Which approach is better for discovering container readiness? - docker

This question is discussed many times but I'd like to hear some best practices and real-world examples of using each of the approaches below:
Designing containers which are able to check the health of dependent services. Simple script whait-for-it can be usefull for this kind of developing containers, but aren't suitable for more complex deployments. For instance, database could accept connections but migrations aren't applyied yet.
Make container able to post own status in Consul/etcd. All dependent services will poll certain endpoint which contains status of needed service. Looks nice but seems redundant, don't it?
Manage startup order of containers by external scheduler.
Which of the approaches above are preferable in context of absence/presence orchestrators like Swarm/Kubernetes/etc in delivery process ?

I can take a stab at the kubernetes perspective on those.
Designing containers which are able to check the health of dependent services. Simple script whait-for-it can be useful for this kind of developing containers, but aren't suitable for more complex deployments. For instance, database could accept connections but migrations aren't applied yet.
This sounds like you want to differentiate between liveness and readiness. Kubernetes allows for both types of probes for these, that you can use to check health and wait before serving any traffic.
Make container able to post own status in Consul/etcd. All dependent services will poll certain endpoint which contains status of needed service. Looks nice but seems redundant, don't it?
I agree. Having to maintain state separately is not preferred. However, in cases where it is absolutely necessary, if you really want to store the state of a resource, it is possible to use a third party resource.
Manage startup order of containers by external scheduler.
This seems tangential to the discussion mostly. However, Pet Sets, soon to be replaced by Stateful Sets in Kubernetes v1.5, give you deterministic order of initialization of pods. For containers on a single pod, there are init-containers which run serially and in order prior to running the main container.


Question regarding Monolithic vs. Microservice Architecture

I'm currently rethinking an architecture I was planning.
So suppose I have a system where there are about 8 different services interacting with a single database. Some services listen and react to database events and do stuff like sending SMS.
Then there's an API layer sitting on top of the database and a frontend connected to this API. So in my understanding this is rather monolithic.
In fact I don't see any advantage of using containers in this scenario. Their real advantage is that they can be swapped out, right? My intuition tells me that there is often no purpose in doing that except maybe some load balancing on API level. Instead many companies just seem to blindly jump on the hype train of containerizing everything.
Now the question arises, is docker the right tool for this context? In each forum people refrain from using docker for the sole purpose of a more resource efficient "VM" aggregating all services within a single container. However this is the only real scenario I'd see any advantages in using docker (the environment, e.g. alpine-linux, is the same on all customer's computers when rolling out the system).
Even docker-compose is not "grouping" containers together as a complete system only exposing port 443 but instead starts an infrastructure of multiple interacting containers. Oftentimes services like Kubernetes are then used for deploying these infrastructures on "nodes", i.e. VMs.
However, in my opinion it would be great to have a single self-contained container without putting them into a VM. This container would include every necessary service only exposing one port, e.g. 443.
Since I'm rather confused now, I'd really appreciate your help here.
Thanks in advance!
Kubernetes does many things and has many useful features. But Kubernetes also require that you architect your apps to follow The Twelve-Factor App principles. An important thing here is that your apps are stateless.
When the app is stateless, it is easy to scale out horizontally - this can also be done automatically when the load increases.
When the app is stateless, it is easy to do Rolling Deployments that upgrade the app to a new version without downtime.
You can run containers on bare metal Linux servers, but this is mostly very big servers. If you use a cloud, you probably want more VM instances, but distributed to 3 Availability Zones - for increased availability.
"Self-contained container - exposing one port". With Kubernetes, you typically use a private network and you only expose services via a single load balancer - typically on a port, but different URLs send traffic to different services.
Some services listen and react to database events and do stuff like sending SMS.
As I said, many things is easier when it is horizontal scalable, but this kind of app - that listen for events and react - is one of few examples where you can not scale horizontally. But it is a good fit for a serverless architecture instead, possibly on Kubernetes using Knative.
Now the question arises, is docker the right tool for this context?
My opinion is that most workload will run in containers. It is more a question about how it should be run in Kubernetes - one or multiple replicas. As stateless Deployments or stateful StatefulSet or some other way.

Where should I put shared services for multiple kubernetes-clusters?

Our company is developing an application which runs in 3 seperate kubernetes-clusters in different versions (production, staging, testing).
We need to monitor our clusters and the applications over time (metrics and logs). We also need to run a mailserver.
So basically we have 3 different environments with different versions of our application. And we have some shared services that just need to run and we do not care much about them:
Monitoring: We need to install influxdb and grafana. In every cluster there's a pre-installed heapster, that needs to send data to our tools.
Logging: We didn't decide yet.
Mailserver (https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver)
independant services: Sentry, Gitlab
I am not sure where to run these external shared services. I found these options:
1. Inside each cluster
We need to install the tools 3 times for the 3 environments.
We don't have one central point to analyze our systems.
If the whole cluster is down, we cannot look at anything.
Installing the same tools multiple times does not feel right.
2. Create an additional cluster
We install the shared tools in an additional kubernetes-cluster.
Cost for an additional cluster
It's probably harder to send ongoing data to external cluster (networking, security, firewall etc.).
3) Use an additional root-server
We run docker-containers on an oldschool-root-server.
Feels contradictory to use root-server instead of cutting-edge-k8s.
Single point of failure.
We need to control the docker-containers manually (or attach the machine to rancher).
I tried to google for the problem but I cannot find anything about the topic. Can anyone give me a hint or some links on this topic?
Or is it just no relevant problem that a cluster might go down?
To me, the second option sound less evil but I cannot estimate yet if it's hard to transfer data from one cluster to another.
The important questions are:
Is it a problem to have monitoring-data in a cluster because one cannot see the monitoring-data if the cluster is offline?
Is it common practice to have an additional cluster for shared services that should not have an impact on other parts of the application?
Is it (easily) possible to send metrics and logs from one kubernetes-cluster to another (we are running kubernetes in OpenTelekomCloud which is basically OpenStack)?
Thanks for your hints,
That is a very complex and philosophic topic, but I will give you my view on it and some facts to support it.
I think the best way is the second one - Create an additional cluster, and that's why:
You need a point which should be accessible from any of your environments. With a separate cluster, you can set the same firewall rules, routes, etc. in all your environments and it doesn't affect your current workload.
Yes, you need to pay a bit more. However, you need resources to run your shared applications, and overhead for a Kubernetes infrastructure is not high in comparison with applications.
With a separate cluster, you can setup a real HA solution, which you might not need for staging and development clusters, so you will not pay for that multiple times.
Technically, it is also OK. You can use Heapster to collect data from multiple clusters; almost any logging solution can also work with multiple clusters. All other applications can be just run on the separate cluster, and that's all you need to do with them.
Now, about your questions:
Is it a problem to have monitoring-data in a cluster because one cannot see the monitoring-data if the cluster is offline?
No, it is not a problem with a separate cluster.
Is it common practice to have an additional cluster for shared services that should not have an impact on other parts of the application?
I think, yes. At least I did it several times, and I know some other projects with similar architecture.
Is it (easily) possible to send metrics and logs from one kubernetes-cluster to another (we are running kubernetes in OpenTelekomCloud which is basically OpenStack)?
Yes, nothing complex there. Usually, it does not depend on the platform.

Docker performances for getting information: polling vs events

I have Docker swarm full of containers. I need to monitor when something is up or down. I can do this in 2 ways:
attaching to the swarm and listen to events.
polling service list
The issue with events is that there might be huge traffic, plus if some event is not processed, we will simply loose information on whats going on.
For me it is not super important to get immediate results, but to have correct information on whats going on.
Any pros/cons from real-life project?
Listening to events- its immediate, but risky as if your event listening program crashes because of any reason, you will miss an important information and lead to wrong result. This Registrator program is based on events.
Polling- eventual consistent result. but if it solves your problem it is less painful way to grabbing the data. No matter if your program crashes or restart. We are using this approach for service discovery in our project and so far it served the purpose.
From my experience, checking if something is up or down should be done using a health check, and should be agnostic to the underlying architecture running your service (otherwise you will have to write a new health check every time you change platform). Of course - you might have services with specific needs that cannot be monitored that way - if this is the case you're welcome to comment on that.
If you are using Swarm for stateless services only, I suggest creating a health check route that can verify the service is healthy and even disconnect faulty containers from the service.
If you are running statefull stuff this might be trickier, but there are solutions for that too, usually using some kind of monitoring agent over your statefull container (We are using cloudwatch since we run on AWS, but there are many alternatives)
Hope this helps.

Kubernetes With DPDK

I'm trying to figure out if Kubernetes will work for a certain use case. I understand the networking/clustering concept, and even the load balancing and how that can be used with things like nginx. However, assuming this is not deployed on a public cloud and things like ELB won't be available, could it still be used for a high-speed networking application using DPDK? For example, if we assume the cluster networking provided by k8s is only used for the control/management path, and the containers themselves handle the NIC directly with DPDK, is this something it's commonly used for?
Secondly, I understand the replication controller and petsets feature I think, but I'm not really clear on whether the intent of those features is for high availability or not. It seems that the "pod fails and the RC replaces it on a different node" isn't necessarily for HA, and there aren't really guarantees on how fast it builds a new pod. Am I incorrect?
For the second question, if the replication controller has size large than 1, it is highly available.
For example, you have an service "web-svc" in front of the replication controller "web-app", with size 3, then your request will be load balanced to one of the 3 pod:
web-svc ----> {web-app-pod1, web-app-pod2, web-app-pod3}
If some of the 3 pods fail, kubernetes will replace them with new ones.
And pet set is similar to replication controller, but used for stateful applications like database.

Valid CoreOS multi tenancy scenario?

I'm currently tinkering with a scenario for using CoreOS. It's probably not the 1st class use case. But I'd like to get a pointer if it's valid though. As I'm really at the beginning of getting a grip on CoreOS I hope that my "use case" is not totally off.
Imagine a multi tenant application where every tenant should get it's own runtime environment. Let's take a web app running on Node.js and PostgreSQL for data storage as given. Each tenant environment would be be running on CoreOS in their respective containers. Data persistance is left out for now. For me it's currently more about the general feasibility.
So why CoreOS?
Currently I try to stick with the idea of separated environments per tenant. To optimise the density of DB and web server instances per hardware host I thought CoreOS might be the right choice instead of "classic" virtualisation.
Another reason is that a lot of tenants might not need more than a single, smallish DB instance and a single, smallish web server. But there might be other tenants that need some constantly scaled out deployments. Others might need a temporary scale out during burst times. CoreOS sounds like a good fit here as well.
On the other side there must be a scalable messaging infrastructure (RabbitMQ) in behind that will handle a lot of messages. This infrastructure will be used by all tenants and needs to dynamically scalable at best. Probably there will be a "to be scaled" Elasticsearch infrastructure as well. Viewed through my current "CoreOS for everything goggles" this seems a good fit as well.
In case this whole scenario is generally valid, I currently cannot see how it would be possible to route the traffic for a general available web site to the different tenant containers.
Imagine the app is running at app.greatthing.tld. A user can login and should be presented the app served for it's tenant. Is this something socketplane and/or flannel are there to solve? Or how would a solution look like to get the tenant served by the right containers? I think it's kind of a general issue. But at least in the context of a CoreOS containerized environment I cannot see how to deal with this at all.
CoreOS takes care of scheduling your container in the cluster with their own tools such as fleetctl/etcd/systemd and also takes care of persistent storage when resheduled to a different container using flocker (experimental). They have their own load balancers.
