Knockout Computed Observable Array from other Observable Arrays - knockout-3.0

I am using knockout with my ASP.NET Core project to achieve following
1- I am trying to compute the sold inventory based upon opening, closing and delivery inventory of a product.
I have four arrays. OpeeningInventories,ClosingInventories, DeliveredInventories and SoldInventories. I am creating these arrays identically at the server side. Each array have a number of GasProducts (model). I have created JSFiddle to show you the code. Sorry the code somewhat works in my project but it is not working in JSFiddle. I will greatly appreciate if you can help me fix my problem. Thanks in advance. Here is the link to JSFIDLE


Translate Combobox values with source Dataverse in Canvas Apps

I am trying to build a multilingual Canvas application and for static text I have created a separate table in Dataverse with the following columns: "Key", "Value", "Language". For static texts like the label of the datacard in the form this approach is working without an issue.
Unfortunately, I have 2-3 combobox fields, optionsets in Dataverse and this approach is not working or at least I cannot figure a way to translate those values, when the user selects a language.
I have tried using the Microsoft Translator connector, but I do not think that this is the correct approach, since I have a lot of issues with saving the data back.
I would appreciate any ideas!
Thank you!

Looking to add a dynamically adding rows table with multiple fixed columns which can fill value's to Google form and bring response to Google Sheets

I'm trying to create a table with editable cells in a google form that lets people enter their response. It would have multiple fixed columns and dynamically adding rows for more response.
Sample image of the desired table in google form for response
I am naive about building google forms and running scripts/codes on forms. A detailed explanation of steps will be of good help.
Thanking in advance to wonderful people who do such fabulous work
At the moment it is not possible to insert tables in Google Forms, not even via Apps Script, but since you are interested in learning about Forms and Scripts I would recommend you start with this quickstart about managing Form responses.
If you explain perhaps with more detail what your goal by inserting the table is, maybe there is a way with the available options in forms to achieve it.

How to export data with Grid.mvc in ASP.NET MVC

I have data in Grid.MVC and now I want export data after filtered or sorted. I don't know how to do it.
Please help me.
Thank all.
I need to export the data in Grid.MVC to Excel. I used the solution in this link:
It working but i have a problem, i want export data after filted or sorted.
So heres the help I can give you... I had to do this a few years ago with the same technology. Think of the Grid.MVC filtering as "client side". On the server's point of view, the bucket of objects filling the table has not changed when you do filtering, so what I had to do was hook into the filterboxes on the top of the grid by their css names and use a post back of filter objects to the viewbag which were then used in a linq query to filter the objects to the set I desired, from there I was able to export. This was super hard, and I cant access any of my old code b/c it was for a different company.
I would suggest not puttin the effort in, see if your users are okay with "post filtering" since excel is pretty much made to filter / sort data anyways.
Sorry I could not be more help but I hope this gets you started. good luck.

clauses and variables in

I'm working recently on I wonder If there is any way to display the number of clauses and variable of my model. I used to work on Alloy. Alloy displays these informations automatically. Can anyone help?

Integrating Ember bindings with highcharts

I have a javascript application written with ember.js and am looking to bind an array of day containing various stats to some charting mechanism. I have been experimenting with highcharts with no luck. I have managed to get it to update through the setInterval function, but am unsure of how to incorporate a highcharts object and an ember object to allow for bindings/computed properties.
I am just beginning with ember, and I appreciate any help/ pointers in the right direction.
There is a JSFiddle around which illustrates how to use Highcharts with Ember.js, see
EDIT: I found the corresponding thread, so the credits of the JSFiddle go to user #mbloem and #hfrntt (Slawek Kolodziej).
Here is a working version of the fiddle above, with Ember rc6 and Highcharts 2:
For Highcharts 3 the options structure has changed somewhat (and broken the previous fiddle) but the idea remains the same.
Changed dependency to:
