git clone can not work on my mac terminal - git-clone

larrybin at LarrydeMacBook-Pro in ~/test_site
[$ git clone ]
Cloning into 'coursera-test' ...
Fatal unable to access '' : Failed to connect to port 443: Operation timed out
I have searched on Google and StackOverflow throughout, but cannot find the answer. Can you tell what the problem is?

Check with this.
git clone
If you use http first set proxy and check with above command:
git config --global http.proxy [Ip_Address]:[port_number]


getting Host key verification failed for git clone https://... url

I am running
git clone
This gives and error message of
Cloning into 'chisel3'...
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
The command has worked in the past(It is a Part of Jenkins running in docker), and started failing a few min back.
why is my https url getting converted into a git# url?
Run these commands on your terminal and then try to clone the repo
echo "Host *" > ~/.ssh/config
echo " StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> ~/.ssh/config

error: RPC failed; result=52, HTTP code = 0 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

When I'm pushing or cloning my project to/form bit-bucket it shows me
error: RPC failed; result=52, HTTP code = 0
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I have used these but no result found :
git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
git config --global http.postBuffer 1048576000
I did not solve my problem yet. Please suggest me.
Have you tried cloning it via SSH?
Lets assume you've tried to clone with the command:
git clone
Now to clone that repo via ssh, the command should look something like this:
git clone
However for this to work, you need to upload your public ssh key into bitbucket.
On your machine you can find out your ssh public key with the command:
cat ~/.ssh/*.pub
You need to add this key on the bitbucket site (change the USER part of the URL to your username):

Unable to negotiate a key exchange method with Mina deployment

I'm encountering a message like this while deploying with Mina, but not sure why Git is not able to pull the repo.
I've tried switching sshd_config due to Unable to negotiate a key exchange method message, but still can't figure things out. Thanks for helping.
-----> Creating a temporary build path
$ touch "deploy.lock"
$ mkdir -p "$build_path"
$ cd "$build_path"
-----> Cloning the Git repository
$ git clone "" "/home/deploy/project/scm" --bare
Cloning into bare repository '/home/deploy/project/scm'...
Unable to negotiate a key exchange method
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
! ERROR: Deploy failed.
-----> Cleaning up build
$ rm -rf "$build_path"
Unlinking current
$ rm -f "deploy.lock"
! Command failed.
Failed with status 1 (19)
The issue is, that your local SSH client and the remote endpoint at GitHub are unable to agree on a common key exchange method.
This will mostly occur when you poked around with the set of available Key exchange methods or you are using a very old & outdated SSH client which does not support any method which is still regarded as safe.
Interestingly this only occurs on some GitHub Repos: I'm still able to pull from other reports.
To diagnose you can set the following environment variable to see more of the SSH output:
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -vv"
To fix it, I added a custom entry in my config_ssh or ~/.ssh/.config allowing more legacy algorithms for that host. Please note this should appear above any Host * section:
# Github needs diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 some of the
# time but not always.

Installing Erlang/OTP 17.5 on OSX

The official install instructions say:
If you want to build the wx application, you will need to get
wxWidgets-3.0 (wxWidgets-3.0.0.tar.bz2 from or get it from
github with bug fixes:
$ git clone --branch WX_3_0_branch
Who wouldn't want bug fixes:
$ git clone --branch WX_3_0_branch
Cloning into 'wxWidgets'...
fatal: Remote branch WX_3_0_branch not found in upstream origin
Does anyone know where the bug fix version is located?
Response to comment:
With all caps, I get:
$ git clone --branch WX_3_0_BRANCH
Cloning into 'wxWidgets'...
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
For future searchers: in order to use github commands like above, you need to setup ssh keys for your computer. I had already done that, but for some reason it didn't work a few hours later. Firewall problems at my new location? I don't know. I moved to a different location/server from where I was getting the Connection reset by peer error, and then I created a new ssh key, and I was able to download and install wxWidgets. The git clone command just downloads the source, so you probably want to be at the ~/Downloads prompt when you issue that command. The Erlang install directions tell you how to install wxWidgets.
The branch in question is named WX_3_0_BRANCH — all uppercase.

Upload site on Heroku: Host key verification failed

The first time I unloaded a site on Heroku I faced many mistakes. How to correct?
k#k-Aspire-5750G:~/q$ git clone
Cloning into 'programmer-site'...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Host key verification failed.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I have 2 files in directory ssh:
k#k-Aspire-5750G:~/.ssh$ ls
Your problem here looks like you're trying to ssh into heroku and clone your repo directly from github?
The problem here is that if you connect to github through ssh (a third party), you will basically have to create an authenticity token (ssh key), so that your third party machine is able to connect to your github repo
Typically, your local machine will be authenticated anyway when you install git, heroku not so. I would therefore recommend you push to Heroku from your local machine, rather than trying to clone through github:
$ git remote add heroku
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m "Heroku Deploy"
$ git push heroku master
If you do this first time, you will likely come back with some sort of request for your ssh to be accepted or something - just accept & it should push to Heroku from your local machine
Here is Heroku's take on the matter
Your output looks like a problem with your host verification with when you're trying to clone and nothing to do with Heroku.
Have a look in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts for a entry and highlight it and remove it. Then try your clone again and it will prompt to verify, say yes and then it should clone successfully.
