I have a setup which runs my Docker container like this.
docker build -t wordpress-gcloud
container=$(docker run -d wordpress-gcloud)
ipOfContainer=$(docker inspect "$container" | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress')
But now I have setup a Docker Swarm (1 manager + 2 workers).
How should I convert the above bash script to run the container on the swarm?
Typically, you can access your Swarm cluster via Swarm APIs, which is similar with Docker API. To access Swarm APIs, you can use -H parameter with docker commands. For example, if you have a swarm manager running on your local machine, and the port number is 3376, then you can get your swarm cluster info with:
docker -H info
You can also inspect the swarm cluster containers by:
docker -H inspect <container ID>
More details about communciate with Swarm cluster can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/swarm/install-manual/#/step-6-communicate-with-the-swarm
But in your case, I think that docker build command could be a problem. In my understanding, Swarm will find a random node from your cluster to execute this docker build process, so if the Dockerfile is not existing on the node where docker build has been executed, you will get error. My idea is to consider to build your image in a certain place, and push the image to a image registry, then pull and run the image in any place you want.
I am reading a docker run command where it maps /var/run/docker.sock
docker run -it --net=host --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock theimage /bin/bash
Why would the container would need access to the socket? (this article says it is a very bad idea.)
What would be one case where the container need access to the socket?
It is not necessary until the container needs to invoke itself the docker daemon, for example, in order to create and run an inner container.
For example, in my CI chain Jenkins builds a docker image to run the build and test process. Inside it we need to create an image to test and then submit it to K8S. In such situation Jenkins, when builds the pipeline container, passes to it the docker socket to allow the container to create other containers using the host server docker daemon.
I was wondering if there is any difference between
docker start <container name>
docker container start <container name>
I personally always use docker container start though, because that is the method that was suggested to run a stopped container. What would be the difference if I use docker start instead?
There is no difference between docker container start and docker start.
Over time, the docker cli has become more organized so that, for example, there are separate docker container inspect and docker image inspect commands. Earlier, there was a single command that would do both depending on the arguments, which could be confusing. There are a number of commands that are there for historic reasons (like docker ps, docker inspect, etc) that duplicate functionality that is now also available via subcommands of docker container, docker image, and so on.
I am very new to docker , just started venturing into this. I read online about this. I came to know of the following commands of docker which is: docker run and docker service. As I understood , with docker run we are spinning a new container. However I am not clear what docker service do? Does it spin container in a Swarm?
Can anyone help understand in simple to understand?
The docker run command creates and starts a container on the local docker host.
A docker "service" is one or more containers with the same configuration running under docker's swarm mode. It's similar to docker run in that you spin up a container. The difference is that you now have orchestration. That orchestration restarts your container if it stops, finds the appropriate node to run the container on based on your constraints, scale your service up or down, allows you to use the mesh networking and a VIP to discover your service, and perform rolling updates to minimize the risk of an outage during a change to your running application.
Docker Run vs Docker service
docker run:
we can create number of containers with different images.
docker service:
we can create number of containers with same image in a single command line.
docker service create --name service-name --network network-name --replicas number-of-containers image-name
docker service create --name service1 --network swarm-net --replicas 5 redis
I am currently using Docker Engine 1.11, and I am investigating if its possible for me to move to Docker 1.12 and use Swarm. I am currently using Docker to run 50+ Bamboo agents, all of which need to have a port mapped to a port on the server. For instance, each docker container needs to have port 4000 available, so when I do Docker run, I do-
Docker run -p 10000:4000 myimg
Docker run -p 10001:4000 myimg
Docker run -p 10002:4000 myimg
Docker run -p 10003:4000 myimg
In Docker Swarm, from what I understand, I would run the following command to scale my service to 50 containers
docker service scale helloworld=5
But, if I did this, then they would all be trying to map to the same port. How can I accomplish this? Is it possible?
No, you can't.
It's just one key function that docker service provides that a single port can map to multi containers(service discovery)
And another one is when container fails, swarm will start a new one.(self healing)
I know nothing about Bamboo, so I can't tell you if there's a way to run bamboo service with the swarm mode.
I have a docker swarm with two agents. The docker swarm main daemon runs on my manager host (docker-machine example setup) with --strategy random option.
I build a new docker image using the docker swarm manager connection
docker -H tcp://$(docker-machine ip manager):3376 build -t test123 .
I startup multiple containers using the manager connection
docker -H tcp://$(docker-machine ip manager):3376 run -d test123 sleep 20
docker -H tcp://$(docker-machine ip manager):3376 run -d test123 sleep 20
docker -H tcp://$(docker-machine ip manager):3376 run -d test123 sleep 20
docker -H tcp://$(docker-machine ip manager):3376 run -d test123 sleep 20
The docker container is always executed on the host which was also used for building the image.
Is there a way to automatically distribute the build image to other hosts?
I know that i could use a docker registry and just push and pull the image but i want to avoid this.
Another solution i found was to save the image to a tgz and import it. A import on a docker-swarm host (manager) automatically distributes the image to all agents. (at least this was what i observed)
Is there maybe another option?