How to set static grouped TableView cell's width - ios

I am relatively new to Xcode and Swift development and I have a question regarding a UITableViewController with static, grouped cells (on iPad). I want a natural solution to make the cell width not as big as the whole screen.
I have tried this:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
tableView.frame = CGRect(x: 175, y: 70, width: view.bounds.width-350, height: view.bounds.height)
Problem is that this looks really nasty and gets tricky with navigationbars and tabbars at the top and bottom, but especailly doesn't work properly because it is set at viewDidAppear, so when using the swipe back gesture (like in Settings), the view still appears at full width for a second.
Do you know some other way to solve this issue? Maybe some autolayout stuff, i don't know, I've tried everything I know...
Any help will be appreciated! Thank you!

As you say, autolayout is probably the way to go. If you are using Interface Builder, then you can just set your constraints there. Plenty of information out there to help with that. Here's a good place to start:
You should switch to using a regular UIViewController and manually add a UITableView as a subview of the root view. You'll also have to manually set the view controller as the delegate and dataSource of the table view. Then you'll be able to position the table view wherever you like. Unfortunately, you won't be able have static cells - but setting your data dynamically tends to be a better choice in the long run anyway.
The other way to achieve what you want and still use a UITableViewController is by setting it as a child view controller, but this is more fiddly and tends to be more restrictive in my experience.
If you want to manually set frames as in your code example, then you should do that inside the viewDidLayoutSubviews method.


Swift: TableViewController in NavigationController - Change distance between first static cell and top

Ive created just a new xcode project without any coding. I just worked in the storyboard. There I have a Navigation Controller. My RootViewController has a TableView with Static cells in 3 sections (Grouped). The Section headers I deleted. My next step was to change the distances between the sections. For top I said 4 and for bottom 4, too. It looks now like this:
Now my problem: The size between the first section and the top is really big (I think 32 because thats the automatic distance between the sections). THe only place I found something was the size inspector - Content Insets. This is set to automatic. With no option I can put some values in myself. If I choose never there, the section got displayed under the Root View Controller header. My size inspector looks like this:
Can anyone tell me how I can reduce the size between viewController top and first section? Exactly I want to have a size of 16 between first section and the header of the Root View Controller.
And is there a way to do a change for the complete project so that also upcoming navigation controllers will have their tableview with a size of 16 between first section and the header?
What Ive tried: I found this question Why is there extra padding at the top of my UITableView with style UITableViewStyleGrouped in iOS7 Here someone asked for tableViews in general. The solutions I readed there which didnt worked for me:
Turn Adjust scroll view insets off. I tried this for the root as well as the navigation controller. I also tried to solve the problem in code.
Set edgesForExtendedLayout to none in viewDidLoad - nothing changed.
Set the header just for first section to 1.
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = true changed nothing
Half correct: One solution was changing the contenInset manually in code. I dont like this because I would have to type the 16 points hard in my code. I dont know there the header of 32 comes from. So I dont know if the 16 points will stay forever. So I want a safer solution for future as well. THis was the hard solution:
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-16, 0, 0, 0)
That top space comes from grouped style tableView header. You can add your own table header view at top of the table, set its color to "Group Table View Background Color", and set its height to what you want (16).
iOS11 Pure code Solution
Anyone looking to do this in pure code and remove the 35px empty space needs to add a tableHeaderView to their tableView - it appears having it as nil just sets it as default sizing of 35px
tableView.tableHeaderView = tableHeaderView
var tableHeaderView:UIView = {
let view = UIView()
view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tableView.bounds.width, height: CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude)
return view
Note device width would be your bounds/view width and height is NOT 0 - but CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude

Swift: Make it obvious that a table view is scrollable

Strange question really but here goes.
I have a table view with some custom cells. On larger devices they all fit and it looks great.
However on the smaller devices like iPhone 4 due to the other content on the page the table view shrinks and therefore not all of its cells are in view.
The problem:
Without actually physically scrolling the view it would be impossible to tell that there were any other cells.
Is there a way around this?
You could use this:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
You could use the heightForRowAtIndexPath to calculate a height for the cells so that the last cell is not visible fully. Seeing a cell cut off half way is a good indication for the user to feel that there is more content beneath.
I added this code:
tableView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 200)
The first card and the last cart are cut-off which gives an impression that you need to scroll.

How create a tableView that covers an image when it is scrolled

I'm trying to develop something like CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout but customized for my table, but I'm not sure how can I achieve this goal. The idea is
Someone can give me a hint how achieve this objective?
To add to Vollan's answer, to make the title stay still you could use a view that contains two subviews: the first is the scrollview (with the image and table as Vollan suggests) and then add another view (like a UILabel) for the title. Thus, while the image and table scroll in the scrollview, the title will stay still.
Best solution would be to wrap everything inside an UIScrollView. That will allow you to scroll to bottom of the screen and then only scroll the tableview. That way it will appear like the tableview will overlay the image.
While using a tableview within a scrollview would likely work, your tableview would have to always be it's full size (without some annoying constant re-sizing), so you'll lose the value of the enqueuing/dequeueing that makes tableViews work so well.
The CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout has example pretty similar to what you want to do, did you look at their examples? You may be able to play with it and get it to do what you want If your problem is simply having a constant title, you can just add a view above the table or use the NavBar and adjust the contentInsets
You might also consider using a collectionView instead. It's much more flexible as far as layout goes.

MSStickerBrowserView stickers going out of frame

I am attempting to dynamically load stickers for a Messages Extension for iOS 10. I have successfully loaded these icons; however, they fail to properly constrain to the proportions of a message app.
In the compact view of a message extension, it has a footer. This can be seen here:
In the expanded view of a message extension, it has a header.
I am loading these stickers through a MSStickerBrowserView a subview of MSStickerBrowserView. I'm overriding the superclass methods of numberOfStickers and stickerBrowserView to load my images.
From what I can tell, the MSStickerBrowserView is just a wrapper for a UICollectionView.
Anyhow, after the stickers are loaded they are not being constrained to the header and footer. I've attached a gif of what I mean below:
As you can see, in the compact view the last row of stickers go under the footer. Accordingly, in the expanded view the top row of stickers go under the header.
As an experiment, I implemented the same dynamic sticker system but with an actual UICollectionViewController and UICollectionView (instead of the MSStickerBrowser wrappers) and the same effect was achieved. Further more, I attempted to create a custom layout for this but it produced the same result.
I would prefer to stick to the MSStickerBrowserView, since it was already made for this purpose; however, if you see the UICollectionView more fitting I would be willing to change.
Note that with the use of the MSStickerBrowserViewController and View, the UICollectionView seems to be created programatically, so storyboard constraints are not available and I have not been able to apply any programatic constrants to the cells of the views.
I'm not really sure how to fix this, and would love any suggestions.
The way I fixed this was to use a UICollectionViewController with a state variable to represent the current presentation style (.expanded or .compact) which I set at presentation time.
Then in viewWillAppear for my UICollectionViewController, I set the collectionView's contentInset depending on the presentation style
if let style = self.presentationStyle, style == .expanded {
collectionView?.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 95, left: cellPadding, bottom: cellPadding, right: cellPadding)
cellPadding is a number I've computed after setting the itemSize in my collectionViewLayout but the value of 95 is just a guesstimate/kludge as I haven't yet found out how to get the size of the containing iMessage top nav bar.
Try Uncheck below options for your view controller:
Under Top Bars
Hope it will work....
You can try using storyboard to layout view and add a empty view under the browserView to solve

Creating a fixed footer in viewport in iOS

I want to create a footer fixed to the bottom of the viewport in an iOS app I'm developing (it's my first one, I come from a web dev background). However I'm having difficulty finding information on how to go about this.
What I have in mind is essentially just 3 rectangular buttons next to each other that are just constantly fixed to the bottom of the viewport. I tried dragging a toolbar into my scene as a starting point, but in the interface builder it's placing itself under my table cell, rather than fixing to the bottom. I feel like this is probably easier to do programmatically, but I just don't know where to start.
If someone could at the very least guide me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
Okay... create/add custom UIView on your main view (self.view)
and set this custom view's frame = (0, 0, 320 , self.view.frame.size.height - 50) /// change value 50 to as per your requirement.
and add all of then UIControls such like textField, tableVie, button ...etc.. on this custom view.
Don't use a UITableViewController. Use a UIViewController, then add a table view and a toolbar. You'll need to implement the UITableViewDelegate protocol in code and then connect the delegate in interface builder.
