How to use bounding box in Love2d? - lua

I've been using some extremely bulky code to detect collision between simple objects, and I've heard about bounding boxes. I can't find any tutorials on how to use it, so I'm asking about how to use it. Here is how I detect collision:
function platform.collision()
if player.x + player.width / 2 <= platform.x + platform.width and
player.x + player.width / 2 >= platform.x and
player.y + player.height <= platform.y + platform.height and
player.y + player.height >= platform.y then

The MDN has a rather concise article on 2D collision detection. Being the MDN, the examples are in javascript, but are easily translated to, and applicable in, any language - including Lua.
Let's take a look:
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
One of the simpler forms of collision detection is between two rectangles that are axis aligned — meaning no rotation. The algorithm works by ensuring there is no gap between any of the 4 sides of the rectangles. Any gap means a collision does not exist.
Their example, translated to Lua:
local rect1 = { x = 5, y = 5, width = 50, height = 50 }
local rect2 = { x = 20, y = 10, width = 10, height = 10 }
rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width and
rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x and
rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height and
rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y
-- collision detected!
-- filling in the values =>
5 < 30 and
55 > 20 and
5 < 20 and
55 > 10
-- collision detected!
A live example, again in JavaScript, demonstrates this well.
Here's a quick (and imperfect) Love2D example you can throw into a main.lua and play around with.
local function rect (x, y, w, h, color)
return { x = x, y = y, width = w, height = h, color = color }
local function draw_rect (rect)'fill', rect.x, rect.y,
rect.width, rect.height)
local function collides (one, two)
return (
one.x < two.x + two.width and
one.x + one.width > two.x and
one.y < two.y + two.height and
one.y + one.height > two.y
local kp = love.keyboard.isDown
local red = { 255, 0, 0, 255 }
local green = { 0, 255, 0, 255 }
local blue = { 0, 0, 255, 255 }
local dim1 = rect(5, 5, 50, 50, red)
local dim2 = rect(20, 10, 60, 40, green)
function love.update ()
if kp('up') then
dim2.y = dim2.y - 1
if kp('down') then
dim2.y = dim2.y + 1
if kp('left') then
dim2.x = dim2.x - 1
if kp('right') then
dim2.x = dim2.x + 1
dim2.color = collides(dim1, dim2) and green or blue
function love.draw ()

Oka explained it very well. This works for everything rectangular, not rotated and axis aligned. And you even already did it that way. This is great for buttons and the like!
But what I like doing is using (invisible) circles around objects and see if these collide. This works for everything where height is about the same as the width (which is the case for many sidescrolling platformers or top-down RPGs).
It's quite handy if you want to have the object centered at the current position. And it's especially helpful to simulate a finger on a touchscreen device, because a finger is quite a bit bigger than a mouse cursor. ;)
Here's an example on how to use this method. You can copy it as an actual game, it'll work.
--[[ Some initial default settings. ]]
function love.load()
settings = {
mouseHitbox = 5, -- A diameter around the mouse cursor.
-- For a finger (thouchscreen) this could be bigger!
objects = {
[1] = {
x = 250, -- Initial X position of object.
y = 200, -- Initial Y position of object.
hitbox = 100, -- A diameter around the CENTER of the object.
isHit = false -- A flag for when the object has been hit.
[2] = {
x = 400,
y = 250,
hitbox = 250,
isHit = false
--[[ This is the actual function to detect collision between two objects. ]]
function collisionDetected(x1,y1,x2,y2,d1,d2)
-- Uses the x and y coordinates of two different points along with a diameter around them.
-- As long as these two diameters collide/overlap, this function returns true!
-- If d1 and/or d2 is missing, use the a default diameter of 1 instead.
local d1 = d1 or 1
local d2 = d2 or 1
local delta_x = x2 - x1
local delta_y = y2 - y1
local delta_d = (d1 / 2) + (d2 / 2)
if ( delta_x^2 + delta_y^2 < delta_d^2 ) then
return true
--[[ Now, some LÖVE functions to give the collisionDetection() some context. ]]
function love.draw()
for i=1,#objects do -- Loop through all objects and draw them.
if ( objects[i].isHit ) then, 0, 0) -- If an object is hit, it will flash red for a frame.
objects[i].isHit = false
else, 255, 255)
end"line", objects[i].x, objects[i].y, objects[i].hitbox/2)
-- You can use the following to check, if any object has been clicked on (or tapped on a touch screen device).
function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if ( button == 1 ) then
local i = objectIsHit(x,y) -- Check, if an object has been hit.
if ( i ) then
-- The object number 'i' has been hit. Do something with this information!
objects[i].isHit = true
function objectIsHit(x,y)
for i=1,#objects do -- Loop through all objects and see, if one of them has been hit.
if ( collisionDetected(x, y, objects[i].x, objects[i].y, settings.mouseHitbox, objects[i].hitbox) ) then
return i -- This object has been hit!
-- For the sake of completeness: You can use something like the following to check, if the objects themselves collide.
-- This would come in handy, if the objects would move around the screen and then bounce from each other, for example.
function love.update(dt)
if ( collisionDetected(objects[1].x, objects[1].y, objects[2].x, objects[2].y, objects[1].hitbox, objects[2].hitbox) ) then
-- The objects collided. Do something with this information!
As you can see, the collisionDetection() function is quite easy and intuitive to use.
Hopefully I could give you some more insight. And have fun with LÖVE 2D! :)


Check collision of ball with brick and undo the brick area to blank space and reverse the x velocity [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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For making my project I want the ball to reverse the velocity when hit with the brick and erase that particular brick but can't get to work with the knowledge i have.
EDIT - Found the solution
block_pos = {} -- table to store block positions
rows, columns = 30, 20 -- you decide how many
chance_of_block = 75 -- % chance of placing a block
block_width = math .floor( VIRTUAL_WIDTH /columns )
block_height = math .floor( VIRTUAL_HEIGHT /rows )
col = columns -1 -- don't loop through columns, just use final column
for row = 0, rows -1 do
if love .math .random() *100 <= chance_of_block then
local xpos = col *block_width
local ypos = row *block_height
block_pos[ #block_pos +1 ] = { x = xpos, y = ypos }
end -- rand
end -- #columns
and for printing the generated block in love.draw()
for b = 1, #block_pos do
local block = block_pos[b]
love .graphics .rectangle( 'line', block.x + 5, block.y, 5, 10 )
end -- #block_pos
-- random 2nd line of blocks
for b = 1, #block_pos do
local block = block_pos[b]
love .graphics .rectangle( 'line', block.x - 5, block.y, 5, 10 )
end -- #block_pos
All this is in main.lua since I am not familiar with Class concept in java and I have written a basic collision function in ball.lua which is imported in main.lua and I also have written paddle.lua for controlling the paddle
if self.x > box.x + box.width or self.x + self.width < box.x then
return false
if self.y > box.y + box.height or self.y + self.height < box.y then
return false
return true
how big is that ball? you need to add the radius to your collision detection. you could use pythag a² +b² = c² IF you absolutely need diagonal precision, but it's faster without. and at that scale, it's only one or two pixels, so you won't even notice.
-- right side of ball > left side of box or left side of ball < right side of box
if ( self.x +self.radius > box.x -box.width or self.x -self.radius < self.width +box.x )
-- top of ball < bottom of box or bottom of ball > top of box
and ( self.y -self.radius < box.y +box.height or self.y +self.radius > self.height -box.y ) then
block = nil -- collision detected, get rid of block at that [index] location
-- block_pos[b] = nil however you have it worded in this region of code
ball.dirX = -ball.dirX -- not sure how you are keeping track of ball direction,
-- but make vector reflect here

Error Trying to Draw Platforms in Lua/Love2D

New to Lua/Game dev in general here. I'm trying to write a code to draw the background of my game. I have four different spritesheets for things related to setting:
Background - which contains the drawn "background image" of the game
Platforms - which contain the platform sprites of the game
objectsBig - which contain the relatively bigger drawn objects in the background (example rocks, seaweed, etc)
objectsSmall - which contain the relatively smaller drawn objects (smaller rocks, plants, etc)
I made a function, called generateQuads() which is in my Util.lua file, which, given a spritesheet, splices it up into the different sprites in the spritesheet and returns those sprites. It is as follows:
-- Function to generate quads/cut the spritesheet
function generateQuads(atlas, tileWidth, tileHeight)
local sheetWidth = atlas:getWidth() / tileWidth
local sheetHeight = atlas:getHeight() / tileHeight
local sheetCounter = 1
local quads = {}
-- for every line of the sprite sheet
for y = 0, sheetHeight - 1 do
-- for every piece in the width
for x = 0, sheetWidth - 1 do
-- quads generated will be the ones specified by tileWidth and tileHeight
quads[sheetCounter] = * tileWidth, y * tileHeight, tileWidth,
tileHeight, atlas:getDimensions())
sheetCounter = sheetCounter + 1
return quads
I also have a class called Map, which is meant to contain information for the Map. The following are the functions in it:
function Map:init()
-- Load the background sprite into variable
-- Each is 500x500, total is 1500x500
self.background ='Graphics/platform/background/full.png')
-- Load all the ground platforms into variable
-- Each is 60x30, total is 240x30
self.platforms ='Graphics/platform/ground/all.png')
-- Load all the bigger misc objects into variable
-- Each is 15x20, total is 15x120
self.objectsBig ='Graphics/platform/objects/15x20/all.png')
-- Load all the smaller misc objects into variable
-- Each is 15x15, total is 60x15
self.objectsSmall ='Graphics/platform/objects/15x15/all.png')
-- Setting the size for each of the variables IN PIXELS
self.backgroundWidth = 500
self.backgroundHeight = 1500
self.platformWidth = 60
self.platformHeight = 30
self.objectsBigWidth = 15
self.objectsBigHeight = 20
self.objectsSmallWidth = 15
self.objectsSmallHeight = 15
-- Setting the map size IN TILES
self.mapWidth = 432
self.mapHeight = 243
-- Setting the width of the map IN PIXELS (in relation to platforms)
self.mapWidthPixels = self.backgroundWidth
self.mapHeightPixels = self.backgroundHeight
-- Storing our map features
self.tiles = {}
-- Storing the camera points, starting from the bottom
-- The 243 is the VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, which we needed to subtract to account for the
-- offset of the screen
self.camX = 0
self.camY = self.backgroundHeight - 243
-- Cutting each of the spritesheets
self.backgroundSprite = generateQuads(self.background, self.backgroundWidth, self.backgroundHeight)
self.platformSprite = generateQuads(self.platforms, self.platformWidth, self.platformHeight)
self.objectsBigSprite = generateQuads(self.objectsBig, self.objectsBigWidth, self.objectsBigHeight)
self.objectsSmallSprite = generateQuads(self.objectsSmall, self.objectsSmallWidth, self.objectsSmallHeight)
-- 'Setting' the tiles for the map to be background
for y = 1, self.mapHeight do
for x = 1, self.mapWidth do
self:setTile(x, y, BACKGROUND)
-- 'Setting' the platform tiles for where we start
for x = 1, self.mapWidth do
self:setTile(x, self.mapHeight - 303, GROUND_MIDDLE)
function Map:setTile(x, y, tile)
-- The table 'tiles' is going to store what tile should be in what x and y position
-- subtracting y by 1 so that it's 0 indexed, not 1 indexed
self.tiles[(y - 1) * self.mapWidth + x] = tile
function Map:getTile(x, y, tile)
-- This function is going to tell us what tile is set at this x and y position
return self.tiles[(y - 1) * self.mapWidth + x]
function Map:update(dt)
-- Moving the camera depending on the key being pressed
if love.keyboard.isDown('w') then
-- up movement, clamped between 0 and the other
self.camY = math.max(0, math.floor(self.camY - SCROLL_SPEED * dt))
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('a') then
-- left movement
self.camX = math.max(0, math.floor(self.camX - SCROLL_SPEED * dt))
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('s') then
-- down movement, subtracting VIRTUAL_HEIGHT to account for the screen offset
self.camY = math.min(self.backgroundHeight - VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, math.floor(self.camY + SCROLL_SPEED * dt))
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('d') then
-- right movement
self.camX = math.min(self.backgroundWidth - VIRTUAL_WIDTH, math.floor(self.camX + SCROLL_SPEED * dt))
function Map:render()
for y = 1, self.mapHeight do
for x = 1, self.mapWidth do
-- Drawing the background first, self.backgroundSprite[self:getTile(x, y)],
(x - 1) * self.backgroundWidth, (y - 1) * self.backgroundHeight), self.platformSprite[self:getTile(x, y)],
(x - 1) * self.platformWidth, (y - 1) * self.platformHeight)
What I'm trying to do is splice up each spritesheet, and for set the background and bottom tiles so that I can see a bottom floor. I'm trying to do this through giving numbers to the components in my spritesheet, so that, for example, in a 1500x500 spritesheet for the background, the entire thing is considered 'one' sprite, and treated as such. Its number, 1, is given in a variable. Another example is a 240x30 platform spritesheet, where each 60x30 is considered 'one' sprite, and given a corresponding number, like so:
-- Know where the platforms are in the spritesheet
-- Know where the backgrounds are in the spritesheet
I want to then store each in the self.tiles list, so that I can access them at any time from the table (Do note that most of this is taken from the CS50 implementation of mario, and so I understand if I've gotten any concepts wrong). When I run this code, though, I get the following error:
Map.lua:135: bad argument #1 to 'draw' (Texture expected, got nil)
[C]: in function 'draw'
Map.lua:135: in function 'render'
main.lua:48: in function 'draw'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Essentially, I just want to know a way in which I can set the bottom platform tiles, and then be able to iterate over the map and 'set' where the other object sprites should be. The background alone works fine, but once I added the:
-- 'Setting' the platform tiles for where we start
for x = 1, self.mapWidth do
self:setTile(x, self.mapHeight - 303, GROUND_MIDDLE)
and, self.platformSprite[self:getTile(x, y)],
(x - 1) * self.platformWidth, (y - 1) * self.platformHeight)
lines, the program wouldn't run.
Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: The line I'm getting an error on is the self.platform one.
i had the same problem before, and it turned out to be a typo when typing the variable. looking at your code, i saw that there was no self.platform, instead, there was self.platforms.
try:, self.platformSprite[self:getTile(x, y)],
(x - 1) * self.platformWidth, (y - 1) * self.platformHeight)

Variable is nii?

I'm using LOVE2D and Lua for making games recently. I'm updating Breakout and I have an error in Paddle.lua.
Paddle = Class{}
Our Paddle will initialize at the same spot every time, in the middle
of the world horizontally, toward the bottom.
size = math.random(4)
function Paddle:init(skin, size)
-- x is placed in the middle
self.x = VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 32
-- y is placed a little above the bottom edge of the screen
self.y = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - 32
-- start us off with no velocity
self.dx = 0
self.size = size
self.height = 16
if self.size == 1 then
self.width = 32
elseif self.size == 3 then
self.width = 96
elseif self.size == 4 then
self.width = 128
self.width = 64
-- the skin only has the effect of changing our color, used to offset us
-- into the gPaddleSkins table later = skin
function Paddle:update(dt)
-- keyboard input
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
self.dx = -PADDLE_SPEED
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
self.dx = PADDLE_SPEED
self.dx = 0
-- math.max here ensures that we're the greater of 0 or the player's
-- current calculated Y position when pressing up so that we don't
-- go into the negatives; the movement calculation is simply our
-- previously-defined paddle speed scaled by dt
if self.dx < 0 then
self.x = math.max(0, self.x + self.dx * dt)
-- similar to before, this time we use math.min to ensure we don't
-- go any farther than the bottom of the screen minus the paddle's
-- height (or else it will go partially below, since position is
-- based on its top left corner)
self.x = math.min(VIRTUAL_WIDTH - self.width, self.x + self.dx * dt)
Render the paddle by drawing the main texture, passing in the quad
that corresponds to the proper skin and size.
function Paddle:render()['main'], gFrames['paddles'][self.size + 4 * ( - 1)],
self.x, self.y)
src/Paddle.lua:83: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'size' (a nil value)
src/Paddle.lua:83: in function 'render'
src/states/ServeState.lua:68: in function 'render'
src/StateMachine.lua:26: in function 'render'
main.lua:210: in function 'draw'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Saying that the value is nii even though I assigned it. How do I fix this?
Function parameters are local to the function's body. So inside Paddle.Init size is a local variable that shadows the global variable size.
As you call Paddle.Init without providing the size parameter, size is nil within the function leading to the observed error.
See Wikipedia: Variable Shadowing
Many people use a prefix to denote global variables. g_size for example. Then you could do something like:
g_size = 4
function Paddle:Init(skin, size)
self.size = size or g_size
Which would make self.size default to g_size if the size parameter is not provided.
Another option is to call the paddle constructor with your global size as input.

Tile Collision Detection

So, I have been working on this game for a bit. However, over the past day I have not been able to figure out how to work my collision detection.
The scale at default is equal to 2.
The player is 41*scale by 64*scale.
My player is centered in the middle of the screen in both the x and y axis.
Since the player is centered the world is what moves, those variables are worldx and worldy. The player always stays at the center of the screen.
My tile map is stored in an array and is based on the image pixel color. If the pixel is white at map[x][y] the value is set to 0 else it's set to the block. Meaning the block does not get rendered.
for x = 0, w-1 do --scans the image and builds the map array
amap[x] = {}
for y = 0, h-1 do
local r, g, b, a = source:getPixel(x, y)
if r == 255 and g == 255 and b == 255 then
block = 0
if r == 255 and g == 100 and b == 0 then
block = 1
if r == 130 and g == 125 and b == 0 then
block = 2
if r == 76 and g == 76 and b == 76 then
block = 3
if r == 255 and g == 0 and b == 255 then
--this is the spawn pixel yet to build
amap[x][y] = block
end --end function
function that draws the map
for x = 0, w-1 do --draws the map
for y = 0, h-1 do
if amap[x][y] ~= 0 then, Blocks[amap[x][y]], 32*x*(3/bscale) + worldx, 32*y*(3/bscale) + worldy + jy, 0 , 3/bscale, 3/bscale)
if amap[x][y] == 4 then
end --end function
The function needs to return true or false base on if there is collision between player and block.
Your tiles are 32x32, correct? (from the drawq call) I would recommend you make a function that checks if a point is in a solid tile:
function pointCollisionTest(x, y)
-- find which tile the point is in
local tx, ty = math.floor(x / 32), math.floor(y / 32)
-- check the tile
if map[tx][ty] == solid then
return true
return false
You'll have to change the if map[x][y] == solid logic based on how you determine solid tiles, but this code should otherwise work.
Once you have point collision, the way you make the player collide is by checking each corner of its hitbox (which you should easily be able to determine) against this function whenever the player moves. There are a few ways to do this; I use the relatively simple method of calculating the player's new position, testing it, then canceling the move entirely if the collision test returns true. You have to check/cancel the x and y components of the move separately, though, so the player can move along walls instead of sticking to them.
Are you asking for a basic 2d collision detection?
A simplified formula:
if (playerx > blockminx) and (playery < blockmaxx) and (playery > blockminy) and (playery < blockmaxy) then collission

Corona SDK - frame-by-frame animation and accelerometer problem

we are doing a game with moving objects around frame-by-frame and also using accelerometer.
We have hooked on two events - about drawing the frame and for the acc.
The problem is, after we receive the acc event, we immediately put the x value in a variable.
Then we use this variable to move an object on the screen, but there is CONSIDERABLE slow down. ( I turn the phone, and after a second the object is moving properly, but a second is just way too much for a game, I expect immediate response).
What am I doing wrong? Is there another workaround to do this, or can I give some params to the accelerometer?
Unfortunately this is a serious problem - a real blocker. If this does not work, I have to find another solution (not Corona) for implementing the game.
Thanks in advance!!!
PS: here's some source:
local lastXGravity = 0
local function move(event)
elapsedTime = eventTime - lastDrawTime
lastDrawTime = eventTime
xSpeed = lastXGravity
local xMoved = xSpeed * elapsedTime
object.x= object.x + xMoved
function acc(event)
lastXGravity = event.xGravity
Runtime:addEventListener("accelerometer", acc)
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", move )
I don't know anything about Corona development, but there are some general issues. First what is gravity containing? Just the gravity vector or total acceleration = gravity + userAcceleration? You will need to get userAcceleration = totalAcceleration - gravity or some member from event providing it directly, otherwise there is no chance.
If you have user acceleration, you need to integrate twice to get the position. See Equations of motion. In your case the code will be like:
velocity = userAcceleration * elapsedTime
position = 0.5*userAcceleration * elapsedTime^2
In general precise position detection by accelerometer and gyroscope is still an unresolved problem, so don't expect precise results. But if you are interested in just evaluating that there is an impulse in one direction, it might work. See for example Getting displacement from accelerometer data with Core Motion
The guys at Ansca's forum just got this out:
system.setAccelerometerInterval( 50 )
This didn't quite actually did the trick, but
system.setAccelerometerInterval( 100 ) -- warning - battery drainer!!
did it :)
I open-sourced my first Corona SDK-made game (which actually did really well) which uses Tilting in the same manner you describe (the more the tilt, the faster the movement and vice-versa).
It's called 'Tilt Monster' and you can download it here:
local isSimulator = "simulator" == system.getInfo("environment")
-- Accelerator is not supported on Simulator
if isSimulator then
-- Please display an Alert Box
-- Text parameters
local labelx = 50
local x = 220
local y = 95
local fontSize = 24
local frameUpdate = false
local xglabel = display.newText( "gravity x = ", labelx, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
local xg = display.newText( "0.0", x, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
y = y + 25
local yglabel = display.newText( "gravity y = ", labelx, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
local yg = display.newText( "0.0", x, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
y = y + 25
local zglabel = display.newText( "gravity z = ", labelx, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
local zg = display.newText( "0.0", x, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
y = y + 50
local xilabel = display.newText( "instant x = ", labelx, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
local xi = display.newText( "0.0", x, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
y = y + 25
local yilabel = display.newText( "instant y = ", labelx, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
local yi = display.newText( "0.0", x, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
y = y + 25
local zilabel = display.newText( "instant z = ", labelx, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
local zi = display.newText( "0.0", x, y, native.systemFont, fontSize )
-- Create a circle that moves with Accelerator events
local centerX = display.contentWidth / 2
local centerY = display.contentHeight / 2
Circle = display.newCircle(0, 0, 20)
Circle.x = centerX
Circle.y = centerY
Circle:setFillColor( 0, 0, 255 ) -- blue
local textMessage = function( str, location, scrTime, size, color, font )
local x, t
size = tonumber(size) or 24
color = color or {255, 255, 255}
font = font or "Helvetica"
if "string" == type(location) then
if "Top" == location then
x = display.contentHeight/4
elseif "Bottom" == location then
x = (display.contentHeight/4)*3
-- Assume middle location
x = display.contentHeight/2
-- Assume it's a number -- default to Middle if not
x = tonumber(location) or display.contentHeight/2
scrTime = (tonumber(scrTime) or 3) * 1000 -- default to 3 seconds (3000) if no time given
t = display.newText(str, 0, 0, font, size )
t.x = display.contentWidth/2
t.y = x
t:setTextColor( color[1], color[2], color[3] )
-- Time of 0 = keeps on screen forever (unless removed by calling routine)
if scrTime ~= 0 then
-- Function called after screen delay to fade out and remove text message object
local textMsgTimerEnd = function() t, {time = 500, alpha = 0},
function() t.removeSelf() end )
-- Keep the message on the screen for the specified time delay
timer.performWithDelay( scrTime, textMsgTimerEnd )
return t -- return our text object in case it's needed
end -- textMessage()
local function xyzFormat( obj, value)
obj.text = string.format( "%1.3f", value )
-- Exit if not time to update text color
if not frameUpdate then return end
if value < 0.0 then
-- Only update the text color if the value has changed
if obj.positive ~= false then
obj:setTextColor( 255, 0, 0 ) -- red if negative
obj.positive = false
if obj.positive ~= true then
obj:setTextColor( 255, 255, 255) -- white if postive
obj.positive = true
local function onAccelerate( event )
xyzFormat( xg, event.xGravity)
xyzFormat( yg, event.yGravity)
xyzFormat( zg, event.zGravity)
xyzFormat( xi, event.xInstant)
xyzFormat( yi, event.yInstant)
xyzFormat( zi, event.zInstant)
frameUpdate = false -- update done
-- Move our object based on the accelerator values
Circle.x = centerX + (centerX * event.xGravity)
Circle.y = centerY + (centerY * event.yGravity * -1)
-- Display message and sound beep if Shake'n
if event.isShake == true then
-- str, location, scrTime, size, color, font
textMessage( "Shake!", 400, 3, 52, {255, 255, 0} )
local function onFrame()
frameUpdate = true
-- Add runtime listeners
Runtime:addEventListener ("accelerometer", onAccelerate);
Runtime:addEventListener ("enterFrame", onFrame);
I hope, this code will help you.
