Simultaneous pictures with iPhone 7 Plus cameras - ios

Is there a way to take a picture with the Telephoto lens and the Wideangle lens of the iPhone 7 Plus ?
I explored the different methods, but the best I can come with is to change the camera by removing the input AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera and adding the input from AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideangleCamera. This takes about 0.5 second however, I would like to capture it simultaneouly. From a hardware point of view, it should be possible since Apple is doing the same when using the AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDuoCamera.
Does anybody know other methods to capture a photo from both cameras at (almost) the same time?

I wanted to capture from both cameras too, but what I've found is this:
When you are using the AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDualCamera that
automatically switches between wide and tele, they are synchronized to
the same clock. Simultaneous running of the
AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera and
AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera cameras is not supported.
Source -


Selecting a specific camera through Qt when multiple 'lenses' are present?

I have a Qt5.15 QWidgets application (targeted primarily for use on iOS). I would like the user to be able to select a specific rear-facing camera of a phone that has multiple rear-facing cameras of different focal lengths. (e.g.- the iPhone 12 has three rear-facing cameras: wide (0.5x), normal (1x) and telephoto (2.5x)). Qt Quick solutions are also welcome.
const QList<QCameraInfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras(); Only returns two cameras on the iPhone (one front, one rear) even though there are really four (one front, three rear).
QCameraFocus::zoomTo can increase the digital zoom of the rear facing camera, but changing the optical zoom has no affect. QCameraFocus::maximumOpticalZoom returns 1.0 for the rear camera as well.
How can I use any of the rear-facing cameras other than the default with Qt?

Objective C Iphone take photos both cameras simultaneously

I need to take one picture from rear camera and another from back camera. I read that it wouldn´t possible at same time, but, you know if it is possible to switch between cameras in thi minimum time and try to take one fron and one back picture?
As I said before, I want to capture from both cameras at the same time. I know that it is not possible on Iphone devices but i tried to switch cameras very quickly. Iphone waste a lot of time switching between cameras. The ideal is to show in preview back camera and record frames from it, and record frames in front camera at the same time without previewing it and do not lose the front preview.
Thanks in advance.

What possible solution to set custom exposure in duo camera device?

My code was setting AVCaptureExposureModeCustom for AVCaptureDevicePositionBack however while adding support for iPhone 7 Plus I am able to set it for AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera but not on AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDuoCamera.
What could be a possible solution to allow user set exposure for Duo Cam.
AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDuoCamera don't support RAW capture and manual controls. if you want to achieve manual control you have to select wide-angle or telephoto camera.
When you use the dual camera capture device, RAW capture and most
manual controls are not available. To use these features, specifically
select either the wide-angle or telephoto capture device.
Apple documentation link
The real reason why you cannot do manual controls is because duel camera device uses the system automatically chooses which camera to use during capture, and can combine data from both cameras to improve capture output.
Check iOSDeviceCompatibility for more info.

Can iPhone 5, 6 or 6+ take a PICTURE with both cameras at the same time?

I found some answers regarding both front and back camera usage at the same time regarding AUDIO/VIDEO recording, which is impossible.
In detail here:
Can the iPhone4 record from both front and rear-facing camera at the same time?
However, is it possible to use both cameras at the same time to take pictures for iOS?
No this is definitely not possible I'm afraid.
Only one camera session can be used at a time when using AVCaptureSession (the lower level API for camera interaction on iOS).
If you try to invoke multiple sessions (from each camera) as soon as one session begins, the other will stop.
You could quickly alternate between sessions, but the images will not be taken in synchronicity.

Disable camera shaking in ios

I am creating simple camera app and I want to add 'image stability' so when hands are shaking the camera does not twitch. Is it possible to do in iOS?
You can do this by getting the raw image from the camera, and only using a subset of the raw image frame, then programmatically picking a new subset for each raw image to use for the next frame. Needless to say, this is a large amount of work and should only be undertaken if you know what you are doing or want to have the most impressive video/picture taking app.
The iPhone 6+ has this built into the hardware and is, I believe, what the previous comment link to avfoundation is talking about.
