Hangman Program 2 - ios

I have asked a question before about this program, but it seems that not all problems are resolved. I am currently experiencing an error that states: "Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type '_Element' (aka 'Character') on the "guard let indexInWord" line:
guard let letterIndex = letters.indexOf(sender)
else { return }
let letter = letterArray[letterIndex]
guard let indexInWord = word.characters.indexOf(letter)
else {
print("no such letter in this word")
// since we have spaces between dashes, we need to calc index this way
let indexInDashedString = indexInWord * 2
var dashString = wordLabel.text
dashString[indexInDashedString] = letter
wordLabel.text = dashString
I tried converting the String 'letter' to Character but it only resulted in more errors. I was wondering how I can possibly convert String to argument type "_Element." Please help.

It is hard to treat a string like a list in swift, mostly because the String.characters is not a typical array. Running a for loop on that works, but if you are looking for a specific character given an index, it is a bit more difficult. What I like doing is adding this function to the string class.
extenstion String {
func getChars() -> [String] {
var chars:[String] = []
for char in characters {
return chars
I would use this to define a variable when you receive input, then check this instead of String.characters


Rounding up/down FLOATS to INTS in alphanumeric NSString

I'm stuck on this one —
I have an alphanumeric NSString. The numbers in the string contain multiple decimals and I would like to round out those numbers to integers.
The string looks like this:
VALUES: A:123.45678 B:34.55789 C:2.94567
and I'm trying to use this code:
[self log:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"VALUES: %.f\n", values.toString]];
to convert to this:
VALUES: A:123 B:35 C:3
Xcode offers this warning —
Format specifies type 'double' but the argument has type 'NSString *'
Replace '%.1f' with '%#'
I think I need a different way of "scanning" the string, identifying the numbers and doing the rounding up/down as needed, then turning that into a new string. I'm just failing miserably with every attempt.
Any help will be appreciated.
I like NSScanner for this sort of thing. Here's a Swift solution; sorry, I'm too lazy to translate it into Objective-C, which is a little more indirect:
let s = "VALUES: A:123.45678 B:34.55789 C:2.94567"
let sc = Scanner(string:s)
sc.charactersToBeSkipped = nil
var arr = [String]()
while (true) {
if let prefix = sc.scanUpToCharacters(from: .decimalDigits) {
} else { break }
if let num = sc.scanDouble() {
let rounded = num.rounded()
} else { break }
let result = arr.joined()
print(result) // "VALUES: A:123 B:35 C:3"

Contextual type 'String' cannot be used with array literal

I am getting an error while converting my code to Swift 3.0. My sample code is below:
func hexRepresentation()->String {
let dataLength:Int = self.count
let string = NSMutableString(capacity: dataLength*2)
let dataBytes:UnsafeRawPointer = (self as NSData).bytes
for idx in 0..<dataLength {
string.appendFormat("%02x", [UInt(dataBytes[idx])] as String )
return string as String
What does this line do:
string.appendFormat("%02x", [UInt(dataBytes[idx])] as String )
First of all, it takes the byte at index idx in dataBytes and wraps it in an array. This is the array literal referred to in the error message.
Next it tries to cast the array as a String - not convert: cast. This the compiler knows to be impossible, hence the error message.
Fortunately, you don't want to convert the argument to a string because your format specifier asks for a UInt (%x), so what you really want here is just
string.appendFormat("%02x", UInt(dataBytes[idx]))
As for getting the bytes, the Swift type Data has a function foreach which is handy for iterating the bytes:
self.forEach { string.appendFormat("%02x", UInt($0)) }

Swift: Convert Int to UInt32, and how to unwrap optional

im pretty new to swift, and im just trying to build something to test out the waters. this is in relation to a previous question i had. I am building some code to take user input from a UITextField object, and basically im trying to figure out how to convert an Int to a UInt32, but nothing ive searched on SO or otherwise has really helped.
here is my code
//this is where i call the user input.
var rangeInput: Int? {
get {
return Int(rangeInputTextField?.text ?? "")
//this is my function to create a range, and call a random number out of that range
let viewController = ViewController()
var x = ViewController().rangeInput
let y = (Int?(x!))
var number = arc4random_uniform(Int(y!))//ERROR OCCURS HERE "Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UInt32'
//MARK: Class for random number
struct RandomNumber {
// numberRange to change the value for 1...X(user input)
//creates the list to be picked from. (pickRandom)
func numberRange(high: UInt32) ->Range<UInt32>{
if let high = UInt32?(0){
print("Invalid number")
} else { let high = Int(y!) + 1
let range = 1...high
return range
//pick random number from that list
let pickRandom = number
edit: Converted UInt, using answer in comments, but am having an issue with unwrapping optionals.
am I doing something wrong with forcibly unwrapping optionals?
let viewController = ViewController()
var x = ViewController().rangeInput
var number = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(x!)) // <----- UInt32 conversion
However, do recommend to check the user input x and/or after the UInt32 conversion, in case user inputs something not sensible, using guard or if let
Initializers are called in swift by listing the data type (UInt32 in this case) followed by parenthesis containing the parameters. For most basic data types in Swift, there are no parameters for the initializers. So if you ever want to make an Int, Float, Double, UInt32, String etc., just do
UInt32(Value)!//UInt32 can be substituted for any of the above values
The "!" unwraps the optional, and will result in an error in runtime like "unexpectedly found nil when unwrapping optional value" if the value is not a valid form of the data type, if you want to do this safely, you can do this
if UInt32(Value) != nil {
//Valid Value
}else {
//Invalid Value
Also this is unrelated to the question, but your if let statement will always be true because you are overriding the value of the parameter "high" to a UInt32 of 0. I could be wrong though.

How to use optional binding in Swift 2

I'm new to learning Swift so I decided I might as well learn Swift 2 instead. Everything has made sense to me so far except for the following code snippet. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
let possibleNumber="2"
if let actualNumber = Int(possibleNumber) {
print("\'\(possibleNumber)\' has an integer value of \(actualNumber)")
else {
print("could not be converted to integer")
//Doesn't Work and I'm not sure why
let testTextField = UITextField()
testTextField.text = "2"
let numberString = testTextField.text //I know this is redundant
if let num = Int(numberString) {
print("The number is: \(num)")
else {
print("Could not be converted to integer")
The top section of the code is straight from Apple's Swift 2 ebook and it makes sense to me how it uses optional binding to convert the string to an int. The second piece of code is basically the same except that the string comes from the text property of a UITextField. The bottom part of the code gives the following error:
Playground execution failed: /var/folders/nl/5dr8btl543j51jkqypj4252mpcnq11/T/./lldb/843/playground21.swift:18:18: error: value of optional type 'String?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?
if let num = Int(numberString) {
I fixed the problem by using this line:
if let num = Int(numberString!) {
I just want to know why the second example needs the ! and the first doesn't. I'm sure the problem has to do with the fact that I'm getting the string from a textfield. Thanks!
The difference is that in the first case possibleNumber is not an optional variable. It is definitely a string. It cannot be nil.
In the second case textField.text returns an optional string and so numberString is an optional variable. It could be nil.
Now... The conversion Int("") returns an optional int. if the string is "abc" then it cannot return a number so returns nil. This is what you are unwrapping with the if let... statement.
However, in the second case your string is also optional and the Int() will not accept an optional. So you are force unwrapping it. This is dangerous as it could crash the app if the string is nil.
What you could do instead is this...
if let numberString = textFeidl.text,
number = Int(numberString) {
// use the number
This will unwrap the text first and if it's available then use it to. Get the number. If that is not nil then you enter the block.
In Swift 2 you could use the guard let function here also.
Just seen that you are using Swift 2.
You can do it this way also...
func getNumber() -> Int {
guard let numberString = textField.text,
number = Int(numberString)
else {
return 0
return number

Swift optionals: language issue, or doing something wrong?

I am doing what I believe to be a very simple task. I'm trying to get a value out of a dictionary if the key exists. I am doing this for a couple keys in the dictionary and then creating an object if they all exist (basically decoding a JSON object). I am new to the language but this seems to me like it should work, yet doesn't:
class func fromDict(d: [String : AnyObject]!) -> Todo? {
let title = d["title"]? as? String
// etc...
It gives me the error: Operand of postfix ? should have optional type; type is (String, AnyObject)
HOWEVER, if I do this, it works:
class func fromDict(d: [String : AnyObject]!) -> Todo? {
let maybeTitle = d["title"]?
let title = maybeTitle as? String
// etc...
It appears to be basic substitution but I may be missing some nuance of the language. Could anyone shed some light on this?
The recommended pattern is
if let maybeTitle = d["title"] as? String {
// do something with maybeTitle
else {
// abort object creation
It is possibly really a question of nuance. The form array[subscript]? is ambiguous because it could mean that the whole dictionary (<String:AnyObject>) is optional while you probably mean the result (String). In the above pattern, you leverage the fact that Dictionary is designed to assume that accessing some key results in an optional type.
After experimenting, and noticing that the ? after as is just as ambiguous, more, here is my solution:
var dictionary = ["one":"1", "two":"2"]
// or var dictionary = ["one":1, "two":2]
var message = ""
if let three = dictionary["three"] as Any? {
message = "\(three)"
else {
message = "No three available."
message // "No three available."
This would work with all non-object Swift objects, including Swift Strings, numbers etc. Thanks to Viktor for reminding me that String is not an object in Swift. +
If you know the type of the values you can substitute Any? with the appropriate optional type, like String?
There are a few of things going on here.
1) The ? in d["title"]? is not correct usage. If you're trying to unwrap d["title"] then use a ! but be careful because this will crash if title is not a valid key in your dictionary. (The ? is used for optional chaining like if you were trying to call a method on an optional variable or access a property. In that case, the access would just do nothing if the optional were nil). It doesn't appear that you're trying to unwrap d["title"] so leave off the ?. A dictionary access always returns an optional value because the key might not exist.
2) If you were to fix that:
let maybeTitle = d["title"] as? String
The error message changes to: error: '(String, AnyObject)' is not convertible to 'String'
The problem here is that a String is not an object. You need to cast to NSString.
let maybeTitle = d["title"] as? NSString
This will result in maybeTitle being an NSString?. If d["title"] doesn't exist or if the type is really NSNumber instead of NSString, then the optional will have a value of nil but the app won't crash.
3) Your statement:
let title = maybeTitle as? String
does not unwrap the optional variable as you would like. The correct form is:
if let title = maybeTitle as? String {
// title is unwrapped and now has type String
So putting that all together:
if let title = d["title"] as? NSString {
// If we get here we know "title" is a valid key in the dictionary, and
// we got the type right. title has now been unwrapped and is ready to use
title will have the type NSString which is what is stored in the dictionary since it holds objects. You can do most everything with NSString that you can do with String, but if you need title to be a String you can do this:
if var title:String = d["title"] as? NSString {
title += " by Poe"
and if your dictionary has NSNumbers as well:
if var age:Int = d["age"] as? NSNumber {
age += 1
