iOS Simulator AND iOS Device showing black screen after running app - ios

I'm having a weird situation here, my simulator and my device show a black screen running the app. However, I do know that the storyboard is imported because the background music I added for the view controller is working, why is my view controller display not loading? It won't work for ANY view controller if I add one in the Storyboard file. Help?

Just made a new project copying everything to it and it works.


iOs After Launch Screen is loaded black screen

Hey I hope someone can help me.
So far I've only done the User interface of a multiview app, no coding done.
And I wanted to check it in the simulator.
Now, the launch Screen loads correctly, but then the screen goes black instead of showing the first view controller. And nothing in the debugger.
-Edit: After editing the info.plist, I do now get an error in the debugger
regarding to a missing SceneDelegate.
You have to set Main Storyboard from Project general tab.
General -> Main Interface

ChildView. pager view style won't work in ipad, works in iphone

I am trying to make an app that works on both iPad and iPhone. I have ensured my project's deployment is targeting the universal device family.
The issue that I am having is that my code isn't showing my mainViewcontroller class on an iPad. This same code is working fine when run on any iPhone.
The mainViewcontroller looks like this:
This is main Subview which should be subview of image2
this one is the main topview -> stays for 5 different sub controller.
This is what I am seeing in preview section on the storyboard:
iphone8 is showing the viewController but nothing is shown on the iPad pro 9.7"
If anyone can help me figure out the issue please let me know.
I might have to make a new project that focuses only on iPad.

Xcode 7.3.1 view controller in storyboard disappeared

I'm making an iOS app using Bluetooth. The app is supposed to show a list of Bluetooth device when the button "Bluetooth" is clicked. The list is a tableView shown as a popOver view controller.
When I turn on my computer the next day, the popOver view controller disappeared, but you can still see it in the list on the left side(Bluetooth device scene), and it is there when running it in simulator. But it is not visible or clickable in the interface builder.
I did nothing but closed my laptop, and opened it the next day. It's not that I'm using the wrong w/h size. I've tried that. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks a lot.
Screen shot of my storyboard

Cannot edit the launch screen in main storyboard

I'm very new to XCode and swift. I created a launch image in the launch story board. But, I wanted a customized delay for the launch screen. So, I copy pasted the UIViewController from launch storyboard to the main storyboard and connected it to the first page of my app (which is a table) with a modal segue, created a swift file, connected the UIViewController to the corresponding class and customized the delay for the launch screen.
However the image in the launch screen is not aligned when I run the app. When I edit the picture in the main storyboard, I see no change when I run the app. I realized that I had to make the changes in the launch storyboard. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Converted Universal App doesn't show the iPad Interface

At the moment I'm building an iPhone App.
Yesterday I tried to convert it to an Universal App.
It worked, but it just shows me the tab bar, but nothing else.
I've created some Web Views and a Table View, but the iPad Simulator didn't show anything, only the tab bar.
The iPhone Simulator works great, I can see all the labels, web views etc...
I've created one Storyboard for iPhone and one for iPad.
I don't know why the iPad Simulator doesn't display anything.
Hope you can help me.
Check that you have changed the storyboard name in you target general settings, as shown in the picture below.
Use the right name for you app. Check also that the info.plist file for your project has been correctly updated:
(the second entry is for the iPad).
If that is ok, try and make a clean and rebuild.
