Load multiple images from web directory in Objective C - ios

I require a simple but potentially complex solution that I can't seem to find code that translates from Android for my iOS version APP.
I simply need a imageview grid such as shown here from a single web directory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIX4SnBLaZg
I have a working version on Android but can't seem to figure it out on Objective C.
My working version uses JSON to find each file in the directory and associated text, then simply adds each entry to the grid. The iOS version doesn't need to be as complicated if anyone has any examples?
Would anyone have any examples/snippets/APIs of implementing something like this into iOS?
Or even a simplified version such as only images from a directory. Simply have the thread read an entire folder from URL, file by file, and populate it in imageview's. Then once a user clicks on an image, simply view it full screen?

For your requirement you can use collection view . Please follow the below tutorial
And to get images of jpg stored in bundle under folder named Images
NSArray *imagesOfjpgType = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathsForResourcesOfType:#"jpg"
To customize the cell to your design Please use the below code
Also Please find sample from above tutorial which has a label below the image


Adding image sets to images.xcassets catalog programmatically in iOS?

I've searched high and low on stackoverflow and google for an answer to this question. Perhaps it's not possible, or I may need to devise a different method to do this.
In our iOS app we have a whole bunch of image sets in images.xcassets. But we're moving to a more dynamic environment where we'll be downloading image sets instead.
I'd like to try and stick with the convention of having everything in the images.xcassets folder. Except as said, I want to dynamically create the image sets based on the data we retrieve from our server. Is this possible?
So there is a way to do this, but it's iOS 8.0 and above. Unfortunately, we're supporting 7 and above so I can't use it.
But for anyone else who's interested, you can use the UIImageAsset class to do what you need to do when you want to create a container for your images to encapsulate different resolutions, as the images.xcassets container currently does.
UIImageAsset docs
This answer gives a good overview of the XCAssets folder at runtime: Can I access an xcassets directory on the filesystem? - it looks like it's the wrong way of going about things.
I believe it is recommended that you use the temp or document folders, depending on the how long you wish to keep these images (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/FileSystemOverview/FileSystemOverview.html).

Parse iOS SDK Localizing

I am using Parse SDK as a backend and when application loading data from server i see label "Loading". But my app using another language and i wanna translate it. How can i fix it?
Image here
I am tried to change simulator language and and changing value of Localization native development region key in plist.
Anyone had this problem? I think there is very simple answer, but i cannot find it. :)
Thank you for help!
So after a long search, i discovered that you should create a file named "ParseUI.strings" in order to change UI elements like "Loading.." as you mentioned. You can see the file in the image below. You should use at least ParseUI framework 1.1.6 for this method.
After you create a file and named it as "ParseUI.strings" you can change UI elements which parse provides us. You can see which strings are editable here.
In your example you want to change "Loading..." string, so all you have to do is enter the code in your ParseUI.strings file.
"Loading..." = "Whatever thing you want to say...";
Thats it, it worked for me.

forge.topbar.setTitleImage(URL,success,error); dynamic image .. fileCache?

I have been told this is possible to do but cannot get this to work.
Basically I am trying to cache and image using forge.file.cacheURL()
Now I can get the file just fine and display it in the page by creating a new Image object but what I want to do is use this cached image to change the image in the topbar.
When ever I try to do it I get an error saying "file not found" and after reading the docs a little more it seems that trigger may have "src/" coded into the class because if I put just "image/logo.png" the logo.png will show up in the header because its part of the app package.
I guess the question is.. Is my assumption correct?
The native UI elements (topbar/tabbar) load images directly from your apps package, not through a URL in the same ways images are shown in the webview.
What this means is that currently you can only use images included in your app in the topbar/tabbar modules.
in case anyone is interested in this, the ability was added a while ago to the API so you can now use a cached image or filesaveURL feature of forge to change the header image dynamically.

XML SDK 2.0 - Images - Excel file

With the use of the Open XML SDK 2.0, I did preformed the Reflected Code of an Excel file.
Along with other things, the Excel file has some images in some of the cells. When I run the code that was generated, the file show the images just fine.
What I need to do is to programatically inject images in place of the
images that are there now. The thing is, I cannot find where the images are at in the code that was generated. How can I figure this out? Also what is the easiest way to replace those images with new ones programmatically?
You may want to take a look at a similar question about inserting images into Excel files with OpenXML SDK: C# & OpenXML: Insert an image into an excel document.
Basically, those files are created as separate document parts. The answer I linked to should show You how to insert a new image into a document, however, in order to substitute existing images with your custom ones, you could probably just modify the binary data of appropriate ImagePart (and some other associated properties).
If You need some help with the code performing this task, let me know.

iOS file browser example

Does anyone have some sample code demonstrating how to make a "file browser" view? I'd like to be able to navigate through directories and drill-down the sub-directories and see files located within the various folders. I want the user to be able to create new directories/files and even select an existing file. Is there sample code out there already available to do this?
I don't know about sample code, but this wouldn't be too complicated to achieve using NSFileManager and a UITableView.
You can obtain arrays of directory contents using the subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error and associated methods of a file manager. These arrays in turn can populate a UITableView. It would be fairly easy to put together a navigation controller that could display a series of table views showing a file hiearchy.
Bear in mind, however, that you'll only be able to access the directories inside your application sandbox, unless you're running on a jailbroken device.
The iOS programming guide says that
You should never present users with the list of files in this directory and ask them to decide what to do with those files. Instead, sort through the files programmatically and add files without prompting.
This is assuming you are trying to implement file browse feature for your documents directory.
I'm an author of FileExplorer which is a file browser for iOS and fulfills most of your requirements.
Here are some of the features of my control:
Possibility to choose files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Possiblity to remove files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Built-in search functionality
View Audio, Video, Image and PDF files.
Possibility to add support for any file type.
You can find my control here.
