kdb/q, reserved word as column name - keyword

I have a kdb table with column name type and want to select data by a giving type. It's like:
select from table where type=giving_type
it issues an error of : 'type, because type is a reserved word in q.
Then how to do this?

you could use a functional select:
?[`table;enlist (=;enlist `giving_type;`type);0b;()]

Generally you should avoid using kdb reserved words such as "type" as the column name.
In this particular case where the table does have "type" as column name, functional select is the solution.
You can find the functional form of a select query via the parse function:
parse "select from table where type=giving_type"


Joining on column names with spaces

I'm trying to join to tables using PROQ SQL. One of the columns I'm using for the join has a space in the column name. The query I'm using:
SELECT a.*, b.*
ON a.CONTNO = b."Contract Number";
This is the error I'm getting:
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, *.
How do I fix this?
You just need to add square brackets around the Column name. For example:
b.[Contract Number]
Tips: Using alias (a, b) can be costly. When you only have one table to join, consider typing out the table rather than doing an alias.

Confused and FRUSTRATED - SQL Query Join Error

I am trying to join two tables and keep getting an error message that states...
The data types text and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
I need to know how to effectively query the two tables without re-importing the data. The import took hours to run.
Both fields have a data type of TEXT.
SELECT doc4., doc.
doc4 ON doc.unid = doc4.unid
unid is the field and it is a text type in both tables..
Assuming this is for MS-SQL, the = operator does not work directly for text, even though both fields are the same type.
The recommendation for Server 2014 at least is to replace it with one of
varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max) data types.
(ref. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143729.aspx)
Text has been deprecated, but if it's not convenient to replace it, it's still possible (though less efficient) to compare text fields by using cast.
SELECT doc4.something, doc.something
FROM doc
ON CAST(doc.unid AS varchar(max)) =
CAST(doc4.unid AS varchar(max));
(Or say "FROM doc4 INNER JOIN doc", whichever is the prefered order.)

Rails reports can't find a column that is there

I am currently trying to do a complicated WHERE search on a table using Rails, the trouble is I get the error:
PG::Error: ERROR: column "email" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans" WHERE (Email='' AND IP='' AND (...
: SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans" WHERE (Email='' AND IP='' AND (Username='NULL' ))
And I know that column actually exists, and doing a rails dbconsole gives me the following:
Jungle=> select * from bans;
id | Username | IP | Email | Reason | Length | created_at | updated_at
(0 rows)
So this is definatly in the database, has anyone had any experience with this?
SQL column names are case insensitive unless quoted, the standard says that identifiers should be normalized to upper case but PostgreSQL normalizes to lower case:
Quoting an identifier also makes it case-sensitive, whereas unquoted names are always folded to lower case. For example, the identifiers FOO, foo, and "foo" are considered the same by PostgreSQL, but "Foo" and "FOO" are different from these three and each other. (The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL is incompatible with the SQL standard, which says that unquoted names should be folded to upper case. Thus, foo should be equivalent to "FOO" not "foo" according to the standard. If you want to write portable applications you are advised to always quote a particular name or never quote it.)
You're referencing Email in your SQL:
SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans" WHERE (Email='' ...
but PostgreSQL is complaining about email:
column "email" does not exist
Your unquoted Email is being treated as email because PostgreSQL normalizes identifiers to lower case. Sounds like you created the columns with capitalized names by double quoting them:
create table "bans" (
"Email" varchar(...)
or by using :Email to identify the column in a migration. If you quote a column name when it is created, then it is not normalized to lower case (or upper case in the SQL standard case) and you'll have to double quote it and match the case forever:
SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans" WHERE ("Email"='' ...
Once you fix Email, you'll have the same problem with IP, Username, Reason, and Length: you'll have to double quote them all in any SQL that references them.
The best practise is to use lower case column and table names so that you don't have to worry about quoting things all the time. I'd recommend that you fix your table to have lower case column names.
As an aside, your 'NULL' string literal:
SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans" WHERE (Email='' AND IP='' AND (Username='NULL' ))
-- -------------------->------------------>---------->---------------^^^^^^
looks odd, are you sure that you don't mean "Username" is null? The 'NULL' string literal and the NULL value are entirely different things and you can't use = or != to compare things against NULL, you have to use is null, is not null, is distinct from, or is not distinct from (depending on your intent) when NULLs might be in play.
It doesn't look like you're error is from a test database but if so try rake db:test:prepare.
In general, be aware that you have 3 databases - Test, Development, Production. So it's easy to get them mixed up and check the wrong one.
I had the same problem here,
but as mu-is-too-short said, PostgreSql can be told to
search with case sensitivity on columns names.
So by implemented this code I managed to bypass the same error that you're facing:
Transaction.find(:all,:conditions => ["(date between ? and ?) AND \"Membership_id\" = ?", Time.now.at_beginning_of_month, Time.now.end_of_month,membership.id])
Noticed the \" sign srrounding the column name? Well.. as annoying as it is, that's the fix to this problem.

Safety SQL Dynamic Column Query in Postgresql (No Sql Injection)

I'm using Rails to get data from Postgresql by passing dynamic column and table name.
I cannot use ActiveRecord because the shape data that is imported from shapefile is dynamic both table and column name.
I have to use double quote with a column name in the query to avoid problem such column name: "addr:city" for example.
def find_by_column_and_table(column_name, shape_table_name)
sql = "SELECT \"#{column_name}\" FROM \"#{shape_table_name}\" WHERE \"#{column_name}\" IS NOT NULL"
2 examples of generated sql statement:
SELECT "place" FROM "shp_6c998258-32a6-11e0-b34b-080027997e00"
SELECT "addr:province" FROM "shp_6c998258-32a6-11e0-b34b-080027997e00"
I want to make sure there is no sql injection in the query.
Could anyone point me how to solve this issue?
The recommended way to prevent injection, speed up your query and catch errors is to use positional parameters or stored proceedures. Anything less is asking for trouble.

Rails 3 LIKE query raises exception when using a double colon and a dot

In rails 3.0.0, the following query works fine:
Author.where("name LIKE :input",{:input => "#{params[:q]}%"}).includes(:books).order('created_at')
However, when I input as search string (so containing a double colon followed by a dot):
I get the following exception:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: ambiguous column name: created_at
In the logs the these are the sql queries:
with aa as input:
Author Load (0.4ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" WHERE (name LIKE 'aa%') ORDER BY created_at
Book Load (2.5ms) SELECT "books".* FROM "books" WHERE ("books".author_id IN (1,2,3)) ORDER BY id
with aa:.bb as input:
SELECT DISTINCT "authors".id FROM "authors" LEFT OUTER JOIN "books" ON "books"."author_id" = "authors"."id" WHERE (name LIKE 'aa:.bb%') ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 0
SQLite3::SQLException: ambiguous column name: created_at
It seems that with the aa:.bb input, an extra query is made to fetch the distinct author id_s.
I thought Rails would escape all the characters. Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
Best Regards,
The "ambiguous column" error usually happens when you use includes or joins and don't specify which table you're referring to:
"name LIKE :input"
Should be:
"authors.name LIKE :input"
Just "name" is ambiguous if your books table has a name column too.
Also: have a look at your development.log to see what the generated query looks like. This will show you if it's being escaped properly.
This should force activerecord to use 2 queries instead of the join.
Rails has 2 versions of includes: One which constructs a big query with joins (the 2nd of your 2 queries and thus more likely to result in ambiguous column references and one that avoids the joins in favour of a separate query per association.
Rails decides which strategy to used based on whether it thinks that your conditions, order etc refer to the included tables (since in that case the joins version is required). Where a condition is a string fragment that heuristic isn't very sophisticated - i seem to recall that it just scans the conditions for anything that might look like a column from another table (ie foo.bar) so having a literal of that form could fool it.
You can either qualify your column names so that it doesn't matter which includes strategy is used or you can use preload/eager_load instead of includes. These behave similarly to includes but force a specific include strategy rather than trying to guess which is most appropriate.
