Get HTTP Status-Line in Alamofire - ios

I am using the Alamofire 4.0.1 library in swift 3; I am looking for the HTTP Status-Line (as described in I can get the status code, the headers, everything, but not the status message.
I am querying a REST API which gives me 403 responses with different messages after the "Forbidden" keyword describing the problem: like the client is not approved for access or that accessing an specific URL is not allowed, because it is for internal use only. In my client accessing the API I want to give the user more details than just the "Forbidden" message.
This is what the server sends back (I know this because I used Paw, a HTTP Client to send a HTTP request and investigate the response):
HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden (internal method)
So to conclude, is there any chance to get the HTTP Status-Line in Alamofire?

Unfortunately no
Alamofire uses the URLResponse and it does not implement any field/method that gives you information about Status-Line. To get the Status-Line you should use other maybe lower-level frameworks.
URLResponse gives you only information about allHeaderFields, you can look on my answer about it here :


Getting oembed using YoutubeURL returns 403 Forbidden

For A few days, I have suddenly become receiving the 403 Forbidden response from{youtubeURl}.
I have checked documents for Youtube API but I can't find that it has restrictions for getting oembed and has authorization too. I can only see a restriction for Youtube Data API.
Why do I get the 403 Forbidden response from this API...?
Sample sending request:
Are you sure that you are making the requests as https ? The code I have been using is fairly legacy and when I went down through it the requests were http. Once I updated the code to make the call over https it stopped getting 403 errors. Seems this was just recently changed a couple days ago.

406 not acceptable error on mobile agents

I am using angular application to run the application which uses ruby on rails backend apis. Our application works correctly on web desktop in different browsers but for mobile devices, I am getting 406 not acceptable errors for the same apis. Not getting a way to understand where is the problem in frontend code side or in backend api side.
Just to add the OPTIONS request is sent first on which I am getting this error.
Your backend service is saying that the response type it is returning is not provided in the Accept HTTP header in your Client request.
Find out the response (content type) returned by Service.
Provide this (content type) in your request Accept header. -> 406
What is "406-Not Acceptable Response" in HTTP?

Desktop application with custom uri schema, "Missing scheme" on token request

I'm writing a desktop application in Delphi and trying to sync it with Google calendar (windows only, win 7 and newer). I've registered a custom uri schema in my system registry, so eu.myapp:test will run my program or pass a message to an already running instance of the program.
I've managed to get the first step of authentication going - I open the default browser, asking the user for permission to modify their calendars, I get the authentication code back into my software without a hitch. The oauth client is registered as an iOS app,
However when I try to request an actual token, the request is denied (400 - Bad request) with the following response body:
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Missing scheme: eu.myapp",
"error_uri": ""
My request body looks like this:
POST /oauth2/v4/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
According to the documentation, I am supposed to include the redirect URI obtained from the API Console, but I found no such URI there. Found some older answers, but the developer console has apparently been changed since they were given so they are no longer relevant. What am I missing?
Edit: Added some more information
I built a simple nodejs server and put it up with a SSL certificate and nginx, so I could see what actually gets sent across. I then used both my app and the example C# app to send the token request to it and monitor the request body.
The only discernible difference was that delphi url encoded the code automatically (4%2Fhky... instead of 4/Fhky... for example). Other than that they seemed identical.
I also tried rewriting the app to listen to a localhost port but ended up with the same results. There is a delphi demo where they demonstrate the use of google api by using an embedded browser for the user to log in (and it works), but according to the api documentation, it's deprecated and will go away soon. Besides, it seems like I can manage the first redirect just fine, but getting the actual tokens fails.
Found my error. I noticed that the parameters were getting encoded automatically by the delphi component responsible for making the requests. I manually encoded the redirect uri before setting it as a parameter on the token request. Then the component encoded it again, which caused it to be different to the url given on the code request, which caused the uri_mismatch error.
The uris also need to be identical on both requests, as even though the second request does not redirect, it still uses the redirect_uri as a validation parameter.

NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012

I keep getting this error when I make a request to an api. The api requires authentication and for this I add valid OAuth token to the header of the request. When I do that I receive a 200 response so all is good.
But I want to test my code to handle a 401 response code. To do this I add a invalid OAuth token to the request. I was expecting the server to just send a 401 response code but instead I got an error from my callback. The error is NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012, and after looking online it turns out this is a authentication error.
I was expecting the server to just send a 401 back? Instead I'm getting a error in my callback. Is there something wrong with my server or my request?
Thanks for the replies...
I think maybe you need to establish your NSURLConnection with a delegate to handle this the way you want to.
I was using charles proxy and that was the reason I saw this error. When I stopped using the proxy it worked like a charm.
P.s. I've not tested this with NSURLSession but if anyone is curious just add a comment! :)

Google API - request for token from Oauth2 returns “invalid_request” with HTTP code 400

I know same question has been asked many times but even after following each and every post as well trying various suggestions, I am still facing invalid_request error.
I am able to get code successfully from Google API and when I am trying to access accessToken , I am getting this error and HTTP code being sent from Google API is 400.
I have already tried and compared my data with oauthplayground and seems everything is same
Following data is being sent from my Application to Google API
Access Token URL
But When Application is trying to fetch data over the network, I am getting exception
SEVERE: Error while fetching access token for Google..
OAuthProblemException{error='invalid_request', description='null', uri='null', state='null', scope='null', redirectUri='null', responseStatus=0, parameters={}}
I am using URLConnectionClient to establish network connection
Go through the OAuth flow using the OAuth playground
Then compare what is being sent with your own.
Note that it needs to be an HTTP POST. The code you posted looks like a GET.
Also, your redirect URL looks a little odd. Is that exactly the same URL that you registered in the API console? This is isn't your current error, but will probably become your next one ;-)
It seems that you forgot to send 'state' parameter here (it is mandatory!):
In Java code you can generate it in a way like this:
String state = new BigInteger(130, new SecureRandom()).toString(32);
So you request should look like this:
&state= {insert_here_generated_state}
And also I don't know if it is necessary to send a 'scope' parameter in "Access Token URL".
