Delphi proper use of TMultiView - delphi

As you know there is a new component called TMultiView that can be user as navigation drawer if you set the mode to Drawer. Let's say that I have a drawer with 5 buttons inside and each of them, when clicked, shows in the main form a particular layout.
I was thinking that I could add to my form a lot of TLayout and set their visibility to false. Then, when I click in a button of the Drawer, I set the respective visibility to true/false.
I am not sure if this is a good way to structure the app. Do you have any suggestion?

One approach is to place a TabControl on the form. As you have 5 buttons and want 5 different "layouts" you would add 5 tabs to the TabControl. On each tab place a TLayout.
At design time it is straight forward to design each of the layouts.
At run time switch to the appropriate layout.


Why tab selection arrows from FMX TabControl disappear at runtime?

I have a TabControl with many tabs. During the design time there is a control artifact like the one the image below where I can scroll the tabs that are not visible, since there is no available space to show them all.
However at runtime it shows up like this:
The only way to select the other non visible tabs is using the keyboard arrows when focusing on any of the visible tabs.
The user will not know that there are more hidden tabs with this problem.
The FullSize parameter does not change anything on runtime. Clipchildren, ClipParent, etc does not cause any change.

Delphi: suggests, ideas in a building of User Interface

I am building an user interface. My program will consist of 4 main parts:
1) Top Menu - TMainMenu. A top of a window
2) Main Menu - TTreeView. A left of a window. Each item of TreeView=corresponded TabSheet of TPageCotrol.
3) Work space - TPageControl. No tabs. An left space.
Each TabSheet has it's own ToolBar and other controls. It will be 5 menus (5 items in TreeView) = 5 TabSheets -> 5 ToolBars and other controls on each TabSheet.
It almost exactly looks like here (it could be: TreeView as Main Menu; MainMenu as Top Menu; Work Area - ToolBar and other controls):
I would like to use an user interface like here:
Where the CoolBar are represented with the Top Menu and the ToolBar (it suits my purpose to use 5 ToolBars instead of 1 ToolBar on each TabSheet). But after a discussion here it seems impossible to copy this CoolBar with the MainMenu and the ToolBar.
My question: how to build an efficient user interface using as examples the UI of uTorrent and the UI of Windows Firewall?
Are there good alternatives, ideas of a building of the UI? How would you make your interface if you need those 4 parts as me?
Now I have something like this:
You'll have to have 5 panels in your client area.
As you select a node in the treeview on the left you will need to call
The difficult thing is then how to update the single toolbar with the items that should appear on it based on what "tab" you've selected.
You would have to delete the toolbar buttons, and add new buttons for that "page".
Ian suggest panels, I would go with PageControl and set it's tabs TabVisible to false at runtime(*). The reason is that it is much more easy to manage at design time. When user select an item from treeview, activate corresponding TabSheet...
*) I actually haven't done this with stock TPageControl so I don't rememeber would it work this way, ie would it activate TabSheet which have it's TabVisible set to false. It might be that you have to set TabHeight to 0 or use some other trick to hide tabs at runtime.

Blackberry TabScroll and Focus problem

I'm a newbe for Blackberry and finding it quite difficult, I'm working on the TabControl example. I have changed the tabs to scroll. Now when i scroll through tabs the focus changes and as soon as the focus shifts to the other tab, the data for that tab appears.
I want to make these tabs clickable only, though they shall scroll but should change only on click.
And also when i use UIApplication.getApplication.pushScreen(someScreen) in the tabs, this someScreen appears out of the tabs, whereas i want to show this screen below the tabs only.
please help
You have to override onFocus(int) to not do anything when focus is moved. (You may or may not have to override touchEvent to handle an actual CLICK event).
You can push a screen into tabs that is not part of the tabs already. If you want something new to appear, try switching managers within the screen instead.

Hiding some attributes i.e. textboxes, labels in parent form

m using a MDI child form and want it to display when a button from its parent form is clicked, at the same time i want that when the child form appears it should be placed such that some of the attributes of the parent form i.e. picture box is shown while others as labels and textboxes are hidden. Is this possible and how?
Not sure what language or framework you are using. And I don't get what you mean position so some attributes are hidden.
What I do know is that you should easily be able to hide those objects when you click the button, in C# for example myLabel.Visible = false; or you can use myLabel.Hide() and .Show()
You could put the controls, which should be always visible on a separate form and make it top-most, so that it always stays on top of every other form.
See this for an example: How to make a window stay on top

Delphi - Duplicate tpanel and tbuttons on second form

On my main form I have a TPanel containing buttons that act as a toolbar. I want to clone/copy this toolbar and the buttons and their functionality to a second form.
Cloning the menu was simple using newmenu.merge(mainmenu). That was an excellent shortcut to duplicating a Tmainmenu.
But I am at a loss on how to easily duplicate my toolbar without having to manually assign the events and keep a timer to compare and track which buttons are enabled and disabled in comparison to the real mainmenu on the main form. Depending on what the application is doing the main toolbar buttons will be enabled and disabled at various times.
Any ideas here? Thanks for any suggestions or tips to make this easier.
Duplicating the controls
In the Form Designer, select the panel and press Ctrl+C to copy it and all its children to the clipboard. Go to the second form and press Ctrl+V to paste.
If you're still working on the design and want to keep it consistent between both forms, then create a TFrame and design your toolbar layout there. Then put an instance of that frame on both your forms. Changes to the frame design will be reflected in the forms.
See Working with frames in the help.
Making sure both sets of buttons are enabled consistently
Create a data module. Put a TActionList on it. Add an action to it for each button on your main form. Assign event handlers to the actions' OnUpdate events. In them, set the actions' Enabled properties. Finally, assign each button's Action property to refer to the corresponding action object. The buttons will automatically get enabled and disabled with the actions. No timer required.
Furthermore, you can handle the actions' OnExecute events, too. Clear each button's OnClick property, and then move the button's OnClick code into the corresponding action's OnExecute handler. It will automatically get called when you click the button, even though the OnClick property is empty.
When you assign the Caption or Hint property of a TAction, the corresponding properties of any associated controls also change. Likewise for images, if the control supports them. Actions can be assigned to menu items, too.
See Using action lists in the help.
Acting like a toolbar
Just use TToolbar. That's what it's for.
Or, once you're used to actions, put a TActionManager in your project and use it with TActionToolbar and TActionMainMenuBar. See Organizing actions for toolbars and menus in the help.
Are the buttons attached to actions? If so, you can use the OnUpdate event of the TActionList to specify what should and should not be enabled. If not, it isn't too much work to convert to using actions.
If you go this route to convert to using a ActionList, consider putting the ActionList in a datamodule where different units and forms could reference it.
You can Use ClipBoard Object For Copy Your Panel.
