is
1. Set a Global variable (i.e in App Delegate) name as isLogoutClick of type boolean.
2. While you are on third tab and click on logout button then make the global variable "isLogoutClick" as true.
3.and then navigate to first tab (1st scene) and on viewDidLoad just check the condition that
push your view to next scene.
4. make false the value of isLogoutClick.
5. make sure at initially the value of isLogoutClick is false.
try this might it will help you.
After setting selectedIndex to 0, perform the segue you want (in this example, "loginSegue"). You can name your segue in the storyboard if you haven't already.
tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 0
if let someViewController = tabBarController?.viewControllers?[0] as? SomeViewController {
someViewController.performSegueWithIdentifier("loginSegue", sender: nil)
I'm not sure if this works for tabBarController because I've used this for my navigationController but should work the same.
if let tab = self.tabBarController?.viewControllers {
if let index = find( { $0 is LoginViewController }, true) {
let destination = tab[index] as LoginViewController
tabBarController?.presentViewController(destination, animated: true, completion: nil)
With a navigationController I would use popToViewController but I'm not sure how the tabBarController exactly works
