Rails and Realm Mobile Database - ruby-on-rails

Just looking for guidance. Is it possible to update Realm Mobile Database objects with a rails app/api and if so how? We want to build a rails web app that can update realm objects but I do not see any documentation on how to achieve this.
Any ideas?
Example: A mobile device sends an email to someone with a link that contains params. They click the link, it opens a browser to a rails webpage and in the backend, the rails app takes the params and updates the Realm object with the params.
Is it possible?

You can currently do that with the Enterprise or Pro Edition and the Node.js SDK where you could make a REST API specific to your needs. There is no general REST API (yet).


ios app dynamically loads data from website made on opencart

I have a website made on opencart and now I want an ios app for my website which dynamically loads data from the website. their database should be integrated so that when a change is made to any one of them it should make changes on both website and application.
Does someone provide me that API??
I dont think there is an API like you wish. You have to develop an API gateway as a middleware between your mobile apps and OpenCart backend. And I think it’s a simple job since all your data already exists in OpenCart database.

How to integrate Mailchimp api into my iOS Swift app

I have an app I created in Swift with my database built with Parse. I know how to export data from Parse and update my subscriber list for Mailchimp, but how do I have my app automatically update that list when a user creates a new account? I've been researching how but I haven't come across anything that can help me yet. Also everything seems to be in Objective-C. I've used bridging headers before, but I don't know if that will be necessary or not. Any guidance would be a lot of help!
Is it possible to hook into this API endpoint that's part of the Mailchimp API...
Honestly, I wouldn't do this. It would require you to distribute your MailChimp API key with your app, which would give any person who downloaded that app full control over your account.
You'll either want a back-end service that connects to MailChimp or look into IFTTT or Zapier for Parse and MailChimp integrations.

Twitter Posts - from client or server?

I'm creating an iPhone app that will allow users to log in with Twitter and for the app to then be able to post on their behalf.
Is it better to make post requests to Twitter from the app or from the server? Why?
For my app I found it easier to do it on the client. If you are looking for a iOS twitter library I have it here https://github.com/narup/PSTwitterEngine Though, you can still post using iOS native twitter support. You will need this library if you are using browser based authentication
Also, didn't want to write extra code on server since i am writing server myself :)

Connecting ASP.NET MVC webApp and window mobile/windows phone7 app

last year I made really simple blog system. it allows user to authorize, posting, commenting. Now I want to create windows mobile/wp7 application that can adding new posts to my blog. But I have no idea how should it work. Should my web app share some api for this or my phone app should just sending specified request to server? I'm interessting how do facebook phone apps work? How they pass data to fb etc.
It would be great if anyone knows book, tutorial or something about connecting web app and phone app. I rather need app architecture tutorials than codes.
PS I know I can just open phone browser and login on website but I want to do it for fun :)
One way of approaching this is create a few actions in your controllers to return data in a format that is friendly to a WP7 app, for example, return JSON rather than HTML.
In your WP7 app you will make HTTP requests to these actions and receive the data in JSON format. From there it's up to you to handle that information on the phone.
What is the back-end of the blog system? Almost any DB data can now be exposed out as an OData Service that can be consumed on a Windows Phone app & also provide CRUD operations. Is OData a possibility?
Check out these two posts for details:
The second one does talk about how a central data store can be shared between web & mobile apps.
Hope this helps!

I Don't Need a Facebook App, I just want their API (in Ruby)

Can I use Facebooker without having to create a whole Facebook App in their Developer section?
I don't need to create a Facebook App with Facebooker, I just want to be able to create events and posts on Facebook with my own custom admin panel on my site. Facebooker seems to have everything built already, so I wouldn't want to use just a raw Rest-Client library.
Can I use Facebooker to read/write to Facebook without creating an App? I'd love to know. If not, can I read/write to Facebook without creating an App another way without resorting to either raw REST requests or page scraping/mechanize?
Thanks for clearing this up.
You have to have created an App in order to get an API key and Secret Key. You must have these keys in order to use any of the FB platform API (including Facebook connect).
