Ms Access 2016 Hashtable cause Automation error - ms-access-2016

In our old system we were using ms access 2003
Now we move our system to ms access 2016 now we are getting Automation error
when we debug;
msSqlAccessRelations.Add "CurrentUserId", "CurrentUserId"
this line gives an error.
we defined hashtable like this
Dim msSqlAccessRelations As New Hashtable
also mscorlib reference already added.
this code perfectly works on ms access 2003
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim msQry(0) As String
Dim accessQry(0) As String
Dim msSqlAccessRelations As New Hashtable
msQry(0) = "Select * From [IFSDB].[dbo].[Notes] Where ReferNum = " & ReferNum & " AND ReferTypeId = " & ReferTypeId & " " & extraFilter & " Order by NoteID desc"
accessQry(0) = "Select CurrentUserId , CurrentUserPrinted from TblCurrentUser"
msSqlAccessRelations.Add "CurrentUserId", "CurrentUserId"
If GetMSSQLDown = False Then
Set GetNotes = GetDataToDifferentDb(msQry, accessQry, msSqlAccessRelations, "CurrentUserPrinted,Note,NoteID,CurrentUserId,ReferNum,ReferTypeId,AppearOnReport,AppearOnBOLReport,Date,ShowForPickers")
Set GetNotes = rs
End If


ADO adLockBatchOptimistic allows updates on modified records

I'm begging for help, since I'm too stupid.
What I do:
Open connection to Access DB
Download Table to a Recordset
Disconnect the RecordSet
Update a record
Update the same record in DB (by another user)
Connect RecordSet back to DB
UpdateBatch affected record
Yesterday it was throwing an error that the record has been modified in the meantime.
Today it's updating the record without any issues.
I would bet my arm I haven't changed anything...
I open the recordset with following settings (first set them, then open):
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
I beg everyone for help
Example Code:
Dim DB_FILE_NAME As String
Dim DB_FILE_PATH As String
Dim tmp_RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim tmp_RS2 As ADODB.Recordset
DB_FOLDER_PATH = "\\XXXXX\userdata\XXXXX\home\Documents\Data Base\"
CONNECTION_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" & ";" & "Data Source=" & DB_FILE_PATH & ";" & "Persist Security Info=False"
QUERY_STRING = "SELECT" & " " & "*" & " FROM [" & "DATA" & "]" & ";"
Set tmp_RS = New ADODB.Recordset
With tmp_RS
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
.ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With
Set tmp_RS2 = New ADODB.Recordset
With tmp_RS2
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
.ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With
With tmp_RS
.Fields("FIELD_LONG_TEXT_PLAIN").Value = "ABC"
.ActiveConnection = CONNECTION
End With
With tmp_RS2
.Fields("FIELD_LONG_TEXT_PLAIN").Value = "ZXC"
.ActiveConnection = CONNECTION
End With
Best Regards,

VBA to read in tab delimited file

I have some code which reads in a tab delimited file where cell reference B2 matches the reference in the first column in the tab delimited file. This works fine where the text file is small. The below works on a sample file with aa bb and cc as the headers with dummy data.
Option Explicit
Sub TestImport()
Call ImportTextFile(Sheet1.Range("B1"), vbTab, Sheet2.Range("A4"))
End Sub
Public Sub ImportTextFile(strFileName As String, strSeparator As String, rngTgt As Range)
Dim lngTgtRow As Long
Dim lngTgtCol As Long
Dim varTemp As Variant
Dim strWholeLine As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intNextPos As Integer
Dim intTgtColIndex As Integer
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set wks = rngTgt.Parent
intTgtColIndex = rngTgt.Column
lngTgtRow = rngTgt.Row
Open strFileName For Input Access Read As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strWholeLine
varTemp = Split(strWholeLine, strSeparator)
If CStr(varTemp(0)) = CStr(Range("B2")) Then
wks.Cells(lngTgtRow, intTgtColIndex).Resize(, UBound(varTemp) + 1).Value = varTemp
lngTgtRow = lngTgtRow + 1
End If
Close #1
Set wks = Nothing
End Sub
I am trying to get the below bit of code to work using ADO as this will run much faster on a text file with a couple of million records however I am getting an error on the '.Open str' part of the code (no value given for one or more required parameters).
It looks like it is to do with how I am defining the string- could you review and see if there is something I am missing...?
Sub QueryTextFile()
t = Timer
Dim cnn As Object
Dim str As String
Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
cnn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\Users\Davids Laptop\Documents\Other Ad Hoc\Test Files\;Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited;"""
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
str = "SELECT * FROM [test1.txt] WHERE [aa]=" & Chr(34) & Range("B2") & Chr(34)
With rs
.ActiveConnection = cnn
.Open str
Sheet1.Range("A4").CopyFromRecordset rs
End With
MsgBox Timer - t
End Sub

Classic ASP - ADO execute Stored Procedure passing in parameters

I am needing to pass parameters into a stored procedure with Classic ASP. I do see some people using the Command object and others NOT using it.
My sproc params are like this:
#RECORD_NUMBER decimal(18,0),
#ErrorType nvarchar(100),
#CompanyId int,
#INS_ID_NUM nchar(22)
Then I'm trying to do this:
Dim conn, rsSet,rsString, cmd
RN = Request.Form("Record_Number")
ET = Request.Form("ErrorType")
IC = Request.Form("INSURANCE_CODE")
CI = Request.Form("CompanyID")
IIN = Request.Form("INS_ID_NUM")
set conn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
set rsSet = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open Application("conMestamed_Utilities_ConnectionString")
rs_string = "apUpdateBill " & RN &",'" & ET & "'," & IC & "," & CI & ",'" & IIN & "'"
rsSet.Open rsString, conn, adOpenForwardOnly,, adCmdText
(I don't need a Recordset, i'm just trying to get it to send in data)
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
I have tried Command stuff and I get "precision" errors
Do I "have" to use command object?
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
'Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
'cmd.CommandText = "apUpdateBill"
'cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
'Cmd.Parameters.append Cmd.createParameter("#Record_Number", adDecimal, adParamInput, 18)
'Cmd.Parameters("#Record_Number").Precision = 0
'Cmd.Parameters("#Record_Number").value = Request.Form("Record_Number")
Here is how you would do it, you won't need to create a recordset object since it is an update stored procedure:
'Set the connection
'Set the command
DIM cmd
SET cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
SET cmd.ActiveConnection = Conn
'Prepare the stored procedure
cmd.CommandText = "apUpdateBill"
cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
cmd.Parameters("#RECORD_NUMBER") = Request.Form("Record_Number")
cmd.Parameters("#ErrorType") = Request.Form("ErrorType")
cmd.Parameters("#INSURANCE_CODE") = Request.Form("INSURANCE_CODE")
cmd.Parameters("#CompanyId") = Request.Form("CompanyID")
cmd.Parameters("#INS_ID_NUM") = Request.Form("INS_ID_NUM")
'Execute the stored procedure
'This returns recordset but you dont need it
SET Conn = Nothing

How to display data on the Datagrid from the dataset using db2 DB

I solved the problem with the data not displaying and have corrected the code below.
I need to populate the dataset with the values returned in a stored procedure in db2. I have written a some code which connected to the DB and seems to execute the SP and am populating the dataset but am not find able to figure out how to display the data from the dataset to the grid. Right now it is blank an no data in the grid.
Imports IBM.Data
Imports IBM.Data.DB2
Imports IBM.Data.DB2.DB2DataReader
'cs is the connection string you create in your application.
Dim conn As DB2Connection = New DB2Connection(cs)
Dim trans As IDbTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction()
Dim cmd As IDbCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
Dim procName As String = "SP_Name"
cmd.Transaction = trans
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = procName
Dim db2da As New DB2DataAdapter
Dim db2ds As New DataSet
db2da.SelectCommand = cmd
db2da.Fill(db2ds, "Tab1")
Dim introwcount As Integer = db2ds.Tables("Tab1").Rows.Count
Dim intColumncount As Integer = db2ds.Tables("Tab1").Columns.Count
dgvData.DataSource = db2ds.Tables("Tab1")
Appreciate the help.
Can you try a DB2Command instead of IDbTransaction? That's how I know to do it, but your requirements may be different than mine.
Dim conn As DB2Connection = New DB2Connection(cs)
Dim cmd As New DB2Command()
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = procName
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim rdr AS DB2DataReader = Nothing
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
dgvData.DataSource = rdr
Catch ex As DB2Exception
End Try

Why does my stored procedure always think there is a value?

I have an ASP.NET 2010 app hitting a SQL 2005 db. I am attempting to build a stored proc dynamically, depending on the values selected on a search screen. I have done this many times in previosu versions of .net & sql with no problem. However, now, my IF statement always always acts as though no data was passed in. I have debugged the app and am sure that data is being set. I should note that when I run the procedure directly, with or without data, the correct data is returned.
Here is the rather simple stored proc..
ALTER PROCEDURE get_cases_by_search_criteria
#vin as varchar(30) = null
declare #sqlstr varchar(1000)
set #sqlstr = 'SELECT
if #vin is not null and #vin <> ''
set #sqlstr = #sqlstr + ' and ' + ('[Case].VIN = ''' + convert(varchar,#vin) + '''')
And here is the code that calls the stored proc...
Public Function GetCases(ByVal oSearchCriteria As SearchCriteria) As List(Of BE.Case)
Dim lstCase As New List(Of BE.Case)
Dim oCase As BE.Case
Dim oProviderFactory As New ProviderFactory
Dim oConnection As DbConnection
Dim oReader As System.Data.IDataReader
Dim oFactory As DbProviderFactory
Dim oCmd As DbCommand
Dim param1 As System.Data.Common.DbParameter
'call my class to get an instance of the DBProviderFactory class
oFactory = oProviderFactory.GetFactory
'call another class of mine. pass in the DBProviderFactory class which will create a non-provider-specific connection object
oConnection = oProviderFactory.GetProviderConnection(oFactory)
'non-specific create command
oCmd = oConnection.CreateCommand
'non-specific parameter
If oSearchCriteria.VIN.Length = 0 Then
param1 = oFactory.CreateParameter()
param1.ParameterName = "#vin"
param1.DbType = DbType.String
param1.Value = DBNull.Value
param1 = oFactory.CreateParameter()
param1.ParameterName = "#vin"
param1.DbType = DbType.String
param1.Value = oSearchCriteria.VIN
End If
oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
oCmd.CommandText = "get_cases_by_search_criteria"
Using (oConnection)
oReader = oCmd.ExecuteReader()
While oReader.Read
oCase = New BE.Case
If oReader("CaseID") IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then oCase.CaseID = oReader("CaseID")
If oReader("Make") IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then oCase.Make = oReader("Make")
If oReader("Model") IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then oCase.Model = oReader("Model")
If oReader("VehicleYear") IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then oCase.VehicleYear = oReader("VehicleYear")
If oReader("VIN") IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then oCase.VIN = oReader("VIN")
End While
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Return lstCase
End Function
