Open URL in browser from Message Button using Slack API - slack-api

I am sending the users a slack message with a button through a Slack App. On every click of the button, I generate a new URL.
At the moment, I am able to return the URL back as a message. The user clicks on the message to open the URL in the browser.
Instead of the sending a message back, I want to open the URL directly in the browser using slack API.
How can I accomplish it? I can't seem to find anything in the documentation that does that.
PS: Google Drive integration does that already.

It appears Slack introduced this feature recently.
As documented in
"actions": [
"type": "button",
"text": "Book flights 🛫",
"url": ""
It's possible to preview in Slack's interactive message builder

Unfortunately slack does not support opening urls from message buttons.
You can monitor what slack is planning on releasing here though: :)

According to Slack, message attachments is the "old way" of composing messages, which will be deprecated in favour of the new Block Kit API.
I found this example on how to do button links on their docs, using the actions object in the message payload.
I haven't implemented it yet, but you can send the message to a channel in your workspace straight from the docs and try it, and it does open the link in the browser as expected.

Update 04/2022
"blocks": [
"type": "actions",
"elements": [
"type": "button",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "View",
"emoji": true
"style": "primary",
"url": ""
Test on Slack Blockit Builder: Link


Unfurl links blocks template

I'm using the link_shared events to unfurl links in my workspace, trying to generate a template that is as close to Slack's unfurling template as possible, but I have several issues -
Blocks have very large spacing between them, causing my 3 blocks to take a lot of space
I'm unable to have an image inlined with the text for the title, unless I'm using context, but this is causing the text to be very small.
Taking Slack's example of how link unfurling should look like and trying to mimic it with blocks should explain the differences. This is the blocks message, and here you can see the result as an image
So my main question is - does Slack use some internal blocks formatting not available in the API, or is it possible to achieve the same result?
Thanks a lot!
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": ":pager: *Slack*"
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*<|Features>*"
"type": "image",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Slack is where work flows. It's where the people you need, the information you share, and the tool you use come together to get things done.",
"emoji": true
"image_url": "",
"alt_text": "Slack"
That example is not using the Slack block unfurl - it's an example of how a generic link would be displayed using the page's meta tags to display some additional information, using the favicon image.
If you wanted to create something similar you could use use a markdown block and an image block (like this) - but the file size would be displayed on a new line rather than after the text.
It took a bit of playing around, but I realized Slack is actually using message attachments (the legacy version of message formatting) in order to generate their link unfurls.
For example, if you want to unfurl a GitHub repository link, this is the payload you should send, and it'll generate an almost identical unfurling to what Slack is generating (a small Added by {app-name} will be added to the footer) -
unfurls[""] = {
author_name: "GitHub",
author_icon: "",
title: "GitHub - slackapi/bolt-js: A framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript",
title_link: "",
text: "A framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript. Contribute to slackapi/bolt-js development by creating an account on GitHub.",
image_url: ""

ms botframework attachment can not generate sharelink

I use botframework api to send message to users.
the message contains attachment.
So I send the activity like this
"attachments": [{
"contentType": "application/",
"contentUrl": "",
"name": "file_example.txt",
"content": {
"uniqueId": "1150D938-8870-4044-9F2C-5BBDEBA70C8C",
"fileType": "txt",
And I send bot message to user like this
And I want to generate sharelink by clicking this button
But I got a error that told me I can's generate sharelink
Does anyone knows the reason?
This issue is confirmed by the original post that it's caused by incorrect uniqueID. The uniqueID is not the itemID in one drive.
For more information about different IDs for botframework, please refer to document here:

Slack API - how to send multiple images so they are shown in a gallery

When I send multiple images via api using blocks like this:
"blocks": [
"type": "image",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Please enjoy this photo of a kitten"
"image_url": "",
"alt_text": "An incredibly cute kitten."
"type": "image",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Please enjoy this photo of a kitten"
"image_url": "",
"alt_text": "An incredibly cute kitten."
"type": "image",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Please enjoy this photo of a kitten"
"image_url": "",
"alt_text": "An incredibly cute kitten."
Slack shows them like a separate blocks and doesn't combine them into a gallery:
slack screenshot - API
When I upload them using Slack app in one message - it combines them into a gallery:
slack screenshot - with gallery
I've tried blocks, attachments, third-party urls, permalinks after file.upload - the result is the same, Slack doesn't combine them into gallery.
So, the question is - how do I make it that Slack shows several images in a gallery?
Just got an answer from Slack developers support:
slack dev support answer screenshot
Unfortunately, horizontal/gallery formatting of images is not possible
using the block kit builder. However, I'm going to go ahead and pass
your email on to our product team so that they can take this into
consideration for future updates.
Based on your comment,
[...] permalinks after file.upload [...]
this related answer might help (I also added this clarification there).
When uploading files and collecting their permalinks, you must link them in the text param in the message payload (putting them in a mrkdwn block in the blocks param will not work).
In javascript, this looks like:
const result1 = await web.files.upload({...})
const result2 = await web.files.upload({...})
text: `Here are files in a gallery view <${result1.file.permalink| ><${result2.file.permalink| >`,

Microsoft Graph: insert a message (mail) to user inbox

I have a Microsoft application (with Mail.Read/Write permissions) and I need to insert a mail (.eml extension file) to a user inbox.
Is that possible? I know that with Gsuite that can be done using the 'insert' API and was wondering if something similar exist with Graph API.
I'm not talking about sending new mail to the user or about inserting an attachment to existing message in the user inbox, but to insert completely new email to his inbox (without having to go through SPF or whatever checks that take place before mails usually get into end users inboxes).
Looking into Mail section under Graph API documentation wasn't so helpful.
If that not possible, perhaps there is a workaround?
EDIT: seems like the best option is to use "send mail" API and specify "saveToSentItems": False.. the only issue here as that my application will need to request the Mail.Send permission as well..
You don't need to use the send mail api as all your doing is creating an Item in the Mailbox. If you want it to appear as a Sent Mail (rather then a draft) you do need to set the PidTagMessageFlags extended property (the same as you would in EWS Also if you want it to appear if its been sent in the past there are few additional extended properties you need to set. eg
"Subject": "test1234",
"Sender": {
"EmailAddress": {
"Name": "blah",
"Address": ""
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML",
"Content": "123Body"
"SingleValueExtendedProperties": [
"PropertyId": "Integer 0x0E07",
"Value": "1"
"PropertyId": "SystemTime 0x0039",
"Value": "2019-06-12T10:10:47.2048+10:00"
"PropertyId": "SystemTime 0x0E06",
"Value": "2019-06-12T10:10:47.2048+10:00"

Slack - how to post a link to network folder?

I'm using a webhook to post messages to Slack via PowerShell script and I'd like to include a link to a network folder. I was able to do it with
however when the generated 'files' link is clicked nothing happens. Is there a way to specify target so that a clicked link opens in a new window? If I copy the generated link and paste it into the browser, the index is rendered just fine and that would be sufficient for my purposes. Are there any alternative solutions?
You may have some success with Slack's Link Buttons, which specifically open links in new browser tabs when clicked.
"text": "Test Link Buttons",
"channel": "C061EG9SL",
"attachments": [
"fallback": "Test link button to file://server/folder",
"actions": [
"type": "button",
"name": "file_request_123456",
"text": "Test",
"url": "file://server/folder",
"style": "primary",
"confirm": "Really?"
Slack Message Builder example
