How to find output of shell command run by fastlane action? - ios

Sometimes it happens that a fastlane action throws an error like:
ERROR [2016-11-06 03:34:20.16]: Shell command exited with exit status 48 instead of 0.
I found troubleshooting difficult, as --verbose is not not verbose enough. By action I don't mean sh action, which is rather special case, but other fastlane actions e.g. create_keychain. The action create_keychain calls shell command security create-keychain and when it fails there is no clue what happened.
How do I find output of a shell command run by fastlane's action?
How do I find what shell command including all parameters is fastlane actually trying to run?

The output of the shell command is printed out by default when you use the sh action. Alternatively you can also run the shell command directly yourself using backticks (standard Ruby)
puts `ls`

The answer is that there is no such option at the moment, but it should be easy to add it.
I have created git issue #6878 for it.


Git Bash: "bash: env: command not found" but only after running the 'export' command first. Why?

I use git bash on a windows 10 machine through Windows Terminal. The command 'env' works perfectly every time I start up a session in git bash. However, if I try to do any 'export' command, running any 'env' command after that will raise the error 'bash: env: command not found'. If I close my session and start another one, 'env' works perfectly again. Why is this happening?
I've tried all permutations of the 'env' command, but nothing works. The 'export' command always works, which I know because I tested it to see if it does indeed modify my PATH.
Note: I'm not sure what relevant system info would be helpful to include here, so please tell me what you'd need to solve this issue, but I'd prefer to include as little as possible for privacy.

Ansible Tower CLI pass Launch Parameters in one command without prompt

I am trying to launch an ansible-tower cli job through Jenkins. But I don't want a prompt that appears on Ansible Tower. I want to pass those parameters in the same command so that a prompt is not required.
I have tried:
tower-cli job launch --job-template=33 -e "param1" -e "param2"
This is the error I get:
Error: failed to pass some of the extra variables
According to the Ansible Tower-CLI documentation the parameter -e is wrong. You need to use --extra-vars. This differs from ansible-playbook command. So an easy example is
tower-cli job launch --job-template 1 --extra-vars '{"x":"y"}'
Be aware that you write all vars in one argument. The --extra-vars expects JSON or YAML format.
Be also aware, that the given job template MUST be configured to ask for extra-vars. Otherwise the argument is ignored on Ansible Tower side.
Also - not the question but a good advice - if your Jenkins needs to wait for the job result add --monitor to the tower-cli command. Then the cli waits for the response code and the stage could "fail" if there is a problem.

Jenkins Job to run SOQL query

I'm trying to get a Jenkins job to run sfdx force:data:soql:query commands in order to migrate configuration data sets between our production org and our sandboxes after a refresh. Certain configurations do not persist on a refresh so we need a way to move that data.
Running the queries from the command line on the Jenkins server work as expected, however the job when it runs fails with the following error:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
The job does three things:
Authorizes to the DevHub, lists out the connected orgs, and then performs a SQOL query to just print some data - 16 lines to be exact. Here are the commands in the shell script of the job:
sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant -i ${CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_KEY} -u ${DEV_HUB} -f ${JENKINS_HOME}/certs/prod/server.key -r [...] -a DevHub
sfdx force:org:list
sfdx force:data:soql:query -u ${DEV_HUB} -q "SELECT Id, Name FROM [...tablename...]" -r human
I am completely stumped on why this is happening. Again, running the SOQL command directly on the server through PowerShell or Command Line works as expected. I would appreciate any help with this.
This one stumped me for a long time but we finally got it figured out.
If you are seeing this error, make sure to check your machine's environmental variables. I saw a TON of other answers pointing to this as the issue where the install of SFDX path name had spaces in it as in C:|P:rogram Files\SFDX\bin but only showed some weird command line FOR loop that made no sense what so ever.
What we did was to completely uninstall all of SFDX making sure none of it was left on the machine and reinstalled into a folder we made where there was no spaces in the path name.
Once we did that, our job worked like it was supposed to. I hope this helps others who run into this same issue.

fpm is not recognised if executing script with jenkins and ssh

I am trying to execute a script over ssh connexion with Jenkins. I am using the SSH plugin and it is well configured. I arrive to execute the first part of the script, but when I try to execute a fpm command it says:
fpm: command not found
If I connect to the instance and run the same script that I call via Jenkins it runs and there is no error (fpm is installed).
So, I have created a test like a script
#!/bin/bash -x
but, with Jenkins, I get the same error: fpm: command not found, while if I execute it I get a normal "parameter needed":
Missing required -s flag. What package source did you want? {:level=>:warn}
Missing required -t flag. What package output did you want? {:level=>:warn}
No parameters given. You need to pass additional command arguments so that I know what you want to build packages from. For example, for '-s dir' you would pass a list of files and directories. For '-s gem' you would pass a one or more gems to package from. As a full example, this will make an rpm of the 'json' rubygem: `fpm -s gem -t rpm json` {:level=>:warn}
Fix the above problems, and you'll be rolling packages in no time! {:level=>:fatal}
What am I missing? Why it cannot find fpm if it is installed?
Make sure fpm is in /usr/bin..
It seems that the problem came because the fpm was installed in the /home/user2connect/bin/, and the command was not recognised. For fixing this I had to call it wit the whole path:
/home/user2connect/bin/fpm ...
I have chosen to reinstall the fpm using sudo, so now it works.

Running Fitnesse Tests from Command Line

When running the Fitnesse tests via command Line I am getting a ClassNotFound Exception
caused by Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:fitnesse.runner.testRunner
could not find the main class:fitnesse.runner.TestRunner.Program will exit
Kindly help
TestRunner is no longer supported. Use
Update: link has changed -
Update: link has changed again -
Excerpt from Fitnesse docs:
You can run any REST command (See Restful Services) from the command
line by using the -c command line option as follows:
java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -c
This starts up fitnesse, runs the command, emits the output to
standard out, and then exits.
Most often you will use this to run tests and/or suites from the
command line as follows:
java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -c "MyTestPage?test&format=text"
