Which threading mode is Sqlite for iOS compiled in Swift? - ios

The page http://www.sqlite.org/threadsafe.html mentions:
How can we implement that threads in Swift. Or how to use sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD in Swift

Instead of sqlite3_config you can add the required options when opening the database. This is only available for sqlite3_open_v2, not for sqlite3_open or sqlite3_open16.
Here is an example:
let rc = sqlite3_open_v2(databasePath, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE|SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE|SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX, nil)

For anyone who ended up here looking for a way to call sqlite3_config (regardless of the threading question) using the built-in SQLite3 module...
The reason it's not available is that it uses ellipsis-style variadic arguments, which according to this are not supported in Swift. One way to get around this is to make your own C header with wrapper functions for calling sqlite3_config with whatever (non-variadic) argument arrangement you need.
For example, a "bridging header" with something like this covers all the valid call signatures you might need (as far as what the SQLite config options require):
#ifndef SqliteConfig_h
#define SqliteConfig_h
#import "sqlite3.h"
static inline int sqlite3_config_no_args(int op) {
return sqlite3_config(op);
static inline int sqlite3_config_ptr(int op, void* arg1) {
return sqlite3_config(op, arg1);
static inline int sqlite3_config_int(int op, int arg1) {
return sqlite3_config(op, arg1);
static inline int sqlite3_config_ptr_int_int(int op, void* arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
return sqlite3_config(op, arg1, arg2, arg3);
static inline int sqlite3_config_int_int(int op, int arg1, int arg2) {
return sqlite3_config(op, arg1, arg2);
static inline int sqlite3_config_ptr_ptr(int op, void* arg1, void* arg2) {
return sqlite3_config(op, arg1, arg2);
#endif /* SqliteConfig_h */
Maybe there are cleaner or more idiomatic ways to create these kinds of wrappers (rather than static-inline functions in a bridging header). I'm not an expert in this area. But considering they're just wrapping calls, it seems like a good lightweight workaround.
You can search around for more info on bridging headers if you don't know how to create one. But in short: You can create a bridging header "manually" (after creating your .h file) by going to Build Settings/Swift Compiler - General/Objective-C Bridging Header and setting the value to the header filename you created. If you don't do that, your .h file is ignored. Or you could create one automatically (without going into the compiler settings) by dragging a dummy .c file into the project, deleting that file, and then editing the header it created. Or do that with a "real" C file if you prefer your code there rather than inline.
With that in place, here's an example of using sqlite3_config to install your own logging callback:
import SQLite3
func errorLogCallback(_: OpaquePointer?, iErrCode: Int, zMsg: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
let s = String(cString: zMsg)
print("LOG:", iErrCode, s)
let cCallbackPtr: #convention(c) (OpaquePointer?, Int, UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> () = errorLogCallback
let rawPtr = unsafeBitCast(cCallbackPtr, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self)
sqlite3_config_ptr_ptr(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, rawPtr, nil)


How can I hide some parameters from C DLL function on JNA Wrapper side?

I've successfully wrapped a C DLL library using JNA.
As I'm not the owner of the C development part, I would like to hide
some parameters of a C function that I've wrapped on java side.
To be more precise my java code is as follows :
public interface IJNALibrary extends Library {
public int initFunction(int firstValue, int secondValue, int thirdValue);
On the C side I have in the *.h file :
extern "C" CSAMPLE_API int initFunction (
unsigned firstValue,
unsigned secondValue,
unsigned thirdValue);
My purpose is to directly set secondValue and thirdValue parameters to 1 and thus hide those parameters to the java API user.
I don't want the user to know that he could change the values of those parameters.
In fact I would like to have something like :
public interface IJNALibrary extends Library {
public int initFunction(int firstValue);
and initFunction(int firstValue) calls initFunction(int firstValue, int secondValue, int thirdValue) from the C DLL part.
But this has to be done inside the java Wrapper and not from the code which calls the java Wrapper.
I'm afraid that It cannot be possible, is it?
Unless I create another C DLL (with public int initFunction(int firstValue) function) which calls the first C DLL(which embed initFunction(int firstValue, int secondValue, int thirdValue).But I would rather do it on the java side in order not to have manage 2 C DLLs.
See also below the Sample.java file which calls the mapped method defined in IJNALibrary interface.
public class Sample {
static IJNALibrary IJNAFunctions;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.setProperty("jna.library.path", "./librayPath");
IJNAFunctions = (IJNALibrary) Native.load("c", IJNALibrary.class);
int firstValue = 1;
int secondValue = 2;
int thirdValue = 3;
int initReturn = IJNAFunctions.initFunction(firstValue, secondValue, thirdValue);
Thanx for your help.
It depends on what you want to archive. If you want to make it easier for users to call the init, this is an option (demonstrated using gethostname from libc), which uses a Java 8 feature, which allows adding default methods to interfaces:
public class TestDefaultMethod {
public static interface LibC extends Library {
LibC INSTANCE = Native.load("c", LibC.class);
// Original binding of method
int gethostname(byte[] name, int len);
// Helper method to make it easier to call gethostname
default String gethostname() {
byte[] result = new byte[255];
LibC.INSTANCE.gethostname(result, result.length);
return Native.toString(result);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Usage
Java developers normally don't arrays to functions, which fill them and a java developer would never pass the length of the array in a separate parameter. These are artifacts of the C nature of the function. In the wrapped function an array is allocated, the native call done and the array then unwrapped. All the ugly C specialties are hidden in the default method.
If you don't want to expose the method on java at all (be warned, if your users can access the JNA library, they can circumvent your protections!), you can use a function pointer directly:
public class TestDefaultMethod {
public static interface LibC extends Library {
NativeLibrary libc = NativeLibrary.getInstance("c");
LibC INSTANCE = Native.load("c", LibC.class);
default String gethostname() {
byte[] result = new byte[255];
libc.getFunction("gethostname").invokeInt(new Object[] {result, result.length});
return Native.toString(result);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Same idea as above, the default method will hide the ugly parts. In this case though the function is not accessed through the managed INSTANCE, but access through the function pointer directly.

store a lambda that captures this

Using C++ 17, I'm looking for a way to store a lambda that captures the this pointer, without using std::function<>. The reason to not using std::function<> is that I need the guaranty that no dynamic memory allocations are used. The purpose of this, is to be able to define some asynchronous program flow. Example:
class foo {
void start() {
timer(1ms, [this](){
timer(1ms, [this](){
template < class Timeout, class Callback >
void timer( Timeout to, Callback&& cb ) {
cb_ = cb;
// setup timer and call cb_ one timeout reached
??? cb_;
Edit: Maybe it's not really clear: std::function<void()> would do the job, but I need / like to have the guaranty, that no dynamic allocations happens as the project is in the embedded field. In practice std::function<void()> seems to not require dynamic memory allocation, if the lambda just captures this. I guess this is due to some small object optimizations, but I would like to not rely on that.
You can write your own function_lite to store the lambda, then you can use static_assert to check the size and alignment requirements are satisfied:
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
class function_lite {
static constexpr unsigned buffer_size = 16;
using trampoline_type = void (function_lite::*)() const;
trampoline_type trampoline;
trampoline_type cleanup;
alignas(std::max_align_t) char buffer[buffer_size];
template <typename T>
void trampoline_func() const {
auto const obj =
std::launder(static_cast<const T*>(static_cast<const void*>(buffer)));
template <typename T>
void cleanup_func() const {
auto const obj =
std::launder(static_cast<const T*>(static_cast<const void*>(buffer)));
template <typename T>
function_lite(T t)
: trampoline(&function_lite::trampoline_func<T>),
cleanup(&function_lite::cleanup_func<T>) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= buffer_size);
static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(std::max_align_t));
new (static_cast<void*>(buffer)) T(t);
~function_lite() { (this->*cleanup)(); }
function_lite(function_lite const&) = delete;
function_lite& operator=(function_lite const&) = delete;
void operator()() const { (this->*trampoline)(); }
int main() {
int x = 0;
function_lite f([x] {});
Note: this is not copyable; to add copy or move semantics you will need to add new members like trampoline and cleanup which can properly copy the stored object.
There is no drop in replacement in the language or the standard library.
Every lambda is a unique type in the typesystem. Technically you may have a lambda as a member, but then its type is fixed. You may not assign other lambdas to it.
If you really want to have an owning function wrapper like std::function, you need to write your own. Actually you want a std::function with a big enough small-buffer-optimization buffer.
Another approach would be to omit the this capture and pass it to the function when doing the call. So you have a captureless lambda, which is convertible to a function pointer which you can easily store. I would take this route and adapter complexer ways if really nessessary.
it would look like this (i trimmed down the code a bit):
class foo
void start()
timer(1, [](foo* instance)
template < class Timeout, class Callback >
void timer( Timeout to, Callback&& cb )
cb_ = cb;
cb_(this); // call the callback like this
void set_pin(int, int)
std::cout << "pin set\n";

Variadic Dispatch Function

I have an interface wherein the types of the parameters mostly encode their own meanings. I have a function that takes one of these parameters. I'm trying to make a function that takes a set of these parameters and performs the function on each one in order.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
enum param_type{typeA,typeB};
template <param_type PT> struct Container{
int value;
Container(int v):value(v){}
int f(Container<typeA> param){
std::cout<<"Got typeA with value "<<param.value<<std::endl;
return param.value;
int f(Container<typeB> param){
std::cout<<"Got typeB with value "<<param.value<<std::endl;
return param.value;
My current solution uses a recursive variadic template to delegate the work.
void g(){}
template <typename T,typename...R>
void g(T param,R...rest){
I would like to use a packed parameter expansion, but I can't seem to get that to work without also using the return values. (In my particular case the functions are void.)
template <typename...T> // TODO: Use concepts once they exist.
void h(T... params){
// f(params);...
// f(params)...; // Fail to compile.
// {f(params)...};
std::vector<int> v={f(params)...}; // Works
Example usage
int main(){
auto a=Container<typeA>(5);
auto b=Container<typeB>(10);
return 0;
Is there an elegant syntax for this expansion in C++?
In C++17: use a fold expression with the comma operator.
template <typename... Args>
void g(Args... args)
((void)f(args), ...);
Before C++17: comma with 0 and then expand into the braced initializer list of an int array. The extra 0 is there to ensure that a zero-sized array is not created.
template <typename... Args>
void g(Args... args)
int arr[] {0, ((void)f(args), 0)...};
(void)arr; // suppress unused variable warning
In both cases, the function call expression is cast to void to avoid accidentally invoking a user-defined operator,.

How to convert function parameter from Obejctive-C to Swift?

I have a question about syntax of function parameter in Swift.
I want to get message through C based callback function from library, so I make a function with Objective-C as below:
void foo(char *arg) {
NSLog(#"%s", log);
Then, I register foo to MainController interface with Objective-C like this.
typedef void (*CB)(char *);
void addFoo(CB func);
The above code is a simplified representation, but it print log for library well.
Now, I have to change the language from Objective-C to Swift. Most of the source code has changed, but for the above function, the log is not output normally.
How can I change?
Please help.
I tried to convert directly. This is code.
typealias CB = (String) -> Void
func addCB(cd: CB) {
// ...
func foo(pa: String) {
// ...
var fooFuc: CB = foo(pa: )
addCB(cd: fooFuc)

GNU Guile SCM to char*

I am relative new to FFI and GNU Guile, and I am writing bindings to a library that heavily uses char* variables. Here is code from function, that wraps C function:
static inline char*
scm_to_ascii_string(SCM string)
: scm_to_stringn(string, NULL, "ascii", SCM_FAILED_CONVERSION_ERROR);
SCM_DEFINE(func, "func", ...)
char *server_pass = scm_to_ascii_string(scm_server_pass);
char *username = scm_to_ascii_string(scm_username);
char *realname = scm_to_ascii_string(scm_realname);
Problem is that any call to conversion function can throw error, leaving me with memory leak.
What can I do about it?
You could make the output part an argument eg:
void scm_to_ascii_string(SCM string, char* &out);
I guess you meant what exception handler methods are there on the c side, I think there might be something on that in the manual in one of the two sections on programming stuff in C.
