Black Space show in MFSideMenu - ios

I have used MFSideMenu in objectiveC. But when the sideMenu appear the black background show on top.
I have use all (header and footer of tableview). Also hide the Navigation Bar.But problem is not solve.
Can Anybody help me.


ViewController with different behavior on hidden Navigation Bar

I have a ViewController which has a hidden navigationBar (supported by a NavigationController). The problem is that the navigation bar is rendering a black image on the bottom of the nav bar.
What am i doing wrong?
This is a bug in iOS 11. If you try on a lower target you´ll see that it will work. The problem is that the navigation bar goes up like 10 pixels on iOS 11. Not much to do at the moment for this.

YTPlayerView adding a grey bar automatically. cant get rid of it

Here is the screen where the grey area is shown between navigation bar and video player .
I read this one as well.
Grey bar appearing under Navigation bar after segues Swift
But didn't understood the solution as it didn't worked for me.
Need help to get this portion off.
Anyone faced this?
Thanks in advance

Modal UIViewController from middle of the screen

I have a transparent custom navigation bar like the one on this picture:
I would like to have a modal view that appears from just under the navigation bar up to half of the screen and make it feels like the navigation bar is expending until half of the screen. And I would like to animate it like if it is sliding down. It will just contain a UILabel, and it will appear when I click on the "i" information button on the top right corner.
I don't know how to make a translucent modal view appears from the middle of the screen instead of from a border. Especially since my navigation bar is transparent and my modal view should not appears behind it while appearing. Do you have any example or tutorial to help me do that?
I am coding in Swift :)

White bar on top of search bar in popover

I have this weird top white bar above the search bar(on the right side). When I tap the button again to close the popover it will turn black, so I don't know if it is the popover background color or something else. Also, this happens only on iOS 9 Some help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: The problem is that I want that white bar removed, not that it's turning black
If anyone has this same problem, here is how I got rid of that top white bar. I just changed UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown to UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny where I was doing the presentPopoverFromRect

storyboard: table view appearing behind navigation bar

As per the picture below, part of the TableView is appearing behind the Navigation Bar.
I had been ignoring it, thinking it was just the way the storyboard drew things because it looks ok in the app. But it can be problematic - sometimes, to select the cell behind the Navigation Bar, one needs to use the Document Outline.
Is that just how it goes? Or is there a way to get Xcode to draw things properly?
It looks like you have selected a translucent navigation bar which will not push down other subviews. Try using the standard or black navigation bar. It probably looks fine in the app because your navigation controller using the non-translucent bar.
