mapcan, sharp quote and closures - closures

I'm somewhat new to CL and currently trying to wrap my head around mapcan, #', funcall and closures.
Here is a closure, which applies a predicate to a number n and, if correct, returns (list n), else nil:
(defun all-those (predicate)
(lambda (n)
(if (funcall predicate n) (list n))))
I understand that I need to call funcall to turn this closure into a function. This works fine:
> (funcall (all-those #'evenp) 8)
Now I tried to pass the hereby created function as an argument to mapcan:
> (mapcan #'(funcall (all-those #'evenp)) '(1 2 3 4))
I get a compile-time-error: (FUNCALL (ALL-THOSE #'EVENP)) is not a legal function name.
But it works if I omit #' as well as funcall:
> (mapcan (all-those #'evenp) '(1 2 3 4))
(2 4)
Now I'm confused. It was my understanding that I need to sharp-quote a function when using mapcan to follow the symbol's function binding (*) and that I need to call funcall when "closing a closure".
Is it because #' and funcall are cancelling each other out or why do I have to omit both of them in the above example? Thank you in advance for any replies.
(*) I know that in this example I don't really have a symbol whose function binding can be followed. But if I use an anonymous function and mapcan I still need to sharp-quote it: (mapcan #'(lambda ...

To mapcar, funcall, etc., you need to pass either a function object or a symbol. If you pass a symbol, then the symbol-function of the symbol is used as the function. If you pass a function object, then it is used as the function.
Your all-those function returns a function. That means that (mapcan (all-those …) …) is fine.
The sharp quote (#') is just shorthand for the function form. That is, #'foo is the same as (function foo):
The value of function is the functional value of name in the current
lexical environment.
If name is a function name, the functional definition of that name is
that established by the innermost lexically enclosing flet, labels, or
macrolet form, if there is one. Otherwise the global functional
definition of the function name is returned.
If name is a lambda expression, then a lexical closure is returned. In
situations where a closure over the same set of bindings might be
produced more than once, the various resulting closures might or might
not be eq.
So you only use #' or function with a function name. That means either a symbol (e.g., #'car) or a lambda expression (e.g., #'(lambda (x) x)). That means that the following doesn't work (or really make sense, even):
#'(funcall (all-those #'evenp))
Now I'm confused. It was my understanding that I need to sharp-quote a
function when using mapcan to follow the symbol's function binding (*)
and that I need to call funcall when "closing a closure".
The documentation for mapcar, etc., says that its first argument is:
function---a designator for a function that must take as many
arguments as there are lists.
From the glossary:
function designator n. a designator for a function; that is, an object
that denotes a function and that is one of: a symbol (denoting the
function named by that symbol in the global environment), or a
function (denoting itself). The consequences are undefined if a symbol
is used as a function designator but it does not have a global
definition as a function, or it has a global definition as a macro or
a special form. See also extended function designator.
So, you can pass a function directly to mapcar, funcall, etc., which is exactly what you're doing in:
(mapcan (all-those …) …)
You can also do:
(mapcan (lambda (x) ...) ...)
(mapcan #'(lambda (x) ...) ...)
(mapcan 'car ...)
(mapcan #'car ...)
(mapcan (symbol-function 'car) ...)

(function foo) is a special form, returning a function object. Here retrieved from the name foo. We use it to get a function object.
(funcall foo) is used to call functions passed as an argument - here the variable value of foo.
funcall = FUNction CALL = call a function.
We use it to call a function object.
Here is a closure, which applies a predicate to a number n and, if correct, returns (list n), else nil:
(defun all-those (predicate)
(lambda (n)
(if (funcall predicate n) (list n))))
No, that's not a closure. all-those returns a closure, but itself it isn't one.
? #'all-those
#<Compiled-function ALL-THOSE #x302000C9631F>
? (all-those #'evenp)
I understand that I need to call funcall to turn this closure into a function.
A closure is a function object.
? (functionp (all-those #'evenp))
Note: all closures are also function objects. Not all function objects are closures.
A closure is a function and associated variable bindings. It is a function object.
Note that anonymous functions are not necessarily closures. (function (lambda () ())) does not return a closure, since there are no variable bindings. You could say that it is a closure with empty bindings, but in CL speak that's not called a closure.
Note that in standard Common Lisp there is no way to determine if a function object is actually a closure and there is no way to access its bindings via variable names.
I understand that I need to call funcall to turn this closure into a function.
funcall is used to call function objects (or function objects which it will retrieve from a symbol's function value) with arguments.
Remember, there are various ways to call a function:
call a named global function: (foo bar baz)
call a named lexical function: (foo bar bar)
call a named global function via a symbol: (funcall 'foo bar baz)
call a function object from a variable value: (funcall foo bar baz)
call a function object from a function name (lexical or global): (funcall #'foo bar baz)
call an anonymous function object: (funcall (function (lambda (foo) foo)) 'bar) or (funcall #'(lambda (foo) foo) 'bar) or (funcall (lambda (foo) foo) 'bar)
call an anonymous function: ((lambda (foo) foo) 'bar)
Then there is APPLY which is similar to FUNCALL but takes the arguments from a list.
(apply #'+ 1 2 3 (list 4 5 6)) is similar to (funcall #'+ 1 2 3 4 5 6)
FUNCALL itself is a function. All its argument forms will be evaluated. The first argument needs to evaluate to a symbol or a function object. funcall will call the function object (or the function object retrieved from the symbols's function value with arguments.
FUNCTION is a special operator. It is syntax. It is not a function itself. FUNCTION expects a symbol or a lambda expression as its subform. A FUNCTION form returns a function object, corresponding to the symbol (either from a global function or a lexical function) or to the lambda expression.
? (defun foo (bar) (list bar 'baz))
? (function foo) ; a function object from the global function
#<Compiled-function FOO #x302000CC0D1F>
? #'foo ; the same, differently written
#<Compiled-function FOO #x302000CC0D1F>
? (funcall #'foo 42) ; calling the function object
(42 BAZ)
? (funcall 'foo 42) ; calling the symbol-function of the symbol
(42 BAZ)
? (funcall (symbol-function 'foo) 42) ; as above
(42 BAZ)
? (flet ((foo (arg) (list arg :foo))) ; a local lexical function
(list (foo 43) ; calling the local lexical function
(funcall #'foo 42) ; calling a function object,
; from the local lexical function
(funcall 'foo 41))) ; calling the symbol-function of the symbol
((43 :FOO) (42 :FOO) (41 BAZ))


`for-each` over list of functions given `#<void>` in Racket

I am playing around with some declarative graphics stuff in Racket v6.5. For that I have defined a macro that executes a list of functions. This is then used in the drawing callback.
#lang racket/gui
(define-syntax-rule (execute-functions flist arg)
(lambda (function)
[(function arg)])
(text str (at x y))
(lambda (dc)
(send dc set-scale 1 1)
(send dc set-text-foreground "blue")
(send dc draw-text str x y)))
(drawing items ...)
(lambda (dc) (execute-functions (list items ...) dc)))
(define my-drawing
(drawing (text "hi" (at 1 1)) (text "lo" (at 20 20))))
(define frame (new frame%
[label "Example"]
[width 300]
[height 300]))
(new canvas% [parent frame]
[paint-callback (lambda (canvas dc) (my-drawing dc))])
(send frame show #t)
The above progam will result in errors:
. . application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: #<void>
Which are traced to the function execution in drracket: (function arg).
If I check for void it works ok:
(define-syntax-rule (execute-functions flist arg)
(lambda (function)
[if (void? function) void (function arg)])
But I am a bit concerned that it is being passed void in the first place as I don't know why that is. Is it something that is expected from a list of functions?
You have an extra set of parentheses (well, in this case square brackets, but they are equivalent) in the definition of your execute-functions macro.
(define-syntax-rule (execute-functions flist arg)
(lambda (function)
[(function arg)])
; ^--------------^------- these brackets shouldn’t be here
The call itself, (function arg), may return #<void>, and the result is attempted to be invoked as a function itself (provided no arguments) since it is surrounded with parentheses/brackets, which denote function calls in Lisp/Scheme/Racket when used as expressions.
As a separate issue, though, your use of define-syntax-rule everywhere instead of simply using define is confusing to me and doesn’t seem to make much sense. These things do not need to be macros—always prefer functions over macros when you don’t need the syntax-transformation functionality of macros.
Functions are more flexible and can be used higher-order (that is, they can be passed as values), but macros cannot. Also, wanton use of macros will generate massive amounts of code, effectively forcing the compiler to inline every single “function call”. Use them when you need them, but you don’t need them here.
The execute-functions and drawing functions can be replaced with ordinary functions with barely any modification:
(define (execute-functions flist arg)
(lambda (function)
(function arg))
(define (drawing . items)
(lambda (dc) (execute-functions items dc)))
The custom syntax for the text macro does not seem worth it to me at all, but if you really want it, then you might want to pull the functionality into a separate, ordinary function that the macro defers to instead:
(define ((text-proc str x y) dc)
(send dc set-scale 1 1)
(send dc set-text-foreground "blue")
(send dc draw-text str x y))
(define-syntax-rule (text str (at x y))
(text-proc str x y))

OCaml functions passing in one less argument

I'm looking at solutions for a homework and the code implements an OCaml function that takes in two arguments but when its called, it's only passed one argument.
let rec func2 r x = match r with
| [] -> []
| (nt,rhs)::t -> if nt = x then rhs::(func2 t x) else func2 t x;;
let func1 r = fun x -> func2 r x;;
I would be calling func1 on a grammar rule like below by calling ( func1 awksub_rules )
let awksub_rules = [
Expr, [T"("; N Expr; T")"];
Expr, [N Num];
Num, [T"0"];
Num, [T"1"]
Expr and Num are just nonterminal types already defined and the T symbol means a terminal type.
I'm confused because func1 only takes in awksub_rules as an argument but the function declaration has two functions.
The intended output would be
| Expr -> [[T"("; N Expr; T")"]; [N Num]]
| Num -> [[T"0"]; [T"1"]]
I can see that func1 correctly returns a function and that func2 handles checking whether the left hand side (Expr or Num) is the same so it can concatenate to the list. But I have no idea what is passed into x.
When func1 is called with one argument, it returns another function, let's call it func3:
let func3 = func1 awksub_rules
At this point, there is no argument x yet. This new function still expects this argument to be passed in.
When you call this new function, you will pass in the value of x, and the computation will commence:
let result = func3 Num
I also would like to point out that func1 and func2 are logically equivalent because of the mechanism in ML called "partial application". That is, you can use func2 everywhere you use func1, and with same effect:
let func3 = func2 awksub_rules
let result = func3 Num
Fyodor Soikin's answer explains why func1 and func2 are logically the same. However, I don't want you to come away from this thinking that there is some magical language feature called "partial application". To stretch your mind, you need to understand how this arises from how functions work in OCaml.
In the ML languages, there is no such thing as a "function that takes in two arguments". Every function in ML takes exactly one argument (not zero, not two, not three; always one). The OCaml syntax
let rec func2 r x = ...
is syntactic sugar for
let rec func2 = function r -> function x -> ...
i.e. it is simply a definition of a function that returns another function. That's why the type of the function will be something like a -> b -> c (-> is right-associative, so that is the same as a -> (b -> c)) -- it says that it's a function that takes an a, and returns a function of type b -> c.
When you go to apply this function, what you think of as passing in two arguments, like func2 foo bar, is actually (because function application is left-associative) (func2 foo) bar, i.e. it is first applying func2 to the expression foo, and the result of that, a function, will then be applied to the expression bar.
The practice of taking in "multiple arguments" by taking in one argument and returning a function that takes another argument, etc. is called "currying". OCaml and other ML languages provide convenient syntax for defining curried functions (as you can see above, the common syntax let in OCaml allows you to define curried functions simply as listing the parameters next to each other), whereas in other languages, writing curried functions would require more verbose syntax. It's so convenient that, most of the time, we forget about it and think of it as multiple arguments. But it's always important to remember what it really means.
(Note that the OCaml compiler may or may not optimize curried functions into machine code functions that take multiple arguments, but that's an implementation detail that you shouldn't care about at the language level.)

How do I jump out of a function in Lisp?

Is it possible in (Common) Lisp to jump to another function instead of call another?
I mean, that the current function is broken and another is called, without jumping back through thousands of functions, as if I'd decide myself if tail call optimization is done, even if it is not the tail.
I'm not sure if "(return-from fn x)" does, what I want.
(defun fn (x)
(when x
(princ x)
(jump 'fn (cdr x)))
'jump' should be like calling the following function without saving the position of this function, instead returning to, where the original funcall was, so that there will be no stack overflow.
'rest' should only be executed if x is nil.
When you need a tail call optimization like structure in a language that doesn't (necessarily) provide it, but does provide closures, you can use a trampoline to achieve constant stack space (with a trade off for heap space for closure objects, of course). This isn't quite the same as what you asking for, but you might find it useful. It's pretty easy to implement in Common Lisp:
(defstruct thunk closure)
(defmacro thunk (&body body)
`(make-thunk :closure (lambda () ,#body)))
(defun trampoline (thunk)
(do ((thunk thunk (funcall (thunk-closure thunk))))
((not (thunk-p thunk)) thunk)))
To use the trampoline, you just call it with a thunk that performs the first part of your computation. That closure can either return another thunk, or a result. If it returns a thunk, then since it returned the initial stack frame is reclaimed, and then the closure of returned thunk is invoked. For instance, here's what an implementation of non-variadic mapcar might look like:
(defun t-mapcar1 (function list)
(labels ((m (list acc)
(if (endp list)
(nreverse acc)
(m (rest list)
(list* (funcall function (first list)) acc))))))
(m list '())))
When the list is empty, we get an empty list immediately:
CL-USER> (t-mapcar1 '1+ '())
When it's not, we get back a thunk:
CL-USER> (t-mapcar1 '1+ '(1 2))
This means that we should wrap a call with trampoline (and this works fine for the base case too, since trampoline passes non-thunk values through):
CL-USER> (trampoline (t-mapcar1 '1+ '()))
CL-USER> (trampoline (t-mapcar1 '1+ '(1 2)))
(2 3)
CL-USER> (trampoline (t-mapcar1 '1+ '(1 2 3 4)))
(2 3 4 5)
Your example code isn't quite enough to be an illustrative example, but
(defun fn (x)
(when x
(princ x)
(jump 'fn (cdr x)))
would become the following. The return provides the early termination from fn, and the thunk value that's returned provides the “next” computation that the trampoline would invoke for you.
(defun fn (x)
(when x
(princ x)
(return (thunk (fn (cdr x)))))
How about you use a tail call?
(defun fn (x)
(if x
(princ x)
(fn (cdr x)))
It calls fn in a tail position. If an implementation provides tail call optimization, you won't get a stack overflow. If you don't want to rely on that, you would need to handle the problem in a non recursive way. There are no explicit 'remove this functions stack frame and then call function X' operators in Common Lisp.
Well, not really. I once did experiment with
(defmacro recurr (name bindings &body body)
(let* ((names (mapcar #'car bindings))
(restart (gensym "RESTART-"))
(temp1 (gensym))
(temp2 (gensym))
(shadows (mapcar (lambda (name) (declare (ignore name)) (gensym)) names)))
`(block ,name
(let ,bindings
(macrolet ((,name ,shadows
(list 'progn
(cons 'psetq
:for ,temp1 :in ',names
:for ,temp2 :in (list ,#shadows)
:nconcing (list ,temp1 ,temp2)))
(list 'go ',restart))))
(progn ,#body)))))))
and to be used like scheme's named-let, e.g.:
(recurr traverse ((list '(1 2 3 4)))
(if (null list) 'end
(traverse (cdr list))))
The object defined (traverse in the example) is not a function, i.e., you cannot funcall or apply it
This kind of construct doesn't really cope with recursive structures (i.e., since no stack is kept, you cannot use it to traverse over arbitrary trees instead of sequences)
Another approach might be
(defmacro label (name (&rest bindings) &body body)
`(labels ((,name ,(mapcar #'first bindings) ,#body))
(,name ,#(mapcar #'second bindings))))
which actually addresses the points mentioned, but loses the "look ma, no stack space consing" property.

How would you implement a beta-reduction function in F#?

I am writing a lambda calculus in F#, but I am stuck on implementing the beta-reduction (substituting formal parameters with the actual parameters).
(lambda x.e)f
--> e[f/x]
example of usage:
(lambda n. n*2+3) 7
--> (n*2+3)[7/n]
--> 7*2+3
So I'd love to hear some suggestions in regards to how others might go about this. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming your representation of an expression looks like
type expression = App of expression * expression
| Lambda of ident * expression
(* ... *)
, you have a function subst (x:ident) (e1:expression) (e2:expression) : expression which replaces all free occurrences of x with e1 in e2, and you want normal order evaluation, your code should look something like this:
let rec eval exp =
match exp with
(* ... *)
| App (f, arg) -> match eval f with Lambda (x,e) -> eval (subst x arg e)
The subst function should work as follows:
For a function application it should call itself recursively on both subexpressions.
For lambdas it should call itself on the lambda's body expression unless the lambda's argument name is equal to the identifier you want to replace (in which case you can just leave the lambda be because the identifier can't appear freely anywhere inside it).
For a variable it should either return the variable unchanged or the replacement-expression depending on whether the variable's name is equal to the identifier.

let and flet in emacs lisp

I don't know if you would call it the canonical formulation, but to bind a local function I am advised by the GNU manual to use 'flet':
(defun adder-with-flet (x)
(flet ( (f (x) (+ x 3)) )
(f x))
However, by accident I tried (after having played in Scheme for a bit) the following expression, where I bind a lambda expression to a variable using 'let', and it also works if I pass the function to mapcar*:
(defun adder-with-let (x)
(let ( (f (lambda (x) (+ x 3))) )
(car (mapcar* f (list x)) ))
And both functions work:
(adder-with-flet 3) ==> 6
(adder-with-let 3) ==> 6
Why does the second one work? I cannot find any documentation where 'let' can be used to bind functions to symbols.
Unlike Scheme, Emacs Lisp is a 2-lisp, which means that each symbol has two separate bindings: the value binding and the function binding. In a function call (a b c d), the first symbol (a) is looked up using a function binding, the rest (b c d) are looked up using the value binding. Special form let creates a new (local) value binding, flet creates a new function binding.
Note that whether value or function binding is used for lookup depends on the position in the (a b c d) function call, not on the type of the looked-up value. In particular, a value binding can resolve to function.
In your first example, you function-bind f (via flet), and then do a function lookup:
(f ...)
In your second example, you value-bind f to a function (via let), and then use a value lookup:
(... f ...)
Both work because you use the same kind of binding and lookup in each case.
I did a quick search of the Emacs lisp manual and couldn't find any reference to 'flet, which isn't terribly surprising since that is a part of cl - the common-lisp package.
let will do a local binding as well, but it won't bind to the "function cell" for that symbol.
i.e. This works:
(let ((myf (lambda (x) (list x x))))
(eval (list myf 3)))
(let ((myf (lambda (x) (list x x))))
(myf 3))
fails with the error: "Lisp error: (void-function myf)"
flet on the other hand, does do the binding to the function cell, so this works:
(flet ((myf (x) (list x x)))
(myf 3))
Notice the difference being that flet allows you to use the symbol myf directly, whereas the let does not - you have to use some indirection to get the function out of the "value cell" and apply that appropriately.
In your example, the 'mapcar' did the equivalent to my use of 'eval.
#d11wq there is `funcall' for this purpose. The following works:
(defun adder-with-let (x)
(let ((f #'(lambda (x) (+ x 3))))
(funcall f 3)))
(adder-with-let 3) ;=> 6
You don't have to use flet if you do not want to. You place a function in the function cell of a local symbol defined using let as in the following example:
(let ((ALocalSymbol))
(fset 'ALocalSymbol (lambda (x) (* 2 x)))
(ALocalSymbol 4)
Evaluating this will return 8. Do notice the quote in front of ALocalSymbol in (let ((ALocalSymbol))...). While setq quotes symbols, fset does not.
flet is a syntactic sugar of sorts. Using a plain-old let to define nil-valued symbols, allows you to choose which "cell" of a symbol to set. You could use setq to set the symbol's value cell or fset to set the function cell.
Hope this helps,
