codename one push notifications not registering on ios 10 - ios

I've recently been trying to add push to a codename one app following the guide here:
Everything is working on Android but on iOS none of the callbacks are being fired after registering for push.
it may have something to do with this issue:
Push notification issue with iOS 10
Thank you

We don't use xcode 8.x yet (still updating to 7.x) so this doesn't impact us. Did you check the "Include push" flag?
Does your provisioning profile include push?


react-native-push-notification remote doesn't show when I test with real ios device with xcode

I'm using react-native-push-notification.
I'm trying to test push notifications, if I build app and upload it to testflight it shows remote notifications just fine, but when I do it with xcode build on a real device it doesn't react at all (I'm getting onRegister call and notification token though). This problem is only on IOS, android getting notifications in production and development. Can't google anything related so probably I'm missing something.
P.S. I'm using backend to send notifications through firebase
you have to go in capaibility in xcode and active PushNotification first
for more info see this
hope you have followed all the steps to get the APNS certificate and attached that to your xcode, before the build, if not please do so.
Also, in addition you need to have .pem file to add to your Firebase to make your ios app enable to send and receive push.

push Notification not working in ios ionic using FCM

i have setup all the steps for push notification using but i didn't get notification in ios App but working in Android App and also with .how to resolve this issue
I was facing the same problem and after searching for a day here are my conclusions:
Don't forget to allow for push notification in your App ID.Click on edit and then enable push notification.
Make sure your certificates you are using are correct because as you allow for push notification your previous profiles become invalid(In my case they were).So either edit the provision profiles and download again or create new ones.
3.I'll prefer using Apn-auth key as suggested on main firebase site instead of apns certificates.
4.One of the major point which I was missing was the problem with xcode Enable push notification there in the xcode as well which
are not enabled by default.
If your app is closing soon after opening your plist might be the cause Follow this answer for solution .
Last thing that really helped me fix the issue was a mac OS update.I was trying to build using xcode 7.2 which was quiet dumb part on my
side.There when I tried to enable push notification.It made changes to
my certificates and then I downloaded the provisional profile after
editing them(So valid now) and then build and everything started
working fine as hell.

Cordova ios app is not showing up in notifications center

I started having a problem with my Cordova app just a few days ago. The app will not show up in notifications center anymore, despite my tries to re-install the push plugin, re-new all certificates and provision profiles. The plugin I am using is the Phonegap Push Notifications. I did notice that it still has "Notifications" setting in the app preferences in iOS Simulator, although I don't think that counts as much.
Does anybody have an idea of what's going on? I really appreciate any help you can provide.

IOS9 Push notifications dialog appears after delete and launch app with xCode7

I have an application, it uses APNS, so I have code that subscribes to notifications, and everything works fine. But every time I reinstall app, and run it with xcode, I get allow push notification dialog. Every time.
I found hundreds questions about how to achieve this dialog again, but none - how to stop achieving them. I need help!
It's seems known IOS9 bug, here is a link for developer forum and still no response from apple and no solution:

Suddenly stopped getting push notification

Suddenly my iPhone app stopped getting push notification.
I checked the server and the expiration date is valid. the app registering fine and send token ID without any problem.
What I noticed is that I have "iPhone Production IOS push service: com.mypackage" not expandable, I mean without the private key. I cant remember maybe somehow I deleted it.
The question is if I sign the app for dis/AD-HOC with a provision that enables the push notification, with that push notification (not expandable) key I may have problems getting push notifications?
You didn't specify what iOS version you are using. But, if it used to work on iOS 7 and the issue started on iOS 8, maybe it is because of Apple change of their push notification API on iOS 8.
For more info you can look on:
