STM32F4xx CAN Filter Configuration - can-bus

I am writing in reference to the information in the reference manual (bxCAN).
I am trying to understand how CAN filter configuration works and need your help to check whether I understand it correctly or not.
Especially the configuration of the filter ID and the filter mask ID.
After I take a look of the stdPeriphLib and the ref. manual, I think that in understand what happens but I´m not sure.
Is FilterIdHigh/Low the comparative value for CAN Controller after the binary AND with the FilterIdMask?
CAN Controller receives a message --> CAN_Rx_
CAN Controller makes a binary AND with the FilterIdMask -->
CAN_Rx_ArbitrationField & FilterIdMask = Result
The CAN Controller compares the Result with the FilterId.
If there is a match CAN Controller puts the CAN_Rx_ message into the assigned FIFO otherwise it will discard the message.
Isn´t it?
Thank´s in advantage.

First received ID is ANDed with Mask to remove bits which are not required and then compared with ID. If they match, then only message is accepted.
Copy Data in Buffer
Discard the message
Note that, only those bits which are set in Mask are compared.
Say, you want to accept only one frame with ID 0x18EBFAB0. In that case, you will set Filter ID as 0x18EBFAB0 and Mask as 0x1FFFFFFF.
When message with any other ID arrives, it will not satisfy required condition and it will be ignored.
If message with ID 0x18EBF9B0 is received,
(0x18EBF9B0 & 0x1FFFFFFF) != (0x18EBFAB0 & 0x1FFFFFFF)
Message will be ignored
If you want to accept any message between ID 0x120 to 0x127.
In that case, set Mask as 0x1F0 and Filter ID as 0x120. With this, Last 4 bits of the ID will be ignored as they are set to 0.
When Message with ID 0x123 is received,
(0x123 & 0x1F0) == (0x120 & 0x1F0)
Message will be accepted.


Acumatica Purchase Receipt Return: Open PO Line Default to false

After clicking the "Return" action on a selected item from a completed Purchase Receipt, we're trying to get the "Open PO Line" value to default to false. Anyone know how customize this?
The field defaulting seems to be overwritten when we press the "Return" button. We've tried several different events in the grid but none of the seem to work.
The desired result is to default the "Open PO Line" to false after a return and once the return is released the Purchase Order line associated with the return should remain completed.
The AllowOpen field on POReceiptLine is a PXBool. This means that the value must be populated via a PXDBScalar, PXFormula, etc. or via some business logic in the graph. To see what is happening, let's look at the DAC for POReceiptLine...
#region AllowOpen
public abstract class allowOpen : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<allowOpen> { }
protected Boolean? _AllowOpen;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Open PO Line", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Service, Visible = true)]
public virtual Boolean? AllowOpen
return this._AllowOpen;
this._AllowOpen = value;
As you can see, there isn't any logic to this field in the DAC, so we need to turn to the graph to see how it is used. (Even if there were logic in the DAC, we would need to see if the graph does something. However, logic in the DAC might have been an easy override with CacheAttached - unfortunately, not in this case.)
Let's turn to POReceiptEntry where the return is handled. We find AllowComplete and AllowOpen being set in the POReceiptLine_RowSelected event, as we would expect since it must be populated on the graph side of code having no logic in the DAC.
if ((row.AllowComplete == null || row.AllowOpen == null) && fromPO)
POLineR source = PXSelect<POLineR,
Where<POLineR.orderType, Equal<Required<POLineR.orderType>>,
And<POLineR.orderNbr, Equal<Required<POLineR.orderNbr>>,
And<POLineR.lineNbr, Equal<Required<POLineR.lineNbr>>>>>>
.Select(this, row.POType, row.PONbr, row.POLineNbr);
// Acuminator disable once PX1047 RowChangesInEventHandlersForbiddenForArgs [Legacy, moved the exception here from PX.Objects.acuminator because the condition was changed]
row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = (row.Released == true) ?
(row.ReceiptType != POReceiptType.POReturn ? source?.Completed == true : source?.Completed != true) :
(source?.AllowComplete ?? false);
The field is populated in the row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = (row.Released == true) ?... section of code.
Subsequently, we see that the CopyFromOrigReceiptLine method sets this value to false on the "destLine" being created.
destLine.AllowOpen = false;
As that isn't "true" then we know this isn't our spot. Continuing on, we see in UpdatePOLineCompletedFlag that AllowComplete and AllowOpen are being set. This could be our spot (or one of them).
row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = poLineCurrent.AllowComplete;
Side note: It is worth noting that this line appears twice in an if then else. In both cases it is going to be executed, therefore it would be better coding practice to place this identical statement AFTER the if then else since both the if and else conditions will execute this same statement regardless of the if.
This particular use appears to be pulling the value from the AllowComplete field of the PO Line being received. At this point, you should consider if you need to look upstream at the PO Line to see if the field there needs to be manipulated as well. I cannot answer that for you as your business case will drive the decision.
There also is a line in the Copy method that sets AllowComplete and AllowOpen.
aDest.AllowComplete = aDest.AllowOpen = (aSrc.CompletePOLine == CompletePOLineTypes.Quantity);
The Copy method is overloaded, and the other signature of the method sets the values to true.
aDest.AllowComplete = true;
aDest.AllowOpen = true;
Both of these cases may need customization as well, but I don't think it's the primary issue.
Next Steps
At this point, we see that either the field is being set in UpdatePOLineCompletedFlag or in methods that seem related to copying records. You will need to investigate further if the copy related methods warrant a change as well. However, I think the initial focus should be on the UpdatePOLineCompletedFlag method.
If we find the other points identified require customization, we likely will handle them all the same way... Override the base method/event, invoke the original method/event in our override, and then force the values to fit our business case. Careful testing will be needed since forcibly altering these values may create unforeseen negative ripples.
Something to try
We want to update (or create) a graph extension for POReceiptEntry to override the UpdatePOLineCompleteFlag method. This compiles, but it is completely untested on my part. We need to create a delegate and specify the PXOverride attribute. Then we want to execute the base method before we override the field(s) in question.
Note the extra code (commented out) as a reminder that you need to be careful of methods (typically events) updating our record in the cache and needing to be located so that we don't use a stale copy of the record. I don't think that's necessary in this case, but it seems to be somewhat obscure in code samples that I see. Of course, that is because I'm always looking at the code repository which rarely has graph extensions overriding event handlers!
#region CreateReceiptEntry Override
public delegate void UpdatePOLineCompleteFlagDelegate(POReceiptLine row, bool isDeleted, POLine aOriginLine);
public virtual void UpdatePOLineCompleteFlag(POReceiptLine row, bool isDeleted, POLine aOriginLine, UpdatePOLineCompleteFlagDelegate baseMethod)
//Execute original logic
baseMethod(row, isDeleted, aOriginLine);
/* If the base method has updated the cache, then we would need to locate the updated record in the cache to proceed
* This tends to be the case more often with event handlers, so it probably isn't needed in this case.
* This is just for reference as a training reminder
//If row has been updatd in the baseMethod, let's go get the updated cache values
POReceiptLine locateRow = Base.transactions.Locate(row);
if (locateRow != null) row = locateRow;
//Override the fields to false - need to test to see if this creates any issues with breaking existing business logic
row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = false;
If this doesn't get you the specific answer you need, I hope it at least gives you some insight into how to hunt down "the spot" to change. I suspect you may need to update the POLine for a complete solution as hinted above. (See the event handler POReceiptLine_AllowOpen_FieldUpdated for the code that leads me to that conclusion.)
Good luck with your customization, and happy coding!

How to exclude multiple values in OData call?

I am creating a SAPUI5 application. This application is connected to a backend SAP system via OData. In the SAPUI5 application I use a smart chart control. Out of the box the smart chart lets the user create filters for the underlying data. This works fine - except if you try to use multiple 'not equals' for one property. Is there a way to accomplish this?
I found out that all properties within an 'and_expression' (including nested or_expressions) must have unique name.
The reason why two parameters with the same property don't get parsed into the select options:
/IWCOR/CL_ODATA_EXPR_UTILS=>GET_FILTER_SELECT_OPTIONS takes the expression you pass and parses it into a table of select options.
The select option table returned is of type /IWCOR/IF_ODATA_TYPES=>EDM_SELECT_OPTION_T which is a HASHED TABLE .. WITH UNIQUE KEY property.
The problem is that you cannot combine NE terms with OR. Because both parameters after the NE should not be shown in the result set.
So at the end the it_filter_select_options is empty and only the iv_filter_string is filled.
Is there a manual way of facing this problem (evaluation of the iv_filter_string) to handle multiple NE terms?
This would be an example request:
Normally I want this to exclude items with the category 'Notebook' and 'Smartphone' from my result set that I retrieve from the backend.
If there is a bug inside /iwcor/cl_odata_expr_utils=>get_filter_select_options which makes it unable to treat multiple NE filters of the same component, and you cannot wait for an OSS. I would suggest to wrap it inside a new static method that will make the following logic (if you will be stuck with the ABAP implementation i would try to at least partially implement it when i get time):
Get all instances of <COMPONENT> ne '<VALUE>' inside a () (using REGEX).
Replace each <COMPONENT> with <COMPONENT>_<i> so there will be ( <COMPONENT>_1 ne '<VALUE_1>' and <COMPONENT>_2 ne '<VALUE_2>' and... <COMPONENT>_<n> ne '<VALUE_n>' ).
Call /iwcor/cl_odata_expr_utils=>get_filter_select_options with the modified query.
Modify the rt_select_options result by changing COMPONENT_<i> to <COMPONENT> again.
I can't find the source but I recall that multiple "ne" isn't supported. Isn't that the same thing that happens when you do multiple negatives in SE16, some warning is displayed?
I found this extract for Business ByDesign:
Excluding two values using the OR operator (for example: $filter=CACCDOCTYPE ne ‘1000’ or CACCDOCTYPE ne ‘4000’) is not possible.
The workaround I see is to select the Categories you actively want, not the ones you don't in the UI5 app.
I can also confirm that my code snippet I've used a long time for filtering also has the same problem...
* <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Instance Public Method ZCL_MGW_ABS_DATA->FILTERING
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE>
ASSIGN cr_entityset->* TO <lt_entityset>.
CHECK: cr_entityset IS BOUND,
<lt_entityset> IS ASSIGNED.
DATA(lo_filter) = io_tech_request_context->get_filter( ).
exporting it_select_options = lo_filter->get_filter_select_options( )
changing ct_data = <lt_entityset> ).

Can't use attr_persistence column on mysql sink

I'm trying to use the column type with OrionMySQLSink. My agent has this code:
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.type = = mysql-channel
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.enable_grouping = false
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.mysql_host = localhost
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.mysql_port = 3306
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.mysql_username = ********
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.mysql_password = *********
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.table_type = table-by-destination
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.attr_persistence = column
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.batch_size = 1
cygnusagent.sinks.mysql-sink.batch_timeout = 10
I'm having this error when I use the sink:
2015-12-14 08:43:58,118 (SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor) [ERROR -] Persistence error (Unknown database 'fiw-serv')
I don't have any problem with row mode, only with column mode.
That's because the column persistence mode of OrionMySQLSink requires the table is created in advance. A detailed explanation can be found here. Basically:
Please observe not always the same number of attributes is notified; this depends on the subscription made to the NGSI-like sender. This is not a problem for the row persistence mode, since fixed 8-fields data rows are inserted for each notified attribute. Nevertheless, the column mode may be affected by several data rows of different lengths (in term of fields). Thus, the column mode is only recommended if your subscription is designed for always sending the same attributes, event if they were not updated since the last notification.
In addition, when running in column mode, due to the number of notified attributes (and therefore the number of fields to be written within the Datastore) is unknown by Cygnus, the table can not be automatically created, and must be provisioned previously to the Cygnus execution. That's not the case of the row mode since the number of fields to be written is always constant, independently of the number of notified attributes.
Something similar occurs with OrionCKANSink, where the resource, datastore and view must be created in advance.

Issue with using int.parse() in Dart

I'm currently teaching myself the Dart language, and my first app doesn't seem to be working right. Here's the code that's causing trouble:
usrLoc = int.parse(query("#txtLoc").text);
When I try to run the app, it opens fine, but when I click the button that triggers this (and three other similar parses), the debugger stops and tells me "Source not found" for int._native_parse(), int._parse(), and int.parse().
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The text property for the specified element #txtLoc returns an empty string.
The parse method requires that:
The source must be a non-empty sequence of base- radix digits, optionally prefixed with a minus or plus sign ('-' or '+').
You can specify an onError named argument in your call to parse, which takes a callback that handles the invalid input. E.g., if you want the parse call to return the value 42 for all invalid input, you can do this:
usrLoc = int.parse(query("#txtLoc").text, onError: (val) => 42);
If you really expect the element to have some text, you can store the result of query("#txtLoc").text into a separate variable and verify the value. It would also be interesting to check what the real element type is or which tag is marked with id #txtLoc.
If you want to get the content of an input element, you should use the value property instead of text:

Hiding custom ItemProperties from print. Interop.Outlook

I have written an Outlook plugin that basically allows emails being received through Outlook to be linked with a website so that the email can also be view in the communications feature of the website. I store additional details within the ItemProperties of a MailItem, these details are basically things like the id of the user the email relates to within a website.
The problem I'm having is any ItemProperties I add to a MailItem are being printed when the email is printed. Does anyone know how to exclude custom ItemProperties when printing an email?
Here is the code that is creating the custom ItemProperty:
// Try and access the required property.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ItemProperty property = mailItem.ItemProperties[name];
// Required property doesnt exist so we'll create it on the fly.
if (property == null) property = mailItem.ItemProperties.Add(name, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText);
// Set the value.
property.Value = value;
I'm working on Outlook extension and sometimes ago we had the same issue.
One of our team members found a solution. You can create some method which is responsible for disable printing. You can see peace of our code below:
public void DisablePrint()
long printablePropertyFlag = 0x4; // PDO_PRINT_SAVEAS
string printablePropertyCode = "[DispID=107]";
Type customPropertyType = _customProperty.GetType();
// Get current flags.
object rawFlags = customPropertyType.InvokeMember(printablePropertyCode , BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, _customProperty, null);
long flags = long.Parse(rawFlags.ToString());
// Remove printable flag.
flags &= ~printablePropertyFlag;
object[] newParameters = new object[] { flags };
// Set current flags.
customPropertyType.InvokeMember(printablePropertyCode, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, _customProperty, newParameters);
Make sure that _customProperty it is your property which you created by the following code: mailItem.ItemProperties.Add(name,Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText);
On the low (Extended MAPI) level, each user property definition has a flag that determines whether it is printable (namely, PDO_PRINT_SAVEAS). That flag however is not exposed through the Outlook Object Model.
You can either parse the user properties blob and manually set that flag (user properties blob format is documented, and you can see it in OutlookSpy (I am its author) if you click the IMessage button) or you can use Redemption (I am also its author) and its RDOUserProperty.Printable property.
The following script (VB) will reset the printable property for all user propeties of the currently selected message:
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set Msg = Session.GetMessageFromID(Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1).EntryID)
for each prop in Msg.UserProperties
Debug.Print prop.Name
prop.Printable = false
